SISTER, Chapter One
The Story of George and Maria
Written by
Rick Archer
Rick Archer's
Brother and Sister is an
excerpt from two books I have written,
A Simple Act of Kindness and
Magic Carpet Ride. It tells
the remarkable rags to riches story of two
near-orphans who grew up in Galveston.
In 1931
George, 12, and Maria, 11, were overwhelmed
by despair due to a triple whammy.
After the sudden and quite tragic death of their
mother Katina, their father Mike subsequently flipped
out. Mike made things much worse by placing
them in separate homes with relatives who
did not want them. The cruel
abandonment by their father turned the
children into near orphans. Maria was
the most vulnerable. She was alone,
scared, and grieving. George had been
her sole companion and she missed him terribly. In short order
Maria had lost
her mother, her father, and her only friend.
Crying herself to
sleep every night, no one came to console
Fortunately, after a month apart, George was
able to catch enough fish to buy a bike.
This allowed him to travel a great distance
across town every day. His comfort and
reassurance made a huge difference to the
young girl. Thanks to him, Maria was able to
pull through. Growing up poor and
unwanted, the only thing these two kids had
going for them was each other. That was all
they needed. They went on to lead
incredible lives.
I wish to share this story because I am the
only person who can tell it. In 1968
Maria, now 48, told me a deeply personal
secret about a Galveston gangster who gave
her the greatest break of her life.
Over the ensuing years, my further research
revealed an amazing tale that perfectly
underlines the importance of Kindness and the
power of Gratitude.
My two books are unusual because they deal
directly with the
concept of Fate. If my Readers are
adamantly opposed to this controversial
concept, I completely understand.
Hopefully you will be able to put your
objections aside because otherwise you will
miss an incredible story.
This is a
complicated story with many moving parts. To fully
appreciate the Big Picture, a certain amount of my personal
background is required. Let's start with a brief
description of my troubled childhood.
In 1949 I was
born an only child to parents who did not like each other
very much. I can see why. They were both deeply
flawed. Following my parents' 1959 divorce, my
father abandoned me and my mother was more interested in
picking up Greek sailors at Athens Bar and Grill in the
Houston ship channel than
she was in raising me. My situation was somewhat
better than the swamp girl in Where the Crawdads Sing,
but not by much.
At age
9 I began raising myself. Sorry to say, I did not do
a very good job. Growing up twisted and gnarled, I
turned into a lonely hermit. However, I did receive
one huge break. I received a nine-year scholarship to
St. John's, an exclusive and quite expensive college
preparatory school here in Houston. Thanks to St.
John's, I received a terrific education. However,
there was a stiff price to pay. I was the token poor
kid at a rich kid's school. Socially awkward due to my
broken home, things got worse due to a severe acne attack in
my Freshman year. Now the ugliest as well as the
poorest kid in school, I occupied the farthest rung on
the social totem pole. Intimidated by the uphill
struggle to fit in, I decided to forget about dating.
Better to wait till college.
However, first I
had to make it to college. It was 1968, my
Senior year in high school. How was I ever going to
pay for college? My mother was penniless, my father
handed me $400 and said I was on my own. However, due
to three years of sacking groceries at Weingarten's, I had
enough money saved up to go Texas A&M or the University of
Texas for two years on my own dime and worry about the
remaining two years when I got there.
Only one
problem. I made a SERIOUS MISTAKE. Growing up
alone, no one had ever explained tuition to a state school
was so incredibly cheap that even a lowly grocery sacker could
save enough money to attend. Stupid me, I
had applied to only one college, Georgetown, tuition $5000 a
year, to be near my favorite aunt and uncle.
Clearly I could
not afford this elite school on my own. However, by the time
I realized my mistake, it was too late to apply to a state
school. From where I stood, I would have to sit out a
year before I could re-apply. The realization that
every one of my classmates but me would be going to college
next year was a crushing blow. Incredibly angry at
myself, I was reeling from despair. In fact, I was so
depressed I was haunted daily with thoughts of suicide.
APRIL 1968:
Here is how
things stood in my Senior year. I had accumulated
$2,000 in savings, but that would never pay the way to
Georgetown University. Facing four-year costs approaching
$24,000 ($5,000 tuition, $1,000 room and board), I was down
to my last hope: The Jones Scholarship. One
scholarship per school was handed to the most deserving Senior from
every high school in Houston. This included St. John's
even though money was hardly a problem for the children of
wealthy oil men, lawyers and physicians.
The roster of my classmates read like who's who of
Houston's social elite.
I worked after
school at a
grocery store four days a week trying to save
up enough money to help pay for college. I targeted the Jones Scholarship
as my last hope to at least get a foot in the door. If
I won this scholarship, I would have enough money to pay for
ONE SEMESTER at Georgetown. Once I got there I
intended to visit the Financial Aid office and beg for help.
What were my chances of winning? Excellent. In
fact I thought I was a shoo-in. I wasn't just the
poorest kid in my Senior class, I would wager serious money that I
was the poorest student in the history of St. John's. However,
dream went up in smoke when Katina Ballantyne from the
mighty Ballantyne clan was awarded
the grant instead of me.
How does the
daughter from a wealthy family win a scholarship based on
need? There was actually a very good reason, but I
unaware of the reason at the time. Not only was I consumed with bitterness at
Katina, the rich girl who stole my scholarship, I was bitter
towards all my
classmates. These privileged young men and women went
to sleep every night knowing their parent's wealth
guaranteed them a college education. They had
nothing to worry about.
I was not a
healthy person to begin with, so the loss of that
scholarship shoved me over the edge. I was a nervous
wreck. The worst part of it was realizing my
predicament was MY OWN FAULT. It had been a serious
mistake to fail to apply to a state school. Convinced
that Georgetown was out of the question, I faced another
year in my troubled home before I could attend college in
1969 instead of 1968. The thought of that was too much
to bear, so I
plummeted into a terrible tailspin. Where can I find
the nearest bridge?
One week after I
lost the scholarship, Maria Ballantyne, Katina's mother,
walked into my grocery store. Mrs. Ballantyne was a woman I had admired
from afar for nine years. Her children were gifted in
so many ways and very likeable as well. Based on my
respect for Katina and her siblings, I had long visualized
Mrs. Ballantyne as a superior mother.
However, I had
never met the woman. For nine years at St. John's our
paths had crossed in the hallway countless times, but I had
never received a glance or smile from the lady. For
that reason I was bewildered by her presence in my store.
It seemed so weird that we never met at school in nine
years, but now she was in my grocery store many miles from
her home.
At first
my clouded mind concluded she must be here to see me.
However, seeing her walk around squeezing the tomatoes and
checking the prices, I realized she was here only to shop. Nothing
odd about that except that she had never been here before.
Seen from a Mystical point of view, the critical timing of her
unexpected visit immediately after the loss of my
scholarship TO HER DAUGHTER was way out of the ordinary.
As I took her
groceries to her car, Mrs. Ballantyne
did not say a word. She had no idea who I was.
However, just as I turned to leave, Mrs. Ballantyne
asked me to stop. She had just noticed my school uniform.
Playing a hunch, she asked if I was a student at St. John's. Once I confirmed her guess, she was
consumed with curiosity. By definition, SJS
students lack for nothing. So what on earth is a St. John's
student doing here working this menial job at a grocery store?
On the spot,
Mrs. Ballantyne began conducting an interview. Asking the right questions, in the space of ten minutes
Mrs. Ballantyne
knew more about me than any person at my school.
Meanwhile I was
flabbergasted. Why was the most important woman at my
school willing to talk to an insecure kid who occupied the lowest rung
on the social ladder? I was the school nobody, a
perpetual underdog, the Invisible Man. If none of my
classmates bothered to interact with me socially, why would
this busy, powerful woman bother to take time out of
her day to get to know me? Furthermore, why was
she here at a remote grocery store three miles from her
home to begin with?
After I answered
her questions, I expected her to leave. However Mrs. Ballantyne wasn't done. Out of the
blue, Mrs. Ballantyne leaned back against her car and got
comfortable. Then she began to tell me her life story.
I was incredulous. Right there in the parking lot,
this woman proceed to tell me the
story of her childhood. It was no ordinary story either.
Like me, Mrs. Ballantyne had a tale of woe straight out of
Charles Dickens.
Mrs. Ballantyne wasn't an orphan, but close. Both
parents were struggling illiterate Greek immigrants. Mrs.
Ballantyne lost her mother when she was 11. After
the tragedy, her father fell to pieces and abandoned her. She went to live with an aunt and uncle who
had been bullied by
her father into taking her. They had small children of
their own and money was tight. It was a huge
imposition to suddenly have another mouth to feed.
The initial frost would evaporate in time, but during that
first year young Maria felt abandoned. Her home life
was bizarre. The upstairs was a living area while the
downstairs was a restaurant run by her aunt and uncle.
was placed in a bedroom located directly over a secret casino and brothel
run by the Galveston mob. With a wan smile, she hinted
there were some fairly incredible stories associated with
that situation.
In her Junior
year of high school, the family moved to San Antonio.
High school was tough. Now that her brother George was
in college, she had lost her best friend and was alone most
of the time. Strangely enough, she was not
allowed to date. Feeling like an outcast at the new
school, Mrs.
Ballantyne concentrated on her studies. However, she did
not expect to go to college. Where would the money
come from? One day George made a special visit to
announce he would pay her way to college. Maria knew
something was wrong. George could barely his own way
to college. Under intense questioning, George
finally confessed that an unnamed Galveston gangster had offered to pay her way to school.
Beggars can't be choosers. This offer, she said, was the break of a lifetime.
Referring to her gift as "A Simple Act Kindness",
Mrs. Ballantyne had been given the chance she had prayed
for. Her life had skyrocketed ever since.
Mrs. Ballantyne had more to say. She explained that no
one at St. John's had any idea about her strange background.
No one would ever guess that the most influential mother at
this posh enclave of the rich and mighty had grown up as an
impoverished daughter
of penniless, illiterate immigrants. We had been
together 30 minutes at this point. At the time, I
could not understand why such an important woman was paying
so much attention to me. Keep in mind I wasn't the
most savvy kid in the world. However when she said
that no one at SJS knew her secret, for the first time I
understood what was going on here. Clearly my tale of
woe had reminded Mrs. Ballantyne of her own difficult
childhood. That
would surely explain her uncanny empathy for my situation.
Once she realized how seriously depressed I was, she had decided I was in great need of encouragement. It was my good fortune that one of the
finest mothers on the Planet had decided to adopt me for a day.
"Rick, if I can do it, you can do it."
I would never forget those words.
I cannot say for
sure what Mrs. Ballantyne was thinking, but my guess is she
was fully aware just how strange this situation was.
Mrs. Ballantyne knew her story was weird enough as it was,
but to find a boy from St. John's (in a parking lot no
less!) with a story just as weird as her own surely raised
an eyebrow. Something very strange had taken place
today. Given her humble start, Mrs. Ballantyne
knew the probability of ending up at a place like St. John's
was infinitesimally low. Now she was stunned to
stumble across a boy who also had no business being at a
place like St. John's. What were the odds?
As for me, I was
in shock. Due the extreme weirdness of the situation,
our chance meeting felt like Cinderella meeting her Fairy
Godmother. The unanswered question, of course, is how
Mrs. Ballantyne came to appear at my grocery store at such a
critical time in my life. After all, she had passed me
1,000 times in the corridors of St. John's and never said a
word. Like a Guardian
Angel, a woman who had never met me appeared out of
nowhere to rescue me from my downward spiral. She gave
me the will to carry on.
Ballantyne's life had changed direction due to a 'Simple Act of
Kindness'. Now the same thing would happen
to me. Today's 'Simple Act of
Kindness' would change the direction of my life.
Her visit was so
remarkable that I came to see this highly improbable
coincidence as a Miracle. I had no way to prove it,
but I felt Mrs. Ballantyne had been guided to my side by the
Unseen Hand of God. For this reason, our meeting would
become the cornerstone of my belief in Fate.
Guess what?
I made it to college after all. Two weeks after my
conversation with Mrs. Ballantyne, I was called into the
Headmaster's office. Unbeknownst to me, Mr. Salls had
been secretly saving a college scholarship for me. That
is why he gave Katina the Jones Scholarship instead of me. Her
scholarship was one-quarter the value of mine. But I
never knew any of this. All I knew was a
rich girl had committed highway robbery. Now that I
knew the full story, I was so relieved. But why was I
kept in the dark? If news of my good fortune became
public, this would invite a long line of parents at the
Headmaster's door
asking for a similar favor. In the end, Mr. Salls disguised my
award as a gift from a wealthy Johns Hopkins alumnus named
Ralph O'Connor. But I eventually figured out the
truth. Knowing how desperate my situation was, Mr.
Salls had secretly asked Mr. O'Connor to help me long ago.
As I had
promised myself, I began to date in my Freshman year.
To my surprise, my bad luck with
women changed when I met Emily, my first-ever girlfriend.
Lovely girl, sweet, warm, a real honey. Wouldn't you
know it, my fairy tale ended abruptly when Emily cheated on
me and lied about it. Night and day, the lyrics from
Solitary Man played endlessly
in my tormented mind. 'Then Sue came along, loved me
strong, that's what I thought, me and Sue, that guy too.'
It was a tough break, but
we've all been cheated on in some way or another.
There is a special reason I have shared this story.
Emily had called mid-week to break our date for Saturday, claiming
she had an emergency paper to write. So here I am sitting in the dorm
Saturday morning feeling sorry for myself. A guy named
Jake knocks on the door. He needs a ride to the train
station because his Mom called at the last minute and asked
him to come home for the weekend. Not just that, we
have to leave immediately to catch the next train. I'm the only guy in
the dorm with a car and I have nothing better to do, so I say sure.
As we pull into
the Baltimore train station, I am astonished to see Eric
and Emily get out of a cab four cars ahead of me.
I would later find out they were headed for a weekend in New
York, restaurants, plays, a romantic walk in Central Park, share a
hotel room.
Understandably I
was devastated. It wasn't just that Emily had met a guy she
liked better than me, why did I have to have my heart broken
in such a cruel way? The pain of catching them was bad
enough, but it was the utter improbability that I found
impossible to accept. This incident was so bizarre it
assaulted my view of Reality. By all rights I should
never have learned
of Emily's duplicity, but a coincidence of the highest
magnitude had revealed the truth. As I watched them
walk into train station, I estimated at most there had been a two-minute
window of opportunity to spot them in this remote location.
As the Twilight Zone music began playing in my
mind, I pegged the odds of this
coincidence at something like one in a million.
To be
frank, I had never gotten Mrs. Ballantyne's intervention
out of my mind. That incident
plus several other mysterious childhood events had set the stage
for my growing concern that there was more to this world
than meets the eye. Now I was faced with the Train
Station coincidence. Together, the combination of the
two absurd coincidences became the breaking point. Something
very strange was going on in my life and I wondered
if these events were related to Fate. By my logic, if I
could prove to myself that Fate exists, I was willing
to conclude God exists as well. From that point on, I
became deeply preoccupied with the existence of God and
Reading every
book on Mysticism and the Occult I could get my hands on, I
was especially drawn to Carl Jung, the Swiss
Jung believed if we knew
the truth about how perfectly the Universe was constructed, we would
realize no one but God could possibly organize the phenomena of our
world in such a profound way. Nothing is happenstance in
Jung’s world. Jung claimed that
most people do not realize
the significance of
postulated that Coincidences are God's way of remaining
anonymous, then
curious suggestion that gave me an idea. He said a
careful study of our personal Coincidences might lead to the
understanding that an Invisible God is not quite as
invisible as most people think. Since I was staring at
two Coincidences of the highest magnitude, I decided to take
Jung's advice and keep track of every unusual event for the
rest of my life. Jung was right. As the
Coincidences added up, my Faith became stronger. It is
for this reason that I say my meeting with Mrs. Ballantyne
became the cornerstone of my belief in Fate.
My second book,
Magic Carpet Ride, tells the unlikely story of
how I managed to create the largest dance studio in America. Due to a remarkable
series of lucky breaks, at age 28 I found myself holding down the
improbable job of rookie dance instructor. I had
originally taken dance lessons in hopes of improving my love
life, but so far that bright idea had been a dead end. No
luck with women (what's new?), but I enjoyed the lessons so I
stayed with it despite little discernible progress.
I was such a slow learner that it took three years of dance
lessons to finally become presentable. Over the past
year (1977) I had found an instructor I liked. Rosalyn taught
Disco line dances at the local Jewish Community Center.
Having repeated her class three times, at this point we had
a rapport. One night Rosalyn pulled me aside after
"Rick, I have
just gotten an opportunity to go to Washington, D.C., for
the summer and I really want to go. But I have no one
to cover my summer class for me and I don't have time to
train anyone. You know every one of my line dance
patterns as well as I do, so I am begging you to substitute
for me and take over my class on short notice."
That was the
moment my Magic
Carpet Ride took flight. Over a period of six
months, I was handed three different teaching offers.
Following each opportunity like a bread crumb path, I was
being led to the biggest break of my life. In January
1978, a dance career was handed to me
out of thin air when Saturday Night Fever was
One month later,
an old friend appeared out of nowhere.
"Of All the Gin Joints In All the Towns In All the World,
She Walks Into Mine."
Rick Blaine speaking of
Ilsa, the girl who broke his heart in 'Casablanca'
To my
astonishment, ten years after our 1968 meeting in the
parking lot, Mrs.
Ballantyne walked into my life again. I never did
figure out why we ran into each other a second time.
That remains a mystery to this day. Perhaps a little
birdie told Mrs. Ballantyne she had been the undisputed star
of my first book (including giving me the title), so she
made sure to be included in my second book as well.
Mrs. Ballantyne
joined my
Magic Carpet Ride on a chilly Saturday morning in
February 1978. I had just finished teaching a private
lesson at Stevens of Hollywood, the dance
studio where I work. I noticed the front door open and
looked up. It was Maria Ballantyne.
I immediately
went on Supernatural Alert. Just the person I
wanted to see! Following our 1968 conversation,
Mrs. Ballantyne had mysteriously remained out of sight for
the final month of the school year. Consequently I had
never been able to ask her what had brought her to the
grocery store in the first place. For that matter,
what was she doing in my dance studio? Now I had two
mysteries to solve!
To be completely
honest, I was so surprised to see her I nearly fainted.
Mrs. Ballantyne had no way of knowing that she occupied a
Mythical status in my mind. Thanks to her, I had spent
the lion's share of my college years thinking about her.
For that matter, as the cornerstone of my belief in Fate, I
had been thinking about her on a regular basis for the past
ten years.
It was a
bitterly cold winter morning and things were
about to get worse tonight. A serious cold
front was sweeping down from Dallas in the north.
The night was predicted to drop to the low
twenties, an unusually low temperature for Houston.
There are many Houston winters when the thermometer
never drops below freezing, but tonight would be the
exception. Given this awful weather, no one in
their right mind would venture out. For that
matter, maybe the cold had affected my mind or my
vision. For a moment, I thought I was
imagining things. But the disbelief wore off
quickly. This was definitely Mrs. Ballantyne.
I laughed nervously. Here we go again, another one
of those special Coincidences that bedevil me so.
Hit by a sense of déjà vu, I was
certain today would be special.
memories of the past rushed through my mind, I
noticed Mrs. Ballantyne had stopped at the
entrance. Right now she was just standing there
looking around. The building was nearly empty.
This was a very small dance studio. My boss
was out on the main floor with a student, but true
to his nature he could not be bothered to greet her. Since
he was not expecting her and she did not approach
him to ask a question,
I concluded that she had come here to find me.
What other explanation could there be?
after running a Reality Check, I realized it was
very unlikely she knew I was here. After all,
this was just my second month as a dance teacher.
I had yet to run across a familiar face from my St.
John's past, so I could not imagine any word of
mouth reaching her. Furthermore, as I strode
to meet her, Mrs. Ballantyne was just as
surprised to see me as I was to see her. I had my
answer. No, she did not come here to see me.
This meeting was a complete accident just like the
last time.
They talk
about 'once in a lifetime' chance
meetings. This was twice in a lifetime. How
unlikely was our second meeting? It
was just as remote as the first one. Located
on Westheimer and Shepherd, Stevens of Hollywood
was just a mile
away from her house. Maybe she came here
looking for dance lessons with her husband.
Or maybe one of her children was getting married and
they needed dance lessons to prepare for a First
Dance at a wedding.
moment she saw me, Mrs.
Ballantyne's face lit up like a Christmas tree.
I have never seen anyone turn on the energy like
Mrs. Ballantyne. She took a big step forward
and wrapped her arms around me in a huge,
affectionate hug. Then she set me free and
took a step back to look me over.
"Rick Archer, what are you doing here? Of
all the people to run into! Oh my gosh,
let me have a look at you. You're so tall
and handsome! Where the heck have you
been? Why haven't you been to see me?"
Ballantyne made me laugh. I had spoken to this
woman one time in my life and now she greeted me
like we had known each other forever. Hmm.
Maybe we had known each other forever. Always
the extrovert, Mrs. Ballantyne took the lead.
She immediately began peppering me with questions.
explained how I had begun teaching here and
emphasized what an exciting time this was for me.
Mrs. Ballantyne was genuinely pleased to see I was
doing well in my life. In fact, she was
fascinated by my odd new career.
Unfortunately, our talk was interrupted.
Mrs. Ballantyne, I would love to talk more, but I
have two dance students waiting for me." I
pointed to the couple that had just walked in the
no, I have to know more! Are you free for
course I was free. I would have dropped
anything I was doing just to have another talk with
her. This lady had no way of knowing the
degree of importance she had played in my life.
After all, I had spent two solid years in college
thinking every day about the implications of our
parking lot conversation.
"Yes, I
would love to have lunch with you, but can it wait
till 11:30 or? Will that work?"
Ballantyne smiled and said that would be fine.
"Of course. Why not come over at noon?
That will give me time to run some errands."
I was
confused. Come over where? Did she mean
her house?
do you want to meet?" I asked.
house. Do you know where it is?"
I fibbed
and said no, so she gave me the address and
directions. Then to my surprise, she abruptly
departed. As I watched her go out the door, I
still had no idea why Mrs. Ballantyne had been here
in the first place. Why did she leave so fast?
Her departure made no sense. Surely she had to
have a reason to walk in the door. I rolled my
eyes. Why was this woman always such a riddle
to me!?
With my
mind working overtime on Supernatural Alert, I
concluded Mrs. Ballantyne had been guided to my
studio for some obscure reason that became
unimportant once she saw me. Figuring the
Cosmic Social Director had arranged our latest
Supernatural encounter, I left it at that.
Sometimes it is easier just to accept Fate and not
ask too many questions. What was important was
that my idol had invited me to her home. I
felt very flattered. I had expected a nearby
coffee shop, so this was quite an honor.
I had no trouble
finding Mrs. Ballantyne's home. After I lost my Jones
Scholarship to Katina in 1968, I was so bitter I looked
up her address in the St. John's directory. Overcome
by my Rich Man-Poor Man grudge, I wanted to confirm with my
own eyes what kind of house Katina lived in. After
school the next day, I had driven by their house. With grim
satisfaction, I was able to confirm my hunch that the Ballantyne
family lived in a very attractive River Oaks home.
This gave further fuel to my theory of highway robbery.
Fortunately that grudge had vanished the moment I realized
Mrs. Ballantyne was not that kind of person. Then it
vanished completely when I realized what Mr. Salls had been
up to in regard to Katina's scholarships and mine.
As I pulled into
the Ballantyne driveway at noon, I felt nothing but joy at
reuniting with my special benefactor. Once I was
inside, I was surprised to see the house was empty except
for Mrs. Ballantyne and her maid who prepared lunch.
As I looked around for signs of the seven children, Mrs.
Ballantyne grinned.
"A lot has
changed in the past ten years. My children moved
out long ago. They are busy pursuing their own
lives. Now it is just Jay (her husband) and me. Right now
Jay is up on the roof with a winter project, so it's
just the two us. Let's catch up on things!"
Over lunch,
Mrs. Ballantyne told me how proud she was
that I had received a full scholarship to Johns Hopkins.
That was interesting... not once today had I told her about
that scholarship. How did she know about my
scholarship? And how did she know where I went to
Ballantyne, how do you know so much about me?"
Mrs. Ballantyne
was more than happy to clue me in.
"After we met, I was
very curious about you.
So I spoke to my friend
Charlie one day when he
was here at the house.
Charlie filled me in on
the missing details of
your unusual story.
We had a very good laugh
that day. You
probably don't know
this, but Charlie had a
childhood very similar
to mine."
Then she
paused. "And very
similar to yours too!"
stared at Mrs. Ballantyne in
shock. Charlie?!?
I vaguely knew 'Charlie' was the nickname
for Mr. E.K. 'Charlie'
Salls, my Headmaster, but I
had never heard anyone
address him that way. I had
no idea she knew him that
well. I had seen Mrs.
Ballantyne walk with Mr.
Salls in the corridors of
St. John's on many
occasions, but this was the
first time I
realized they knew each
other socially. This
seemed like a coincidence in
itself. I was
fascinated to realize the two
SJS people most
important to me had
also been important to each
"Charlie would kill me
if he knew I was sharing
his personal story, but I think
you would be interested.
He grew up penniless on
a remote island off the
coast of Maine.
His father died when he
was young and his only
brother died when
Charlie was a teenager.
He and his mother
survived through
Charlie's odd jobs at
the fishery and his
mother's vegetable
I had
no idea Mr. Salls had grown
up poor like me. We
formed a very unusual
triangle... three poor
people who had no business ending up at
the wealthiest prep school
in Houston.
"Charlie was an
exceptional student, the
top of his class.
Of course, on a small
island in Maine, I
cannot imagine he had
much competition.
Charlie was a voracious
reader and determined to
make something of
himself. At a
teacher's suggestion, he
took an exam at Exeter,
the fine New England
prep school.
was accepted and given a
scholarship which he
then parlayed into a
scholarship at Harvard.
Does that story sound
familiar? All
three of us have nearly identical
backgrounds with
difficult childhoods.
What do you suppose the
odds are of that?"
My mind
raced to gather in all the implications.
I guess my mouth was hanging open because Mrs.
Ballantyne laughed at me. Seeing the
incredulous look on my face, she acknowledged the
importance of this revelation.
you know why your Headmaster took you under his
wing. You reminded Charlie so much of
himself that there were times when he ached for
you during your difficult Senior year. But
Charlie has never been one to discuss such
things openly, so I had to pry it out of him.
I am the only person at St. John's who can get
Charlie to talk. I have a knack for that."
kidding. Who could resist a woman with her
kind of will power? Right now I was too
dumb-founded to speak, so Mrs. Ballantyne continued.
have always found it curious how the three of us
seem to be connected." Mrs. Ballantyne
paused for a moment, then continued.
"Sometimes it makes me wonder about things."
kidding! That makes two of us! I pinched myself.
No, I wasn't dreaming. If I didn't know
better, Mrs. Ballantyne was quite aware of the
coincidences that connected us. At this point, we
finished our lunch. Mrs. Ballantyne invited me
to come sit with her in the living room. As I
watched her settle into her favorite chair, I had
another flash of déjà vu. Mrs. Ballantyne had
the same look on her face that she did ten years ago
when she decided to tell me her life story.
Sure enough, my hunch was right. Mrs.
Ballantyne picked up her life story right where she
left off ten years ago. In so doing, she made
the 1968 parking lot conversation seem like it was
just yesterday.
1978 conversation will be
continued in the next chapter)
Rick Archer's Footnote:
As I
have made clear, Maria
Ballantyne was a genuine hero to me.
Not only
did Mrs. Ballantyne save my life with her parking
lot intervention, the utter improbability of the
incident opened the door to my search for God two
years later during my search for meaning.
After much thought, I concluded I had witnessed a
As one
can gather, Maria Ballantyne is the unquestioned
inspirational figure of my life. I worshipped
her just like a kid worships the fireman who saves
him from a burning fire. My interest in this
lady was so intense that one might wonder.
However, there was nothing to worry about.
Given Mrs. Ballantyne's importance to me, I had too
much respect to invade her privacy. We
met seven times over a 45 year period. Two
were coincidences, four times it was her idea to
contact me and the
only time I ever contacted her was the last visit.
The 1968 meeting lasted 45 minutes, the 1978 visit
lasted five hours, and the rest were no longer than
one hour.
Ballantyne was always incredibly candid
with me. As we shall see, my 1978 'Accidental' meeting
with Mrs. Ballantyne was just as fascinating as our
first meeting. As Mrs. Ballantyne shared
details about Mr. Salls... how their families had
adjacent beach houses down in Galveston, how she and
'Charlie' became friends, how their daughters
were best friends, how he worried about me, etc...
it crossed my mind that Mr. Salls and Mrs.
Ballantyne were unusually close.
All three of us
credited unexpected college scholarships as the luckiest
break of our life. I suppose given
their difficult childhoods and the college scholarships that
became their lucky break, it made sense that the similarity
of their unusual
background would draw Mr. Salls and Mrs. Ballantyne
together. However, there were several issues that
struck me as peculiar. First, given their roots in
poverty, it was amazing they both made it to St. John's,
land of the rich. Second, Mrs. Ballantyne was very
secretive at St. John's about her past. Since Mr.
Salls was equally secretive, it would be interesting to
learn how they discovered each other's secret.
Finally, there was their interest in me, the one of a kind
SJS poor kid.
Have you ever
met a person and felt as if you knew them before?
Based on my instantaneous attraction to Mrs. Ballantyne and
Mr. Salls, I had no trouble believing I might have known them
in a previous lifetime. From the start, I felt a
powerful attraction without understanding why.
Considering one saved my life while the other was the only
reason I made it to college, based on the important roles they played in my life, I
felt certain our Triangle was a Fated Relationship.
John's was the last place someone would look for
people with impoverished backgrounds. It was
strange enough to find three people with such humble
beginnings end up at this wealthy enclave.
However, it was not just that all three of us faced
hardship as children. What was important was
that the three of us had connected so deeply here at
St. John's. Surely this was not a Coincidence.
how we were united in such a strange way, I was
reminded of something I read in a book on
Reincarnation based on the life of Edgar Cayce.
During his trances, Cayce laid out a philosophy of
life which included Karma, rebirth, the existence of
a Hidden World and man's role in the
cosmic order.
In one of his readings, Cayce said individuals
reincarnate in 'Soul Groups'. This
allows them to work on Karma shared
from past lifetimes. As I sat
that day in Mrs. Ballantyne's house, I had no
trouble comparing our Triangle to Edgar Cayce's
addition to thoughts of the Triangle, I had all sorts
of burning questions to ask. For one thing, I
wanted to know what
Ballantyne thought about our strange meeting ten
years earlier.
I wanted to
know what prompted Mrs. Ballantyne to appear at my
out-of-the-way Weingarten's grocery store in the
first place. I wanted to know what crossed her
mind during that conversation.
Looking at
the event from her perspective, I wondered if Mrs.
Ballantyne had been shocked to meet a young man who
reminded her so much of herself. Most of all,
I wanted to know if she had taken note of the
supernatural ramifications of that meeting. I also
wanted to know what brought Mrs. Ballantyne to the
dance studio for our 1978 meeting.
would you like to know what I discovered? The
answer is Nothing. Mrs. Ballantyne had the
most dominant personality of any woman I ever met.
Once Mrs. Ballantyne got started, I was far too shy
to speak up.
I did not dare interrupt her
as she talked about Mr. Salls. Instead I
remained quiet and hoped for a chance to bring up my
questions. Sorry to say, I never got that
chance. Once Mrs. Ballantyne launched into the
story of her life, I was too blown away to say a
But you
know what? It was okay. In an indirect way I did
come up with an answer to my questions.
Earlier I spoke of how candid Mrs. Ballantyne had
been the first time with me in 1968. As we
shall see, during our 1978 conversation, Mrs.
Ballantyne went much further, almost like I was her
brother or something as opposed to the fact that I
was a virtual stranger.
Mrs. Ballantyne was clearly
fascinated with me. From the moment I sat
down, after a brief exchange of pleasantries, she
started talking about herself as if I was her oldest
and most trusted friend in the whole world.
There were times when I almost wondered if I should
be taking dictation. Why would she tell me all
these secrets? After all, this was only the
second time in our lives we had met. In a
flash, I had my answer.
crossed my mind that Mrs. Ballantyne was speaking to
me in such a candid way because she knew we were
Ballantyne was a very smart woman. Surely she
too realized the deeper implications of our chance
meeting ten years ago. Not just that, I bet
she realized that meeting me again today was no more
'accidental' than the first time. If
nothing else, today's chance meeting underlined our
spiritual connection. We were meant to meet
today. I believed that and I bet Mrs. Ballantyne
believed it too.