Leap of Faith
Home Up Gay Siberia



the hidden hand of god



Written by Rick Archer 



And so Rock Bottom became the solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life.
-- J.K. Rowling


Rick Archer's Note:  

My Leap of Faith was the major turning point in my life.  To put things in perspective, this decision became the foundation on which I rebuilt my life.  Only one problem... I had no idea.  We will get to that shortly.

In order to appreciate the moment better, please allow me to recap my various trips to Rock Bottom. 

1. 1955: Blind Eye
2. 1964: Overnight Acne Explosion (Start of the Epic Losing Streak)
3. 1968: Senior Year Crisis
4. 1970: Search for Meaning
5. 1974: Curse of Vanessa/Parking Lot Inferno
6. 1979: The Year of Living Dangerously



       Strange Accident


  Rick cuts his eye out by foolishly pulling knife in wrong direction when his mother calls out at the worst possible time.  By coincidence, Rick's father lost one of his eyes at the same age.


Coincidence  1955
  Rick's sudden impulse to play arcade game saves Rick and his father from Death at Stock Car accident

The first crisis of my life was caused by my Blind Eye accident.  I was 5 at the time.  Oddly enough, I snapped out of my funk thanks to a life-saving decision to stop in my tracks one instant before a race car crashed through a fence.  The car missed my father and me by four feet at most, then crashed against a telephone pole.  Seeing the poor race driver slumped against the steering wheel made me realize that although I was blind in one eye, at least I was alive.  When my father insisted that my Guardian Angel had saved us, I was both happy and sad.  I was happy to have theoretically received the telepathic message that saved my life.  However, where was my Guardian Angel when I cut my eye out?  This marked the first of many times when I found myself at a loss to understand God's Will.



Unlucky Break
Cosmic Blindness
  Rick's mother mysteriously fails to take him to doctor following his serious acne attack.  Her delay initiated Rick's Epic Losing Streak with women, a span that would last 20 years.  High School Hell begins. 


Lucky Break
Act of Kindness
  Rick is in Right Place at the Right Time.  Mr. Ocker runs into Rick at the grocery store and offers him a job that encourages him to come out of his shell.

The Overnight Acne Explosion was caused by infection in my lymph gland system.  I was 14 at the time.  The dermatologist said this was the worst case of acne he had ever seen.  What has bothered me my entire life is the fact that my mother thoroughly cleansed each pimple she opened with a dose of isopropyl alcohol, a powerful disinfectant.  This treatment had worked several times before, so why didn't it work this time?  And why was the resulting infection so unbelievably severe?  These are questions that will never be answered.  Here is my point.  Since my mother did take precaution, realistically the freak accident should not have happened.  But since it did happen, I have always wondered if the Hidden Hand of God was responsible for delivering this tough act of Fate. 

The acne and the scarring that developed a year later sent me hurtling into the worst tailspin of my life.  Locked deep in depression and feeling hopeless, one day out of nowhere I was offered a surprise job as a grocery sacker.  This lucky break was a life saver.  The best aspect was the flurry of $0.25 tips.  To my surprise, I discovered if I was polite and friendly with the customers, they would reward me with quarter tips.  The upshot is that I was being paid to develop a personality.  Considering I needed every cent I could earn to save for college, I had found a compelling reason to learn how to talk to people.  This incentive brought me out of my shell.



Unlucky Break
Cosmic Blindness
  Caught cheating on German test due to a very improbable coincidence.  The unacceptable loss of common sense later led to the development of Rick's Cosmic Blindness theory.  When this senseless mistake appeared to cost Rick a much-needed college scholarship, he hit Rock Bottom.


Lucky Break
Act of Kindness
  Mrs. Ballantyne fails to notice Rick at SJS for 9 years only to magically appear during the most serious crisis of his life.  The ensuing conversation in the grocery store parking lot gives Rick the hope to carry on.
Readers will recall The Hidden Hand of God began with the story of my Senior Year Crisis.  When my classmate Katina Ballantyne won the Jones Scholarship, I fell to pieces after losing what I thought was my last chance to go to college the following year.  At my lowest point, a remarkable woman named Maria Ballantyne, Katina's mother no less, appeared out of nowhere to restore my hope.  After considerable thought, I became convinced God had led Mrs. Ballantyne to my side.  For this reason I consider her unexpected intervention to be the great miracle of my life. 

Until Mrs. Ballantyne came along, I was not religious.  Did I believe in God?  Maybe, maybe not.  To be honest, I had never given it much thought.  That changed in a hurry thanks to a barrage of six suspected Supernatural Events in a seven month period.  At this point I decided Divine Intervention was probably the best explanation, but I was still not sure.  Age 18, I was too young and too preoccupied with other things such as college and girls to give the issue proper thought.



Lucky Break at a
Critical Moment
  Strange Warning at the Hopkins Graduate Reading Room leads Rick to visit the local Quaker Meeting.  An unusual suggestion from a mystic named Richard leads to Rick's Search for Meaning.  A lecture from Bob Hieronimus supplies further incentive.  Carl Jung says that keeping a List of Coincidences will reveal the existence of God.


Wish Come True
  Rick's Camp Counselor Daydream predicting a summer job comes true.  Unfortunately, Rick discovers the hard way that his social skills are mediocre.  He loses interest in the spiritual journey and majors in Psychology.

Due to my difficult childhood, I was saddled with serious emotional problems when I left for college.  Over the next two years, my life took a turn for the worse.  The reason can be traced to my mediocre social skills.  In addition to my much-chronicled problems with women, I did not know how to make friends with men either.  I was self-centered, moody, sarcastic and aloof.  My inability to make friends condemned me to turn into a hermit.  Lonely and depressed from lack of human contact, I teetered on the edge of a breakdown in the middle of my Sophomore year.  Fortunately, a mysterious voice inside my head warned me of my impending collapse and demanded I take immediate action.  My decision to attend the Baltimore Quaker Meeting the following day was the perfect solution.  Not only did I cheer up, the people I met guided me to a Search for Meaning.  A process lasting a year and a half led to a firm belief in God and Fate.  In Hindsight, I believe the mysterious warning that led me to the Quaker Meeting very well could have been the voice of God.

Unfortunately, my mediocre social skills reared their ugly head once again during my summer job as a camp counselor.  This took place prior to my Senior year of college.  Crushed to discover how inadequate I was around young men and women my own age, I decided to put an end to my research into occult matters and turn my attention to Psychology instead. 



Cosmic Blindness  1973
  Rick's inability to shut up in Dr. Fujimoto's class gets him thrown out of graduate school at Colorado State


Coincidence  1973
  Portland Woman song coincidence leads to Rick's disastrous relationship with Vanessa.

Although my belief in God remained firmly intact after my switch to Psychology, I completely forgot about God during my time at Colorado State.  Problems with Dr. Fujimoto cost me dearly, but the real damage was done by Vanessa.  When the Curse of Vanessa hit, this time there was no convenient Supernatural Event to snap me out of my downward spiral.

During the second half of my time at Colorado State, the anxiety caused by my inadequate social skills multiplied exponentially.  The story of Vanessa, Christine, Debbie, and the Nifty Fifty shows how my fear of rejection turned from 'Neurosis' into a much more serious problem known as 'Phobia', a borderline form of Psychosis. 


Upon my return to Houston, I was one step from a nervous breakdown.  To my surprise, the Mistress Book, the Stalled Car, and a dance suggestion from a drag queen led me to believe the Hidden Hand of God had returned to my life.  Believing that God, my only friend in the world, had pointed to 'Dance Lessons' as the answer to my problems, I reluctantly decided to follow what I believed was Divine Guidance.   That is when the threatened breakdown hit hard thanks to the Dance Class from Hell. 



Coincidence  1974
  Seeing the Mistress Book dedicated to 'Vanessa' was so improbable, it felt like an Omen.  This convinced Rick to buy the book that begins his Magic Carpet Ride and takes his life in an entirely new direction


Coincidence  1974
  When Rick's car mysteriously stalls at Yolanda's house, the resulting humiliation makes it impossible for Rick to call Yolanda for another date.  This leads to the Fork in the Road decision to try dance lessons


Weird Experience
  After Rick is tricked into the arms of a drag queen, Lynn delivers a curious message: Try Dance Lessons. 
Lynn's message reinforces Rick's
Fork in the Road decision to try dance lessons


Weird Experience  1974
  The Dance Class from Hell included the Gay Gauntlet, the River Oaks Seven, Rick's Charles Manson appearance, his overwhelming clumsiness, and Disco Dave's decision to proposition Rick at the end of class


Bizarre Experience  1974
  The Parking Lot Inferno marked Rick's triumph over Phobia.  Rick's decision to return the following week for the Rematch marked the start of Rick's three year Dance Project.

Imagine my shock when the Dance Class from Hell sent me hurtling to the absolute lowest point of my life.  I was failure in Love.  I was a failure in Career.  I was inferior to rich women.  I was ugly as sin.  And I could not dance a lick.  I could not do anything right.

Staggering to my car after David had the nerve to proposition me, I was angry at God.  I blamed God for sending me straight into a trap where I had no chance of success.  The way I felt, God bullied me into doing something I had resisted, then pulled the rug out from under me.  This made no sense.  Isn't God supposed to help those who help themselves?  At this point, I could no longer contain my frustration.  After yelling at God to give me a break for a change, I fell completely to pieces and cried my heart out. 

Imagine having a nervous breakdown in the middle of a parking approaching Death Valley temperatures.  It turned out that was exactly what I needed.  Ten minutes of torrential tears released all kinds of pent-up poison in my system.  With the help of a brief two-minute blast of air-conditioning, I calmed down considerably and began to think clearly for the first time in ages.

The first thing I did was apologize to God.  Yes, I still blamed Him for this strange dance class.  However, I also knew that every time I had hit Rock Bottom in the past, an extraordinary event had occurred to give me hope to start over.  Furthermore, I felt like God had gone to great lengths to guide me to today's dance class.  Hmm.  Maybe God was teaching me a lesson.  In the past, several of my suspected Supernatural Events had not been pleasant.  The cheating incident on the German test for example.  Seeing Eric and Emily in the Train Station.  The Stalled Car at Yolanda's house.  In addition, there was something badly wrong about today's dance class. 

Ordinarily God prefers to remain invisible.  However, this crazy dance class had God's fingerprints all over it!!  To me, it was like God had DELIBERATELY tipped His Hand.  Trying to make sense of what had taken place, one thought in particular caught my attention.  

It was like all the cards had been stacked against me.

Indeed, my startling First Dance Class had the earmarks of a definite Supernatural Event.  If so, then what was the purpose?  The more I thought about it, I wondered if all these problems had been arranged as a way to get my attention.  If that was the case, this was no mere dance class, this was a Fated Event.  I gasped.  This day had been Karma!   I was certain of it. 

Perhaps the Reader assumes all dance classes are this action-packed.  Actually, that is not so.  Typical dance classes are fun, full of laughter, lots of teasing about two left feet, short on drama.  The Dance Class from Hell was a major exception.  Drawing on my 40 years of experience in the dance business, let me compare what is considered Normal to what is Abnormal. 

First, I had no business going to that class in the first place.

Under Normal circumstances, people who know they lack aptitude for dance do not typically take dance classes.  Knowing the odds are against them, unless there is a compelling reason to learn to dance, they prefer to stick to things they are good at.

Second, I should have quit during that dance class. 

Although most people who suspect that dancing is not in their skill set avoid dance lessons, there are a few people like me who take a dance class even though they expect to struggle.  Typically a friend or loved one such as a wife, boyfriend, brother, etc, has encouraged them to at least give it a try.  Some people discover they are better at dancing than they previously imagined.  They stick with it and go on to develop a new hobby.  However, more often the news is not quite so wonderful.  When new students experience great difficulty in their first dance class, if they come alone, they usually leave when no one is looking.  If by chance they stick it out till the end of class, they rarely come back for the second class. 

Putting things into perspective, yes, dancing is fun, but it is still just a hobby.  No big deal.  If things go wrong, it is hardly worth the stress.  If the first dance class is too frustrating, a sensible person typically decides this is going to require a lot more work than it is worth, so why bother?  Under Normal circumstances, they quit and find something easier to do.

Third, an Ordinary Dance Class does not consist of seven extremely wealthy women. 

There are two kinds of dance classes.  Private lessons and Group lessons.  If these women wanted privacy, all they had to do was pay David for a private lesson.  Hey, they could afford it!  Here again, what are the odds?  By and large every dance class I ever taught consisted of normal people.  There was only one exception... the Dance Class from Hell.  During my 40 year dance career, I never saw a single incident even remotely as absurd as seven high and mighty women bent out of shape over a woebegone newcomer.

Fourth, a Dance Class should not become a Life Crisis. 

As I write, I have taught dance for 40 years.  I do not recall a single student who ever suggested their first dance class was a life-defining moment.  Sure, lots of people have to overcome jitters and cold feet to show up, but no one has ever described their first dance class as an Existential Experience, a Crisis, or Karmic Test of Fire.  Only me.

In an Ordinary World, taking a dance class should carry no more impact than a ho-hum gardening class or basket weaving.  In an Ordinary World, one does not have ten gay men stare daggers as if the guest is from another planet.  In an Ordinary World, one would not expect to be confronted with seven scornful women straight out of one's tormented past.  In an Ordinary World, one does not look in the mirror and realize he resembles a mass murderer.  In an Ordinary World, one does not contemplate tearing his hair out over a poor performance on Step-Ball-Change.  In an Ordinary World, one does not get rudely propositioned at the end of class.  In an Ordinary World, one does not sit in 100 degree heat for nearly an hour because he is too shaken to leave. 

In other words, most people would have left in the middle of class.  And if they did stay till the end, they would never return.

Why did I stay?  The River Oaks Seven. 

From the moment I entered the room I was obsessed with the River Oaks Seven.  Why were those women there?  Seriously, God could not have picked seven more perfect villains than those nasty women.  As far as I was concerned, seeing seven socialites in my first dance class was Weirder than being seduced by a drag queen, having my car stall at the worst possible time or being propositioned by my horny gay dance instructor.  My Intuition suggested I had been placed in this situation specifically to face my demons.


Earlier I spoke of Dr. Hilton's sledgehammer therapy technique: "Tie me to a tree."  In essence, that is exactly what happened to me during the Dance Class from Hell.  God forced me to face every fear in my psyche!  My fear of inferiority, my fear of being secretly gay, my fear of being ugly, and my fear that I was a pathetic dancer.  Most of all God made me face my fear of rejection by attractive women. 

Although my Rejection Phobia is the obstacle that drives my saga, Fear is not necessarily a bad thing.  Fear protects us from danger.  We all understand that.  However, in my case, my Fear had become over-protective to the point of inhibiting normal behavior.  Once Fear enters your mind, it does not leave willingly, especially if it is allowed to hang around too long.  Fear is just like infection.  The longer Fear is left untreated, the harder it is to conquer.

The cowboys say when you get thrown by a horse, you must get right back in the saddle.  The longer you wait, the harder it will be.  The only way to conquer the fear of flying is to get on the airplane and fly.  Easier said than done.  One day the plane goes through a dangerous storm and plummets several thousand feet before it rights itself.  It is nearly impossible to get on the next plane after that, but don't let Fear get settled in your mind.  Once fear takes hold, it is nearly impossible to get rid of. 

The problem for me is that I dealt with my Phobia by AVOIDING IT.  Consequently I was not getting anywhere.  This was the wrong approach.  For example, I once had a car accident on the freeway.  A giant truck came speeding by on my left at 75 mph.  Since I am blind in my left eye, I had no idea the massive vehicle was there.  The truck came so close that its right side mirror clipped my left side mirror and snapped it off.  I was not hurt, but I was terrified by the close call.  For a month I was too nervous to get back on the freeway.  One day I was so late to an important job interview, I decided I had no choice but take the freeway.  I was very scared!  However, by the time I arrived, the problem was gone.  A man must face his fear to beat it.


Once I calmed down in the car, I was unwilling to accept that God was my enemy.  In that case, there had to be some purpose to this ordeal I had just faced.  The circumstances surrounding the Dance Class from Hell were so preposterous I decided God had staged this bizarre event as a way to get my attention. 

I decided this awful experience had been a Test of my Faith.  Did I trust God enough to commit to something I did not believe in?  Was I willing to follow God's Will over my own Will?  Skeptical and more than slightly incredulous, I told myself, "Okay, given that this situation has all the earmarks of a supernatural event, I will trust my instinct and return to this dance class even though I doubt I will do very well.

This weird idea reminded me of God's demand to Abraham in the Bible.  "And the Lord said unto Abram, 'Abandon your country, leave your family and your father’s house behind, go to an unknown land I have chosen for you.'

Granted, taking a dance class against my will was not quite the same as Abraham asked by God to abandon his entire world, but my decision was based on Faith nonetheless.  Maybe things would work out better than I expected.  Maybe I'm not as bad a dancer as today's class indicated.  I recalled my belief that God had guided me through trouble on several occasions, so yes, I would do this even though it struck me as futile.  It did not matter that I had no idea what God was up to.  If God wants me to learn to dance, then by God I promise to do just that. 

I gave my decision a name, the 'Leap of Faith'.





  The Magic Mirror gives Rick a fighting chance to avoid further humiliation in the Rematch.   Rick's decision to return for a Rematch marked the start of Rick's three year Dance Project, his 'Leap of Faith'.

I cannot emphasize enough how important the Magic Mirror was to me.  Every possible thing that could have gone wrong in the Dance Class from Hell had indeed gone wrong.  In fact, my misery was so intense it took on Biblical proportions of woe.  The only thing missing was being swallowed by a whale.  However, there is something known as over-playing your hand.  My dance class had been so far beyond ordinary that the Hidden Hand of God was practically visible.  With my Supernatural Alarm on highest alert, I assumed only God had the power to stack the cards against me to this extent.  That is when I reached the strangest conclusion of all.  God's Will, not Rick's Will.  This dance class is where God wanted to me to be.   

However, I had one nagging worry.  What if I was wrong?  I had just staked my hopes on the longest of long-shots, a dance class of all things, to rescue me from mental illness.  We've all heard of the fool on the hill who sits there waiting in vain for the world to end.  Was that me?  Given my doubt, imagine my relief when the Magic Mirror appeared out of nowhere to reassure me.  During the Parking Lot Inferno I had felt abandoned by God.  Thanks to the Magic Mirror, I no longer felt abandoned.  In fact, dancing in this Mirror cheered me up so much I felt like I was following God's Will.  With that thought, tears of joy came to my eyes.  The Mirror implied that I was not traveling this Dance Path alone. 


Many years down the road, I told this story to a friend named Stefan.  He proceeded to offer his own explanation. 

"One of the masters of the spiritual life was Ignatius of Loyola.  He described a means of how we can test whether an idea, decision, or choice is aligned with God's will.  When we contemplate an act contrary to God's will, the Holy Ghost acts in our soul and generates discontent, upset, a lack of peace, and other emotions that Ignatius termed as 'desolations'.

In contrast, when we act in a way aligned with God's will, the reaction of the Holy Spirit is described by Ignatius as 'like water dripping on a sponge'.  We receive subtle, difficult to detect signals, but there is a kind of peace and plentitude that quietly fills our soul.  In other words, when you acted against God's Will, nothing seemed to go right.  But when you began to follow the path laid out for you even though it made no sense in practical terms, your feelings of distress began to dissipate.  You were imbued with the sense that you had been guided to these lessons."

Yes, believe it or not, the moment I committed to my Dance Project, my life began to improve.  Don't get me wrong, I was still lonely, I still did not know what I was going to do with my life, I still did not have a girlfriend.  But I was not miserable anymore.  Although I was lost, I assumed God would guide me.  I figured that once I learned to dance, God would hand me a reward. 

Oh my, talk about wishful thinking!  Unbeknownst to me, God had played a trick in regards to my Leap of Faith.  Assuming I was following God's Will, I had just committed to a Dance Project with a rather preposterous goal: Excellence.  Given I could not even do 'Step Ball Change', what was I thinking?  Nor had I specified a time limit.  Had I known this Dance Project would last THREE YEARS, I would have been hard-pressed to sign on the dotted line.  Once I got my Magic Mirror, I figured four to six months max.  And you know what?  I was right.  As we shall see, it took me five months to catch up to the River Oaks Seven. 

So why Three Years? 

I risk spoiling the fun if I tell you what happened next.  But I will give you one clue.  The proceeding chapters will help explain how I was slowly cured of my Rejection Phobia.  Get ready for The Lost Years.  I promise you will be entertained.



the hidden hand of god



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