the hidden hand of god
Written by Rick
Everyone likes to say that God prefers to stay anonymous.
I am not so sure about that. Some of my experiences
were so bizarre, at times it seemed to me that God was
deliberately tipping His hand. One example would be
the Bomb Scare incident at the JCC. Another notable
example was the time I spotted Emily and Eric in the
Baltimore train station.
However, of all
the strange incidents I have witnessed, my Leap of
Faith was the most powerful example where the Hidden
Hand of God was revealed.
In July
1974 I made a promise to God that I would take dance
lessons until I was a good dancer. In January
1978 the riveting start to my dance career
struck me as validation that my intuition had been correct
all along.
I had
originally expected
this project would require at most six months or so.
And you know what? That proved to be correct. Thanks to Casa Mark and the
Farmhouse, at the six month mark I accomplished my goal.
However, every time I was ready to quit, something weird
would happen to keep me on the path. Who on earth
takes Disco lessons for three years with virtually nothing
to show for it? Only me. Why did I stick with it so long?
Because my intuition continued to insist this was what God
wanted me to do. That is the truth.
Why did I make
this promise in the first place?
The 'Dance
Class from Hell' was as startling to me as the
burning bush might have been for Moses. Talk
about an attention-getter. The Dance Class
from Hell was so far beyond the realm of normal, I
was convinced there had to be a reason for this
ordeal. Believing God had staged this painful
event as a spiritual test, I agreed to do what I
felt was God's Will.
However, I
won't say I followed my Path blindly. On the contrary,
I asked myself if this silly dance thing was a figment of my
gullible mind many times. It is important to note that
not once during the Lost Years was there any sort of
hint that I was on the right path. Ultimately it
was my curiosity that kept me chasing the unknown.
Like Alice in Wonderland, I wanted to see where this Path
led. However, three years is a long time. Many
times I told myself I was surely barking up the wrong tree.
Did I suspect a dance career was in the works?
Absolutely not. That thought never crossed my mind
during my three 'Lost Years'.
However, I did became
suspicious when the four Stepping Stones hit in
rapid succession. Sad to say, just
when I got my hopes up,
the the door was suddenly slammed in my face. In December
1977 Lance Stevens told me Disco was dead, get lost.
I was absolutely crushed. Why would God
organize a series of four lucky breaks plus the
Rubaiyat triumph only to blow out my candle at the
last moment?
Just when I
thought this whole dance idea was a blind alley
after all,
Saturday Night Fever made its debut. I
was stunned by the coincidence. The timing was
so perfect,
I was pretty
certain that God had used the Lost Years to secretly
prepare me for the exact moment the movie appeared.
At first I
thought this was all the validation I needed to
justify my 1974 Leap of Faith. However, an
element of doubt remained. I had no idea how
long this would last. I was terrified to get
my hopes up again. What if Lance Stevens fired me as
he often threatened? He had fired me in
December, so I lived in fear the axe would fall
once more.
Then came the
Partner Dance Crisis. To my amazement, my job
was saved at the last minute due to a remarkable
series of lucky breaks. My fortuitous rescue
felt very close to a miracle. In my
heart I knew there was no way I could have pulled
this off without Divine help. Who else could
have brought those people to my aid?
I was troubled by
impression. How could I overlook my
procrastination? I am very serious about this.
I was so convinced I lacked the ability to conquer
this Partner Dance problem that I gave up without
even lifting a finger. Given my sense of
futility, imagine my surprise when a series of
people appeared from nowhere to give me a lift.
But then I remembered all the times this had
happened before.
I recalled
the time Maria Ballantyne had appeared at my grocery
store to encourage me after the cheating incident.
I recalled the time Mr. Ocker hired me at the
grocery store after my acne-ravaged face left me
devastated. I recalled the time the Quaker
Meeting pulled me out of a very serious depression
in college. I recalled how Jason and Dr. Hilton stepped forward to prop me up in Graduate
School. I remembered how Gaye appeared shortly
after the loss of Katie had sent me spiraling towards
the Abyss. Time after time it seemed like
every time
Fate would step in to bolster
me, then send me kicking and screaming towards the
next stage of my development.
And now it had
happened again. I had just been saved from Rock Bottom for the
umpteenth time.
The Partner Dance Crisis
was the greatest test of all.
Lance Stevens had spelled it out in no uncertain
terms. Unless I met his demand to begin
teaching partner dance, he would look for my
replacement. This task looked so hopeless that
I gave up on the spot. That should have been
the end right there. But it wasn't the end,
was it? No. The Universe took one look
at my stubborn refusal to lift a finger and decided
to drag me across my mental barrier. Stunned
by an unexpected ray of hope, I woke up and
responded in kind. Trust me when I say I was
the most surprised human being on earth when my
last-ditch efforts were rewarded. I could not
believe I had succeeded in spite of my feeble effort
at the start.
Surviving the
Partner Dance Crisis was the moment when I believed
God had truly tipped his hand.
To me, the only explanation
that made any sense at all was Divine Intervention.
If there is one
message that runs throughout this book, there is no such
thing as Absolute Proof. However, there
comes a time when the Unbelievable starts to make more
sense than any other explanation.
How exactly does the
least talented dancer in Houston, a complete
unknown, become the best-known Disco teacher in
the city overnight?
How exactly
does a man with a slow learning curve, a man who
has never partner danced in his life, a man with
no teacher, suddenly become the leading partner
dance instructor in Houston in the space of four
If that
isn't Fate, then what is it?
To me, the odds of surviving this
ordeal had been so remote, I was incredulous.
Maybe a better word would be 'Awestruck'.
No matter how hard I tried to screw things up, the
Universe refused to let me fail. Clearly 'Someone'
up there liked me. Although I did not know why I
was chosen for this role, I was certain God had placed
me here for some purpose. This was the moment I
decided my long-shot Leap of Faith had been validated
beyond any further doubt. I expected I would teach
Dance for the rest of my life.
Standing in
the right place at the right time, by some bizarre quirk
of Fate I found myself placed squarely at the Crossroad
of this enormous social phenomenon sweeping across
the nation. What were the odds? A million to one
sounds about right. Why a million to one? In
a city with a population well over a million, I was the
only person standing here at the Crossroad.
Now you know why I believe in Destiny.
Could my story possibly be
more ridiculous? As things stood, the worst dancer
in the Western Civilization had just become an overnight
success. This was a fluke of the highest
magnitude. Due to my obvious limitations,
Las Vegas had given me a 1% chance of success at the
start of my career. Which is very curious
considering I went on to create the largest independent
dance studio in America. My studio was known as
SSQQ ('Slow Slow Quick Quick'). At
its peak, anywhere from 1,200 to 1,400 people crossed
through our doors every week. I was very proud of
my accomplishment. However, throughout my dance
career I harbored a deep, dark secret.
In my heart I did not believe I had the talent to
accomplish this on my own.
I have heard other successful people
say similar things.
"Honestly, I think I've
stretched a talent which is so thin it's almost
transparent over a quite unbelievable term of years."
-- Bing Crosby
"The Harder I work, the Luckier
I get." -- Samuel
Goldwyn, MGM Studio
"Those who have succeeded at
anything and don't mention Luck are kidding themselves."
-- Larry King
"I felt as if I were walking
with destiny, and that all my past life had been but a
preparation for this hour and for this trial... I
thought I knew a good deal about it all, I was sure I
should not fail."
-- Sir Winston Churchill
"Most people think that Faith means believing something.
More often it means trying something, giving it a chance
to prove itself. Somewhere there is a mastermind
sending brain-wave messages to us. There is a
Great Spirit. I never did anything by my own
volition. I was pushed by invisible forces within
and without me."
-- Henry Ford
I did not choose Dancing.
Dancing chose me.
I say this
due to the impressive series of lucky breaks that marked the
start of my dance career. There is no other way to
explain why I always seemed to be in the Right Place in the
Right Time. The sequence of events that initiated my
dance career was so Magical, I had to believe this was God's
063 |
Serious |
Validation |
1978 |
Partner Dance Crisis: Gary, Sue Ann, Stevens, Janie, and Suzy Q
make guest appearances to help Rick create a partner dance system totally
from scratch. This breakthrough
Rick's original Leap of Faith. |
060 |
Serious |
Lucky Break
Coincidence |
1978 |
Rick is shocked to discover he is in the Right Place at the Right Time when
Saturday Night Fever arrives. He is even more surprised by the
discovery he is the only Disco teacher in the city for the first month. |
059 |
Suspicious |
Synchronicity |
1977 |
Robert Stigwood's Saturday Night Fever Synchronicity: Nik Cohn,
John Travolta, Bee Gees, Norman Wexler |
058 |
Serious |
Lucky Break
Coincidence |
1977 |
Out of the blue, Lance Stevens offers Rick a Disco Line Dance class job
at his studio. Right place at the Right Time,
Stepping Stone Four.
This job would lead directly to Rick's Big Break with SNF |
057 |
Suspicious |
Break |
1977 |
Rosalyn's gift of a line dance class at Memorial JCC becomes Stepping
Stone Three |
056 |
Suspicious |
Coincidence |
1977 |
The painful lessons learned at Melody Lane two years earlier help Rick
turn into a Pied Piper at Rubaiyat |
055 |
Serious |
Lucky Break
Coincidence |
1977 |
One week after a bizarre bomb threat interrupts Rick's first-ever
opportunity to teach a line dance class, Rosalyn offers Rick a job
teaching at the Braeswood JCC
for the summer.
This was Stepping Stone Two |
054 |
Suspicious |
Wish Come
Precognition |
1977 |
Rick is so excited after teaching his first-ever class, he spends two
hours creating a syllabus for a class that does not exist only to
discover one week later his prayers have been answered. |
053 |
Serious |
Wish Come True |
1977 |
bizarre bomb threat at the JCC interrupts Rick's first-ever
opportunity to teach a line dance class. The Bomb Scare
coincidence was Stepping Stone One, the first of four major events
leading up to Rick's dance career.
040 |
Serious |
A vow
made to
God on Intuition |
1974 |
The Parking Lot Inferno following the Dance Class from Hell marked
Rick's triumph over Phobia. Rick's decision to return the
following week was based on a Leap of Faith which started his three year
Dance Project.
The success of my
Partner Dance program catapulted me deep into my new career.
My Beginner-level classes from January-February were
promoted to the Intermediate level while a new set of
March-April Beginner classes were added in different time
slots. I was now teaching two classes
per night. The same thing happened again in May-June.
The demand for Partner Dance classes was so great that I
created an Advanced level. At this point I taught 3
classes per night, 7-8, 8-9, 9-10.
Working two
full-time jobs, something had to give. The first to go
was weeknight basketball and volleyball. The second to
go was my Friday Jazz class with Patsy Swayze. I
explained to Patsy there was no way I could take her 6-7
class and still make my 7 pm class at Stevens. Patsy
understood completely. She wished me luck on my grand
adventure and gave me
a big hug.
Of course the
toughest decision was saying goodbye to Gaye.
moment I walked in her office, before
I could say a word, Gaye said, "It's time, isn't it?"
was surprised. "How did you know?"
Gaye replied, "I don't even recognize you anymore.
Whatever happened to that moody sourpuss who used to walk in
my office? All you do now is smile."
Pleased by the compliment, I nodded. "Yes, Gaye, it's
time to
leave the nest and flex my wings.
I have gained a lot of wisdom from you regarding my problems
with women. You were the one who helped me recover
from my mistake with Katie. Over these past three
years, you have helped me understand that women are just as
afraid of being hurt by me as I am by them. As a
result, I have learned to be a lot more gentle in my
dealings. In addition, since I am not nearly as afraid
of a woman's rejection as I once was, I feel ready to try
dating someone my own age for a change."
Gaye smiled broadly. "I had a hunch that was what you
were going to say. I agree with you. I see a
maturity I would have never thought possible when we first
met. I cannot begin to say how proud I am of your
I appreciated
Gaye's kind words. Gaye frequently chewed me out,
but I trusted her so much that I had learned to take her
criticism to heart. Due to my rough edges, it had not
been easy for either of us. It had taken three years,
but I was almost civilized at this point.
"Gaye, I owe you
a tremendous debt for bringing me to this point. When
we first met, you helped me climb out of a hole that was so
deep I could not have done it without you. But you did
not stop there. By helping me come to grips with my
graduate school mistakes and my romantic mishaps, you have
allowed me to rejoin the human race and stand on my own two
feet. I want you to know how grateful I am for your
constant helping hand. You have made an enormous
impact in my life. Thank you so much."
As we rose from
our chairs, Gaye threw her arms around me. We both
cried, but they were happy tears. Although I would
never see Gaye again, her wisdom and influence would
continue to guide me through the formative years of my dance
career. As I left Gaye's office, I had a very curious
thought. Thanks to lessons learned during the Dance
Project, I was emotionally healthy for the first time in my
life. Was that the plan all along? It certainly
felt that way. It was very curious how the dance
suggestion in the Mistress Book had brought me
all the way back from my failures at Colorado State.
My Phobia was gone and my shaky dance apprenticeship was
almost over. The time had come to make my move.
Ah, the Epic Losing
Streak. We haven't talked about it much lately.
Why not? The answer should be obvious. Not only
did I teach three hours of group classes Monday through
Friday, I had a full-time day job plus private lessons on
Saturday. Where would I find the time? Where
would I find the energy? The first six months of my
dance career served as an apprenticeship where every free
moment was spent developing my three levels of partner dance
classes. I finally caught a breather in July. I
had become so good at what I did that I no longer feared
losing my job. Lance Stevens still didn't like me, but
I made him so rich he would not dream of killing the golden
At the exact moment
I felt my job was secure, women came flying out of the
woodwork. During the summer of 1978 I dated five of
the most beautiful, exciting women I would ever meet.
Yes, believe it or not, Gaye's three years of advice had
transformed me into an attractive young man. In
addition I had my nightly stage at the dance studio to help
me meet countless women. However, sad to say, the
Curse was still in effect. Inevitably something went
wrong with every one of the five women.
However, there
was one remarkable difference. I did not make a single
mistake with any of the fair maidens. For reasons
beyond my control, something crazy happened with each woman
to drive us apart. But it was not my fault. And
yes, I blamed Fate. If you knew how weird each story
was, you would too. But here is what is interesting.
After holding my own with five sensational women in a row,
my confidence grew sky high.
Negotiating five tricky situations in
a row with aplomb, I suddenly realized I was not afraid of
women anymore. Now I was really spooked. First I
had stumbled into an incredible career, now the Rejection
Phobia was gone. I was so much stronger around women I
could scarcely believe it. Looking back, I believe my
summer adventures had a Divine purpose. The more I
thought about it, I had the impression these five women had
not appeared at random, but rather by design. I viewed
each woman as a Messenger of sorts, someone sent to teach me
a lesson, then move on.
Their departure
opened the door for the strangest story of my life,
the Temptation Triangle. In the Fall of 1978 I was chosen by three stunning women to
determine which of them was the fairest one of all.
Over a period of three years, I was caught in the middle as
these cunning, manipulative women clawed each other's eyes
out for the right to be declared the Supreme Diva of Disco.
Naturally the
Reader wonders if there was a Supernatural element to this
odd tale. That would be an understatement. Over
this period of three years, I would add 40 new stories to my
List of Supernatural Events. During this bizarre
rollercoaster ride of highs and lows, I became a nervous
wreck. However, when the smoke cleared, there I stood
as the owner of the largest dance studio in Houston.
As always, my problems with women advanced my dance career.
The lonelier I was, the more successful I became.
This intriguing
story is told in my next book, Magic Carpet Ride.

I never set out to be a writer. I stumbled into my writing
career. When the Internet came along, in 1998 I tried
using a
monthly email notice as a way to advertise upcoming classes.
I soon discovered that adding gossip caused readership
to grow exponentially. Pleased by the dramatic uptick
in business, I became increasingly imaginative with my
gossip column. However, one day I couldn't think of
any good gossip. In a pinch, I added a story from my dance
career instead. Wow. Huge compliments.
That is how I
discovered adding stories from my career was just as good
for business as gossip. In the space of two years, the
Newsletter helped turn the studio into the largest of its
kind in the America. This pleasant development gave me
a powerful incentive to continue writing.
In 2004, I ran into a problem. There was no current gossip
and I had exhausted my treasure chest of amusing dance
stories. Hmm. Why not try a story from my
personal life that had nothing to do with dancing? As
my Readers well know, I have all sorts of unusual stories to
tell. However, to do so would violate a personal
taboo. Throughout my career I had been very reluctant to discuss God or Fate.
In my heart, I was certain that God was the true architect
of my studio's success. But did I dare reveal my
secret? NO!!! Some people can wear
religion on their sleeve, but not me. I assumed that
any story which revealed my secret beliefs would backfire.
Not only would my candor invite scorn and derision, it might
give people a reason to turn their back on the studio.
Given that I had no credentials as a spiritual or religious
person, better just to keep my mouth shut.
To me it was not worth the risk.
On the other hand, I still needed a story. Given the
profound effect Maria Ballantyne had on my life, I decided
to tell the tale of how she helped me during our 1968
Parking Lot conversation. However, I also stuck to my
taboo by avoiding any references to God, Fate or the
Supernatural. If someone wanted to draw their own
conclusion, that was up to them, but I certainly was not
going to point it out like I have done with Hidden
Hand. To my surprise, the "non-Supernatural"
version of my story was a big hit. Relieved to
discover I could tell such an important story without
negative consequence, the coast was clear to add more
stories. All I had to do was sanitize each story by
withholding any hint of my personal beliefs. And so I
became a writer without really intending to be a writer.
People often ask how I can remember so many details after
all these years. That is because I wrote most of my
stories 25 years ago when my memory was still fresh.
Hmm. Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't that sort of
how my dance career started as well? I was secretly
writing my books before I knew I was writing my books.
In other words, I did not choose Writing, Writing chose me.
The Maria Ballantyne story served as the
origin of the Hidden Hand of God.
However, back then it had a different title, A Simple
Act of Kindness. The title was a reference to
how this dynamic woman went far out of her way to give
comfort to a suffering boy she did not even know. By
coincidence... yes, there's that word again... in 2005 a
girl named Elizabeth Ballantyne, 10, ran across my story on
the Internet during a Google search for mention of her
grandmother. Mrs. Ballantyne was so touched by my
story that she contacted me. Meeting off and on over
the ensuing years, she told me several 'behind the scenes'
St. John's stories that left me utterly amazed. For
example, one night Mrs. Ballantyne explained how Mr. Salls,
my Headmaster, had secretly arranged my college scholarship
to Johns Hopkins. I was shocked. How could I
have failed to realize Mr. Salls had been the great
benefactor of my life? Seeing Mrs. Ballantyne as a
messenger as well as soul mate, I updated my A Simple
Act of Kindness story to reflect the new details
about Mr. Salls. Over the years, thanks to Mrs.
Ballantyne's revelations, the original story tripled in size
to book length.
The studio's landlord refused to renew
the lease in 2010, thereby ending my 32 year run as owner of
SSQQ. Age 60 at the time, I decided I was
too old to start over. So I sold the studio and
switched to writing travel stories. Two years later,
something odd happened. A series of curious good omens
suggested God wanted me to make a comeback. Did I want
to make a comeback? No. I had gone out on top.
I enjoyed taking cruise trips with my wife and I did
not need the money. However, when my Intuition
suggests that God wants me to do something, who am I to defy God's
To my astonishment, my 2012 comeback
attempt failed miserably. However, it was not that I
failed that bothered me, it was the way that I failed.
A series of unfortunate events beyond my control sabotaged
my comeback attempt. This series of bad breaks
troubled me greatly. It had not been my idea to make a
comeback. I had only returned because I believed God
wanted me back in the game. I am serious about this.
After all, I once created the largest dance studio in
the country, so I had nothing to prove. I only
returned as a favor to God (please forgive if
this sounds blasphemous).
Now, unless I was badly mistaken, it
appeared God had deliberately ruined my return with this
series of bad breaks. I was aghast. Maybe even
hurt. This felt like having my best friend stab me in
the back. Considering all those blessings God had
given me over the years, why would God set me up for such an
embarrassing failure? The irony was overwhelming.
Back when I started in 1978, I was given a 1% chance of
success. During my comeback attempt, I pegged my odds
at 99%. How was it possible to fail so badly when
renewed success was a near-certainty? To me, there was
only one answer. God's Will. Only God had the
power to create this series of unlucky breaks. But why
would God invite me to try again, then turn around and slap
me down? There could only be one reason. God was
sending me a message. At the time I did not have a
clue what it could be, but fortunately I did not have long
to wait.
One day I received my answer in a
stunning way. Poking around the Internet, I
stumbled across an ancient Arabic Proverb.
What is meant for you, will reach you even if it be
underneath two mountains.
What is not meant for you, will not reach you even
if it is between your two lips.
I felt goosebumps. On the
day I had my
blind Leap of
Faith validated in such a spectacular way, I had been
overcome by a sense of awe.
Considering I had been the most unlikely candidate
for success imaginable, it was very easy to believe God
had moved Two Mountains in order to create my studio and
dance career.
However it was the second part of
the proverb that really shook me up.
"What is not meant for you, will
not reach you, even if it is between your two lips."
I had assumed the success of my
comeback attempt was a slam-dunk no-brainer. And
yet I failed miserably even though success was so close
I could taste it!! This proverb suggested that sometimes we are
meant to fail despite our hopes and dreams of a rosy future.
Take Graduate School for example. Or the
Dance Class
from Hell. Both situations demonstrated God's
willingness to knock me down for my own good. So
what could I learn from my Comeback failure?
careful thought, I came to a very unpleasant conclusion.
I realized
talent and hard work mean nothing if it contradicts
God's Will.
It was
embarrassing to admit that over the years my pride
had taken the lion's share of credit for the studio's
success. Chastened, at that point I became very
Why had I lost sight of the truth?
By my count, I
benefitted from 40 lucky breaks during the first 4
years of my dance career. However, the moment the
future success of the dance studio was guaranteed, the
lucky breaks disappeared. It
was like God decided once I was set, I no longer needed His
Over the ensuing 28 years, I was
on my own. As the studio grew by leaps and bounds,
believed my continued success was
due to my own talent. Or maybe not. The time
had come for the Lord to set things right. Before
encouraging me to begin writing my books, first God
wanted to remind me who is really in charge. From
this point on, God became the undisputed star of each
book, not me.
Glory must go to God.