The Lost Years
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The Lost Years

Written by Rick Archer
Last Update: August 2014

The Lost Years marked a three year period where I stumbled through life without any sense of direction whatsoever.  I was consumed with insecurity and self-doubt.

Following my harrowing escape from the Farmhouse and triumphant night of dancing at the Second Office Club, I assumed my dance project would improve my social life dramatically.  Strangely enough, the dramatic improvement in my dancing would not help my social life a single bit during the Lost Years. 

Although I tried to take advantage of my new-found ability to dance, I would soon discover I was still haunted by a crippling fear of rejection from women. 

There was, however, one constant during this period. I never for a moment abandoned my dance project.  I firmly believed that "dancing" had rescued me from a nervous breakdown.  At this point, I had developed the kind of fondness for dance one reserves for a favorite hobby.  Consequently I continued my dance lessons throughout the Lost Years due to a blind faith that my dance project would someday lead to something. 


The Lost Years:  Part One    Sylvia 

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