Bizarre Death Stories
Important Note: All Stories listed below were copied in 2000 from a web site in
that has since been discontinued |
Rick Archer
These stories are not my work.
The stories below were listed on a United Kingdom web site back
in the year 2000. An email directed me to visit. I
was full of morbid fascination. The website was VERY
GOTHIC and graphic. At the time I copied the most
interesting stories and published them on my own website with an
offer to direct anyone who was curious to the original location.
In 2006, that website disappeared and I have no idea where it
went to. You have my word on that.
Death of course can
happen at any time. No one could function if they spent their time
worrying about it. Hence we learn to ignore this ugly possibility
as much as possible. However,
accidental death usually occurs out of nowhere. The following stories include some
the most unusual ways of dying imaginable.
Some incidents were just plain
bad luck and others were the result of incredible stupidity.
Several of the incidents sound like scenes from an
over-imaginative script writer, but in one bizarre twist, a movie
scene actually inspired several young men to try a dangerous
Some of these events are reminiscent of the
"Darwin Awards" given out to people who die through their own
stupidity. The problem with the Darwin Awards is that I have
found them to be totally false. I believe these stories
taken from the English web site were researched and are true.
I know for a fact that at least two
incidents listed below
are absolutely true. I am fairly sure several more are true as
well. However, I might add that a couple
stories are too far-fetched even
for me.
Decide for
Night at the Ski Resort
Stratton, VT
– In a tragic case of bad luck, two college students spending a
night outdoors were killed in the collapse of their snow cave,
apparently after a piece of heavy machinery dumped snow their
shelter while they slept. Jake Shumway, 19, and Robert Carr, 18,
freshmen on spring break from Plymouth State College in New
Hampshire were found buried in the collapsed cave by friends early
Saturday morning at the Stratton Mountain ski resort.
outdoorsmen, Carr and Shumway had gone to Stratton to watch the US
Open Snowboarding competition. To save money, they dug a cave at
the edge of their parking lot while the rest of their group spent
the night in cars, campers, and a motel.
Dan Davis, a county
official, said the tragedy was caused when a bucket-loader dumped
snow directly on top of the cave. Crews from the ski resort had
been sanding the parking lot and moving snow around trying to
clear the area for more parking spaces.
Bad Day at
the Circus
A circus act in Romania ended in
tragedy on 23 January when fire-eater Vlad Cazacu, 43, belched in
mid-performance and was blown to bits. Incredibly no one came to
his rescue as stunned onlookers assumed this was part of an
amazing illusion. Consequently this unfortunate man, who probably
could have been saved, was allowed to just lie there and die.
"In the first part of the
performance," said fellow circus performer Nicole Antosu,
"Vlad held a flammable cocktail in his mouth to spit fire at
a burning torch. Somehow, he must have swallowed some of the
liquid, because when he burped he triggered an explosion."
The Parrot (Accra, Ghana) - 2-8 June 1998
Bad Day in
the Forest
Khandal Tripura, 35, of
Chinchharipara village in Ramgararh district, Bangaldesh, caught a
cobra on 20 July and started playing with it. The snake bit him on
the hand, and in his anger he bit the snake's head. He died in
hospital the next day. The snake also died. No word on whether
they were buried together. Independant - 22 July 1998
Day of Scuba Diving (Note: This story is
false according to
Grande, CA - Fire Authorities in California found a corpse in a
burned-out section of forest
while assessing the damage done by a forest fire in the Los Padres
National Forest. The deceased male was dressed in a full wet suit,
complete with a dive tank, flippers, and face mask.
A post mortem examination revealed that the person died not
from burns but from massive internal injuries.
Dental records
provided a positive identification of Henry Williams from nearby
Santa Barbara. Investigators
then set about determining how a fully-clad diver ended up in the
middle of a forest fire.
It was revealed
that, on the day of the fire, Mr. Williams went for a diving trip
off the Pacific coast - some 20 miles away from the forest. At the
same time, firefighters seeking to control the fire as quickly as
possible had called in a fleet of helicopters with very large
The buckets were
dropped into the ocean for rapid filling, then flown to the forest
fire and emptied. Apparently
one helicopter, against regulations, fetched its water too close
to the shoreline.
Day at the Zoo
Paderborn, Germany
- Zookeeper Friedrich Riesfeldt fed his constipated elephant 22
doses of animal laxative and more than a bushel of berries, figs
and prunes. The plugged-up pachyderm finally let fly. Standing
next to his elephant, Mr. Riesfeldt suffocated under 200 pounds of
elephant manure. Investigators
say Riesfeldt, 46, was attempting to give the ailing elephant an
enema when the beast unloaded on him.
“The sheer
force of the elephant’s unexpected defecation knocked Mr.
Riesfeldt to the ground, where he struck his head on a rock and
lay unconscious as the elephant continued to evacuate his bowels
on top of him,” said flabbergasted police
detective Erik Dern. With
no one there to help him, he lay under all that dung for at least
an hour before a watchman came along, and during that time he
suffocated. It seems
to be just one of those freak accidents.
Bad Day at
the Zoo, Part Two
Bordeaux, France - A French zoo
director was crushed to death on 1 November by a frightened
hippopotamus. Jean Ducing was cycling around the park in Pessac,
near Bordeaux, when Komir, a seven-year-old male hippo, charged
through an electrified fence after an employee driving a tractor
stopped to distribute food. M Ducing, aged in his 60s, had trained
Komir. Posters for the zoo feature a picture of Komir with M
Ducing's head in his mouth. Investigators concluded the animal had
fled to Ducing for protection. AFP – 2 November; International
Herald tribune - 3 November
Day on the Road
MI – A 41-year-old man got stuck and drowned in two feet of
water after squeezing headfirst through an 18-inch-wide sewer
grate to retrieve his car keys. Unable to remove his head, the man
drowned when the continuous downfall eventually raised the water
level in the sewer.
Bad Day at
the Junkyard
A German couple in their 50s
took their old car to a scrap yard. They parked, completed the
paperwork, but got back in the car to shelter from a sudden squall
of rain. "The driver of the crane was told to process their
car", said a police investigator. "He did so without
realizing that the couple were sitting inside again." The car
was grabbed by the crane's steel claws and dropped in the crusher,
which normally reduces cars to a small cube. It was stopped when
the crane driver heard the woman's screams, but it was too late to
save her husband. The crane driver was hospitalized for shock, but
was expected to be charged with "negligent
manslaughter". Daily Mail – 14 April 1997
Bad Day for
Consenza, Italy - Stag party
friends were curious when a stripper failed to jump out of a huge
cake. Assuming she was no longer in there, they received a nasty
surprise when they found her dead inside it. Gina Lalapola, 23,
had suffocated after waiting for an hour inside the sealed cake.
Daily Record - 30 August 1997
Bad Day at
the Pyramid
Cairo, Egypt -
Adam Gotz, 34, from Baden Wurttemberg, Germany, threw himself to
his death off the 613ft (187m) Cairo Tower on 28 July to
demonstrate to his friend, Sarah Klimer, his Pharaonic belief that
the dead return to life. Gotz, a student of Egyptology, the study
of ancient Egyptian history, had told her he was a "spiritual
psychiatrist" who believed the Giza pyramids provided
spiritual energy to enable
believers to transcend humanity. Ms Klimer has not reported any
further contact to date. Reuters, Associated Press - 31 July 1998
Day at the Ice Pond (Note:
This story is false according to
Akeley, Minnesota
– Jerry, a Labrador Retriever, died in a freak accident that
also cost Harry Jenkins his new Ford truck. It seems Mr. Jenkins
and his two buddies went ice fishing one day at nearby Ten Mile
Lake which was completely iced over. In an attempt to create a
large hole for fishing quickly, Mr. Jenkins first lit, then tossed
a stick of illegally obtained dynamite across the ice. To his
horror, his pet dog raced across the ice in an attempt to retrieve
the dynamite. The dog fetched the dynamite despite screams from
the men to come back, but then they realized they were in worse
danger than they thought when the dog began to return to them with
the stick in his mouth. Now the three men began to run in the
opposite direction for their lives with the dog chasing them. The
men narrowly escaped death in this way, but the explosion damaged
the ice near the truck, which then plunged to the bottom of the
lake. In addition to losing his dog, Mr. Jenkins was a double
loser when the insurance company refused to pay on his claim for
the sunken truck.
Bad Day at
the Magic Charm School
Abidjan, Ivory Coast - Pascal
Gbah,49, a colonel and electronics engineer in the Ivory Coast
army, was fatally wounded by gunfire on 24 August as he tested a
"magic" belt supposedly with powers to protect him from
bullets. He died on the spot near the western town of Aboisso
after being hit by a bullet fired from his own service pistol by a
20-year-old son of the magic belt's maker. Gbah's cousin Andre
Gondo, who made the belt, insisted that its protective powers were
real, provided one abstained from sex while wearing it. Gbah is
survived by a wife and six children. An army spokesman said Gondo
had been arrested, but that his son was on the run. Reuters - 26
August 1998.
Day at the Military Academy
Dahonega, GA -
According to police, ROTC cadet Jeffrey Hoffman, 23, fatally
stabbed to death fellow cadet Nick Berrena, 20, in a tragic
accident. In a case of very poor judgment, Berrena died when he
dared his roommate to stab him in an attempt to prove that a knife
could not penetrate the Kevlar flak vest that Berrena had just
purchased from a mail-order catalogue. According to the catalogue,
the flak jacket guaranteed complete safety from bullets, knives,
and hand grenade fragments. No mention whether it was
manufactured in the Ivory Coast.
Bad Day for
Johannesburg, South Africa - A
young Saudi man, camping with two friends on top of a mountain,
was killed instantly when he took a call from a friend on his
mobile phone during a storm and the phone was struck by lightning.
Johannesburg Citizen – 4 September 1998
Bad Night
at the Beach (Editor's Note: this story
is TRUE)
Darwin, Australia - Christopher
Pane, 34, and an un-named woman of 25 drank 11 bottles of
beer and then went on a sexual romp in the sea near Darwin in
Australia. They had intercourse in the water when the woman
decided to go underwater for a different activity.
Pane became
excited, put his hands on her head and kept her submerged. Micheal
Carey, prosecuting at Payne's trial in the Northern Territories
Supreme Court a year later, said Pane told police that when the
woman stopped sucking, he wondered what was going on, so he let
her up. She had not tried to get up and wasn't kicking or
splashing. When he realized she was dead, he "freaked out", dressed and
drove away. He was arrested two days later and during his year in
prison had constant nightmares and was treated 12 times for
outbreaks of boils. Pane's counsel pointed out that the woman
might have passed out from drink: she had consumed six times the
legal driving limit. Sydney Daily Telegraph - 3 October 1997
Bad Day
Watching the TV Football Game
St Louis, Missouri - James
Shivers, 60, fired a pistol at his 26-year-old son Tony for
standing in front of the television during a Holiday Bowl football
game between the University of Missouri and Colorado State. He
missed (later he told police he did not mean to hit his son), but
the son grabbed the pistol and began beating his father until the
gun broke apart. The elder Shivers then got a shotgun from a
cupboard and fired twice into his son, killing him. Reuters - 30
December 1997
Day in the Back Yard
Los Angeles, CA.
Ani Saduki, 33, and his brother decided to remove a bees’ nest
from a shed on their property with the aid of a “pineapple
grenade”. A “pineapple” is an illegal firecracker which is
the explosive equivalent of one-half stick of dynamite.
They ignited the fuse and retreated to watch from inside
their home, behind a window some 10 feet away from the hive/shed.
The concussion of the explosion shattered the window
inwards, seriously lacerating Ani.
Deciding Mr. Saduki needed stitches, the brothers headed
out to go to a nearby hospital.
While walking towards their car, Ani was stung three times
by the surviving bees. Unbeknownst to either brother, Ani was
allergic to bee venom, and died of suffocation en-route to the
Bad Day at
the Amusement Park
Santa Clara, California - A
25-year-old man died on 7 September after being struck on the head
by a woman’s outstretched foot as she whizzed by on a roller
coaster at Paramount's Great America Theme Park. He jumped over a
fence into a resticted area to retrieve a hat blown off his wife's
head while she was riding "Top Gun". A woman
accidentally kicked the man when her car passed him and was
treated for leg injuries. The man was initially identified as
Hector Mendoza, 25; but it later appeared that he
had taken over the identity of the real Hector Mendoza, who was
alive in Mexico, and whose driver's license and social security
number had apparently been stolen. The dead man's identity was a
mystery. Associated Press - 7 September; San Francisco Chronicle -
12 September 1998.
Bad Day on the Gondola
(Editor's Note: Probably true)
2007 or 2008 -
A 33 year old man from the north of France
fell 25 meters from the Planpraz cable
car in Chamonix, France. The man was with 3 friends who were
descending around 5pm. A window from the cable car gave way for
a reason yet to be determined. The state prosecutor has opened
an inquiry. The man's friends have been interviewed by the
police. The cable car is currently off limits until the
technical inquiry is completed.
Four men from the Somme
were taking the cable car down due to poor (ie
non-existent) snow cover on the home piste.
The men had skied in the morning then spent the afternoon in a
mountain restaurant. The three snowboarders and a skier then
took the cable car down.
A side window opposite the door gave way at 2/3rds distance.
When the cabin arrived at the
bottom station the men got out. Two
of them climbed up the slope under the pylons while the third
called the rescue services.
The three men, aged 33-35, were arrested by the police, given
alcohol tests then charged with manslaughter. Other
theories have not been ruled
out but some damage to the man's ski gear had lead the police to
think the man was pushed violently against the window which then
gave way under his weight. According
to the lift company CMB the window should be able to withstand
such a shock.
Day at Suicide Rock
Normandy, France -
Jacques LeFevrier left nothing to chance when he decided to commit
suicide. He stood at
the top of a tall cliff and tied a noose around his neck.
He tied the other end of the rope to a large rock. He drank
some poison and set fire to his clothes.
He even tried to shoot himself at the last moment.
He jumped and fired the pistol.
The bullet missed him completely, but cut through the
hanging rope instead. Freed
of the threat of hanging, Mr. LeFevrier plunged into the sea.
The sudden plunge into the freezing waters extinguished the
flames and apparently made him vomit the poison as well. He was
dragged out of the water by witnesses on the beach below the cliff
and was taken to a hospital, where he died of hypothermia.
Day in the Bed
Newton, NC -
Kenneth Charles Barger, 47, accidentally shot himself to death
during the night. Awakening to the sudden sound of a ringing telephone beside
his bed, he reached for the phone but grabbed instead his Smith
& Wesson .38 Special which he kept on the bedside table next
to the phone. The gun apparently discharged as he drew it to his
ear thinking it was the phone.
Bad Day at
(Editor's Note: Definitely a true
The naked body of Daniel O
Dukes, a 27-year-old drifter from South Carolina, was found draped
across the back of a killer whale in a tank behind Shamu Stadium
at Seaworld Orlando on the morning of 6 July. He had apparently
hidden in the Florida theme park after closing time and drowned in
the cold, salty water of the 26ft (8m) tank.
The 14-year-old whale, named
Tillikum after the Chinook Indian word for friend, and at
11,000lbs (4,990kg) the largest in captivity, may have played with
Dukes' 180lb (82kg) body as if it were a toy. The post mortem
showed one bite - in Dukes' groin - which occurred after death
when Tillikum ripped of his green shorts. The shorts were found at
the bottom of the tank. Killer whales, also called orcas, are not
naturally aggressive to humans. Reuters - 6 July; AP, Knight
Ridder - 8 July 1999
Killer Whale
Lawsuit Dropped
Orlando, Florida -
The parents of a man found naked and dead on the back of a killer
whale at Sea World Orlando have dropped a lawsuit alleging Sea
World caused his death by portraying the dangerous orca as safe
and huggable.
“They voluntarily
dismissed the lawsuit,” Sea World executive vice president and
general manager Vic Abbey said. “This was a very tragic accident
that occurred, but as we’ve said all along we felt the lawsuit
had no merit.”
Patricia and Michael Dukes of
Columbia, South Carolina, had filed suit on September 10 seeking
several million dollars fro pain and suffering at the loss of
their only son, Daniel, 27, a drifter who was found drowned to
death in July in the whale tank. Heavy intoxication apparently
contributed to this untimely event. Tuesday,
October 5, 1999
Day at Law School
Canada - Police said a lawyer demonstrating the safety of windows
in a downtown Toronto skyscraper crashed through a pane
with his shoulder and plunged 24 floors to his
death. A police spokesman said Garry Hoy, 39, fell into the
courtyard of the Toronto Dominion Bank Tower early Friday evening
as he was explaining the strength of the building’s windows to
visiting law students. Hoy previously had conducted demonstrations
of window strength many times according to police reports. Peter
Lauwers, managing partner of the firm Holden Day Wilson, told the
Toronto Sun
newspaper that Hoy was “one of the best and brightest” members
in the 200-man association.
Day Imitating William Tell
(Not Quite Dead, but Close Enough)
OR - Doctors at Portland’s University Hospital said Wednesday an
Oregon man shot through the skull by a hunting
arrow is lucky to be alive, and will be released soon from
the hospital.
Tony Roberts, 25,
lost his right eye during an initiation into a men’s rafting
club, Mountain Men Anonymous, in Grants Pass, OR. A friend tried to shoot a beer can off
his head, but the arrow entered Roberts’ right eye
instead. Doctors said had the arrow gone 1 millimeter to the left,
a major blood vessel would have cut and Roberts would have died instantly.
Neurosurgeon Dr.
Johnny Delashaw at the University Hospital in Portland said the
arrow went through 8 to 10 inches of brain, with the tip
protruding at the rear of his skull, yet somehow managed to miss
all major blood vessels. Delashaw also said that if Robert had
tried to pull the arrow out he surely would have killed himself.
Roberts admitted afterwards he and his friends had been drinking
that afternoon. Said
Roberts, “I feel so dumb about this.”
Day at the River
Ukraine - A fisherman in Kiev, Ukraine, electrocuted himself while
fishing in the river Tereblya. The 43-year-old man connected
cables to the main power supply of his home, and trailed the end
into the river. The electric shock killed the fish, which floated
belly-up to the top of the water. The man then waded in to collect
his catch, neglecting to remove the live wire, and tragically
suffered the same fate as the fish. In an ironic twist, the man
was fishing for a mourning meal to commemorate the first
anniversary of his mother-in-law's death.
Night at the Ski Run
Mammoth Lakes, CA - A San
Anselmo man died early yesterday morning (at 3am) when he hit a
lift tower at the Mammoth Mountain ski area while riding down the
slope on a makeshift sledge of yellow foam. Authorities said
Matthew David Hubal, 22, was pronounced dead at Centinela Mammoth
The accident occurred about 3
a.m., the Mono County Sheriff’s Department said. Hubal and his
friends apparently had hiked up a ski run called Stump Alley and
undid some yellow foam protectors from the lift towers, said
Lieutenant Mike Donnelly of the Mammoth Lakes Police Department.
The pads are used to protect skiers who might hit the towers.
The group apparently used the pads to slide down the ski
slope and Hubal crashed into a tower. The lift towers are meant to
be cushioned by this foam, and the tower he hit was discovered to
be the same one from which he had stolen his sledge. As the report
said "There's a moral in there somewhere". The Guardian
- 6 February 1998
Day at Church
Nurse, 35, a clergyman, used a .357 calibre Magnum revolver loaded
with one blank round to dramatize his sermon before a packed
congregation at Livingway Christian Fellowship Church
International in Jacksonville, Florida on 26 September. He
illustrated each of the seven deadly sins by playing Russian
roulette, spinning the chamber and holding the gun to his head.
After one spin, the gun fired and the cardboard wadding in the
blank pierced his temple, inflicting fatal brain injuries.
fell out of sight and the congregation of 250, including his wife
Debra and their four daughters, waited, thinking Mr Nurse would
resume his sermon. He was eventually rushed to University Medical
Center, where he died five days later. Blanks contain a hard
cardboard-like wad that shoots several feet from the barrel when
fired. It seemed likely that Nurse didn't realize they could cause
injury. AP, Reuters - 2 October, Daily Telegraph - 3 October 1998
Day at the Homemade Bungee Jump
VA - A 22 year old Reston man, Jeff Lucas, was found dead after he
tried to use Occy straps (those stretchy ropes with hooks on each
end) to bungee jump off a 70 foot railroad trestle. Fairfax, VA
police said Eric A. Barcia, a fast food worker, taped a bunch of
these straps together, wrapped an end around one foot, anchored
the other end to the trestle, jumped and hit the pavement.
Day at the Movies
PA – Apparently inspired by a scene from the movie “The
Program”, which contained a famous scene where three drunk
college athletes lie prostrate on a major highway in order to
prove their manliness, two high school freshman were seriously
injured and a third was killed when an 18-wheeler ran them over.
In the movie, the truck was able to veer off and narrowly miss
injuring anyone, but in real life two of the boys had their legs
amputated while the unlucky third boy was unable to move fast
enough to avoid being crushed to death. The driver said he never
even saw the boys. After this tragic event, the scene was removed
from the movie. Director David Ward said he never dreamed anyone
would have trouble distinguishing fantasy from reality.
Beware the
Barking Dog : Bad Night for Walking the Dog
A Russian woman took her dog for
a walk after it started barking late at night and then apparently
left it in her yard tied to a post, still barking. Annoyed
neighbors called the police. According to Izvestia, the Russian
daily: "The policemen, without any reason, decided to shot
the dog."
The first nine shots from their
pistols missed, bit one of them broke the leash, sending the
animal running frantically around the yard. "The policemen
ran after the dog, shooting at the silhoutte in the dark. The 13th
bullet hit the owner, who was trying to catch the animal, in the
heart." This incompetent manslaughter landed them in
Yekaterinburg court. Reuter - 27 May 1998
Days at the Dance Studio
Lisbon, Portugal - Dance teacher
Alberto Fargo tangoed to his death straight out of a fifth-floor
window. Police in Lisbon said Fargo was showing his dance class
how to keep the head high by looking at the ceiling.
Sunday Independant (Dublin) - 15 November 1998
Barcelona, Spain – Rogelio
Pena died in a fall from Mr. Pena’s third-floor dance studio.
Other instructors said Mr. Pena was demonstrating a difficult Pasa
Doble maneuver to his student Francesca Olivera and never even
noticed the open window.
Day on the Island
Lantod was alone in the jungle catching bats on Mindoro Island in
the Philippines when a 23ft (7m) python bit him on the foot and
squeezed him to death. Pythons can tell when their victims are
dead when they can no longer feel a pulse. Then the monster
swallowed the 154lb (60kg) man. Friends later found the snake and
slit it open, finding the father of six already half digested.
Express (Germany) 3 April; [AFP] 7 April 1998
Day for the Terrorists
Israel – A switch away from daylight savings time turned the
tables on a group of Palestinian terrorists who had neglected to
note that Israel had made a premature switch from daylight savings
time to standard time due to a religious holiday.
bombs had been prepared in a Palestine-controlled area by
explosives experts and set on Daylight Savings time. The drivers
in Israel had already switched their watches to standard time and
failed to note the time difference. They were in their car still
en-route to their destination when the explosives detonated an
hour earlier than they expected.
Death Really Stinks
Jonathan Capewell, 16, was so
obsessed with smelling fresh that he would cover his entire body
with deodorant at least twice a day. When his parents told him he
was using too much and they could taste the stuff downstairs in
the kitchen, he laughed it off. He was found dead after spraying
himself with anti-perspirant in his bedroom in Oldham, Greater
Manchester. Three empty deodorant canisters were found. A post
mortem showed that his body contained 0.37mg of butane per litre
of blood and a similar amount of propane. Only 0.1mg of either gas
can kill. It is believed the gases built up in his body after six
months of intensive spraying. The death was thought
to be the first from accidental inhalation in the country and
there was no evidence to suggest that he was a solvent abuser.
Manchester Eve. News - 28 October; Guardian, Daily Telegraph,
Independant, Northern Echo - 29 October 1998
Watch out for the RV!
-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Myer
Sent: Monday, March 03, 2008 4:10 PM
Subject: Strange death page contribution
I recently read your collection of bizarre deaths and enjoyed it
very much, the one about the diver found in the incinerated
forest was particularly entertaining.
Another story you might want to add
involves my uncle Wade L. Risner of Elkhart,
He was killed last July when he was ran over by a recreational
vehicle that was piloted by one of his best friends.
What makes
it ironic if that Wade was an avid RV'er most of his life, so
much so that among my family his name is synonymous with the
great big things. More gruesome
is the fact that Wade was killed not by the gigantic class one
motor home, but he sustained massive trauma from the Chevy
Malibu that the RV was towing.
All the proper information that you need can be obtained by a
simple Google search.
Sincerely, Michael M. Myer
British Family Protests
Bizarre Death on Island of Rhodes
(Editor's Note:
Probably true)
Fall in Faliraki has Unexpected Repercussions.
In a tale that sounds like a lurid tabloid headline, the British
family of Christopher Rochester, killed in an accidental fall
from an apartment balcony in Rhodes last year, is threatening
legal action against Greece because their son's body was
returned minus a kidney.
The Chester-Le-Street Advertiser, the newspaper in Rochester's
home town in England, reports that Rochester was in Rhodes with
his brother Keith, a disc jockey at the popular resort town of
Faliraki. He was working as a bar manager when he was
killed on June 11th, 2000, just four days after arriving in
Though he was injured in the 40-foot fall, British medical tests
indicate that the wounds should not have been fatal.
Attending paramedics told the still-conscious Rochester that he
had just received a "bad bang" on the head for which he later
received several stitches.
But less than three hours later, he was dead.
When the missing kidney was reported to Greek medical
authorities, a kidney was sent to Britain several months later.
However, DNA testing showed that the kidney received was not
At the hospital in Rhodes, Rochester's brother Keith was
initially asked to identify someone else's body. All of
his brother's clothes were missing, and he was told a kidney had
been removed for a toxicology test.
Chester-le-Street Minister of Parliament Giles Radice is calling
for a full inquiry by the pertinent Greek authorities.
While some are asking if the "missing" kidney somehow fell into
the hands of black market organ dealers, there is no evidence
that it was removed for anything but the toxicology testing.
A Lousy Way to Celebrate
New Years Eve
-----Original Message-----
From: Mark
Sent: Sunday, April 13, 2008 8:55 PM
Subject: bizarre death
Hi, My name is Mark. Here's one I would to
My Uncle died in a strange death back on 31st December
He was quite drunk. He had just
been to the toilet. Afterwards
he tried to go down stairs as it was nearly midnight but tripped
and fell down them. H e was
unconscious when he hit the floor but a couple of minutes after
he fell a firework came through the roof and exploded near him.
(it had just struck midnight on New Year's
An autopsy confirmed that he would not have died from the fall
down the stairs and it was the firework that killed him!
death of Church Man
(Editor's Note: Definitely a true
Apr 27 2007
Evening Gazette
A church organist was found dead at his Teesside home naked
inside a giant plastic bag.
Ian Kemp, 48, from Stockton, was found alone in his house bound
by his wrists and shins, an inquest heard.
A vacuum cleaner was also connected to the bag and it is
believed Mr Kemp died after the machine had sucked all the air
out of the bag.
The inquest heard there were no suspicious circumstances but
Teesside Coroner Michael Sheffield said such incidents were
sometimes connected to sexual gratification.
Attempted Suicide Results in
(Editor's Note: Definitely a true
February 1, 2008
SAN DIEGO -- Homicide detectives are investigating the bizarre
death of a San Diego man after his suicide attempt turned into a
fight with his girlfriend.
According to police, Sevan Kevorkian's girlfriend found him
hanging from a closet rod in his apartment on Hamilton Street in
North Park last Saturday. Investigators
said that after she cut him down and revived him, Kevorkian, 36,
became enraged. He started pulling her
around the room by her hair.
Police said the altercation was noticed by a man and woman who
were pulling up in a vehicle in the neighborhood. The man
climbed through a window to stop the assault and put Kevorkian
in a carotid restraint, sometimes called a sleeper hold.
Kevorkian lost consciousness and was taken to the hospital.
Officials said he died a little
before midnight on Thursday.
The man who allegedly assisted Kevorkian's girlfriend was
questioned by police and released.
Officials said that after detectives complete their
investigation, the district attorney's office will review the
facts of the case.
Thank you for reading this far. Before we go
any further, I have one simple piece of advice for all of
includes my page!!)
I am fairly sure most of you have already
learned this lesson the hard way, but in case you
are three years old and have just learned to read,
the sooner you learn this lesson, the better.
You don't have to trust me on that one. If you
hang around the Internet long enough, you will come
to the same conclusion soon enough.
In case you are an Internet Babe in the Woods, the
Darwin Awards will serve as a good place to begin
learning to curb your naivety.
Written by
Rick Archer
Darwin Awards are
named in honor of
Charles Darwin, the father of Evolution.
The Darwin Awards commemorate those who
improve our gene pool by removing themselves from
it. In simple terms,
people who do stupid things which result in their
own death are candidates for Darwin Awards.
They make the human race stronger by eliminating
Since the Darwin Award events are
basically the same thing as my 'Bizarre Death' page, people send me stories
taken from the Darwin Awards all the time.
Unfortunately, I have found the Darwin Awards to be
very unreliable.
Take as an example the famous JATO Death Story.
This story was once voted the most popular
Darwin Award tale of all time. It was fun to
read and more fun to believe. Too bad this clever
tale turned out to be fake.
Assisted Take-Off)
1995 Darwin Awards Winner!
The Arizona
Highway Patrol were mystified when they came
upon a pile of smoldering wreckage embedded in
the side of a cliff rising above the road at the
apex of a curve. The metal debris resembled the
site of an airplane crash, but it turned out to
be the vaporized remains of an automobile. The
make of the vehicle was unidentifiable at the
The folks in the lab finally figured out what it
was, and pieced together the events that led up
to its demise.
It seems that a former Air Force sergeant had
somehow got hold of a JATO (Jet Assisted
Take-Off) unit. JATO units are solid fuel
rockets used to give heavy military transport
airplanes an extra push for take-off from short
Dried desert lakebeds are the location of choice
for breaking the world ground vehicle speed
record. The sergeant took the JATO unit into the
Arizona desert and found a long, straight
stretch of road. He attached the JATO unit to
his car, jumped in, accelerated to a high speed,
and fired off the rocket.
The facts, as best as could be determined, are
as follows:
The operator was driving a 1967 Chevy Impala. He
ignited the JATO unit approximately 3.9 miles
from the crash site. This was established by the
location of a prominently scorched and melted
strip of asphalt. The vehicle quickly reached a
speed of between 250 and 300 mph and continued
at that speed, under full power, for an
additional 20-25 seconds. The soon-to-be pilot
experienced G-forces usually reserved for
dog-fighting F-14 jocks under full afterburners.
The Chevy remained on the straight highway for
approximately 2.6 miles (15-20 seconds) before
the driver applied the brakes, completely
melting them, blowing the tires, and leaving
thick rubber marks on the road surface. The
vehicle then became airborne for an additional
1.3 miles, impacted the cliff face at a height
of 125 feet, and left a blackened crater 3 feet
deep in the rock.
Most of the driver's remains were not recovered;
however, small fragments of bone, teeth, and
hair were extracted from the crater, and
fingernail and bone shards were removed from a
piece of debris believed to be a portion of the
steering wheel.
RICK ARCHER'S NOTE: As I mentioned, the
story of the JATO DEATH was once voted the most
popular DARWIN AWARD WINNER of all time.
Imagine the sorrow throughout Darwin Nation
when they learned that this story was complete
Here is an article debunking the story reprinted from one of the many Darwin Award
JATO DEATH Darwin Award is the most popular of all time. Considered true for years, it was later debunked
as an Urban Legend by the Arizona Department of
Public Safety. The story fooled the judges in
1995, and JATO has been grandfathered in as a
Darwin Award Winner.
Officer Bob Stein of the
Arizona Department of Public Safety receives
"inquiries several times a day about accidents,
drug busts, investigations we are conducting.
Two years ago, I picked up the phone and
researched the answer to what has become an
Arizona myth. Even after all this time, I still
receive about five calls a month from people
wanting to know, did it really happen?"
The answer is "No. This accident never
The JATO legend was again convincingly debunked in
2003 on the pilot episode of the
Discovery Channel
MythBusters, titled
"Jet Assisted Chevy, Pop Rocks and Soda".
They replicated the scene and the thrust of the
JATO with several commercially-available amateur
rocket motors. The car did go very fast, but
nowhere near the 300 mph (500 km/h) reported in
the original story, and failed to become
And what is
Rick Archer's point? The truth may be out there,
but sometimes you have work hard to find it.
There are lies all over the Internet (including,
sorry to say, my
own page! I have no way to verify many of the
stories sent to me).
For starters, don't believe any Darwin Award story
until you check it out yourself. As
'Urban Legends' go, the Darwin Awards have a poor
reputation for reliability on the Internet.
Too many of these stories are so vague (no names, no dates, no
locations) they become impossible to substantiate on
the Internet.
This Strange Page...
So why would I
tell you there are lies on my very own page?
Here are the reasons.
One, I tell the truth (as I know it to be).
Two, I printed the majority of the stories on this
page without substantiating them.
Three, I have since discovered some of the stories
given to me are true and some aren't.
Four, I don't know which of the rest are true and
which ones are false.
So I suggest you tread lightly with every story you
read on my page. Nothing has been
substantiated on this page unless I tell you it has.
My Bizarre Death Page
is not my original work.
of these stories were drawn from an English website
that I visited back in 1999.
This site was dedicated
strictly to chronicling reports of bizarre deaths.
Just so you understand, I
run a dance studio in Houston, Texas. I really
could not care less about collecting "bizarre death
tales" on a daily basis. However, I did find
the stories interesting, so I copied them and
published them on my own site along with the promise to refer anyone to
the original page who asked.
in 2006, the
link to the original page no longer worked. Nor do I have any idea
how to find this page. This is the truth, by the way. I
do not know what happened to it or where it went. Please forgive.
From time to
time, people would send me more bizarre death
stories to add to the list.
Furthermore, in the early
days of my web site (1998-2000) people
loved to send me emails listing the famous Darwin Awards.
These are legendary
whose own stupidity gratefully eliminates them from the gene pool.
The stories are so much fun that YOU WANT TO BELIEVE
THEM. As they say, never let the truth get in
the way of a good story. I loved reading the
Darwin Awards!
So why would I
deliberately put false stories in with authentic
Not only did I read these Darwin
Award stories back in the era before I realized that
most of them are total nonsense,
I went ahead and published these stories as well on
this page. Imagine my embarrassment when I did
finally discover
years later that most of the Darwin Award
tales are totally made up. I was very upset that I
had been passing on these stories as 'authentic' for
all these years.
As a result, I am sorry to
admit that many of the stories
on my own web page are quite unsubstantiated.
A good example would be the
false story about the dog and the stick of
dynamite above (Bad Day at the Ice Pond).
Another story that I am positive is false is the one
about the scuba diver found burned to death in a
forest (Bad
Day of Scuba Diving).
Both stories were originally sent to me as Darwin
Award winners.
I would never deliberately add in a false story.
Like I said, I mixed stories from the English website
with stories from a "Darwin Award"
email back in 1999 at a time when I was not aware
how many lies fly across the Internet. Today I
have no idea which stories are true and which ones
aren't. I will say that whenever I learn the truth
about a story, I go back and update it.
As I have repeatedly stated, I
certainly do not claim any authorship of the stories
above. Unless I have direct experience with a
story, I will not vouch for its authenticity.
Perhaps visitors to this web page can help with this
effort. If you know the truth or falsehood of
a particular story above, please let me know.
Since the original English website no longer exists,
for several years now people have gravitated to this
web page via Google hits and so on. One
offshoot of the continued interest in this web page
is that people have begun to contribute sad tales
that they have run across in their own travels.
I believe they send these stories to me as a sad
tribute to people they cared about who met a tragic
end to their lives. I am flattered that people
trust a stranger like me with these sensitive
stories. I am more than willing to post these
stories with no questions asked.
I do have one favor to ask - send me stories you
know are real, not just some stupid make-believe
Darwin story that ended up in your Inbox. In
other words, don't be as gullible as I was ten years
Naturally your
comments and contributions (stories, not money,
thank you very much) are always appreciated. The
email address is
Thank you for visiting.
April 2008
2008 Update
-----Original Message-----
From: Caroline S
Sent: Sunday, March 04, 2007 10:17 PM
To: dance@ssqq.com
Subject: bizarre death page
Hi…I’m a TV producer in Sydney, Australia and I’m working on a
series telling extraordinary stories of chance and
coincidence…surviving through an absolute fluke or just plain
old bizarre stories that the chances of it having occurring are
tiny…your site leads me to believe that you may have something
that could on my show! The stories on your site are just plain
amazing – nothing that fits my editorial brief completely, but I
thought you were definitely worth an email…it would be so
appreciated if you could get back to me with any leads
whatsoever…thanks so much…Caroline
-----Original Message-----
From: Rick Archer
Sent: Monday, March 05, 2007 6:09 AM
To: Caroline S
Subject: RE: bizarre death stories
As you will notice, most of these stories are
dated in the Nineties. There is a reason for this. Someone
sent me the stories in an email. I simply cut and pasted
the email onto my web site. I personally did no research
whatsoever and deserve no credit.
I did a little digging around on the
Internet. It appears the bizarre death stories
in that email were 'borrowed' from
another web site located in England in the
year 2000.
Since then, the site disappeared from
the Internet sometime around 2006.
Perhaps a google search on some of the stories above might pick
up the trail.
Unfortunately I have no original information to share nor any
way of telling you those stories are even real.
In 2008 a relative of one of the victims did contact me
regarding a request to remove it due to the embarrassment
involved. For that reason, I
believe at least several of these stories are real, possibly all
of them.
Rick Archer
The Offensive
March 2008
-----Original Message-----
From: Pauline P
Sent: Sunday, March 16, 2008 6:03 AM
To: dance@ssqq.com
Isn't it about time you dispensed with this page?
----- Original Message -----
From: Rick Archer
To: Pauline P
Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2008 3:45 AM
Subject: RE:
What page?
If you are going to criticize, at least
tell me what you are objecting to.
-----Original Message-----
From: Pauline P
Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2008 1:50 AM
To: Rick Archer
Subject: Re:
Bizarre Death Stories. For
obvious reasons I find this offensive
----- Original Message -----
From: Rick Archer
To: Pauline P
Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2008 7:23 AM
Subject: RE:
So you find it offensive and
want me to remove it from the internet so your
sensibilities are not affected?
-----Original Message-----
From: Pauline P
Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2008 9:59 PM
To: Rick Archer
Subject: Re:
----- Original Message -----
From: Rick Archer
To: Pauline P
Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2008 7:54 AM
Subject: RE:
And it never dawned on you that
you could simply avoid opening that page again?
-----Original Message-----
From: Pauline P
Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2008 5:30 PM
To: Rick Archer
Subject: Re:
That doesn't prevent other
people from opening the page.
----- Original Message -----
From: Rick Archer
To: Pauline P
Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2008 10:35 AM
Subject: RE:
But you are the only one who
objects, Pauline.
-----Original Message-----
From: Pauline P
Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2008 9:56 PM
To: Rick Archer
Subject: Re:
I am one of very few with a relative on your page.
-----Original Message-----
From: Rick Archer
Sent: Friday, March 21, 2008 11:07 AM
To: Pauline Payne
Subject: RE:
I had no idea you were related
to someone on my page.
If you review our
correspondence, you will realize I had no way of knowing
what you were talking about or where you were coming
I understand how this would cause you embarrassment, so
I have voluntarily respelled your
relative's last name. It
no longer matches yours.
There are pictures below that should
be considered Gruesome, Horrible and Graphic.
pictures concern a fatal motorcycle accident.
I imagine most people will continue on, but if
you intend to take a look, first take a deep breath and
brace yourself.
The pictures are very disturbing. Some
people would say they have no business even being posted
and I would agree they have a point.
Please forgive me if you are offended.
Here is what I wrote on my Newsletter in May 2008 after
deciding to post these pictures:
Written by Rick Archer,
SSQQ Dance Studio in Houston, Texas
When it comes to Newsletter material, I
generally pride myself on traipsing along
the fine line somewhere between naughty and
nice. Naughty but not too naughty, Nice but
not so sweet you get tooth decay reading my
stories. When it comes to Naughty, I realize
my material crosses the line at times and
gets my web site banned at work for a lot of
you, but in the secrecy of your home you can
laugh away to your heart's content.
For this article I openly admit I have
crossed the line of bad taste. I have
published ten pictures of the most horrible
motorcycle accident I have ever seen. I held
onto these pictures for about six months
because they were too terrible to be added
to my web site.
But one day I ran across a story on the
Internet questioning whether the pictures
were fake or not. Curious, I went back for
another look. Again I was horrified at what
I saw. After my revulsion faded, I took a
more detached look at the pictures. At that
point, I realized I was agreeing with many
people on the Internet who claimed the
pictures had been staged. There were all
kinds of questions being raised.
That changed things for me. Everyone loves a
good mystery. After all, CSI did not become
one of the top shows on television by
accident. I realized I did NOT want to be
hoodwinked. I also realized that I didn't
have enough knowledge to guess the truth of
the situation.
So I was unable to decide whether the
pictures were real or false. I am leaning in
one direction, but my mind
still isn't made
up. I decided to ask the rest of you what
you think on one condition - don't be
angry with me for posting the pictures.
We are all big boys and big girls here.
These pictures are horrible.
They are as bad as any gruesome
picture you have ever seen of a war
casualty, probably even worse. The word
"gruesome" was developed for pictures like
So I am warning you with all sincerity to
avoid looking unless you are sure this is
something you want to do.
If you want to help solve the mystery, go
visit and have a look. After you read the
responses, email me back to tell me what you
think. I
will keep your identity a secret. I just
hope someone with more medical training than
I have can give me some answers.
Just don't fuss at me when you find
you are disgusted out of your wits.
Okay, you
all have been warned. Here goes.
of the Gruesome Motorcycle Accident
March 2008
The following pictures are unquestionably among the
most horrifying pictures imaginable.
However there is great controversy surrounding these
There is a distinct possibility the pictures are fake.
No one has been able to identify the incident
despite the powerful tools of Google and other
search engines. Furthermore urban legend
pages such as snopes cannot verify the story either.
The pictures certainly look real, but the biggest
question is why isn't there more blood?
The seeming lack of blood is the main reason that
many people have concluded the
pictures were staged.
By the way, if you expect the correct answer to
appear at the bottom, don't bother.
To date no one has made a conclusive argument for
real or false. The only thing people agree on
is that the pictures are horrible.
One more thing - the comments under the pictures are
mine (RA)

As you see, there is
minimal damage to the bike. The rear
wheel guard was broken off. But there are no scratches.
Whatever threw the rider didn't damage
the bike itself.

Unless you are an EMT
or you have been in battle, it is unlikely
to have ever seen a more gruesome picture.
Notice there are small
blood stains on the street which suggest
the torso slid into this final position.

Does that blood look real
to you?
Also take note of the mysterious line on the
neck under the chin. |

architecture and style of the vehicle
suggests Europe. Some people have
suggested Eastern Europe. If you look at
this picture very carefully, you will
see the word
backwards on the vehicle.
This suggests the event occurred in
England unless perhaps this English word is
also used
on emergency vehicles in other European
This is an important picture. Do
you see the skid marks on the sidewalk?
The skid marks suggest the accident took place on
the sidewalk and the bike came to rest a
hundred yards further down the road.
Notice there is a piece of wheel frame
sitting next to the tire of the
ambulance. Also take note
that the bike came to rest quite a
distance further down the road.
Perhaps when the accident occurred, the
bike landed on its wheels and kept
This picture raises three questions.
First, did this accident involve only
the rider? There is no second
vehicle in any picture.
Second, what exists in the picture to
explain why a body would be severed in
Answer: Nothing! What caused this
accident? Fortunately another
picture exists to give us a clue.
Third, why does the number
exist on the emergency vehicle in the
correct direction while the word
is spelled
The backwards word
suggests the picture was reversed,
but then why didn't
get reversed? This curiosity makes
no sense.
Answer to "Ambulance
spelled backwards"
From: Trevor M
Sent: Sunday, March 23,
2008 8:16 AM
To: Rick Archer
Subject: Gruesome
motorcycle accident
I can comment on the
reversed "Ambulance" -
it is common practice in
Australia (at least) to
have this on the front
of an ambulance, so that
if a driver sees it in
his rear-view mirror,
the text appears the
right way around.
By the way, that
emergency vehicle
appears to be the real
thing if that helps any.
ciao, Trevor M

Earlier I said the bike appeared to skid
off the sidewalk. If
you look at the sidewalk in the picture
above, you will
notice a light post further down. Was
this what caused the accident?
It is difficult to understand how a
little bike like this could get going
fast enough to cause such a terrible
accident. Does anyone know how
fast this bike can go?

Have you ever seen
anything more gruesome? It certainly
looks legitimate.
But where is the blood?! Was
this an elaborate set up?
Perhaps a medical person can offer an
explanation for the seeming absence of more

This picture suggests the pole was involved
somehow. There are some bike parts
on the sidewalk plus the previously-mentioned skid marks.
There is also a stain to suggest the
rider was thrown against the pole and
cut in two. That is a very thick
pole... you wouldn't think something
thick could sever a human body so
This picture has several emergency
personnel in the background.
If this event was staged
as has been suggested, someone certainly
went to a lot of trouble.
Here is what one
man had to say about this picture:
In this photo, it looks
like the rider hit the pole, splitting
himself in two. It's very possible
this picture is real. I
see nothing to indicate Photoshop or
anything. Some might say it's staged
because there is no license plate on the
bike, but it is an off-road bike, as
evidenced by no brake light or turn
signals, so it wouldn't have a plate.
The bike also looks quite new, so rider
is either an
inexperienced rider or the bike being
stolen are possibilities.
is another bike accident for some comparison.

I placed
these pictures here
to compare to the pictures of the
severed biker. Note how messy this
accident scene was. There is lots
of debris as opposed to the relatively
clean mystery
pictures. It also appears there was a
lot of blood
covered by the sand. The mystery
scene had very little blood.
following dialogue lists some of the questions raised
about this accident. These comments were made
on a motorcycle page that posted the same pictures
1. Does anyone know
what happened here?
Don't know the
particulars other than dude had better days...
3. where's all the blood?
4. I was thinking the same thing. I was
looking for the scattered bike parts...
5. Looks like he was riding a bicycle to me,
not a motorcycle. Bummer.
6. I see enough of this sh*t at work. I don't
get the purpose of this thread. We all know ours is
a risky hobby.
7. FAKE!
8. Re Fake... Yeah...... Thinking the
same thing. Not to be gross for the week at heart,
but you just dont get cut in half and have a few
light splatters of blood like that pictures. You
know how many liters of blood the human body
holds.................. Real nice for someone to
spend that amount of time to try and re-enforce the
allready negatives we get for our hobbies. Maybe
next time he can e-mail it to all the major
insurance groups out there so our rates can double
or something.
9. It's obviously fake. Not enough blood,
there's not an emergency vehicle in sight.
(Rick Archer's note: there were
definitely emergency vehicles. Maybe all the
pictures weren't posted on the other site)
For a
person to be cut in half in that manner the cut
wouldn't have been quite so clean as that one
appears to be if an accident involving a vehicle
would have happened. Speaking of the vehicle;
Where is it?
10. I hate it when I have to agree with
11. Since I'm curious, I checked out the
www.ogrish.com website. Where the pic is
from/hosted. Can't say for sure if this picture is
real or not, But they definitely have some sick ****
listed in the archives of the site. Some are without
a doubt real.
12. What would an emergency vehicle have to do
there? There's no emergency at all.
13. That is very true. If that had been a real
accident the emergency would have been long over. By
the way, if it was real then there would be bodily
fluids extending to and around the entrails of the
14. Roughly 5 liters
for a full grown adult (5 1/3 gallons)
15. Im not an expert, but it looks a bit fake
to me as well... Although even if it was real, I
think we need to occasionally see things of that
nature to make us realise that we aren't immortal
16. No blood at all...... For sure it's a fake
for me....
Wether it's a fake or not at least it's make us
think be more careful when we ride....
17. I wouldn’t say
manipulated, but it is interesting when you attempt
to consider what sort of forces would be required to
rip a biker in half like that. how fast would
you have to hit a pole that thick to split yourself
in half? And can a little bike like that attain
those speeds?
The bike is in pretty good condition – the sort of
speed that you imagine would have reduced that bike
to a mangled wreck, but if he lost the bike smoothly
at speed trying to corner and the bike skidded one
way and he the other (and hit that pole just above
the hips) who knows?
One’s thing for sure, I’ve seen
accidents a lot more horrific. The gore in itself is
unremarkable for an RTA.
18. Sally B (from South
Sent: Friday, March 28, 2008 7:54 AM
Hey there - just had the "pleasure" of viewing the
bike pics but must admit that the comments held far
more interest for me. It seems that almost
everyone was totally fixated on the lack of blood. I
am not a medical expert (in fact I can't stand the
sight of blood) but it's pretty common knowledge
that the minute the heart stops beating there is
very little blood flow so... it would be my
understanding from the lack of blood that death was
instantaneous in which case the "little splatters of
blood" and not the bloodbath that people would
expect to accompany such a grizzly scene would be
about right.
Just my humble opinion and not necessarily correct.
19. Eric
Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2008 10:16 PM
think the pictures are real. Here are my
1. I agree with the poster that said if the heart
stops instantaneously there would be less (no) blood
flow. The body was totally severed so the torso
would have no pressure. I have seen other pictures
that were similar with startlingly low showing of
2. I have seen "Ambulance" spelled backwards to be
viewed in a rear view mirror, but the 202 vehicle
number to discern which vehicle it is in the fleet
would not need to be printed backwards.
3. I agree with one observation that the rider was
banking and the bike missed the pole and he hit it
on a lean and mid torso and just the mass of him
moving split him in half as he wrapped around the
4. The 'entrails' as they were, I believe, "landed"
there after being freed mid air. I don't think they
slid there, therefore would not have to be
accompanied by blood or a pool of blood. I think
when he hit the pole, he was airborne and being torn
in half so fast a lot of the blood was also
Sent: Monday, April 14, 2008 6:26 PM
Just a small thought, I'm not arguing one way or the
other, but here in Canada, every once in awhile
firefighters, ambulance paramedics etc, hold
training exercises.
They are called "mock disasters". I personally have
been involved in 2 of them. One was a tornado wreck,
the other a car accident. People play parts (dead,
or various injuries) and the participating units
(firefighters/paramedics) treat you as someone with
real injuries.
They do all sorts of accidents, and make them as
realistic as possible, worst case scenarios etc. all
for trying... the emergency personnel would show up
at the scene believing it was real, then be told
"how would you deal with this situation?" and then
they go to it.
Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2008 10:16 PM
There's no way it's
real. Torn in half and hardly a drop of blood on the
ground? Unless he was cut in half with a blowtorch
or something else to seal him up(doubtful,seeing his
intestines), I highly doubt it's real.
I've seen
lost limbs, and there's WAAAAAY more blood than
And I read on another site this is Budapest,
Chris in New Zealand
Sent: Saturday, April 19, 2008
07:36 PM
You've been had. It's a Fake.
1. A body roughly and suddenly split in two would
leave a blood splatter at the site of the split.
We're supposed to believe the pole did it. It's
pretty damned clean.
2. A severed limb, when flying from the body, leaves
a blood trail along the entire course. There is not
sufficient blood trail here, especially with the
upper half, which apparently bled fairly well once
settled where it is.
3. I can see a curved trail leading from the pole to
the legs. Objects in motion do not go on a curve
without an outside force, eg on a rope. Even if his
legs were "flung" around the pole when he snapped,
once they left the pole, they'd be going in a
straight line tangent from the arc of going round
the pole.
Sent: Monday, 04-21-08,
I'm leaning towards fake, here is why,
1) The legs are all bloody and bruised with missing
skin while the top half is totally intact. There are
no scrapes, no cuts, not even any blood except for
where he was supposedly severed. Even if the top
half of him didn't tumble I would think there would
have to be some sign of scrapping along his arms or
the back of his neck, but there isn't any.
2) Look closely at the chin, there appears to be a
gap where the neck and chin meet, suggesting a hinge
like you would see on a CPR dummy.
24. Rick K
Sent: Monday, May 05, 2008 5:40 PM
Subject: Fake accident
This is why i think this is fake...
If he got ripped apart by a pole, he should have
been driving on that bicycle extremely fast, which
means he should have a lot of adrenaline at that
time. Adrenaline make's your blood flow fast, why
isn't there any sign of blood at the stage?
If it was real, why would they allow someone to make
these photos? Normally this isn't
allowed, and also there should have been lines
around the scene for people, so they can't come
close, why aren't these lines here? ( the red/white
striped line)
Someone told something about a mark under the chin.
He might be very right about this.
Also why does his face still have a living color?
If you are dead for a while you should become more
Finally, why are his eyes covered? The eyes
could have shown us if it is a dummy or a real
(Rick Archer's Note:
The conspiracy theorists suggest the eyes
were concealed to disguise the fake eyes.
On the other hand, if the pictures are
legit, whoever originally posted the
pictures probably blurred the eyes out of
respect for the victim.
As for the mark under the chin, if
these pictures ARE FAKE, whoever blurred the
eyes could have easily removed that mark
under the chin with Photoshop tools. I
did it myself to prove my point (took me
less than a minute).
In other words, if someone has the skill to
blur the eyes using a computer, they can
also remove whatever else it is they don't
want seen in the pictures.
By the way, you have my absolute word I
didn't alter these pictures. I am
simply saying I have enough experience to
know how easy it is to fake things using
computers. These mystery pictures
don't seem to be altered. On the other
hand, I noticed while I was touching up that
line under his chin, the line did seem to be
unnatural. I do not have any idea what
might have caused the line assuming the
pictures are legit.)

Original Picture |

Touched up by Rick
Archer |
Larry W from California
Sent: Tuesday, May 13, 2008 6:38 PM
Subject: motorcycle Accident
I believe the pictures are real.
When I turned 18 I could not afford a car so I went
out to buy a little motorcycle. While I was
test riding a Moto Guzzi a gang of cruisers (that's
we called gang bangers in the 60s) tried to run me
off the road.
They succeeded. However, I was only going a
few mph. I was able to avoid hitting a telephone
pole with the bike, but I did hit the pole solid.
Since I was going so slow all I ended up with were
scratches and bruises on my arms, legs and face.
In the mystery accident, I believe the rider was
going extremely fast . For some reason he was
forced toward the pole. The bike barely missed the
pole as did mine and just slid down the street. That
explains the little damage to the bike.
Now looking at the pictures it appears the spinal
cord is protruding above the buttocks by several
inches. I believe he hit the pole at very high
speed, wrapped himself around the pole and snapped
himself in half. I believe the inertia at that
speed could produce such a result.
26. Emrys H from
Sent: Tuesday, May 13, 2008 1:13 AM
Subject: This is a real motorcycle accident!
What I don't understand here is why all of the
people here have posted responses without giving
very much insight into the accident. They all
say it's a fake! It has to be! Not enough
blood! Bloods the wrong color! Not a clean
enough cut!
Well, I believe these pictures to be real.
Here's a little insight.
My mom worked as a nurse for 16 years at some of the
biggest hospitals in Southern California and she has
drilled into my brain how some things may turn out
different than one might think when you are dealing
with a biological body.
To answer the most disputed point of the pictures,
the lack of blood, blood flow stops, as another
postee has said. . Instant death halts of all bodily
functions, and therefore blood is sustained in the
But this completely rules out death by pole!
This is either a hit and run victim or the victim of
a cruel prank.
To elaborate on the fact that the pole is NOT the
culprit, the blunt force impact would not have
stopped the heart. He would not have been
killed instantaneously. blood would have continued
to flow for at least a few seconds and therefore
leave blood spatter.
Another reason why the pole can't be what split the
man in half is the fact that there is no reason
whatsoever for him to be leaning the bike towards
traffic. If you look carefully, the road he was
traveling on is a lakeside road. The curve in front
of him as gradual. The eighth picture in sequence on
this site shows the direction the man came from: NO
90 degree turn. The turn would need to be sharp for
him to be cut clean like he was. If he came out a
turn leaning at a 45 degree angle, the impact of his
ribs on the pole would have slowed him down too much
for him to be split in half as his body's momentum
carried him perpendicular to the pole.
The final reason I have to rule out the pole is his
bike relative to the pole. He would have need
to be speeding in excess of 90 miles per hour to
achieve his gruesome fate. This speed is very
possible on the bike he was riding; a two stroke ktm
250. I worked at a motocross track in northern
California for years and saw many wrecks (people
being run over, split helmets on rocks, loop out and
be crushed by the bike). I have also seen the power
of the off-road motorcycle. Uphill, the
average racer is doing 55+. The experienced and pro
racers are 5th or 6th gear pinned (differing trannys)
at 70-80mph. This is FAST. Some of the bikes were
capable of doing 110-120 on the straight parts of
the dirt track. But the bike upon wrecking at these
speeds was launched
several HUNDRED yards at times.
I have never seen a
high speed wreck leave the bike even remotely close
to the impact site. The
bikes usually slide 50 yards before stopping in the
dirt. This is with the drag of the dirt piling up in
front of the bike.
So this was a slow speed wreck, resulting in instant
death. This leans my thinking towards a prank. When
I was little, we were told to be very careful when
riding our bikes at any time. This was because there
were three or four incidents of someone stretching a
wire across trees or telephone poles or what have
you and someone was killed by it
(Rick Archer's Note: there was
a scene in The Great Escape where
Steve McQueen stole a Nazi's bike using this trick
by stretching rope across a road).
A 25 mph encounter with this
wire could decapitate you. 15 mph was enough. If
this man was traveling at 30-45 mph, his bike would
have been able to stop quickly, especially if he saw
the problem at the last second and tried to brake.
The concrete that was left on his rear tire
indicates our victim tried to stop.
I think we could be looking at a crime scene.
We have a slow speed instant death, with little
blood and a victim who tried to stop. I believe he
was originally biking on the sidewalk
(he is riding an off-road
bike, where on-road is illegal but sidewalk isn't).
A wire strung across
the pole and fastened to the wall would have been
almost impossible to see until about three feet
away, giving him just enough time to hit the brakes
before he was sliced in half in a perpendicular
fashion. His braking caused the bike to swerve
toward the street and at the pole. His body
would not have left the bike until collision with
the pole. His legs are still straddling the
seat and his hands are still on the handlebars.
He isn't dead yet, and is most likely going into
shock, where the body closes off the capillaries and
arteries to try to keep the fluids in the body. He
is still conscious and is only just beginning to
realize what happened. Notice the blood lines down
the mans legs. How is this possible if he hit the
pole sideways and landed sideways? It's not. He had
to be upright for at least a second for the blood to
run down. But not much longer because a lot of blood
would be there.
Now the man's upper torso hits the pole, where the
blunt force trauma kills him instantly. Someone made
the comment that there was a seam under his chin. If
he hit the pole face first, his lower jaw would have
been shattered and lacerated, explaining your
"hinge". Remember, he wasn't leaning over
other than at the last second, so his whole upper
body would hit the pole at the same time, leaving a
blood stain and killing him. The closed
arteries from his shock hold back the now still
blood flow. Notice how there is no blood trail.
There isn't enough momentum for it to slide because
of the pole. His body is somewhat deflected but
still travels in the same trajectory toward the
road. He hits the ground rolls once and is now in
his present position. There is no thought in my mind
that indicates a rotation of the body horizontally.
Most of his blood lost on hitting the pole would be
carried with him to his resting spot and be
splattered past him. Not so much in front of him.
Now his legs are still on the bike. The bike is
veering toward the road and falling over. It will
fall faster now without the added balance of the
rider atop it. As the bike leans past its 45 degree
angle, the man's legs would slide off the bike. Upon
impact, there would be more drag on the upper half
of the legs than the lower half. So they would move
in a curving pattern. As the legs rotated, the
intestines would now spill out and have more
momentum than the rest, due to centrifugal force.
The legs would rotate one time before stopping, as
the intestines traveled past and stopped near the
Now as the man's body rests, the blood outside of
the blood vessels would begin to seep out. Someone
said there is 5 1/3 gallons of blood in the human
body. That's interesting... 5 liters... 1 liter =
1.02 quarts. There is 1 gallon and 1 quart of blood
in the average human body. Not a whole lot of blood.
The force of hitting the pole would have crushed and
separated many of the tissues in the upper chest. If
you have ever been lucky enough to see an animal at
slaughter, the first thing you notice after the
butcher slits the animals throat to be bleed it out
is very light colored blood. This "foamy" appearing
liquid is from the inside of the lungs. It is oxygen
rich and is lighter than the rest of the blood.
Notice the two colors of blood surrounding the body.
This man's lungs were collapsed and burst. No sign
of fake blood to me.
To bring fact to some of the surroundings, the
emergency vehicles are usually painted in the way
showed in the pictures. Ambulance is printed
backwards so in the rearview mirrors of cars, it
appears the right way. You don't usually need to
know that the number on the vehicle is 202 when it
is against the law to not yield to an emergency
vehicle. Someone mentioned that the accident took
place in Budapest Hungary. The bridge behind the
ambulance is the margit bridge between buda and
Why would anyone want to stage this unless to show
the unsafe traffic of Hungary, or to publicize the
building in the background. There would have been no
time to set up a stage for this event. The road they
are on is widely used to get into and out of the
parlament building. You can look up the pictures for
yourself to make sure. This picture was taken on the
Buda side of the Danube River. If someone did stage
this, someone important would have seen it. Buda is
the noble part of Budapest. The real story would
have been out in days, if not hours after the
release of this one.
So there you have it. My explanation. If you don't
believe it, please feel free to dispute what you
think I may have misconstrued.
Archer's Comments on Emry's Scenario:
I never
expected an email suggesting this death
might be a crime scene. That is very
bizarre idea.
Is it
possible the rider's death was caused by a
wire stretched across a sidewalk?
Before we discuss this idea, let me share a
personal experience. When my daughter
was eight, I took her with me to a local
print shop. It turned out there were
three other kids her age who were the
children of the print shop owner. I
started playing with the four kids outside
while I was waiting for the print job to be
completed. Pretending to be a monster,
I chased them around the back of the shop.
They were screaming and having fun.
Unbeknownst to me, someone had strung a
metal wire between the fence and the
building six feet off the ground. The
kids were short enough to go right under the
wire, so I never suspected it was there. I
ran right into the wire at full force.
The wire caught me right on my mustache,
snapped my head back, and cut the tip of my
nose off! Considering I could
have been killed, I figured I got off lucky.
And lucky I was. My nose tip was
reattached with stitches. Three months
later the new skin grew in and no one knew
the difference.
I tell you this story for a reason.
Whoever put that wire in a back alley
between the fence and the wall never dreamed
it might cause an accident. But
it did.
The bizarre scenario suggested by
Emrys is therefore believable. It is
indeed possible there was some obstacle
stretched across the sidewalk that could
have caused the accident. For
example, when I take a morning run, there is
some work being done on my nearby sidewalk.
They have a yellow ribbon stretched across
the sidewalk as a warning not to step in the
hole below.
In this
case of the motorcycle accident, someone
might have put tape there on the sidewalk as
a prank or more likely for some innocent
reason never dreaming it could cause an
Do you get my point?
scenario isn't likely, but IT IS POSSIBLE!!
Let's take another
look at the pole. Previously I have
looked at the mysterious tape on the pole
and wondered what it is and why it is there.
there a tape stretched across the
sidewalk? It is located at the correct
Now if you look down at the sidewalk, you
see all sorts of mysterious debris.
This looks like the spot of the accident.
I had always assumed the rider wrapped
around that pole, but maybe some kind of
tape stretched across the sidewalk is the
On the other hand, I see no tattered or
frayed ends to the tape on the pole.
Nor do I see any tape remnants in any other
picture. Also, wouldn't you expect at
least one picture of the tape to explain the
That said, we are in debt to Emrys for
providing a fascinating explanation.
Thank you!
Let me conclude by saying Emry's idea is
quite a story. Never would I have
imagined this possibility, but Emry made it
sound plausible.
We will probably never know if Emry is
correct or not. But if I were
Emry, I would take that story straight to
the writers of CSI. They would have a
field day writing a script for this
27. Laura B
Sent: Wednesday, May 14, 2008 10:34 AM
Subject: Fake bike accident
Firstly, I'd like to say that I hope it's not real,
as whoever the guy is would be easily recognized by
his family and friends despite the fairly feeble
attempt to disguise his face. I certainly wouldn't
want someone I knew plastered all over the internet
in that situation.
Believe it or not, I knew someone who was killed in
similar circumstances. He came off his bike and was
wrapped around a bollard. He wasn't travelling very
fast - and we don't know how fast this guy was
travelling - but he certainly wasn't torn in two. He
didn't really have any visible injuries apart from
some bruising, but he died from internal bleeding.
I'm in two minds. The legs certainly look very
realistic, but the fact that there's no damage at
all to the head seems a bit strange.
But what makes me feel it's
probably staged is the fact that the torso looks
like it's sticking out of the ground
- in other words as if the guy's lower body and legs
are in a hole in the tarmac and he's leaning back at
an angle. In fact both halves of the body look to be
in a "staged" position. Also, it seems strange that
no blood has soaked up into his shirt.
As someone's said previously, it could well be a
training exercise.
Anyway, interesting site you have there, although I
can't remember how I got here!
28. Mitch
Sent: Saturday, May 17, 2008 2:20 PM
Subject: Regarding the Motorcycle Accident Photos
Well. This stuff is like
Final Destination
or something. Really,
how often do you hear of a man wiping out, and being
severed by a telephone pole? Not
very often, but the whole severance thing is nothing
new. In the Six
Flags theme park, a young girl had both her legs
severed off by a loose wire on a roller coaster that
hadn't had its maintenance
check. How about the
loose wire on that ferry-boat that cut through over
10 people?
If all this is possible, why isn't this
motorcycle accident?
First of all, I don't really agree with the word
"severed". If you've seen a
lot of gory movies, this shouldn't be too
hard to picture in your head. An inexperienced
motorcycle rider begins to skid, and the bike is
still moving at a high speed, but is tilted to the
side. Then, CRACK! He
slams against a telephone pole, the bikes slides out
from under him, and he is SPLIT into two pieces. One
lands without much sliding, the other lands, slides
slightly, and some intestine that has flailed out
slaps onto the ground. That pretty much covers this
picture. In my opinion, this is real.
An act of Death, perhaps? Obviously.
In this day and age, with people dying every 30
seconds, or less, many people have concluded that
Death has a clear list of who has to die. The movie
Final Destination
suggests that if a death is intervened with by
another person, or ones self, they will not die, and
neither will the people after them, unless a
fluctuation has occurred,
and Death has to tie up all the loose ends by
working backwards, skipping a life, or something
else. fluctuation
This man seems pretty young, and far too young to
die. So in my opinion, something must have happened
with Deaths list and made him die, so Death could
get to another person. Young deaths occur a
lot, even though they shouldn't.
With all the fake and real in this world, why
wouldn't you think these pictures would be fake?
It's obvious anyone
would wonder at first. After some close analysis,
I found these pictures lack a few things that most
"crime" scenes have. First of all, the bike; it has
no damage or blood on it. There is only a little
wheel protector broken off. This has already been
Also, there is hardly any blood spill or splatter?
This is confusing. Usually when people are, you
know, split in two, there is a
lot of blood. I
would think below the pole would have PUDDLES of
blood. There is not.
Which gets me
thinking even more. If
someone can fake a torn apart body, an emergency
crew, and an intestine, why couldn't they fake a bit
of blood?
(Good point!)
Anyway, I'm not the one to judge if these pictures
are fake, but I will check up on the site later.
If you have posted
any replies to this comment, I will gladly respond.
Archer's Note: I happen to completely agree with
Mitch. If someone can go to the trouble of
faking a highly-realistic body split in two, arrange
for several emergency vehicles to be on hand, and
provide the highly convincing (and completely gross)
intestines, you would think adding a decent pool of
blood would be within their powers as well. I
would imagine 'a pool of blood' would be easier to fake
than that torn-up body.)
Emily C
Sent: Sunday, June 15, 2008 6:24 PM
Subject: lack of blood motorcycle accident
Recently at my internship I asked an experienced
nurse if dead bodies can
still bleed.
She replied yes and no. They don't gush blood like a
normal person would, but they sure do leak
the blood.
In her experience with a bleeding dead person she
removed an IV and because of how low the arm
was, the blood just kept
leaking out.
Seeing the picture of your motorcyclist,
there should be more
Llanden G of the United Kingdom
Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 3:12 PM
To: dance@ssqq.com
Subject: motorbike crash
am a police officer so I have some knowledge about
scenes like this, and it is completely fake.
First of all, the intestines have travelled further
than the top half and the bottom half of the
body.... this wouldn't happen. They are in
completley the wrong place. Also they would not
detach so cleanly. The intestines connect directly
to (and become) your anus. Even if your intestines
fell out of your body due to a severance like this,
the end would still be connected to your arse .....
because that is what your arse is.
Secondly, there are not nearly enough emergency
service personnel at the scene, and I don't care
what country it's meant to be in, there would be a
cordon ... which there isn't.
Thirdly, if you look at the photo of the legs, there
are drips of blood on the left leg. The blood drip
pattern indicates that the source of this blood was
directly above the leg. Again this wouldn't happen,
the only source for any blood at the scene and on
the body would be the only visible wound, ie the
point of severance. Any blood drips should originate
there. Also, since the heart is not pumping this
blood, it would only be acted upon by gravity, which
as we all know goes straight down .... it's
physically impossible for the blood to run down legs
that are horizontal. Also if you look at the shin,
there appears to be dried blood which has run almost
perfectly down the leg, this would only happen if
the person was standing up.
Fourthly, in the close up pic of the front of the
motorbike you can see scratches on the tarmac that
line up with parts of the bike. Again this wouldn't
happen. Any damage like this to the tarmac would be
caused closer to the point of crash, not near the
point of stopping. The force required to cause these
scratches is huge. The biggest point of force in
this crash would be where the bike FIRST impacts the
tarmac, not where it comes to a rest. When it comes
to a rest it's because there is no more force being
exerted. Therefore the point of rest has the lowest
force point (zero). Whoever put these scratches in
was confusing surface scratches for tire skid marks.
Tire skid marks are different because the longer a
foot is on the brake, the more force is exerted on
the tires, ie the force builds which is why tyre
skid marks fade in, not out.
Fifthly, the tyre skid marks on the side walk show
that the vehicle was skidded almost horizontal to
the road. Therefore the bike should have stopped at
the crash barrier in front of the ambulance .... not
100 yards down the road.
Sixthly, the torso is al wrong. You can see his
diaphram, which means that either the guy is
incredibly skinny (which does not fit with his
pectal area) or it is a photo of someone laying
backwards arching their back. Whoever took it
obviously wanted you think that the slope from his
rib cage to the ground along the guys frame is
because he is missing his intestines, but the slope
is too gradual for that and it would NOT cause his
diaphram to be visible in that way.
Seventhly, the guys mouth would be open wider.
Things like closing your eyes and keeping your mouth
closed require muscles to tense. We don't notice in
our day to day lives because we're used to that
tension so we don't feel it. But a dead person
CANNOT maintain tense muscles. In order for his
mouth to be that closed, his head would have to be
at a much steeper angle backward in order for
gravity to act upon the jaw and keep it closed.
Although I would expect more blood, I wouldn't
expect the vast amounts that most people seem to
expect. The heart stops pumping ... people stop
bleeding. Fact. The blood in the body may leak out
of the wound, but most would simply pool within your
body at the bottom. You should see a distinct
difference in skin tone between the flesh furtherst
from the pavement and the flesh making contact with
the pavement where the blood is pooling at the
lowest part of your body. The flesh tone in these
pictures is far too even.
And lastly, although this had no scientific backing,
I've seen enough dead bodies to know when I'm NOT
looking at one .... and this guy is not dead. I
can't back that up anymore than I have with the
science bits, it's just an experience thing.
Hope that helps.
31. From: Pedro
Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 10:59 PM
To: dance@ssqq.com
Subject: motorcycle accident
Hi Rick!
As usual you come up with interesting
material..."the motorcycle accident" is quite
controversial...but I believe is a fake...why?
a) The guy doesn't look dead.
b) No blood traces or splits anywhere...not even
some to trace the body parts to their final
c) It is hard to believe that the intestines went
farther than the legs...if so, they will be all
spread, not neatly togehter...
d) The blood along the legs are not explainable by
gravity or else.
e) If he was cut in half by a wire, he still would
sustain some head and body damage during the fall
and the friction of the pavement during the drag
caused by the inertia...the upper body looks almost
intact. If he was going fast enough to be cut in
half, you will expect other damages due to the
speed...including some to the motorcycle.
I might not be able to explain in detail why I
believe it is a fake, but something in my mind,
instinct or common sense, tells me that it is a
fake. But I am not 100% sure. I might be wrong,
since nature and reality sometimes defy logic and
32. From: Matt
Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2009 12:35 AM
To: dance@ssqq.com
Subject: Mystery Bike Accident
I would like to point a few things out. I live in
Las Vegas, and a few years ago a famous boxer was
killed in a motorcycle accident close to my house.
The accident happened in the street in front a
Starbucks I was at. After a loud crash, I noticed
many people crowding around the curb of the parking
lot. I walked over to see what all the fuss was
about, and couldn't believe my eyes. There was a
motorcycle crash. The boxer, Diego Corrales, was was
dead on the street. The blood was minimal, and there
were still body parts on the road.
I have seen bad motorcycle accidents where the bike
remained in tact. In this photo, I would say the man
was traveling at a high rate of speed, lost control,
and the bike ended up sliding on its side. A number
of things could have happened. He may have hit
something else. I could guess (just off the top of
my head) a cord/ wire/ power line was close to the
ground for whatever reason, he drove into it, bike
sliding out from under him. Just an idea. As for the
"Ambulance" being spelled backwards, they do that in
the United States as well.
33. From: Tommy in the UK
Sent: Saturday, November 06, 2010 9:58 PM
To: dance@ssqq.com
Subject: bike accident
I don't know how I got to a picture of a bike
accident, was looking for how to sue insurance
companies, but the real verdict is fake.
No blood- the heart still beats after a horrific
death, so there should have been blood on the floor
and on the persons clothes. tour his is a fact, ask
a biologist or a person in the hospital "if I pull
your heart out, will it beat for at least a further
30 seconds at least?"
Also the blood from the legs would also spill.
Physics - If the person hit the pole at such a high
speed the bike would have needed time to stop, even
if it was sliding. When you press the breaks at
40MPH or 60KPH it takes you a lot longer to stop.
The position of the body parts seem too odd, they
seem placed rather then landing in 2 diffrent parts,
or 1 part bouncing off the wall, which ever way it
seems more likley the person should have ended up on
the side unless he hit the lamp post before.
Authority- the ambulance can be called and they
would put a cord in the road until forensic arrive.
A lot of headache for a fake.
It seems like you were in with it, otherwise why
would you make a website that has a verdict against
everyone even tho you said 2-1 in favour for fake.
Rick Archer's
I hope you are right about the
accident being a fake.
Otherwise you have not only
accused an innocent person (me)
of lying on his website and admitted you are looking
to cheat an insurance company, but you have also
dishonored a young man who died horribly.
For the record, I do not know the identity of
the young man who died. I do not know for
certain whether the accident was faked or real.
The only thing I am certain of is that I am not
playing any games, I am not running a scam, and
I tell the truth as I know it.
34. From: Amanda H
Sent: Friday, July 29, 2011 3:36 PM
To: dance@ssqq.com
Subject: Motorcycle accident - real or fake
The mark under his chin would be from his helmet
strap. Hence no obvious head injury. Helmet may have
been removed or not strapped on tightly so it flung
off during the accident. I have seen it before but
luckily my friend lived. I believe it is real and
that the lack of written info is because perhaps
there were a pile of pics for the accident and
somehow a non investigator type person happened
across some discarded or lost ones. Or some police
officer took a few of them to show his kids or kid
brother to put them off playing silly buggers with
fast things. Either way if only one person is put
off from riding above their and their bikes
abilities then the pics were all worth it.
35. From:
Wael H
Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2012 2:47 PM
To: dance@ssqq.com
Subject: Biker Accident
I just saw and read most of the comments but I could
come up with one theory that can be suggested to
make this accident a legit one…
The biker was going down the road at like 80 - 100
km/h… I think he tried a stunt which led to his
death later on… He was trying to disembark and slide
along the bike while it was moving at this speed…
And looks like when he tried that… the bike got out
of control and went towards the pole… That's when he
held it as strong as he can (may be froze and
probably that explains the marks under the chin as
his chin was so pushing down the brakes or whatever
when the bike went over the curb)… So when the bike
got over the curb, his body was between the bike and
the pole so it's not his mass only that severed him…
it's the bike's mass plus speed too… So as he was
trying to pass the pole, the bike hit his torse
against the pole at a high speed (shattering the
rear end of the bike and throwing his lower limbs
far away) and the upper torso kept holding for
moments after the incident that's why the torso
appears to be lying closer than the lower limbs…
After the bike cut his lower part, the dead biker
held on for moments while the bike was still moving
(the pole straighten it's direction plus the weight
of the torso also)till his grip failed and was
thrown at that particular position while the bike
continued till it stopped at that location.
If it helps to imagine… try imagining the biker
doing his stunt from the left.
36. From: JB
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2012 3:52 AM
To: dance@ssqq.com
Subject: Motor Cycle Mystery - Real/Fake
I cannot help
but to point out
1) The rim on the motorbike is bent where he hit the
concrete curb at speed.
Who would think to do that if they were faking it?
2) His boot should be closer to his legs (if it was
loose enough to come off).
This indicated to me the cause.
Someone should send this article to Mythbusters.
Just My $0.02
37. From: Jaclyn
Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2012 6:45 PM
To: dance@ssqq.com
Subject: The Mystery of The Gruesome Motorcycle
Hi, I'm not a police officer and I've never ever
been seen a dead human body, but I grew up on a farm
and being on a farm I've seen my fare share of dead
things. I have also started studying to be a doctor.
And because of all that I truly believe that the
pictures are real, here are my reasons.
1. The ambulance, like some of the other people have
said it costs a lot of money to fake that, and the
reason the word on it is backwards is so you can see
it in the rear view mirror, as for the number not
being backwards it didn't need to be it is not
2. The body, I don't mean to be grouse or boring
but, mathematically speaking, taking the speed and
the angle that the motorcycle was traveling the
parts of the body could end up there.
3. The torso, everyone else that has commented on
this has mentioned the torso being almost vertical,
am I the only one that noticed the backpack.
4. The motorcycle itself, OK so there isn't much
damage on the motorcycle where the pictures show but
what about the side we can't see. What if the
motorcycle kept going on the tires until it lost
speed and fell over possibly sliding a little and
damaging the side we can't see.
5. The markings on the chin, like someone else said
it could have been a helmet, and isn't that water
over on the far side of the street? Could the helmet
gone over the side?
6. The scooter off to the side, could have belonged
to photographer.
To sum it all up I don't think it is fake but if it
is someone went through unnecessary trouble and
money to make it look that real.
CONCLUSION - So what does
Rick Archer think?
I think the accident is REAL... but I could be
Over the course
of time since I first posted the
pictures, the email votes have run about
2-1 in
favor of FAKE. A few people
said it was real, but the vast majority
have disagreed.
I think the very fact that so many
people are confused about the
photographic evidence is what makes this
mystery so compelling.
Whatever the truth is, it is definitely
not "obvious". These
pictures really do force us to
wonder and wish we had more evidence to
go on.
Besides, our
well-deserved distrust of anything we
read or see on the Internet further
heightens our suspicion. I have
been tricked by things I have seen on
the Internet and I am sure our readers
have as well... and we are all
determined not to let it happen again
(incidentally, you have my word I have
not altered these pictures in any way).
Before I continue, I would like you to read my
favorite letter. I saw it posted on
another web site. I do not know
who wrote it, but this letter speaks to
my sentiments exactly.
"Hello, is
this the Budapest
Emergency Services? Good to get you on the
I'd like to stage a fake
motorcycle accident and I am looking for your
participation in this great scam. We will need your
ambulance vehicles and uniformed personnel to be on the
scene in order to make the photos look real. We've got
realistic but phony body that is broken in half,
along with fake blood and sheep intestines on hand to
fool everybody on the internet. But we will need your
help to stop
traffic for a long time while we take our pictures.
Plus your vehicles will provide an excellent
finishing touch to the pictures. I hope that
will not be a
big problem. Please advise of your availability to
carry out this endeavor."
"Oh but
of course, buddy! The Budapest emergency personnel
love to be involved in stupid internet scams.
Fooling the public is our specialty. We
don't worry about losing our jobs since our
supervisor doesn't care if we waste our time.
Real accidents practically never occur while we
are busy filming fake accidents. Nor does he
care if pictures of our vehicles with
license plate numbers in full display get posted on
the Internet. We love doing stuff like this every
chance we get! What is the time and
location of your scam so we can put it on
our schedule?"
"Great! This
is best scam ever. This will be too much
fun. We will make you guys famous. See you
tomorrow at about 3:00 pm. We are a little short on
fake blood, but wait till you see the guts!
OMG. You are really going to be impressed. Thanks
so much!"
I think the pictures are REAL for two reasons.
Issue One - Presence
of Authentic Emergency Vehicles
The first reason is related to the sarcastic letter
above. How do you get the emergency vehicles
and personnel involved in a scam as gruesome as
this? The answer is:
You don't.
Now it is true that a legitimate film company might
be able to arrange something like this for a movie.
But these kind of movies cost MILLIONS of dollars.
In other words, the only kind of people able to fake
a scene like this would have to be professional
movie makers.
These pictures have been on the Internet since early
2007. Has this scene appeared in any movie?
Was this scene deleted from a
Final Destination-type
movie? Perhaps. But why would it be cut?
As horrible as this poor man's fate is, there is
plenty of material in modern horror films that is
equally disturbing (the
Halloween remake, for example, or many
scenes from Saw).
As the explanations for 'fake'
start to get more and more far-fetched, the more
likely explanation becomes that the pictures are
Issue Two - Absence of Blood
I agree the absence of blood is curious.
That has been a real issue for many people.
As you will read later, there are some medical people
who have
written in to suggest the seeming lack of blood has
a medical explanation. Whether you
believe these letters, of course, is up to you.
Let me add I ran these pictures past a policeman
friend of mine. His conclusion was the scene
is real. He said those sidewalk skid marks would
be difficult to stage so realistically. He
added that perhaps the blood had time to coagulate
underneath the torso due to its unusual upright
On the other hand, the policeman raised some
interesting questions -
1. Why didn't this set of
photographs include a picture to explain what caused
the accident?
2. How did a pole that thick cut a body in half so
3. Why wasn't there any written explanation in the
email to
accompany the pictures?
4. Where did the pictures come from and why doesn't
anybody claim them?
6. Why can't anybody find any explanation on the
Internet to accompany the pictures? After all, the
words 'motorcycle accident' or 'cycle death' should generate some kind
of hit.
Oddly enough, at the end of our conversation, it
seemed to me my
policeman friend was starting to change his mind...
like everyone else, he grew less confident the more
he studied the pictures. It really is a
You have
seen the pictures and read the comments.
So what do you think? Fake or Real?
If you wish to add your thoughts, I will
publish them with your full name and email
address omitted.
July 9, 2008