Despite the serious problems caused by the
Mississippi River tragedy that prevented us
from docking in New Orleans, this trip turned out to be a very
pleasant voyage.
It was definitely one of my favorite trips. Although it is
interesting to go with the enormous 100 plus groups that we take
in the summer, this smaller group of 39 blended together
Personally speaking, I cannot recall having more fun with a group
than I did with our group from Mardi Gras 2004.
Jigsaw Puzzle Day
Marla and I were joined for the cruise by her
brother Larry Weinstein and his wife Roz from California. I enjoyed their
company thoroughly and I have to say they fit right in to the
Larry is quite the entertainer. He had a story to tell about
any situation imaginable. Despite a tendency to make the
story perhaps larger than it is really was - a tendency I have
been accused of as well - Larry's tall tales kept me smiling and
laughing throughout the trip.
His best story was about the time he was mistaken at a party for
the brother of Harvey Weinstein, the infamous and powerful president of Miramax
The next thing Larry knew one movie star and
wannabe movie star after another came over to rub elbows with him
including Cuba Gooding. Starlets smiled and brushed up
against him. He could start to enjoy this!!
Larry thoroughly played his VIP
status to the hilt the entire evening and did nothing to discourage the
benefits by revealing the truth. Fun story to hear!!
As much as Marla and I share many interests, jigsaw puzzles are
not one of them. Marla could care less. But Larry's lovely
wife Roz enjoys puzzles as much as I do. So one day Larry
and Marla went shopping while Roz and I worked a puzzle in the
Centrum area aboard the ship. This arrangement worked great for
To my complete delight, many of the other
members of the group would stop by to put in a piece and kibitz.
It's a good thing they helped because this puzzle would
have taken us the rest of the trip without their help!
The biggest contributors to the final success were Susan
Arevalo, Iqbal Nagji, Gay and MG Anseman, plus puzzle newcomer George
The puzzle turned out to be the perfect rainy
day activity for all of us.
The Hot Tub Crowd |
Another popular activity for the group turned
out to be marathon sits in the hot tub. Now I personally
didn't participate, but I heard quite a few stories.
Unfortunately I was sworn to complete secrecy under threat of
dismemberment. And I won't disclose what member was
threatened to be removed by which member either. Suffice it
to say I felt the person making the threat was serious.
That said, every picture tells a story.
Judging from a brief scan of the three pictures it
is obvious the same people show up all the time. We will refer
to them as the "Usual Suspects". In other words, if I am maimed
or worse, assume the guilty party was someone in these pictures.
This is my only protection.
Does this mean everyone in the pictures deserves a bad reputation?
I won't answer that. Did any hanky panky occur?
won't answer that either, but let me add if some of these people had
spend one more minute in the tub we would have ended up calling them
"stew". I think "something" had to be going on to keep them in
the water that long.
Any cursory glance at
the pictures reveals that the "tubbers" made sure no space was left
unused. They stuffed these hot tubs well past capacity.
They had people standing up and others waiting to crawl in!!
And doesn't it look to you like more body parts got intertwined
and tangled than at your average Roman orgy? And aren't an
awful lot of hands hidden from sight?
I heard they had a lot of fun. Too bad I can't say more.
Lots of smiles, I can say that much.
Dance? |
Dancing has been a big part of every SSQQ Cruise
and the Mardi Gras trip was certainly no exception.
On the second night of the trip, there was a Captain's Reception held
in the beautiful "Shall We Dance" lounge. This marvelous dance venue
features a lovely circular dance floor complete with a pole in the
middle which makes our dancers feel right at home.
The Captain's Reception was held on Formal Night. This meant we had to
dance in dresses and suits. The ship's orchestra was
playing Big Band music, so several of us got to practice our Ballroom
Included in the Ballroom group were Jim Landureth and Lynda Zane, Tim
Crist and Marcia Thomas, Pat and Jess Carnes, plus Marla and I.
Several others danced as well, but forgot to pay me any Mention Money.
Tim, Marcia, Lynda, and Jim specifically took my "Dancing in the
Moonlight" Ballroom class just to prepare for this evening. They
OF COURSE were easily the best dancers on the floor!
During the trip, we had two different dance workshops. One
afternoon we practiced Slow Dance. Unfortunately the seas were very
choppy and couples were literally falling all over each other!!
The second workshop featured Sock Hop Cha Cha dancing to the music of
the Drifters. The big laugh of the day was on me. I taught
a famous Cha Cha move known as "The Chase" only to berate several
women for dancing it incorrectly. Then came the moment when I
realized I had taught it wrong. You had to be there to fully
understand just how cruelly I was treated by my students.
What do you expect for a free class anyhow??
George's Birthday |
George Sargent was an extremely popular man on this
trip. Not only is George a handsome guy, he is very friendly and easy
to like. Whatever the activity was, George was always in the
middle of it.
George did the group a huge service by taking many of the
pictures that I have posted.
It just so happened that George celebrated his birthday during the
cruise. So naturally we threw a party for him.
We had been told getting a birthday cake was
pretty easy to do, but learned the hard way you have to tell them
a day in advance. No problem, they said, they would find something
to fill the bill.
However once we discovered what the birthday cake substitute
looked like, we all had a hard time suppressing our laughter.
It was some sort of custard thing with whipped cream on it.
coincidence it was shaped just like a .... well heck, you decide. We were all cracking up. George was smiling too.
Next the Rhapsody waiters sang "Happy Birthday" to George by
harmonizing their fascinating Eastern European Slavic accents with
Filipino accents. Fortunately we knew what song they were
singing or we wouldn't have had a clue. Afterwards we reminded
George of the words to the song by singing the ssqq "Happy
Birthday cha cha" with a Texas drawl.
Then we all clapped and chanted rhythmically as George dug
lustily into his X-rated pink jiggly Birthday Custard. At
this point George was no able to hold back or resist. In
fact he appeared to get a little excited. We all gasped as George
did a Hannibal Lector imitation. He indelicately bit the cherry and whipped cream off in one gulp.
Nor did he bother to use a spoon. Mmmm. Yummy!! In hindsight maybe we shouldn't have
given him so much wine.
Several ladies with imaginations appeared to wince a little at
George's obvious rapturous delight.
After the entertaining custard
consumption, we had the perfect birthday present planned for
George. Every lady in our group got in line to give George a big
smooch and hug. Look at the picture and you will see 3 lovely ladies
in line ready to smooch George.
Such a lucky guy!! Actually as you will soon find out,
George had way too much fun on this trip. I suppose good
things are supposed to happen to people who are friendly and
handsome, but sometimes it was just too much to handle.
More about that later.
Judy Walsh's Romance With
the Famous TV Celebrity!!
There were several romances that made my Cupid
detector go buzz buzz buzz, but I must say the individuals were
extremely discrete. I generally don't say anything about a
shipside romance unless it makes it back to land, especially when
they work that hard to smooch below the radar. No one has gone
public, so the rumors will have to sink down to Davy Jones Locker.
However there was one romance that was impossible to overlook. Judy Walsh had
the biggest crush on the famous TV celebrity Jon "Bowzer"
Bauman. Now I know what you are thinking... "Bowzer Who?"
Well, actually I've heard of him and a couple other Boomers in the group
said they had too. Bowzer is obviously a clever guy because
he probably got more mileage out of less talent than perhaps any performer
in history since Tiny Tim. As you can see from the picture, his
signature look was a gaping mouth and a flex that had no muscle.
Bowzer was more or less the leader of the retro group
'Sha Na Na' back in the
70s. Consisting of 12 Columbia University graduates, this group
sang covers of famous 50s songs such
as "The Book of Love", "Get a Job" & "At the Hop".
I honestly can't recall one original song they
ever wrote themselves.
Just to give you an idea of how far back Sha Na
Na went, this band played at Freshman Orientation in 1968
during my first year at Baltimore's Johns Hopkins University.
One year later they appeared at Woodstock. Jimi Hendrix and
Bowzer. Now that's a pair!! Somehow in the late 70s Sha Na
Na even scored their own music revue TV show by riding the 50s
nostalgia created by Fonzie and "Happy Days".
On board the Rhapsody Bowzer had a new act with 3 young men singing
doo wop accompaniment. Bowzer has prolonged his career by entertaining on cruises.
He pointed out it wasn't a bad early
retirement job. Plus what about the fringe benefits?
Let's face it, entertainers with looks like Bowzer have always been
huge chick magnets. Our very own Judy Walsh flipped over Bowzer.
She practically had to be sedated after his performance. And
from the moment she saw Bowzer get on board our bus to New Orleans
Mardi Gras the next day, Judy lost control. She went nuts and flung herself
shamelessly at him!!
Judy put beads around his neck, smoothed his hair, felt his
muscles, hugged him, flirted with him, and
begged Bowzer to be in a picture with her.
The rest of us were so embarrassed!
Even though Bowzer is
obviously a handsome, charismatic celebrity, he is quite a bit older than Judy.
Nevertheless as you can see in the picture, there was undeniable
warmth in Bowzer's smile. There was clearly a lot of chemistry
here! However, I am sworn to complete secrecy as to
just how far this torrid passion went. You will just have to ask Judy.
Day at Cozumel's
Chankanaab Beach
On the 5th day of our trip, 25
people from the group trooped over to Cozumel's Chankanaab Beach.
Considering our group total was 39, we had a pretty good turnout of
nearly 67%.
Chankanaab is located just 10 minutes from the ship and there is no
wait for a cab. A quick $5 ride put us instantly into the
spectacular beauty of this nature park. We were greeted by some of the most
perfect weather imaginable. Ah, Shangri La!!
Did I mention the temperature was a balmy 78 with beautiful blue
sky and a pleasant breeze? We were in paradise!
Chankanaab Beach is so cool!! The water
is crystal clear, the sand is clean and not too hot to walk on,
and there are plenty of trees plus marvelous thatched
umbrellas to provide a wonderful shade.
Several people rented snorkel equipment at the beach. They were
pleasantly surprised to find the water was quite warm considering it
was the end of February.
Here is a picture of Belma, Martin, Judy, Eva,
Iqbal and James as they take the cab trip
over to the beach. George is taking the picture. As
you can see, Judy is still smitten from her
puppy crush on major TV Star Bowzer. Her smile tells us she
is practically hypnotic with joy at her memories of him.
Once we got to the Beach we found plenty of sand chairs laying
around for anyone to use. Our group set up camp and promptly
collapsed into the chairs moaning with joy at how marvelous the day
We all joked about our friends back in Houston who were slaving
away at their desks while we laid on our backs soaking in the sun,
surf, and breeze. Several people even began work on a
serious tan.
Soon these very nice men walked by our
camp to sell us ice-cold bottled beer. And when we got hungry, there was an outdoor
restaurant just a hundred yards away that served very good food.
Too much fun!
After lunch, I discovered an excellent beach volleyball court
complete with net and volleyball. Always the organizer, it wasn't
easy but somehow
I managed to get enough people out of their lounge chairs to have a pretty good
All three games were close. Sad to say, the team with
George, Martin, Jerry, and Linda beat the team with me,
Marla, James, and Iqbal each time. I was devastated with
pain. At the time I said to myself
no mention of these losses would ever go in the trip writeup.
I quickly changed my mind when Martin Thomas handed me $10 in Mention
Money and asked me to say something nice about him in the story.
Let me quickly add that Martin was the most unbelievable athlete I
have ever seen.
In addition to his good looks and having the best set of boobs of any man I know (see
Story Two and check the pictures), Martin was clearly the glue that held
otherwise completely rotten team together.
Actually now that I think about it, everyone on Martin's team played
well, but not everyone paid well. Guess which Handsome Guy didn't fork over one
lousy dime. He may have played well, but who can remember??
Actually the Handsome Guy may have even been the star of the team, but
I can't remember for sure. I do know that after losing the
third straight game to Handsome Guy, Martin, Jerry, and Linda, our team
decided it was time to throw in the towel. We conceded the other guys
were marginally better than we were.
My next plan was to say something nice about Martin, but omit
saying which team won.
However immediately after the final game, Mr. Handsome walked directly
over to me, looked me in the eye and made a point to ask if
this story would be included in the trip writeup. I cannot
imagine how he ever guessed I had no intention of saying one
word!! Is he a mind reader or something?
My first tendency
was to say "No way, Jose". Forget
about it.
Especially when I realized there were NO PICTURES taken of the
volleyball game in question. Thank goodness!!
Then on the way back to the ship
Marla reminded me how petty it was to let my wounded pride
prevent me from doing my job. Hmmmph. Those
nasty words kept ringing in my ears, "This
story is going in the trip writeup, yes??" Those
words burned like acid!!
As I reflected on our close volleyball defeats, it was at this point that I realized
Mr. Handsome had been
having way too much fun. The more I thought about it, Mr.
Handsome had
been the center of
attention in every activity on the entire trip!! He
was starting to get under my skin.
Then I put the next picture in for the story.
There were 20 of us in this group picture, but the single most obvious
person was none other than Mr. Handsome with his arm around two gorgeous
Just look at him smiling as he grabs more camera than any other person
in the entire picture!!
Did I mention you can barely see me? I'm harder to find than
Waldo thanks to Mr. Handsome hogging up the whole picture.
Mr. Handsome was kind enough to let a few other people
appear in his Beach Picture above including Belma, Mr. name omitted, Veronique,
Gloria barely visible behind her, Becky, Marla, Karen, Millie, Susan, Diama,
and Eva Love is Blue.
Somewhere in the distant background are Jerry, John, Eric (see him peeking
thru?), a couple pixels of me, Judy still thinking about Bowzer, Mr. All-World Volleyball Martin, Bill, Linda (can you
see her?), James, and some weird guy who wouldn't leave us
Let me tell you something. Mr. Handsome was
everywhere! Once I was onto him, I kept close tabs.
And every time I looked he had his hands around one babe after
Mr. Handsome was also Mr. Dancer. Whip, Western, Swing, Ballroom, you name
it, he was on the floor strutting his stuff.
Here someone is seen teaching Belma how to dance. Now he even
thinks he's a dance teacher. The nerve.
Mr. Handsome was not only in middle of every thing we did, he made certain
that each Activity was properly pictured and reported.
Did you know Mr. Handsome even
managed to get interviewed by a New Orleans TV Station on the trip!?!
Now get this, no one cares that a reporter talked to him.
Furthermore I never saw one thin dime of mention money. Ain't no
one gonna hear about this.
But I underestimated the man. One day
Mr. Handsome "innocently" spoke to Marla asking her nicely to remind me to
say about the TV interview. This guy will do anything to get
some extra pub!!
It seems a crew from a New Orleans TV station cornered Mr. Handsome and Becky Hauri at the Riverwalk
terminal in New Orleans fishing for a story on dissatisfied
cruisers due to the river mishap. Unfortunately Mr. Handsome and
Becky didn't cooperate very much.
They answered that Royal Caribbean had done the best it
could under the circumstances and that they were very pleased with their
trip. Now that's a headline for you.
Big deal. We could have lived without that
story, Right?
But Mr. Handsome wanted to be SURE to say something so there you have it,
the exciting story of the TV interview. I bet the interview didn't
even make it on the air. Hmmph. Who cares anyway?
You're So Vain, you probably think this trip is about you, don't you,
don't you, you're Soo-ooo
Pssst - by the way, despite all the blarney I wrote,
deep down inside I actually kind of like the guy.
Maybe I envy his popularity a little, but don't tell anyone, okay?
And if I had beaten him at volleyball I would probably like him even more.