Who's on First??
The SSQQ Baseball Puzzle

- Andy dislikes the Catcher.
- Ed's sister is engaged to the Second Baseman.
- The Center Fielder is taller than the Right Fielder.
- Harry and the Third Baseman live in the same building.
- Paul and Allen each won $20 from the Pitcher at pinochle.
- Ed and the Outfielders play poker during their free time.
- The Pitcher's wife is the Shortstop's cousin.
- All the Battery and Infield, except Allen, Harry, and Andy, are shorter than Sam.
- Paul, Andy, and the Shortstop lost $50 at the Racetrack.
- Paul, Harry, Bill, and the Catcher took a trouncing from the Second Baseman at Pool.
- Sam is getting a divorce.
- The Catcher and the Third Baseman have the same mother-in-law.
- Ed, Paul, Jerry, the Right Fielder and the Center Fielder are bachelors.
- The others are married.
- The Shortstop, the Third Baseman, and Bill each cleaned up $100 betting the fight.
- One of the Outfielders is either Mike or Andy.
- Jerry is taller than Bill.
- Mike is shorter than Bill.
- Each of them is heavier than the Third Baseman.
So who plays First
I think this is a medium to hard
To confirm your success, you
are are welcome to email the First Baseman's name to Rick Archer
at dance@ssqq.com