Way up at the North Pole, Santa and his elves live a
relatively normal life for much of the year. Santa in particular
is best friends with four elves: Fritz, Olaf, Andreas and Hans.
These five men live in Winter Wonderland, a ritzy North Pole
subdivision. As friends, they do everything together. Each
of the five keeps one of the Reindeer in his cottage with him for
company: Prancer, Dancer, Comet, Cupid, and of course Rudolph.

The reindeer, the elves, and Santa all hang out and do
winter sports.
Accordingly each person keeps a single snow transport in his home including
skis, a toboggan, a sled, ice skates, and a sleigh (which stays at Santa's
cottage). |
Furthermore they all like to get together in each other's
cottages after work and drink together. Each cottage is visited once
a week and each of the five men has his own particular favorite beverage
which he serves:
Brau, Wassail, Schnapps, Eggnog, and Cider. |
The cottages of the elves and Santa are all lined in a row side by side one another on
Reindeer Avenue.
Now, from the clues listed below, do you think you can figure out
which of the four elves or Santa keeps Rudolph in his cottage??
And who drinks the cider??
Good luck, this is a tricky one!!

1. Santa keeps the sleigh.
2. Fritz lives in a Pink cottage.
3. Hans takes care of Dancer.
4. Schnapps is the favorite drink in the Orange cottage.
5. Andreas drinks Brau.
6. The Orange cottage is immediately to the right (your right) of the Yellow cottage.
7. The skis are kept by the elf who takes care of Prancer.
8. The sled keeper lives in the Red cottage.
9. Eggnog is the drink of choice in the middle cottage.
10. Olaf lives in the first cottage on the left.
11. The elf with the skates lives in the cottage next to where Comet lives.
12. The sled is kept by the elf in the house next to the house where Cupid is kept.
13. The toboggan keeper drinks Wassail.
The elf with the skates lives next to the elf
who drinks cider.
15. Olaf lives next to the blue cottage.
The Rudolph Puzzle is a difficult logic puzzle. It took me over two
hours to solve it. However the puzzle was fair
and clues made sense.
Send your answers to Rick Archer, dance@ssqq.com
We will post the names of all winners in next month's Newsletter.
This is a tough one, but if you like logic puzzles, this is a good
