Casey Casanova
Casey Casanova
is a man who developed a very busy
social diary here at SSQQ. After becoming the master of several
different dances, Casey discovered that he
was able to use his charm and grace on the dance floor to become quite
the lady’s man!

As he prepared for the February
dance semester, Casey signed up for five different dance classes:
Tango on Monday, Salsa on Tuesday, Swing on Thursday, Western on
Friday, and the Slow Dance crash course on Saturday.
Casey Casanova had an extra special reason for taking so many classes
– he expected to see a different girl on every night!
Yes, it is scandalous but true. Over the past
couple months Casey had used his dance skills to maneuver into
the position where he was flirting with five
different girls on five different nights here at the studio.
Unfortunately for the young ladies, none of them were aware of
the existence of the other four. Such a naughty

Casey would have been mortified if
someone discovered his dalliances. Although at the time each romance was
still more or less at the handholding, smooching level, each romance was
definitely beginning to heat up.
To this point Casey preferred to keep his affairs secret till he was sure
where his heart was leading him. But he began to enjoy his exceptional
popularity perhaps more than was good for him. When things were platonic
and pure, his style was no worse than roguish. Now it appeared he was on
the threshold of crossing the lines of social decorum.
However Life has a way of reeling the
Romeos in. Common sense dictates that when you date five girls at the same
place in the same week, the odds of getting caught are pretty good. Sooner
or later Casey’s Karma will catch up with him. Casey
had best make his mind up soon or else he will find out the hard way he is
flirting with disaster!!
Sure enough, during the first week of the new February
dance semester, Casey narrowly escaped getting spotted by one woman with
another woman five classes in a row! By
coincidence each of the girls Casey had been seeing decided to try a new
type of dancing on a different night.
Or was it coincidence? Call it a "woman's
intuition" if you wish. Maybe they were starting
to catch on to him!
Each night Casey barely missed getting caught. For example, Casey would
have his arms around one woman only to gasp in shock when he would spot
one of the other four women showing up unexpectedly on the other side of
the room.
However Casey didn’t get to be light
on his feet by accident! It was his luck that he always saw them before
they could see him. Plus Casey had reflexes any pro athlete would be
proud of. Just a flicker of an instant before the second woman could spot
him, Casey would take evasive action and drag his bewildered companion
along with him.
Now from the clues given below, can
you work out the following details – which girl took which dance class
with Casey and what were the five strange combinations, i.e. on each of
the five nights which girl was he with and which girl almost caught him?
In addition please list which evasion maneuver
Casey used to avoid which girl.
- Casey had no
contact whatever with Melissa on Monday.
- Terry was
astonished to be suddenly swept out of Room One by Casey through one
door a split second after he noticed another girl entering through the
other door; this happened one night before he caught sight of Alicia
during Practice Night.
- Casey was with
Virginia one night. Then the next night as he entered the building with
another woman Casey was horrified to discover Virginia waiting in line
to sign up at the Registration Desk.
- It was not while he
was walking with Alicia that Casey made the swift about-face, whirling
his surprised partner 180 degrees around for a quick U-Turn.
- Casey’s sudden
decision to suddenly change to a different class level in another room
was made to avoid Melissa seeing him escorting another girl (who was not
Alicia) into his regular class.
- Patricia was with
Casey when he had to take evasive action to prevent her from being
sighted by Terry.
- It was on Thursday
that Casey pulled his companion into the studio office for a quick
smooch to avoid being seen by another girl.
On another night
Casey developed a sudden coughing attack as an excuse to leave early
after spotting another girlfriend at the studio.
About the Puzzle:
This one is a toughie. It is very easy to get mixed up with
who Casey is seeing and who Casey is trying to avoid. However the
Puzzle is fair and rewards anyone who avoids jumping to
conclusions too quickly.
Send your answers to Rick Archer at
Thanks for playing!