Logic Puzzle: Cats and
As a community fundraiser, one Saturday afternoon
the neighborhood decided to throw a “King and Queen
for a Day” pet contest at a local church. During
the Black and White Cat and Dog Show,
out of a couple hundred dogs and
cats, 12 pets were crowned “Best in Show” in
the following 12
- Black
male cat
- Black
male dog
- Black
female cat
- Black
female dog
- White
male cat
- White
male dog
- White
female cat
- White
female dog
- Black
and White spotted male cat
- Black
and White spotted male dog
- Black
and White spotted female cat
- Black
and White spotted female dog

Following the “King and Queen for a Day” theme, each
victorious animal was crowned “Royalty for a Day”
and given a special aristocratic name emblazoned on
a scarf that wrapped around their torso.
The animals seemed to appreciate their elevated
status during the Parade of the Champions at the end
of the day. (And of course the pet owners didn’t
seem to mind the fuss either as they strutted down
the path of glory to the applause of their
The twelve winners were six males and six females
with names accurately reflecting their gender:
Baron, Baroness, Count,
Countess, Duke, Duchess, Emperor, Empress, Prince,
Princess, and, of
course, King
As it happens, there were six male owners and six
female owners of the aristocratic pets.
The six men’s first names were:
Bob, Dane, Rex, Tab, Tom, and
The six women’s first names were:
Cathy, Chita, Kate, Kathy, Kit
and Kitty.
The last names of the twelve pet owners were as
follows: Barker, Chow, Dogg,
Felix, Fox, Katz, Lynx, Lyon, Manx, Mews, Setter,
and Wolfe.
From the following clues, can you find
each owner’s full name
plus the name
and type of
animal (cat or dog) of his or her pet?
(The male owners can have
pets of either sex as can the female owners.)
- Chita, Ms. Setter, Tom, and Wolf own the
black pets.
- Bob, Cathy, Kitty, and Mr. Dogg own the white pets.
- Ms. Felix, Kate, Rex, and Tab own the spotted pets.
- Only one owner, whose pet is Empress, has a first
and last name beginning with the same letter.
- Kate is not Lynx and Kathy is not Setter. Both Kate
and Kathy own cats.
- Kate, Katz, and Kit do not own King, but King's
owner does have either a first or last name that begins
with the same letter as his or her pet's name.
- Chow is not Tom; Bob is not Lyon.
- Rex has the same kind and gender pet as Kitty.
- Kate, Kitty, and Tab have last names that end with
identical letters.
- Mr. Manx owns a male animal.
- Only Rex and Ms. Wolfe have last names that end with
the same letter as the first or last letter of their
pets' names.
- Count is a cat; Cathy owns a cat, but Chita doesn't.
- Duke is a dog, but Duchess isn't; both animals are
- Either Tab or Tom owns Duke; the other has a cat.
- Baron, Baroness, and Prince are white.
- Princess and Queen are black.
- Both Baron's and Count's owners have last names
beginning with the same letters as their pets' names.
So What does Rick have to say about the Puzzle?
This puzzle is very difficult.
I did not completely solve it. I got most of it
right, but met my demise at the end. It turned
out there was a clue that I missed that would have
solved the final barrier. Perhaps
you will do better - the necessary information is
there; I just didn't see it. Good luck!
Email your answers to Rick Archer
dance@ssqq.com I will list each winner in our next Newsletter.