-----Original Message-----
From: Jack
Sent: Sunday, May 25, 2008 6:24 PM
Subject: motorcycle Accident
Hi Rick, first of all I know the
place! It is in Budapest,
Hungary on a road next to the
Danube River.
Just by chance I realized exactly the location because
although I am from Germany, I
spent a lot of time doing business in Budapest some years
ago. This is actually a pretty famous location so I
imagine others will recognize it as well.
I used to go for in-line skating in my free time just on the
opposite bank which is the Margaret
Island. The name of that bridge is
Margit Bridge. So I know
the location very well.
I entered the Google Maps link and landmark on my own after
I was sure where it is.
The location of the accident is very reasonable for such a
motorcycle accident. It is a
long narrow 2 way road. It
has no junctions or crossings for around 3 kilometers.
Usually there are no people
on the side walk because there is a 2 meter high wall with a
tram rail behind it.
There is no access for pedestrians.
The spot is usually
safe for a high speed ride in the
city, but the road is not in the
best condition and there is 2 way traffic.
It is very reasonable
to believe that the guy went around 150 km/h or more
and got in trouble either
with the road conditions or with a car coming into his way.
Unfortunately I don't know more about the accident than what
I wrote. However I think this scene is real for
a couple of reasons:
The missing blood for me is one of the strongest indication
that the scene is real. If
people would have set up a fake scene they would have used
plenty of blood (paint) in order to make it look 'real'.
Artificial blood or red
color is cheap. I would have used
plenty of it.
I used to be an ambulance driver some years ago during my
civil service. I have a basic
medical education because of that and I have some experience
with accident scenes.
The body is cut right at it's weakest point at the abdomen.
In this part of the body the
spinal column is the only bone structure with only round
about 5cm diameter and articulated joints every few
centimeters. So I think it
is possible that a body can be separated in 2 pieces by a
pole in this way as we can see it in those pictures.
At any time the biggest volume of the blood is present in
the Aorta and Vena Cava which are right in the area were the
body in these pictures got separated. When the body hit the
pole with a high speed the blood pressure inside the both
blood vessels had become enormous.
At the time the body parts separated it must have been like
an explosion vaporizing most of the blood in a big red
cloud. If you watch this picture carefully you can see a
light red-brown color along the sidewalk and parts of the
street. It follows exactly the flight path of the body and
parts. So the blood is not at the body - it is all over. The
remaining blood has no reason to run out of the body because
there is no blood pressure any longer after such a
By the way the flight paths and the position of the parts
are very reasonable according to physics.
In my opinion, the motorbike
seemingly did not hit the pole. That is the reason why we
don't see a lot of debris on the road.
The victim on the pictures has no shoes no trousers. Many
victims of real motorbike accident loose their shoes
and or their trousers.
Regards Jack X

Rick Archer's Note: The accident picture above was taken
in the opposite direction of the 3 maps.
From: System Override
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2008 5:52 AM
To: dance@ssqq.com
Subject: your mysterious motorcycle accident
Just wanted to solve your little mystery (unless someone else already
has). The photos are definitely from Budapest, in Hungary. The
building in the background is the house of Parliament, on the Pest
side of the Danube. The ambulances there have their names spelled
backwards on the front, so they can be read from the rear-view
mirror of a car.
This is probably why no one can find information on the incident
too, because so very few people (comparatively) can go wading
through Hungarian news articles.
-----Original Message-----
From: Austin
Sent: Monday, May 26, 2008 1:19 AM
To: dance@ssqq.com
Subject: motorcycle accident
Hello there, I've read the multiple responses and observations to
the pictures. I have a somewhat unique position from
which to write.
I don't actually even recall how I came to find the
pictures while surfing about, but I am an EMT, and
I've seen much of this. The pictures in my opinion are
quite real, and by some standards, not even as strange
as some scenes the emergency services come across
every day.
Other posters have addressed the issues of blood being
absent, due to instant heart stoppage, which is quite
possible, and the color, which looks quite real to me.
One might also consider than another vehicle was
involved and is not pictured.
Velocity is not the only factor is determining damage,
the mass/ density of the colliding objects must be
taken into account. Even slow speed incidents can
result in remarkable damage to the body. The pole in
the pictures could have been the cause of the
bi-section, the lack of blood on the pole proves
The images are not so unusual, and not to sound jaded,
they happen all the time. However, I think if they
serve to make the viewer just a little more respectful
of life, then some small good can come out of
examining our own mortality in this way.
Personally, I've no interest in the current spate of
explicit horror films that are so popular - but images
such as this are featured in instructional medical
S Austin
-----Original Message-----
From: Chris W
Sent: Sunday, June 08, 2008 11:25
Subject: more info on motorcycle accident
Hi there, Pretty interesting
I have further info for you. The location is indeed
That is the Margit (Margaret) Bridge in the
background and the building in the back is the Parliament
That is Margaret Island to the left.
This is a picture of a Hungarian ambulance from the
official Hungarian transport service.
The logo on the ambulance appears to be this
which is another indication the
accident indeed occurred
in Hungary.
Yes, I'm pretty
much convinced the accident is
As much as I want to believe it's a fakery!
Still, I was unable to find any documentation
such as a newspaper article.
I doubt that was a dummy that was used.
I did a google search on
"medical dummy" and realized the
most realistic ones don' t even come close to the realism of
the poor accident victim.
To make a dummy this realistic would require hours of time
and specialized artistic ability!
One of the best realist sculptors, Duane Hanson did a piece
Motorcycle Accident. If you
visit, you will
find the picture of a dummy about a quarter down on this page.
You will discover the realism of
the dummy is not even close to
the pictures you have posted.
I think you need a forensic scientist to weigh in on
the subject.

From: AD
Sent: Monday, October 05, 2009 9:13 PM
To: dance@ssqq.com
Subject: Bizarre Death Stories and
motorcycle accident
Hello! I saw one interesting
post on your site and maybe I can help for
you regarding "The Mystery of the Gruesome
Motorcycle Accident"
The pictures were made in Hungary. On the
fourth picture you can see the Hungarian Parliament (government
building) in the background.
The ambulance car is real and the "mysterious" 202 number is just
one serial number. On the last picture you
can see two Hungarian policeman and two police cars.
The pictures are true. The pylon caused the death.
Third, why does the number 202 exist on the emergency vehicle in the
correct direction while the word ambulance is spelled backwards? The
backwards word suggests the picture was reversed, but then why
didn't 202 get reversed? This curiosity makes no sense.
In Hungary the ambulances
are like this.
It is difficult to understand how a little bike like this could get
going fast enough to cause such a terrible accident.
Does anyone know how fast this bike
can go?
Answer: more than 120mph... this is more
than enough
I hope this will
help you.
Patrik Baska
Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 1:33 PM
To: dance@ssqq.com
Subject: Not Fake
Hi there!
First thing: sorry for my english.
Second: I'm writing to you from Hungary. I just saw the pictures,
started to read the comments and all i want to say that it's real. I
have no evidence, only my words. So that accident happened in
Hungary, that's the thing I bet you all knew, according to the
hungarian flag on the ambulances' and the Hondas' license plate.
This is the evidence for the country. And it happened in Budapest,
the evidence for that is the Parlament (Hungarian Parliament
Building) that you can see on the 4th pictures' back. You can also
see the Margaret Bridge, and in the upper right, the Gellért-Hill,
with the Freedom-Statue on it.
And one more thing, when the accident
happened, all radio stations broadcasted it.
I had the "luck" to hear the
news about the accident. The headline was : A biker cut into
half on Slachta Margit rakpart (rakpart=wharf, quay).
You can check it on googlemaps. Here is
a link to help:
But anyway, doesnt matter if it's real or fake. Life is not
a piece of cake...You can never be responsible and careful
Have a nice day!
-----Original Message-----
From: Bob G
Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2008 12:38 AM
Subject: motorcycle accident
I have been a crime scene examiner in Australia for nearly 20 years.
I have no doubt this is a real collision scene - I have seen similar
Sometimes these tragic occurrences happen - fortunately most people
who have access to photos like this don't release them on the
internet. Therefore when the average Joe see photographs like this,
they appear so surreal that they are
assumed to be fake.
Won't go into it too much, but
there is a large swipe of blood on the footpath after the
pole which you would expect, sadly he was probably alive for
a few moments after coming to rest.
He has bled out from his aorta
which travels down the spine, leaving the large pool of
blood under him.
What is clean about the separation of the body???
Nothing clean here at all! The
body has just been torn in two by each half trying to
go around either side of the pole...not much strength there
only the spine...like tearing a lizard in half, it wouldn't
be real hard.
It probably wasn't even that
high speed an event...I would guess not more than 60ph when
he hit the pole but that is way enough speed - he just hit
the pole with his body in exactly the right place for this
to occur.
There is a large spatter/smear of blood immediately after
the pole and a lighter mark which is often seen on the
bitumen at fatal pedestrian or motor bike collisions caused
by the skin or clothing abrading on the roadway.
The intestines are pretty well
self contained and often leave the body in violent deaths
such as this.
They also have a very slippery coating and would slide along
the bitumen without leaving too much of a mark - there is
some blood spatter leading up to them if you look carefully.
With regard to the bike having little damage, it hasn't hit the
pole, just slid into the gutter, the scrapes on the roadway and
impact and scrape damage on the wheels and tyres are totally
consistent with collision damage - probably would be more scrape
damage on the underside of the bike.
The mark on the chin is typical of a chinstrap abrasion from the
helmet which is in the background in one of the pics.
Also I have been to several motor bike deaths where the boots have
been blasted off at impact.
In conclusion,
everything looks totally real to
me - Bob G
Regarding the people who claim this is a fake,
why would someone bother to do this?
I just meant, why would anyone go to all that trouble to stage
something like this...I have worked on local tv shows etc, and they
really don't need to be that good with the special effects as the
camera is always moving.
I have no doubt that job is real...happens every day somewhere in
the world, thankfully we just don't hear about it.
One simple thing that really proved
the shots to be real for me was the fact that the body parts were
covered for the deceased's dignity in the general scene shot with
the covers being removed for the close shots - very common crime
scene practise.
I showed the pictures to a bunch of colleagues from throughout the
state on a blood stain interpretation course recently and they all
had done similar scenes/incidents and all had no doubts about the
scene being real.
If you get some forensic books out of the library, (medicolegal
investigation of death scenes is a good one) they often show real
cases and they do look quite surreal, even if in black and
white...to give another example, I am also bomb/post-blast trained
and during my research I have seen plenty of examples of decapitated
suicide bombers who were wearing backpacks or bomb belts. Because of
the directional nature of explosives and one of Newton's laws (I
should know)...body gets pushed by the explosive...and head
basically stays intact, they are pretty durable - this is very
surreal as many other people may have been killed and buildings
structurally damaged. There is plenty on the web if you look hard
Interesting to note the replies from bikers, in Australia we have
recently had new cable systems introduced beside/between our
highways and these are a real worry to bikers, we also have steel
fences - like pool fences for the middle of roads where pedestrians
were previously regularly hit by cars to make them cross at the
crossings. These are also a worry to bikers.
I believe they call
them cheese graters
(see picture below)
Bob G
Written by Rick Archer
July 2008
Thanks to Bob G,
the medical examiner from Australia, I think we can finally
put the mystery to rest.
I am grateful to this gentleman for taking the time to
enlighten us. Mr. G spent a lot of time carefully
going over every issue that has been raised in the various
emails. He responded by explaining the accident in a clear,
precise way.
I still wish I knew more about what caused the accident. As Mr. G said, it is likely the rider lost
control of the bike, hit the pole at the weakest point of
his body, and was split in two. I guess we have to
assume the Budapest man simply lost control of his bike.
In August 2008,
a gentleman from Hong Kong sent me the gruesome picture on
the right. As you see, it depicts yet another horrible
death scene. And you know what, there isn't much
blood, is there?
there is nothing in the picture to suggest what cut the poor
man in two. What a bizarre picture to see all those
cyclists filing by staring in shock at the accident victim.
Imagine what must be going through their minds!
Thank you for
visiting my story. These pictures serve as a grim
warning to the rest of us that motorcycle safety
is an illusory term.
Before you go, don't forget to say a quiet prayer for the
deceased. What a shame it is for these men
to be cut down in the prime of their lives.
Lady Linda
Sent: Monday, November 03, 2008 11:05 PM
To: dance@ssqq.com
Subject: RE: motorcycle accident
In regards to
The Mystery of the
Gruesome Motorcycle Accident, although it probably
doesn't matter now, I stumbled across a website that
displays deaths and uncensored events that have occurred
in the past and present.
The website showed the same pictures of this accident as
well as mentioned where the accident occurred.
This website stated the accident took place in Budapest,
Hungary on October 10, 2007. The caption said the
motorcycle driver was ripped in half by a collision with
the roadside pole.
Regards, Linda
Rick Archer's Note:
On November 4, 2008, I visited the website listed
by Linda. I confirmed her information above is
correct. However the other data on the website was so
incredibly violent and gruesome, I recoiled in horror.
I confess I was morbidly fascinated, but eventually I just
couldn't take it any more. The material is so graphic,
it makes slasher movies much too believable for my taste.
In my daily life, I come across evidence in the newspaper
which reminds me there is a dark side to humanity, but
seeing pictures of it is far more powerful. Believe
me, this site confirms beyond a doubt there is evil in the
universe. And no, sorry, I won't share the link
Changing the subject back to our motorcycle accident,
starting in early 2008 I began collecting emails. In the
beginning, the vast majority of responders said the accident
was fake. I admit I too had my doubts these
pictures were real. But
increasingly people began to suspect these pictures were not
In July 2008 we were fortunate to have a medical examiner
contribute his thoughts to suggest the accident was real.
And now this November 2008 contribution from Linda not only
confirms the suspected location, but adds the date.
We are all in debt to Linda for putting this mystery to
The only thing missing now is the name, but I don't think it
matters much. What does matter is that a handsome
young man lost his life tragically. I am sure his
horrible death hurt his family deeply. Before you
click off the page, perhaps a moment of quiet prayer for his
memory is in order.
From: Dan
Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2009 6:04 PM
To: dance@ssqq.com
Subject: motorcycle accident
Hi there, I was just sent this link to your web page by my
friend to read the funny death stories. I used to ride
a scooter back in 2002 and 2003. I was really really
cautious of driving it as people are not too happy about
motorbikes or bicycles on the roads.
Well, by coincidence, I live in Budapest and actually came
across this death scene. The accident took place most
likely it was late Summer of 2004. I moved to the UK in
January 2005 and came back November 2006. It must have been
either the Summer of 2004 or 2003 when I actually used my
The location mentioned in the solution article is real. In
fact I happened to ride my bike next to this river bank
road. There is a cycle path right next to it. Up north from
the exact location the cycle path actually runs on the
pavement (in the location of the accident there is barely
any pavement, basically just to hold the rods for the tall
lights. The cycle path here is already above the road.
Back in the northern spot I heard a terrible noise, I
believe the engine of the bike was 125cc but the guy was
pulling it fast as hell. I was thinking to myself that this
guy must be crazy... it was that orange cross bike.
Next think I knew in about 3 minutes (I was riding home from
Római part, an area next to the Danube bank in the north of
Buda side) as I was approaching the spot of the accident, I
saw orange parts lying around and traffic had stopped
People were getting out of the car, I think the ambulance
was pretty fast on this one. The ambulance station is on the
other side of the Margaret bridge (margit híd) in Markó
street, so they got the before I did.
The sad true story is that the guy was probably doing some
fancy trick or maybe he simply lost control of the bike, as
there was a track curved around one of the lamp posts, on
that small narrow pavement (not for pedestrians, it's only
for the lamp posts) ... this pavement is about 50-70
centimenters wide to hold that lamp post. So the post
basically cut him in half.
Even worse that the poor guy's girlfriend happened to follow
him in her car and saw the accident, or probably arrived few
seconds later as I said the guy was speeding heavily.
Ambulance was trying to give some tranquillizers to the girl
who was crying in shock.
People getting off their bikes, motorbikes, getting out of
their cars were jesuschristing seeing the scene.
Despite of the horrible view I was not scared of death
itself, I was merely sad of human stupidity that he was
speeding there and then with no protective gear whatsoever,
wearing just his trainers and a helmet. Not as if anything
in that situation would have saved him.
As to the blood, I am not too good at biology or anatomy but
I can imagine that the guy got a heart attack at the very
moment, and so if there's no heart beat I guess there's
nothing to pump the blood out. Loss of blood pressure as
such or I don't know. It really doesn't matter; the scene is
still real.
I think it was in april or may in 2003. Not sure, but it was
hot weather and I remember I got home and took my scooter
out, and I knew exactly how careful I must be not to end up
the same like this guy did.
Speeding is way too common in Hungary and we don't have
efficient and effective way to prohibit it. On that
particular road it's 70 km/h. Whatever the top speed was on
that bike the guy was pushing it close to that limit.
I don't get the people who speed. I have since then lost a
friend in a motobike accident, I never knew he was that
careless, but again, it's sad to say, but it was his fault.
I saw pictures of his accident too, and cried my eyes out on
his funeral.
feel free to ask questions really. Happy to share all I
I just read your entire article with all of the comments,
and I have to say, they only reason I know it's real is that
I've been there and saw it. It's no wonder how vulnerable
a human body is, it's reality. I wish
that people drove more carefully.
to what caused the accident, I have to guess really.
As I said I arrived a few minutes after it happened, but up
farther to the North on the riverside the guy was speeding.
It's 70 km/h that is about 43-44 mph. The roads in Hungary
are not that good, there is also a slight turn. Considering
he was doing 90 which is nearly 56
miles per hour, anything could have caused him to lose
control over his bike which I think was the case.
absolutely agree with that medical expert guy, he was just
enjoying the ride mindlessly, and I don't think you even
need to go that fast (40-50 miles per hour would be enough)
to rip in half if you hit the post in such an unlucky way.
Physics is cruel to the body.
It was really just a stupid accident, simply because the guy
pushed it too hard. There were no cars coming in the
opposite direction and there was nothing else there to
suggest that he crashed into something, as others discussed,
the bike itself simply slid away. If you watch Moto GP there
are several occasions where the fron wheel gets into
something and the whole bike shakes and drops the rider off
just like a bull does in a rodeo...
I guess
he could have lived should he not hit the post and just slid
on the tarmac, but he did not wear anything apart from the
helmet (unfortunately the only mandatory gear one need to
ride a motorbike in Hungary).
- Rest in Peace, Kristof H.
(03-08-2016. Rick Archer's Note: At the request
of his widow, I have removed the last name and birth date.)
Sent: Monday, July 20, 2015 7:11 PM
To: dance@ssqq.com
Subject: Motorcycle Accident: Mystery really solved
Rick Archer,
Hi. I know that this story has been
on your page for a very long time. When I saw it, I read
every post. I began to get almost obsessed with trying to
figure out who this man was, imagining if he was a loved
one, that he would deserve for people to know his story.
I spent at least 20 hours
(non-stop) trying to find out who he was and his story so
that he can be remembered as much more than just that
motorcycle guy .
Tears actually started pouring down
my face when I found his name and knew that he can finally
be identified for all the people that he has impacted in
His name is Kristof H. He was
born in 1967 in Hungary. He is the founder of a rally
car garage named K-Speed in Hungary.
Kristof gained some fame in 1996
when he competed in the Pikes Peak International Hill Climb
in Colorado and beat one of the biggest names in the
business with his Mitsubishi Eclipse Turbo.
Kristof died on June 7, 2003 when
he hit a pothole in the road and lost control, hitting the
pole in the photos, causing the damage we have all seen.
His girlfriend was actually riding
with him, on a separate bike, witnessing the entire thing.
He was not speeding or doing any kind of tricks to cause the
accident. The pictures are very real and, thank God, he did
not suffer for any length of time.
His company is still very much in
business and he, to this day, is mentioned and remembered in
the racing community.
I thought that since you and all of
these posters invested so much in him, as I have, that you
would all like to know who he is, and that most racers,
given the choice, would like nothing more than to go out
doing what they love.
I hope this brings you a little
closure on this. I know that, as invested as I have become,
it did for me.
Archer's Note:
Hi Stephanie,
Thank you so much for the letter. I posted it
You are to be applauded for writing such a sensitive
letter. It reads to me like a epitaph for someone you
care about. Good for you.
20 hours is a lot of time. You must be very persistent.
Considering how well-known
this man turned out to be, I imagine his name is a
legend in Budapest and racing circles. I find myself
curious why his name is not more widespread on the
Perhaps there are people who would rather I not post his
name. If so, I’m sure I
will hear from them.
What is interesting is your point that he wasn’t even
speeding. He simply hit a pothole and hit a pole. Good
grief. What a freak accident.
That puts to rest most people's assumption that Kristof
was driving recklessly. That said, we all know
that riding motorcycles carries risk. Definitely
not for the faint of heart.
Now that I have your letter, I remember all those emails
telling me this entire incident was fake.
Here in America we have people who believe the Twin
Towers bombing was done by the government. Recently
there was a movement to
suggest the entire Sandy Hook killing spree was faked by
the government. And of course there are those who
still deny we actually landed
on the moon. And that the Holocaust never took place.
The death of Kristof is fascinating to me because it
takes us through an entire cycle of denials and
rebuttals only to realize this horrific accident was
real all along.
Hopefully you have laid the story to rest. However,
given my experience with this story, you may have simply
opened a new door for the story. I never know about
these things.
What I do know is that this poor man died a horrible,
tragic death. I
feel just as sorry for him now as I did seven years ago
when I first ran across the story.
Even to this day I still have mixed feelings
about posting those pictures.
And no doubt his girlfriend must still carry pain
somewhere in her psyche. I cannot imagine
the horror of seeing someone I care about die like this.
Rest in Peace, Kristof. You were obviously a very
handsome man full of life, courage and adventure.
I am sorry that you had to die so young.
Rick Archer
July 21, 2015