2005 SSQQ
all stories written by Rick
Archer unless otherwise specified
Engagement Pictures and Information |

Shey Tekulve & John Moniz
got engaged
in December 2005 |

Michelle Spiris and Kevin Lee announced their
engagement on the Alaska 2005 Cruise Trip |

Jimmy Gunter and Cindy Bozeman announced their
on the Rita Rhapsody 2005 Cruise Trip |

Lisa Palmer and
Bryan Spivey announced their engagement in August 2005 |

Erica Keast and
David Heroy |

Curtis Goode and Kathy Heller |

Carol Gafford and Rick Mullet |
Wedding Pictures and Information |
December 2005 -
Sherilyn Berthet and John
Get Married on New Year's Eve!!
Sherilyn and John
met at SSQQ. Sherilyn will kill me for adding this
anecdote but it is too funny to let ride.
One night in early 2005 Sherilyn was on her way home when
she decided to drop in on a Tuesday night Salsa practice to
see if anyone was there that she knew.
As usual, the floor was full of terrific Salsa dancers
mixing it up with their usual energy. Sherilyn started
to tap her foot to the beat. She was dying to dance.
Then her heart dropped to the floor. Oh no! The
only "white boy" (her words) in the whole place was walking
over towards her. She just KNEW that he had to be the
worst dancer in the room and here he was making a path right
to her.
Sure enough, he asked her to dance. She reluctantly accepted
his offer, but only because "someone good hadn't gotten
there first!". Then to her complete shock her
future husband turned out to be a terrific Salsa dancer!
That's how Sherilyn met John Edwards.
When John and Sherilyn came on the SSQQ Alaska "Love Boat"
cruise (5 weddings and engagements on that trip!), they had
only been dating for a few months. They had such a marvelous
time together on the trip, they moved up their timetable and
got engaged just three months later in October.
Then just five months after the July 2005 cruise, John and
Sherilyn got married on New Years Eve 2005/2006!!
December 2005 -
Sally David and Jeff Gray Get
On February 17, 2006, Marla
Archer introduced herself to Heidi Matthews and her
fiancé Kenny. Heidi and Kenny were at the studio for
a private "Slow Dance" lesson for their upcoming
Heidi smiled at Marla. She said she had been
referred to the studio by Jeff Gray, one of her
co-workers. "By the way, Marla, did you know
that Jeff recently married Sally David?"
Wow... Sally and Jeff's wedding makes the FIFTH
wedding and engagement to come out of the July 2005
SSQQ Love Boat Cruise to Alaska!
Here's the rundown:
Sherilyn Berthet and John Edwards - Got married
in December 2005 (see above) Sally David and Jeff Gray - Got married in
December 2005 Linda Malin and Bill Holden - Got married in
October 2005 (see below).
CA Riser and Kathy Bryant - Got married in
August 2005 just after their Alaska Cruise (see
Kevin Lee and Michelle Spiris - announced their
engagement on the Alaska Cruise.
Three other couples on the
trip, Bill and Barbara Moore and Chuck and
Brenda Morton previously met at SSQQ.
Risa Pippin and George Keiller - met through
Scottish Dancing, but took classes at SSQQ throughout
their courtship which makes them an 'honorary SSQQ
couple'. Oh,
I forgot Marla and myself. Make that four other couples!
And two other couples "connected" on this
trip. They are still an "item" seven
months later.
Eleven couples all on one trip:
8 SSQQ Marriages, 1
SSQQ Engagement, and 2 SSQQ Relationships . Do you think there something to this SSQQ "Love
Boat" stuff or am I just making it up? You
Congratulations Jeff and Sally! You make a
great couple!
November 2005 -
Grossestreuer and Tim Caldwell
get Married!
-----Original Message-----
From: Gary Richardson, TFW
Sent: Wednesday, March 01, 2006 7:44 PM
To: Rick Archer
Subject: Shirley
I ran into my friend Shirley at
the Wild West
Tuesday night. As you requested, I
told her you had heard a rumor she had gotten married.
Sure enough, your sources were correct. Shirley says
she is very happy to Mrs
Tim Cardwell!
They met at SSQQ and got married this past November.
November 2005 -
Aubrey Smith and Billye Kridner
get Married!
The Cinderella Wedding!!
Do you see any similarity in the pictures above?? The
eerie comparison is no accident. This lovely couple planned
their first dance in great detail.
They are the perfect
answer to the question: "What does the First Dance at a
wedding look like when two people who already know how to
dance get married?"
The answer is: "They look awesome!"
From what I gather, the large crowd thought they were
watching professional dancers in action. Many people come up
to tell Aubrey and Billye that was the finest display of
dancing they had ever personally witnessed in their lives.
The response was very touching.
So what's the background story?
Aubrey Smith and Billye Kridner had
been taking lessons here at SSQQ for several years dating
back to 2002.
They met here at SSQQ in one of the classes. They went
together for a couple of years before they became
When Aubrey and Billye decided to get married in August 2005, they agreed
they wanted to dance as if it were a scene from a fairy
tale wedding. After all, they had already been
practicing just for the fun of it for a long time. So
they took some private lessons for more polish, practiced
whenever they could, and concentrated on showing the world
what it is like to see two people in love dance together.
Then they hired a live band and had their reception in a
Hotel Ballroom. For extra flourish, Aubrey brought his
parents and family all the way from South Africa to see them
get married and dance!
I was honored to be asked to help them prepare for their
first dance. The truth be told, I contributed a few moves
and made some suggestions on leads, but Aubrey and Billye
had already done their homework - they were wonderful
One look at the gorgeous dress, the handsome groom, and the
beautiful bride with her wonderful smile illustrate clearly
they succeeded beyond the shadow of a doubt.
Indeed the smiles on their faces tell the whole story...
"Could I Have this Dance for the Rest of my Life..."
More About
Aubrey and Billye:
From: Rick
Archer [mailto:dance@ssqq.com]
Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2006 11:44 AM
To: Aubrey Smith
Subject: Hi guys!
I have one more favor… would you spare a couple
moments to tell me more about your wedding?
Your pictures are going to absolutely knock
people out and they will likely want to know
more about the two of you.
Here are some questions I
How did you two meet?
We met in Steve Gabino’s Beginning Swing class
in June 2003. We started dating sometime during
the whip classes later that year. We were
engaged on November 23, 2004.
We were married on December 3rd at the Emerson
Unitarian Universalist church and the reception
was at the Courtyard on St James.
We honeymooned in the Cape Winelands in South
Did you two consciously
decide to put energy into your first dance?
How often did you
Half an hour every day for the three
weeks before the wedding.
What song did you dance
I love you more today than yesterday (but
only half as much as tomorrow) by Spiral
What did the people say
when they saw you?
We received too many compliments to list.
Did Billye have trouble
dancing in that gorgeous dress?
A little.
What dances did you dance
at your wedding?
We danced a Foxtrot for our First Song,
then, as you can see from the pictures, during
the Reception we danced Swing, Foxtrot, Waltz,
and Whip.
Any suggestions for other
couples getting ready for the first dance?
If you are planning to dance in a fancy
outfit, do some practices with a similar outfit
so that you get used to the way it moves when
you dance.
Spring for the band because live music really
makes a big difference.
Take lots of lessons at SSQQ!
By the way,
Aubrey, judging from Billye's smiles,
you get my supreme compliment for a job
well done! I am so proud of you!
Let me change that, I am so proud of both of
By the way,
I have one last stupid question: Marla
asked me to ask you how Billye’s dress
got shorter in the last Whip picture.
It must be a girl thing because I would
have never noticed LOL!
Rick (& Marla),
I’m taking the easier answer…
I had two dresses. The floor length I
wore at the church and through the first
set of dance music at the reception.
There was one swing tune in that set
and the petticoat was quite heavy and
seamed to have a life of it own in a
spin. I was glad I had planned for a
change. I wore the tea-length to dance
the rest of the reception.
Regards, Billye
October 2005 -
Allen McConnell and
Angela Hennan
get Married!
October 2005 -
Linda Malin and Bill Holden get
August, 2005 -
(CA) Riser and Cathy Bryant get
Sometime in August on the spur of the moment,
long-time sweethearts Cathy Bryant and CA Riser decided to tie the
CA and Cathy are very well-known here at SSQQ. They have been
studio regulars for four years. They have taken over 30 classes
together from 2001 to present, been to numerous Halloween parties,
and have taken 4 SSQQ cruises as well.
Both CA and Cathy are medical professionals. However I don't
believe they met through their profession. It is my
understanding that they met right here at the studio.
Although I am notorious for telling a tall tale here and there, I
am embarrassed to admit that Cathy and CA were involved in the
only retraction I have ever published in the SSQQ Newsletter.
Back in 2003 I published a report that this couple had announced
their engagement to be married. This Newsletter article was
quite a surprise to Cathy and CA. Although I believe I have
been forgiven since then, at the time they had a right to be more
than slightly irritated with me.
Even more embarrassing, I have never been able to figure out who
told me they were engaged! I certainly never found an email
to suggest where the rumor came from. It was just something
that popped into my head one day as I was typing. And that
is the complete truth.
Thank goodness they are finally married. Now I don't have to
apologize any more!
Congratulations to both!
April 30, 2005 -
Dance Instructors Melissa Gauthier and Randy Winfrey get Married!
Hi Rick,
As you can see Melissa is a beautiful
I am very lucky to have met her. We were married at high
noon on April 30, 2005 at the Sugar Creek Country Club, and there
were several SSQQ members and instructors in attendance. The dance
floor was crowded from the plethora of dancers.
Thanks for making our meeting and subsequent marriage possible!
I have had a lot going on the last month.
Shortly after Melissa and I got married, I had to get ready
to dance in the Texas Classic. I won
both Diamond Intermediate and Open Intermediate in the Male Pro-Am
Best Regards,
Randy Winfrey
February 14, 2005 -
Former SSQQ Instructor
Luci Howard and Darren
Burns get Married!
Story contributed by Luc's Mother Dolores
Hello Rick and Marla,
I thought you would like to know about another wedding resulting from
a SSQQ cruise!!.
Luci and Darren first met on the SSQQ Rhapsody cruise in 2002.
They were married on Valentine's Day 2005 in Galveston on the
beach. Attached pictures are (1) Darren, Luci and Lauren Elizabeth
Burns, (2) Darren, Luci and proud Mom Dolores Howard. Going on the
cruise was my idea and it was a wonderful cruise and now look what
awesome blessings we have received.
Granmommy Dolores
March 26, 2005 -
Bill Shaw and
Sharon Crawford get Married!
Note from Rick: One of the
cruelest blows of 2005 came when I lost the story of
Bill and Sharon's Wedding. Normally I write all my
stories in "Word" on my computer and transfer the
finished product to the web site.
But I was so pressured for time that for this important
story, I wrote it directly to the web site program.
"Computers let you make
more mistakes faster than any other invention in
human history, with the possible exception of
handguns and tequila.
One month later in a simple but
damaging blunder, I completely erased the bottom half of
my Newsletter when I published the new material over it.
It took only one key stroke of stupidity. I quickly
discovered my mistake, but Sharon and Bill's story was
permanently gone.
My only hope is that perchance someone made a copy of
the original story and they can help me resuscitate this
important tale for two of my favorite people, Bill and
Sharon Shaw.


April 10, 2005 -
Cyndy Richardson and Mike Atchison get Married!
-----Original Message-----
From: Gary Thomas Richardson
Sent: Monday, April 11, 2005 2:34 PM
To: Rick Archer; Marla Archer
Subject: cyndy richardson wedding
Attached are a couple of pictures from the wedding.
Cyndi's husband, Mike, is directly behind her in the
picture of the two family's...and, of course, Britney her
daughter and Brent, her new son.
My Mother is in the
yellow dress and my Father is in the light blue suit.
My two sons are standing right next to Betty in the two
family picture with my nephew (wearing white shirt) at far
back right side. My son's (Chris's) wife (expecting a girl
in July) is standing next to my Mother. My son Mike is
wearing the bright red tie...he is our oldest. Chris is
the youngest.
February 2005 -
Ritchie and Kathy Fink get Married!
-----Original Message-----
From: Ritchie, Kathy
Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2005 5:35 PM
To: Rick Archer
Subject: February SSQQ Wedding
Hi Rick,
I sent you a note back in September letting you know that
Phillip Ritchie and I were engaged and wanted to let you
know that we were married on February 19, 2005 (3 years
after we met in Beginning Two-Step).
We had a beautiful
outdoor ceremony at sunset in Tomball. The night was every
bit as magical as I had hoped.
One of the highlights of
the reception was our swing dancing - I have no idea how
we pulled it off with me wearing such a big, poofy dress,
but we did!
January 2005
Joel McCleskey and
Ruth Schauberger Get Married!
Joel McClesky, the amazing student of Anita
Williams who has won every dance contest he has
entered, married his beautiful girlfriend Ruth on
January 29, 2005.
I hope Ruth didn't wear her Halloween costume to the
wedding, but if she did, she would have looked
Hopefully this handsome couple will share some
stories and some pictures of the ceremony with us
January 2005 -
Ray Conley
and Darja Jarram get Married!
From: Ray Conley Sent:
Monday, May 30, 2005 2:17 PM To: Rick Archer
Subject: Wedding pictures
Rick, thanks for
your interest in my goings on!
I met the lovely Darja ( it’s
Czech and pronounced Daria) at a dance (where
else?). It was the TGIS dance at the Houston Racquet
Club that I helped to get started in 1985, about the
time I started taking lessons from you over at SSQQ.
She just felt right dancing in my arms and I
was hooked. We have been very busy crowding all our
stuff into my small house in Larchmont, and we are
looking forward to starting some more dance classes
Say hello to the mob, and guys, don’t
give up. If you keep dancing, maybe you’ll get
lucky like I did!
Here are a few pics.
By the way, I designed the chapel in the background,
which was built by volunteers from the church. I
didn’t have my own wedding in mind at the time but
it sure came in handy.
Ray and Darja
