Home Up Treachery






Written by Rick Archer 




Cosmic Blindness
  Portland Woman song coincidence leads to Rick's disastrous relationship with Vanessa.  However, Rick completely overlooks the coincidence until 40 years later.


Cosmic Blindness  1973
  Rick's inability to shut up in Dr. Fujimoto's class gets him thrown out of graduate school at Colorado State


Lucky Break
Cosmic Blindness
Act of Kindness
  Ralph O'Connor hands Rick a full scholarship to Johns Hopkins University with secret help from Mr. Salls.  Due to Rick's Senior year Blind Spot, Rick gives Mr. Salls no credit whatsoever for this remarkable good fortune.


Unlucky Break
Cosmic Blindness
  Caught cheating on German test due to a very improbable coincidence.  The unacceptable loss of common sense led to the development of Rick's Cosmic Blindness theory


Cosmic Blindness  1968
  Additional Blind Spot regarding less expensive in-state tuition puts Rick in a real bind regarding his dream of attending college in the Fall.


Cosmic Blindness  1967
  Senior Year Blind Spot regarding Mr. Salls and the college scholarship he secretly arranged to Johns Hopkins


Unlucky Break
Cosmic Blindness
  Rick's Mother forgets about child support, gets blind-sided into buying a house she cannot afford.  This mistake leads to the unfortunate Little Mexico situation that drives Rick to the edge of madness.


Unlucky Break
Cosmic Blindness
  Rick's mother mysteriously fails to take him to doctor following his serious acne attack.  Her delay initiated Rick's Epic Losing Streak with women, a span that would last 20 years.  High School Hell begins. 


Unlucky Break
Cosmic Blindness
Act of Kindness
  Rick's mother loses her mind and nearly kills both during the Blue Christmas ride to Virginia.  Fortunately, the kindness of a gas station manager and Dick and Lynn give my mother a fighting chance to start over.

Rick Archer's Note:  

The Portland Woman song was the key that opened the door to the most painful relationship of my entire life.  There would be other evil women down the road, but none of them could hold a candle to Vanessa.  She was the woman who put the exclamation point in my Epic Losing Streak. 

I would like my Readers to study the list of potential Cosmic Blindness incidents.  By my count, my inability to notice the Portland Woman coincidence was the 9th incident where a lack of common sense led to dire consequences.  We are far enough into the Hidden Hand of God to discuss Cosmic Blindness in further detail.  I am not a Bible scholar, but I am aware that subtle references to God-related Blindness are sprinkled throughout.  My favorite example involved St. Paul.  Paul had spent his entire life persecuting the Jews.  Then came the day Jesus opened Paul's eyes to his mistake on the road to Damascus.  Blinded by the light, Paul became a follower of Jesus Christ and went on to help found the religion of Christianity.

I do not believe I am the only person who has ever wondered if God sometimes removes our common sense as a way to enact our Fate.  The best example on my List was the time my mother waited three and a half days to take me to the doctor following my overnight acne explosion.  The doctor was furious.  How could any mother overlook the fact that her son had a raging infection left unchecked? 

One of the telltale signs of Cosmic Blindness is 'uncharacteristic behavior'.  My mother's delay was uncharacteristic.  Two years earlier I became extremely ill on a cold and rainy Boy Scout camping trip.  I was so sick I was forced to beg for an early ride home.  My mother called the doctor the instant I walked in the door.  On the day I cut my eye out with a knife, she took me to the emergency room pronto.  Do you see my point?  My mother behaved correctly on both occasions, but failed to exercise common sense during the acne explosion.  And what was the result?  My severe case of facial scarring would one day lead to a successful career as a dance instructor.  In other words, maybe it was my Fate to have those scars.  If so, it seems possible that Cosmic Blindness was used to create my mother's unfortunate delay.


Let's analyze my failure to notice the Coincidence between the Portland Woman song and Vanessa's plans to move to Portland, Oregon.  Prior to Vanessa's entrance into my life, I spent two years in college studying concepts such as Coincidence and Divine Intervention.  In the process I documented a lengthy list of personal Coincidences.  By the time I met Vanessa, the List of potential Supernatural events hovered around 30.  Who better to recognize a Supernatural Event in the making than Rick Archer, Coincidence Hunter Extraordinaire? 

But I struck out.  I completely missed it.  Why?  There are all sorts of reasons, some Realistic, some Mystic.  One Realistic reason is that I was seriously distracted by Vanessa's beguiling charms.  Another reason would be that I did not know the impact Vanessa would have on my life at the time.  But in this case, I think the Mystic reason wins the prize.  I believe I was Cosmically Blinded to prevent me from being on guard.  Let me explain.  I was certain that Prom Queen Cheryl was a Supernatural Event from the start.  Given that Cheryl was light years beyond me in terms of attractiveness, I made sure not to fall in love with her.  Seeing Cheryl as a rent-a-girlfriend Cosmic gift, I enjoyed her, but made sure not to get attached.  Given that Vanessa was light years beyond me in terms of attractiveness, I should have approached her with caution the same way.  But I didn't.  Instead I walked into this relationship with my eyes closed and my heart unguarded.  Naive and inexperienced, I was more or less defenseless as Vanessa took me to the absolute lowest point of my life.  I refer to the damage she caused as the Curse of Vanessa.  And how exactly did the Curse begin?  With a song titled Portland Woman

I wanna get me a Portland woman
I don't wanna be alone tonight
I wanna get me a Portland woman
Portland women treat you right
Portland's gonna be mine tonight


There is an anomaly here.  Perhaps my perceptive Readers have already noticed it.  How can someone 'miss' a Coincidence and 'notice' it at the same time?  There is a very interesting footnote to this story.  To better appreciate the twist, I need to explain why I knew the words to 'Portland Woman' in the first place.

During Graduate School, I shared an office with a student who had a fondness for progressive country rock.  As we studied, Glen played two albums over and over, one by the Eagles, one by New Riders of the Purple Sage.  I didn't mind.  I liked the music.  One day as the music played in the background, a curious thought came into my mind.  What could I talk about with a girl I met in a bar?   There were two songs, 'Take it Easy' and 'Portland Woman', that dealt with the 'Art of the Pick-Up'.  Something told me that if I knew the lines to these songs better, they might come in handy someday.  You think I am making this up, don't you?  Trust me, this is the absolute truth.

Unfortunately, there was a problem with my strategy.  I have trouble remembering song lyrics just from listening to them.  I can hum a line or so from 'Frosty the Snowman' or 'People are Strange', but that's my limit.  I know people who can hear a song and the lyrics automatically stick in their mind.  Not me.  I need to see the lyrics in order to remember them.  On a whim I began to write the lyrics longhand to 'Take it Easy' and 'Portland Woman' as the songs played in my office (I still have the page I wrote them down on).


When I was done, I memorized each word.  Considering the task took two hours, I wondered why I had wasted all this time.  Why did I go to so much trouble?  What do you think?  Don't you agree it is weird to spend two hours memorizing two songs for such a flimsy reason? 

Here is what I find interesting.  These became the only two songs I knew by heart.  Even better, the lyrics were fresh in my mind.  When I met Vanessa two weeks later, I learned she would be moving to Portland soon.  That prompted me to say Portland Woman was my favorite song.  Vanessa laughed and accused me of making this up.  After I sang her the song, Vanessa was so tickled she wrote me a letter the same day, thereby opening the door.

As one can gather, this was a very serious coincidence.  Out of all the songs in the Universe, Rick Archer only knows the words to two songs, one of which leads to a serious love affair.  So naturally I added this story to the List, right?  No!  Since I did not understand the importance at the time, the thought never crossed my mind.  40 years later I decided to write this book.  Intent on getting the story of how I met Vanessa correct, I recalled that I kept a diary.  As I reviewed the details, I was stunned to discover a mention of 'Portland Woman'. 

Wow!  How could I have forgotten this?  Thanks to the gift of Hindsight, this time I understood the powerful Impact that song had on my life.  After adding the Portland Woman story to the Supernatural List, I gave this discovery a great deal of thought.  When a curious event occurs, we have no way to know its future impact.  That is why many coincidences go unnoticed.  But in my case, my memory had been restored in a very odd way. 

Who am I to presume that I know what God is thinking?  However, I do have the right to speculate.  I have often felt guided to write this book.  What if God wanted me to include the story of the Portland Woman coincidence in my book?  A woman once wrote a book titled "Coincidence is God's Way of Staying Anonymous."

Maybe God is tired of being anonymous.  Maybe God wants me to explain how His Hidden Hand remains undetected unless one pays very careful attention.  More than likely this crazy thought is me letting my imagination get carried away.  But what if my hunch is right?  Based on this incident and others like it, God not only wants me to write this book, He wants to make sure I don't leave anything out.


MONDAY, November 5, 1973
Colorado state, age 2



And so, thanks to a goofy yet meaningful song, our courtship began.  We met for lunch every day.  When possible, Vanessa made sure to drop by my office.  With the door closed, we kissed.  Eleven days passed.  It was time for the next step.  Late on Monday evening, November 5, I drove over to Vanessa's house.  Vanessa wasted no time. 

First she put on her favorite album, Van Morrison's classic Moondance.  Upon her return to the couch, Vanessa carefully removed one item of her clothing at a time.  Her striptease definitely got my attention.  Meanwhile I took the hint and removed my clothing as well.  When the title song came on, Vanessa took that as her cue.  She crawled into my arms and we began to make love. 

Unfortunately, we did not get very far.  Two minutes after we started, someone began to pound heavily on the front door.  Whoever was out there began to holler. 

"Open up, goddamn it!  I know you're in there, Vanessa!"


It was a man's voice, a very angry man.  Vanessa froze as did I.  Needless to say, we disengaged rapidly.  Thank goodness the door was locked.  The curtains were closed so our intruder could not see us, but no doubt he could hear the music.  I had the distinct impression whoever was banging on that door knew exactly what that particular song meant. 

The heavy pounding on the door ten feet away had us both spooked.  Vanessa turned white and put her finger to her lips.  Silence!  I nodded.  Sensing danger, I pulled my pants back on.  Since Vanessa's clothes were strewn in every direction, she found a blanket to cover herself. 

Meanwhile the ominous pounding continued.  Looking around, I noted with relief that the room was dimly lit with candles.  There was just enough light to tell that Vanessa was trembling violently.  Vanessa tried to be brave, but she was clearly terrified.  She whispered that the man would leave soon if we said nothing.  She was right; two minutes later the pounding stopped.  We sat there in silence just in case the pounding resumed.  Vanessa continued to shake.  This guy really had her number.  When five minutes passed without further drama, I began to relax a little.  In a whisper I asked Vanessa to explain what that was all about.

"Shortly before I met you, I broke up with my longtime boyfriend Kenny.  He is the star shortstop on the school's baseball team.  Kenny is very good looking and he knows it.  Women come easy to Kenny, but the sonofabitch has cheated on me one time too many.  He's the main reason I've decided to move back to Portland.  I refuse to take his abuse any more.  The problem is that Kenny always wants what Kenny can't have.  He won't leave me alone.  He isn't used to a woman who turns her back on him, so now he is determined to get me back.  However, that isn't going to happen.  I'm sick of him.  I'm sick of his stunts."


At that point Vanessa smiled.  She put her hand to my cheek.  "Don't worry about Kenny.  I am perfectly happy to be with you.  You are very special to me."

Vanessa got up and started the Moondance song again.  When she returned to the couch, she dropped the blanket.  Barely able to breathe, I marveled at the beauty of her perfectly curved body.  Vanessa turned me on way too much for my own good.  I also thought this interruption sure was a strange way to start a love affair.

My third thought was a decision to surrender to the music.

I wanna make love to you tonight
I can't wait 'til the morning has come
And I know that the time is just right
And straight into my arms you will run

It's a marvelous night for a Moondance
With the stars up above in your eyes
A fantabulous night to make romance
'Neath the cover of October skies

As we made love, I smiled at the line about October skies.  October was my favorite time of the year... cool air, falling leaves, pumpkins, ghosts and goblins.  Technically tonight was November, but why quibble?  With this woman in my arms, it felt like a Halloween treat to me.  I was bewitched by the most beautiful woman I had ever made love to. 






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