Home Up Jackie






Written by Rick Archer 



SATURDAY, November 10, 1973
colorado state, age 2




Following our fantabulous night of romance, Vanessa and I were spellbound by Moondance magic.  We began a whirlwind love affair.  We made love every night that week and I spent the night afterwards.  On Saturday we barely left the bed.  Exhausted, we finally came up for air.  Vanessa put her hands on both sides of my face to get my attention, then confided she was deeply in love with me.  

"How much do you want to be with me, Rick?  What do you want out of the relationship?"

This opened the door to a serious conversation. 

"Vanessa, I am head over heels.  This is the first time I have ever experienced emotions this strong.  I barely know what to do.  I worry all the time.  You will be leaving soon.  Then what?  I don't know what I am going to do when you are gone."

"Rick, you should not worry.  We will find a way.  I promise you we will find a future together.  It may be a long distance romance for a few months, but I can transfer back to Colorado State in the summer.  Things will work out.  We have something very special."

Once Vanessa declared her love and promised to find a future, I fell for her completely.  I assumed this was the start of a long, wonderful, torrid love affair.  It was definitely torrid, I will say that much.  But as for 'long', the sands of time were not on my side.


WEDNESDAY, November 14, 1973
Colorado state




As the writer of a very curious memoir, I occasionally face the dilemma on how to address the next part of my story.  Should I tell my tale in chronological order and let my Readers deal with the ensuing mystery?  Or should I tell my Readers what happened using Hindsight so they can make better sense of Vanessa's strange behavior as the tale unfolds?  Since I have already revealed this was the most painful relationship of my life, I think my story is best served by sharing the secret now. 

On Monday night, November 5, Vanessa's former boyfriend Kenny interrupted our Moondance by pounding heavily on her door.  Vanessa refused to answer his knock.

On Saturday night, Vanessa declared her love for me and promised a long future. 

On Wednesday night, November 14, Kenny came knocking again.  This time Vanessa let him in, first through the front door, then through the bedroom door.

Did I have any idea this had happened?  No.

I am certain Vanessa's feelings for me were real.  No doubt Vanessa was mortified by what she had done.  So what is a girl to do?  Vanessa did not want to lose me, but now that Kenny was back, he expected to stick around. 

Vanessa decided to juggle both men for the remaining three weeks till she left for Portland.  Unwilling to tell the truth to either Kenny or me, this is when the lies began.  I do not know what lies she told Kenny, but I remember the lies she told to me oh so well. 


FRIDAY, November 16, 1973
Colorado state




Hey, y'all, remember my Moondance Romance, the one with the long future?  Just exactly how long did my torrid romance last?  Let's count the days.  We made love for the first time on November 5th.  On the Saturday the 10th, Vanessa said she loved me and wanted a long future.  And how long did our long future last?  Our romance unraveled four days later on the 14th. 

Thanks to Fujimoto, I was not doing very well.  On Monday morning the 12th, he stated my position in this program was in serious trouble.  Three days after receiving Fujimoto's Lobotomy, I received a different ominous warning.  I took Vanessa to lunch on Thursday, November 15.  In a whisper, she confided that Kenny had come by her house last night. 

Vanessa said Kenny was desperate to get back with her, but she had told Kenny to forget it.  Vanessa was lying and, unfortunately, I took her at her word.  The trouble began the ensuing night.  On Friday, we returned to her house after a movie.  Vanessa surprised me by asking if I minded going home.  Considering how precious little time we had left together before her Portland departure, I was stunned.  Vanessa said she had to rest up for tomorrow's big garage sale.  There was something about my sudden dismissal that didn't feel right, but I accepted Vanessa's decree without protest.  However, before I left, I volunteered to come help with the garage sale in the morning.  That was the moment when Vanessa began to get weird.

"Why, thank you, Rick, that is so sweet of you!  Unfortunately, I don't think it will work out.  My friend Teresa and her girlfriend will be there to help.  Teresa is a lesbian and she is very uncomfortable around men.  Teresa has told me several times about the bad things that happened to her as a teenager.  She was molested by her stepfather, assaulted one time and bullied repeatedly in high school.  I think things with Teresa would be awkward having you around.  You understand, don't you?"

No, to tell the truth, I thought this was hogwash.  But I wasn't going to argue about it, so I shrugged and said okay.  "So what would you like to do tomorrow night?"


Vanessa turned white.  "Oh no, I just remember I promised to take the girls out to dinner for helping me with the garage sale.  And, since Teresa is a lesbian, you know what that means."

Now I was pissed off.  And skeptical too.  Vanessa's excuse was not at all plausible.  It was a Saturday, we were 'torrid lovers' and time was precious.  I pointed this out, but my logic escaped Vanessa.  She apologized, but there was nothing she could do about it.

"Okay, Vanessa, have it your way, but what about after dinner?  Can I assume you will finally be done with Teresa?"  I wanted to add something sarcastic, but wisely decided not to. 

"That's a great idea, Rick.  I definitely want to see you.  Wait for me at your apartment and I will call you after dinner."

As I drove home, something was wrong here.  Theoretically this was a time when impassioned lovers would wish to spend every precious last second together.  But Vanessa claimed instead that a mysterious lesbian was more important.  Upset that I would not see Vanessa until late Saturday night, I started to feel paranoid.  I could not help but wonder if 'Teresa' was a euphemism for 'Kenny', Vanessa's erstwhile boyfriend.  I should have confronted her, but thanks to Fujimoto's lobotomy, I was feeling far too insecure to face my fears.  I wanted to stand up for myself and ask her what the hell was going on, but I was not doing very well emotionally.  Fujimoto's persistent negativity had worn me down and Vanessa's brush-off had deepened my anxiety.  What could I do?  I felt so utterly helpless. 


SATURDAY, November 17, 1973
Colorado state




The following day, Saturday, my insecurities haunted me all day long.  Worried that I was not as attractive as Kenny, the handsome baseball star, my ancient fears about the acne scars resurfaced.  Then I seethed over the ongoing humiliation at the hands of my nemesis, Dr. Fujimoto.  I obsessed over the absurd excuse regarding Teresa the Lesbian.  I fretted over the garage sale because it was a clear signal that Vanessa was still determined to leave town.  Plus I was confused.  Last Saturday and then again Sunday Vanessa had spoken of our 'Torrid Romance', a romance that had gone tepid for reasons I suspected had something to do with Kenny. 

I sat in my office all day long unable to do a bit of work because I was filled with anxiety.  I had been told to wait like a good little boy for a late night phone call.  I felt like a mistress on a string, wishing and hoping, reduced to a pitiful state as I desperately awaited my lover's call.  Whoever said love has no pride got that right.  Unable to sit still Saturday night, I went to a movie.  I made a bad mistake to smoke marijuana.  The drug served to push my paranoia over the top.  After the movie, I returned home to await my call... a call that never came.  Considering how insecure I felt, I could not settle down.  Thoughts of Kenny tormented me.  Suspicion abounded.  I phoned Vanessa's house three times.  No answer.  By midnight, I could not handle the anxiety any longer.  I had to know the truth!

Finally I couldn't take it any more, so I hopped in my car.  True to my Scorpio nature, I possessed a strong jealous streak.  I had to know what was going on.  First I went to her favorite bar.  No Vanessa.  Then I drove to her house.  Seeing Vanessa's car in the driveway, if she was home, then why didn't she answer the phone?   I parked my car, walked to the house and listened through the door half expecting to hear the Moondance album.  Not a sound and the house was dark.  I was about to knock on her door, but thoughts of Kenny made me stop.  Good grief, Kenny was probably upstairs with Vanessa.  The irony was overwhelming.  Kenny and I had reversed roles. 

As the memory of Kenny pounding on the door flooded my thoughts, jealousy coursed through my veins.  I was going out of my mind, so I did something stupid.  I walked around to the side of the house to see if that kitchen window was still open.  I had told Vanessa to shut it, but now I was glad she didn't listen.  I raised the window further and climbed in.  My heart pounded.  What on earth am I doing breaking into Vanessa's house??  This was the kind of thing that got people shot for or put in jail.  Oh, what the hell, with my paranoia completely out of control, I had to know!

Once I was inside, the house was totally silent.  For that reason I did not think anyone was home.  I assumed Vanessa was either still out with the girls or spending the night at Kenny's apartment.  Then a third possibility crossed my mind.  Were Kenny and Vanessa in bed together upstairs?  With my heart racing wildly, I silently climbed the stairs.  I had to know!! 

To my surprise, I found Vanessa passed out on the bed.  She was alone and still had her clothes on.  Assuming she had gotten really drunk with the girls, I was crestfallen to realize my suspicions were completely off base.  I was ashamed of myself for not trusting her.  I was about to tiptoe back out of the house when Vanessa awoke and saw me in the doorway.  Fortunately she recognized me and wasn't afraid.  However, she was very groggy from too much drinking.  Explaining that I was worried about her, I lied and said she had forgotten to lock the front door.  Then I left without another word.  I had made a terrible mistake.

When I got home, I made an odd decision... no more marijuana.  I was paranoid enough as it was.  That night was the last time I ever smoked marijuana.  However, that was not going to undo the damage.


November 1973, Colorado state

excuses, excuses



The following day, Sunday, November 18, came and went without a word from Vanessa.  I assumed no news meant bad news.  I saw Vanessa briefly at the Psychology Department on Monday, but she was cool towards me.  Embarrassed, ashamed, I laid low.  Better to let Vanessa make the next move.  It was obvious that she was calling the shots, not me.  I had let myself become so dependent on Vanessa that I was terrified of confronting her with my suspicions about Kenny.  Although I had been wrong about Saturday night, I was still convinced Vanessa was up to no good.  I just didn't know what.

I did right by keeping my distance.  Vanessa warmed up the next day.  On Tuesday morning, Vanessa was happy to see me.  We went to lunch and discussed our plans for Thanksgiving which was two days away.  Vanessa suggested a trip to the nearby Rocky Mountains.  That sounded like a great idea.  Then she asked if we could meet at my apartment today at 5 pm.  Fine by me.

After Vanessa came over, we spent three hours together.  However, I lost my cool when I came back from the bathroom only to find Vanessa completely dressed and ready to leave.  Considering we had not spent the night together Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, I was dismayed to see her leaving at 8 pm. 

"Vanessa, why don't you spend the night?  I want to be with you.  We don't have much time left."

To my surprise, Vanessa ignored what I said.  In a much different tone, she said, "Rick, I've changed my mind about Thanksgiving.  Since I will be leaving for Portland soon, my grandmother in Iowa begged me to come see her one last time.  Since I am headed to Iowa early tomorrow morning, I need to go home and get some rest.  I will be back on Friday and we can talk then."

My mouth dropped open.  No Thanksgiving?  I felt sick. 

"Vanessa, you said we were going into the Rocky Mountains together.  You made a promise.  Why didn't you discuss this change of plans with me?"

Vanessa became defiant.  "Rick, I am discussing my change of plans this very minute.  I don't feel the need to explain my life to anyone." 

She stared darts at me to make sure I got the message.  Then for good measure she added, "You know, Rick, that's what always happens.  I meet a guy and pretty soon he starts telling me what to do.  Sometimes it is dangerous for me to get involved because it hurts people when I go my own way.  And here you are with the long face.  That is exactly what I am talking about." 

Stunned at her outburst, I was speechless.  Don't put this on me!  I did not appreciate being chewed out when it was her who was behaving like a jerk.  And with that, Vanessa left, presumably to go her own way, but more likely to head over to Kenny's apartment.  I thought about following her, but decided it was useless.  Vanessa had just made it clear she was going to do whatever pleased her whenever it pleased her.  With a deep sigh, her indifference reminded me of the way I used to treat Arlene.  Maybe not quite so callously, but it was true I only saw her when I felt like it.  Now that the shoe was on the other foot, I shook my head in disgust.  I dealt with my guilt over how poorly I had treated Arlene, but my thoughts soon turned back to Vanessa.  I missed her terribly.  I could not believe how attached I had become prior to Vanessa's cold feet.  Lonely and forlorn, I felt the same withdrawal pains as any junkie coming down off a drug high.  

The Psych Department was deserted on Wednesday.  Everyone had left to be with family and friends for Thanksgiving.  Not me.  I had no family and Vanessa was my only friend.  It was down to me and my basketball.  I went to the gym only to discover it was closed.  I returned to my apartment and spent Wednesday alone.  Then I spent Thursday alone.  Idle hands are the Devil's Workshop.  My mind went wild with a catastrophic fantasies of what Vanessa was up to.  My basketball could not save me from the waves of dark depression rolling in.  There was something terribly wrong with my torrid romance.  

On Friday, November 23, I saw Vanessa in the Department hallway and asked how things went with her grandmother.  Vanessa did a double-take, then looked at me oddly.  "Oh, I changed my mind and spent Thanksgiving with Teresa and her friends."

Frozen by the mention of Teresa, I stared at Vanessa incredulously.  This woman had to be the worst liar on earth!  She couldn't even keep her damn stories straight.  I had the worst urge to slap her silly for talking to me like that, but checked my temper.  Petrified of confronting her, I assumed if I spoke up, I would get another hostile dose of "I don't feel the need to explain my life to anyone."

Last Saturday's Break-In had been a huge mistake because it demonstrated weakness.  I had lost control of the relationship.  I assumed if I stood up for myself and asked for an accounting of her shifting stories, Vanessa would simply tell me to take a hike rather than soothe my wounded heart.  Perhaps if I had more experience with women, I would have stood up to her.  Instead, I was reduced to rubble as I awaited whatever crumbs Vanessa might throw to me.  Just then, she interrupted my dark thoughts.

"Hey, Rick, I miss you and it's lunch hour!  Let's go to your place!"

I was incredulous.  Who is this woman??   I hid my shock as best I could and off we went.  To my pleasant surprise, Vanessa was very passionate.  She even resumed saying "I love you, Rick."  However this time I did not reply.  Vanessa sure had a strange way of showing her love.  Noting my silence, Vanessa sat up in bed and asked me what my plans were after she left for Portland. 

To my surprise, I spoke my mind.  "I guess I'll find someone else.  In fact, I've already started looking."

Vanessa was shaken by my candor.  I had never seen her look so upset before.  Considering the yo-yo treatment I had been getting, I had no idea she still had strong feelings for me.  Vanessa rose and put her clothes on wordlessly.  Then she stared at me.

"You really hurt my feelings, Rick.  That was a completely unnecessary thing for you to say.  Where do you get the nerve to be so cold?"

Vanessa started to leave in a huff and I couldn't take it anymore.  Sissy that I was, tears began to stream down my face. 

"Vanessa, if two people love each other, it ought to work.  Why can't it work?  What's wrong here?"

To my surprise, Vanessa softened and came back into my arms.  "We can make it work, Babe.  You can come see me in Portland." 

Her clothes quickly came off and we made love again.  Afterwards, I asked Vanessa a question.  "What about your lunch hour?  Isn't Fujimoto going to find out and say something?"

Vanessa laughed scornfully.

"To hell with Fujimoto.  I have two lousy weeks left.  What's he going to do, fire me?" 

Seeing the look of horror on my face, Vanessa grinned.  "Calm down, Rick, Fujimoto is out of town."

With that, Vanessa rolled on top of me and initiated another round of passion.  After a marathon afternoon and evening of sex, Vanessa got up to leave.  "Oh, Rick, I'm really tired.  You wore me out.  I think I am going to go home and crash."

I was astonished.  Was there some reason why she didn't want to spend the night?  What is going on here?  I was baffled by Vanessa's frequent mood changes.  Before she left, I barely mustered a question.  "What about tomorrow?" 

"Oh, I definitely want to see you.  I'm going to the football game tomorrow so I will call you when it's over."

I frowned.  The last time she had promised to call had not worked out very well.  "I like football.  Why don't I come with you?"

"Oh, you know, Rick, I'm going with Teresa and..." 

I put up my hands in disgust.  I did not want to hear another word.  Yeah yeah yeah, Teresa is a lesbian and probably plays shortstop for the baseball team.  Or was it third base?  Right now I was consumed with renewed suspicion.  Should I confront Vanessa?  Vanessa had insisted that Kenny was gone for good, but I did not believe her.  I hesitated because I was terrified she would ditch me for Kenny the moment I protested. 

Right now I was going insane.  Hot cold, hot cold.  I never knew whether she was going to love me, lie to me, change her plans at the last second, chew me out or leave without warning.  Hating my lack of control in this relationship, I dared not speak up.  I was far too dependent on Vanessa to take the chance of losing her due to an ugly confrontation.  With this woman taking me on a rollercoaster ride, I was not sure my psyche could withstand much more anxiety.  This constant uncertainty was killing me. 


SATURDAY, November 24, 1973
Colorado state

the big football game



Vanessa was up to her usual tricks the next day.  On Saturday, I went to my office to study.  However this was a huge waste of time.  I was too depressed to study.  Half the time I wondered about Vanessa at the Saturday afternoon football game.  The rest of the time I worried about Fujimoto.  What a pair!  Fujimoto had stripped me of all confidence and Vanessa had stripped me of all pride.  I sat there for a good five hours unable to decide what to do.  Overwhelmed with anxiety, I thought I was losing my mind. 

To my surprise, at 4 pm I heard a knock on my office door.  Before I could answer, the door opened and Vanessa walked into my office crying her eyes out.  Good grief, what is this all about?? 

"What's the matter, Vanessa?"

"I am so upset!  I ran into Kenny at the football game.  He was drunk and started an argument.  He was angry at me because I refuse to see him anymore.  Kenny retaliated by reminding me I was just another one of his many conquests.  He rattled off the names of the countless women he slept with because he knew that would upset me.  Since I know virtually every one of those women, I lost my temper and tried to scratch his face.  He grabbed my hands, then pushed me away and laughed at me.  Seeing everyone staring at us in horror, I was humiliated.  Some of those people knew us.  I was so embarrassed, I turned and ran.  I cried all the way over here.  That damn Kenny really hurt my feelings!"

I believed some of what she was telling was the truth, but there were lies too.   First of all, Vanessa forgot to say a word about Teresa, her alleged escort to the game.  Gosh, poor Teresa was probably crying right this minute over being abandoned for a man.  Second, in a crowd of 50,000, I was supposed to believe Vanessa had run into Kenny by accident.  More likely they had gone to the game together and got in an argument.  But did I confront her?  No.  Instead I let her cry for a while, then cheered her up.  Soon Vanessa was laughing and said she would see me later for our Saturday night date.  Relieved I would see her later on, I was finally able to get some studying done. 

At 7 pm, I got a call in my office. 

"Rick, I am so glad I caught you.  Kenny just called me.  He is livid over the argument we had earlier today and now he is insisting I listen to what he has to say." 

"What about our date?"

"I have already agreed to meet him, Rick.   But don't worry about it.  Things are completely over between Kenny and me."

Huh?  Was I hearing this correctly?  My girlfriend is breaking a date with me so she can tell her ex-boyfriend why she won't see him anymore.  That made no sense at all.  This was twisted logic even by Vanessa's standards.  I wanted to say, "Call Kenny back and tell him you will speak to him tomorrow!"   Did I actually say that?  No, of course not.  Like a good little wimp, I said okay, call me later at the apartment.  Then I hung my head and slunk home for a good cry. 

At 11 pm, Vanessa came over to my apartment.  Sitting apart, we just talked.  Vanessa was still upset over the conversation she had finished with Kenny.  She was in a very bad mood and left an hour later.  No affection, no touching, not even a goodnight kiss.  Consumed with suspicion and insecurity, I felt badly out of control.  My anger towards Vanessa was off the charts.  These lies and ridiculous excuses had really gotten under my skin.


November 1973, Colorado state




Vanessa came over to my apartment the following day on Sunday.  We proceeded to have marathon sex. 

I did not see Vanessa on Monday.  She called in sick.  On Tuesday, she phoned to say she was still home and feeling sick, but don't come over, she needed to rest.  Considering she was leaving next week, I thought it was odd that she was avoiding me.  Then something odd happened.  My penis developed painful sores.   Assuming the she-devil had given me a venereal disease, I was forced to make a visit to the clinic to get a shot.  To my surprise, I did not require treatment. 

The doctor said, "You don't need to worry, you don't have the clap.  But you might want to abstain from sex for a while till the problem heals."

Hmm, I hadn't thought of that.  Now I knew why Vanessa kept calling in sick.  Assuming she was having sex with two men, our long day of sex on Sunday had done her in.  With that, an evil thought crossed my mind.  Serves her right.

On Wednesday, Vanessa called in sick again.  That afternoon I drove to her house to see what excuse she would come up with this time.  To my surprise, as I passed the Ramblewood apartment project two blocks from her house, I saw Vanessa's distinctive car in the parking lot.  I stopped and backed up.  At first I thought it was an odd coincidence that I would see her car parked at such a random place.  But then it crossed my mind that maybe this was where Kenny lived.

I thought about waiting by her car to confirm my suspicions.  However, I changed my mind when another car pulled up and parked close to Vanessa's car.  A swarthy, dark-haired man emerged.  Noticing how handsome the guy was, I had a strong hunch this was our legendary sports hero in the flesh.  Instantly a surge of jealousy and insecurity came rushing over me.  Sick to my stomach, I decided there was no point in sticking around.  Instead I went to the gym to play pick-up basketball.  I was so angry I bulled my way to the basket time and time again.  With players bouncing off me like bowling pins, I thought I was losing my mind. 

To my surprise, I got a knock on my apartment door at 7 pm.  Vanessa said she still wasn't feeling very well and could only stay a little while.  With a frown, I decided it best not to discuss the likely cause of her continuing pain.  Then it occurred to me there might be another reason for her lack of interest.  The moment I recalled seeing her car in Kenny's parking lot earlier in the day, I hated her guts the entire time she visited.  Vanessa only stayed an hour.  After she left, I immediately began to miss her.  Consumed with despair, I was worse than a drug addict.  How will I ever get this woman out of my mind?

Thursday, November 29, was more of the same.  Vanessa was still sick, or so she said.  Vanessa explained she had a considerable amount of sick time, so why not take advantage and do some packing?  As the days ticked down to Vanessa's departure, I was going insane. 

Vanessa was supposed to give me a phone call on Friday, but the call never came.  Disgusted, I grew sick of waiting, so I went out drinking with a couple of my fellow grad students.  Since Vanessa was leaving town next week, the sooner I started getting her out of my system, the better.  I didn't even bother to check on her.  What good would that do?  With my luck, Vanessa, Kenny and Teresa were having a three-way.  I absolutely hated myself for this fix I was in.

When I got home late, the phone rang.  Vanessa sounded very cheerful.  "Hey, Rick, where have you been?  I've been calling."

I did my best to sound nonchalant.  "Oh, I didn't hear from you at the office, so I went out drinking with a couple grad students.  What's up?"

"Tomorrow's the big day.  Are we still on?"

Vanessa was referring to our trip to the Rocky Mountains, the one she had postponed last week.  I was shocked to hear she actually intended to keep a date for a change.  "Sure, Vanessa, I'll pick you up at 8 am."


Saturday, December 1, 1973, Colorado state

VISIT TO THE rocky mountains



It was Saturday morning, the first day of December.  Today was the date of our long-awaited trip to the Rocky Mountains.  Snow was on the ground and the cool air was crisp.  When I picked Vanessa up, she invited me in for coffee.  "What's the rush?" she said.

This was the first time I had been inside her house in 15 days.  Vanessa grinned at me.  "Hey, Rick, forget the coffee, I have a better idea.  Follow me."

I knew what that look meant, so up the stairs we went.  Noting she had made a full recovery from her mysterious illness, I was pleased to note my week of abstinence had cured my own problem as well.


Half an hour later we were on the road to Rocky Mountain National Park, located about 30 miles west of Fort Collins.  I was thrilled as we drove deep into the snow-covered mountains.  It was a beautiful day and I loved how the sun glistened off the snow-capped mountains in the distance. 

Although these enormous mountains were a mere stone's throw from campus, I had not visited this beautiful area once since I had been here.  Considering how much I loved the mountains and the fact that Vanessa would be leaving on Thursday for Portland, this was a very important day. 

I was glad we had made love this morning.  That really cheered me up.  Vanessa was very happy to be with me and everything seemed back to normal.  I smiled at the thought of holding this stunning woman in my arms again tonight.  It would be good to resume at least some our torrid romance before Vanessa left for Portland next week.


For a while we drove around Rocky Mountain National Park enjoying the beauty.  When we found a good spot, we hiked, gazed in awe at the majestic mountains, ate a picnic lunch, and had a great time.  The romance had returned.  Swaddled in warm blankets, we kissed affectionately and got turned on.  However the bitter winter cold prevented us from taking things any further.  Hmm.  Should have brought a sleeping bag.  Oh well, no problem.  I could wait till evening, the perfect way to end a perfect day. 

It was very dark as we neared Fort Collins around 6 pm.  The moment we reached the outskirts of town, suddenly Vanessa doubled over in excruciating pain.  The poor girl could barely breathe.  Alarmed, I stopped the car.  "What is wrong?" I asked anxiously.

Between loud gasps of pain, Vanessa whispered, "I have cramps, menstrual cramps.  Goddamn this hurts!  This my lifelong curse!"

Hmm.  I felt absolutely no sympathy.  Why did I not believe her?  For one thing, she was just fine the entire day.  Now the timing could not have been worse.  I had known Vanessa for five weeks without hearing any mention about her lifelong curse.  Watching her double over in agony, I decided Vanessa belonged on Broadway.  Ordering me to resume driving, Vanessa gasped repeatedly

"Oh, damn it, Rick, I'm so sorry about this.  I have suffered from these sudden attacks all my life.  I never know when they are coming, but when they do, I am in agony."

Vanessa moaned as she remained doubled over in her seat.  It was a good act, but I wasn't buying it.  The story of Peter and the Wolf weighed heavily on my mind.  You can only lie so many times before your credibility is completely exhausted.   "What should we do?" I asked skeptically.

"Please take me home.  I've had this condition many times and I can't stand the pain!  The only thing I can do is take a powerful prescription pill and go straight to bed."

So back to the Vampire Lair we headed.  Vanessa maintained her moans and gasps for the remaining ten minutes of the drive, but I felt no sympathy.  Convinced this was a ploy to ditch me, a serious darkness crept in.  What did I ever do to deserve a woman as evil as this?  As we pulled up to her house, Vanessa struggled to get out of the car.  Oh please, cut the act.  However, in the remote case she was telling the truth, I offered to help.  Vanessa smiled wanly. 

"That's sweet, Rick, but I can make it to the door.  It would be better if you didn't come in.  I plan to be in bed and unconscious as soon as possible."

I nodded wordlessly.  Once she made it to the door, she turned back to offer a weak wave of her hand.  Then she blew me a kiss for good measure.  Touching.  And with that I drove off.  Poof, just like that, our perfect day in the mountains was over.  The curious timing of this attack strongly suggested further deception.  Vanessa had been in perfect health and great cheer the entire day.  She had not thought to complain of a single little ache or twinge to serve as a warning symptom.  Now at the perfect time to see Kenny she was in the throes of agony.  Feeling total contempt, her obvious duplicity poisoned my mood. 

"Gosh, I just never know when these cramps are coming!"

Yeah, right, Vanessa.  My gut was tied in knots as suspicion flooded my mind.  Bad luck or well-executed lie?  It had to be a lie.  This was bullshit.  The dubious timing, the absence of previous symptoms, and a backdrop of lame excuses made it difficult to accept her claim.  Even Vanessa's curious decision to have sex this morning added to my doubt.  Where were her cramps this morning?  I did not know a thing about menstrual cramps, but it seemed unlikely her cramps would go from Zero to Sixty at such an inconvenient time.  Oh well, at least this excuse was more creative than Teresa the Lesbian.  It was good to hear something original.  Besides, what difference did it make?  Vanessa had made her getaway.  No doubt her cramps would be gone when Kenny arrived.

Feeling destitute, I went home and stared at the walls.  What should I do?  Vanessa was leaving town in five days, so what was the point of confronting her now?  What would that accomplish?  If Vanessa needed to free up her Saturday night to make way for Kenny, it was senseless to interfere.  So I just sat there brooding in the dark.

On Thursday, December 6, Vanessa came by my office in the morning to say goodbye.  To my surprise, she collapsed in my arms and began sobbing.  That made two of us.  We both cried miserable tears at this unwanted parting.  Her emotion was sincere.  Despite my turmoil and suspicion, this display left no doubt at least some part of Vanessa did love me.  Too bad she had a lousy way of showing it.  I walked Vanessa to her car, gave her a big hug and watched her drive off.  Then I cried all the way back to my office. 




Chapter TWENTY:  jackie 


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