Larry the Moron
The True Story of Larry Walters, the
American Icarus Story contributed by Kerry Pelham (1999) Pictures contributed by Melissa Hogan Edited by Rick Archer
This is the true story of
Larry Walters, a favorite
son of the Darwin Award committee.
The Charles Darwin Award is an
annual honor presented posthumously to the person or persons who do
the world's gene pool a great service by
removing themselves from
society in the most extraordinarily stupid way --
which then prevents them from
reproducing those worthless genes any further.
Although Larry didn't manage to remove himself from the gene pool, after
reading the story you will have to admit he deserved at least an
Honorable Mention from the Darwin Committee.
Kerry Pelham originally sent me
this story via email in early 1999. I laughed, then filed it away
assuming it was typical Internet nonsense. Then in February, 2000, a
year later, Melissa Hogan sent me pictures of Larry Walters in action.
Once I saw Melissa's pictures, I was floored.
smokes! This story really was
true! I still couldn't believe it,
so I
decided to visit the Internet.
first thing I did was look for the Darwin Awards and for Larry Walters
by name. I ended up at a dozen different places. One site named Larry
the 1997 winner. Another site named Larry the 1982 winner. Others didn't
mention him at all. There are Darwin Sites all over the place!!
Interestingly, none of the stories about Larry
Walters were completely the same, but they all agreed on two
1) This has to be one of the stupidest stunts in the history of
all mankind. 2) The event occurred in 1982.
And now for Larry's story...
Apparently each year some group awards the
Darwin Award” for individuals who do the earth’s “Gene
pool” the greatest service for doing something completely
moronic and usually getting killed in the process.
Two years ago it went to an individual who tried to
“swipe a free soda” by tipping over a soda machine (with
predictably bad results!).
Last year it went to a guy in the military for
tying a jet engine onto his personal vehicle and ended up smashing into a cliff.
But this year, the award was ACTUALLY given to an individual
identified here only as LARRY, who for the first time in the
Darwin Awards history, SURVIVED.
According to the report, Larry had a childhood
dream to fly. He enlisted in the Air Force but poor eyesight
prevented him from making a flight crew.
One day Larry went to a local “Army/Navy”
store and purchased 45 weather balloons and a large stash of
“helium”. (Note: when inflated, these balloons are about 4 ft
in diameter.) Larry’s plan was to fill the balloons, suspend his
lawn chair under them and float contentedly over his backyard in
southern California. He tried a trial run by inflating 10 balloons
and attaching them to his favorite lawn chair. Then he tied his
lawn chair to the bumper of his car. Stuck to the tether, his
chair floated about 10 feet up. Now content that his idea would
work, Larry hauled down the chair and prepared to make his
“final voyage”.
Assuming his weight would be a major load, Larry
filled the other 35 balloons. Now he was ready.
Armed with a pack of sandwiches and a 6 pack of Miller Lite plus
his PELLET gun, Larry lashed himself into his lawn chair.
Larry’s plan was to float above his back yard at
about 30 feet for a few hours and then using his pellet gun, he would
“shoot out” enough balloons to descend safely back to earth a few
hours later.
Unfortunately, when Larry severed his anchor, he
didn’t float leisurely above his yard.
In FACT, Larry was propelled into the sky as if SHOT by a
cannon!! His chair climbed to 100 feet in just a matter of seconds!!
The shock was so great he instantly lost his glasses, leaving him half
blind for the entire trip.
He found himself blasted not 30 feet above his house,
not 100 ft above his house… Larry stopped climbing 16,000 feet into
the atmosphere!! Now perched 3 MILES above the earth, it was
shoot out any balloons, lest he upset the balance of the chair and fall
to oblivion.
The mythological tale of Icarus, the ill-fated Greek
Birdman, seemed ready to come true. One mistake and Larry was in
great danger of plummeting back to earth.
Larry was in serious trouble.
Far up in space
way above the clouds,
Larry had no choice but to sit there scared out of his wits.
Did he have a coat?? No, of course not. Did he have any
way to call for help?? No, of course not.
Did anyone know what he
was doing?? No, of course not. Did he have toilet paper?? The
article did not discuss the tissue issue, but we assume not.
he have anything to read?? Or should the question be did he even
know how to read??
Apparently Larry at least
had a camera. However he forgot to take a picture. Maybe he was
For TWELVE HOURS Larry just sat there drifting
aimlessly in his lawn chair with no plan or
reasonable hope for getting down
other than perhaps a fortuitous alien abduction.
There was Larry all by himself alone in the
sky…no birds and no aliens
either. His only companions were
his sandwiches, his beer, and his pellet gun. Alone.
Cold. Frightened.
Cold. Frightened.
You have to wonder if he realized this wasn't a very good idea.
God takes care of everyone, even morons.
Larry’s fortunes miraculously improved when a
breeze caught his balloons and carried him into the primary flight
path of the Long Beach Airport.
A Pan Am airline pilot was the
first to spot Larry. Fortunately the pilot was
alert. The pilot took evasive action
and rose higher in the air to avoid severing Larry’s balloon
train with his wing.
After he
had safely passed Larry, the airline pilot radioed
to the airport tower, “I’m starting my descent at 16,000 feet and
I just passed a guy in a lawn chair with a gun. I don’t know if
he is dangerous, but I don’t think so. Maybe he is trying to
commit suicide, but he looks too goofy!”
Soon the tower picked up an object on radar.
They dispatched a helicopter to check out a possible terrorist
threat. Unfortunately evening was approaching and the Southern
California evening winds began to carry Larry OUT TOWARD THE
helicopter caught up with Larry and watched him carefully for
about 15 minutes with their binoculars. They ascertained in the
evening gloom that his “GUN” was little more than a BB rifle,
so this allayed their fears somewhat. There was no sign of any
bomb to speak of. After watching him wave his arms furiously and
nearly fall into the ocean trying to get their attention, they
finally decided he wasn’t dangerous to anyone but himself.
At this point Larry had been up in the air for nearly
half a day. Now
Larry caught another break. Just as he was about to sail
out over the Pacific Ocean, the wind shifted and carried him
back inland. (if you look at the picture below, you will
see where Larry's route took a miraculous U-turn).

Tired, exhausted, and perhaps worried that
an air force jet might be dispatched to end his trip
"prematurely", Larry decided it was
time to do something. Larry
took a chance and popped several balloons with his BB Gun. Then
he dropped his gun!!
Fortunately he had popped enough balloons before
dropping the gun. Even though he was now
helpless to control his fate, someone was watching over him. Slowly
but surely the lawn chair began its
As his makeshift contraption neared ground, the
ropes became entangled in a power line. This
final mishap briefly blacked out a small
area in Long Beach. The chair come to a stop a mere
5 feet above the ground.
Larry Walters was now able to
climb down safely.
But if he needed help, there was plenty around.
Larry wasn't alone anymore.
In fact, Larry was
surrounded by an army of patrol cars and news trucks. This story
was definitely going to make the evening news! Larry was quickly arrested by
the waiting LAPD officers who charged him with violating
the airspace of the Long
Beach Airport.
As he was
being led away in hand-cuffs, a reporter asked Larry why he had tried
such a “lame-brained idea”. Larry stopped, looked back and said: “A guy has to
do something. He can’t just sit around in his backyard all day.”
July, 2003: The most complete story I have found
on the Internet about the saga of Larry Walters can be read at:
Mr. Barry appears to have researched this remarkable
story in great detail and his version is the most believable rendition
of a story full of tall tales and urban myths.
I used his site to
update several inaccuracies in my own version of the story which I
originally put together in 2000.
Rick Archer
From The Los Angeles Times 24 November 1993 Myrna Oliver, Times Staff Writer
Larry Walters, who achieved dubious fame in 1982 when he piloted a lawn chair attached to helium balloons 16,000 feet above Long Beach, has committed suicide at the age of 44.
Walters died Oct. 6 after hiking to a remote spot in Angeles National Forest and shooting himself in the heart, his mother, Hazel Dunham, revealed Monday. She said relatives knew of no motive for the suicide. "It was something I had to do," Walters told The Times after his flight from San Pedro to Long Beach on July 2, 1982. "I had this dream for 20 years, and if I hadn't done it, I would have ended up in the funny farm."
Walters rigged 42 weather balloons to an aluminum lawn chair, pumped them full of helium and had two friends untether the craft, which he had dubbed "Inspiration I."
He took along a large bottle of soda, a parachute and a portable CB radio to alert air traffic to his presence. He also took a camera but later admitted, "I was so amazed by the view I didn't even take one picture."
Walters, a North Hollywood truck driver with no pilot or balloon training, spent about two hours aloft and soared up to 16,000 feet -- three miles -- startling at least two airline pilots and causing one to radio the Federal Aviation Administration.
Shivering in the high altitude, he used a pellet gun to pop balloons to come back to earth. On the way down, his balloons draped over power lines, blacking out a Long Beach neighborhood for 20 minutes.
The stunt earned Walters a $1,500 fine from the FAA, the top prize from the Bonehead Club of Dallas, the altitude record for gas-filled clustered balloons (which could not be officially recorded because he was unlicensed and unsanctioned) and international admiration. He appeared on "The Tonight Show" and was flown to New York to be on "Late Night With David Letterman," which he later described as "the most fun I've ever had."
"I didn't think that by fulfilling my goal in life -- my dream -- that would create such a stir,"
he later told The Times, "and make people laugh."
Walters abandoned his truck-driving job and went on the lecture circuit, remaining sporadically in demand at motivational seminars. But he said he never made much money from his innovative flight and was glad to keep his simple lifestyle.
He gave his "aircraft" -- the aluminum lawn chair -- to admiring neighborhood children after he landed, later regretting it.
In recent years, Walters hiked the San Gabriel Mountains and did volunteer work for the U.S. Forest Service.
"I love the peace and quiet," he told The Times in 1988. "Nature and I get along real well."
An Army veteran who served in Vietnam, Walters never married and had no children. He is survived by his mother and two sisters.
Letters to the Editor
From: Wm. G. (Bill) S
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2005 9:10 AM
Subject: larry the moron
Hi Rick;
In my never ending search for balloon history I got waylaid by your page
on "Larry The Moron".
Two faults I have with it (easily changeable) are the two
statements copied from that page below:
"Larry stopped climbing at 16,000 feet into the atmosphere!! Now perched
5 miles above the earth"...............
16,000 feet is barely over 3 miles, I know because I have
piloted my own balloon to 12,500' which is 500 feet beyond the
legal limit in American airspace without the
pilot being on aviation breathing oxygen.
5,280 feet being a mile, I wanted to go to the limit which is
greater than two miles.
The other mistake:
"Fortunately he had popped enough balloons before dropping the gun and
slowly the lawn chair began its ascent.".............
That would be a "descent" if by shooting out
some of his balloons caused him to go down.
All in all, It's a pretty wonderful page on him. I was not aware of the
time frame on his flight. I remember hearing
about it in the 90's. I thought it
was current news when I heard it. Thank you for your informative page on
Larry. I learned something and hopefully helped you.
You are very welcome to visit my "Ballooning History" page and pick it
Have a Good Day, Wonderful Day!
Wm. G. (Bill) Scarberry, Jr.
Concord, NC USA 28025
Rick Archer's Response:
Those two errors you pointed out are pretty glaring. I am grateful
that you have given me a head's up so I can correct them. I guess I am
not so smart myself sometimes.
-----Original Message-----
From: Anita H
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2007 2:14 AM
Subject: re: your website page about Larry Walters
A friend sent me a link to your web page about the
underground pot farm, which was really amazing. I started
to look at your other pages & found the one about Larry
Walters & his balloon chair.
I knew about him and was a little offended by your title of
"Larry the Moron." OK, maybe it's something most of us
would not try, but I for one, admired his pioneering,
adventurous spirit and do-it-yourself attitude. Larry's
adventure also spurred a new form of legitimate aviation,
now called "Cluster Ballooning," so he was indeed a pioneer.
Might you consider changing the title of your page to
something a little less derogatory? The poor man committed
suicide, after all. Perhaps ridicule had something to do
with that.
Thanks for listening, Anita
-----Original Message-----
From: Rick Archer
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2007 9:45 AM
To: Anita H
Subject: RE: your website page about Larry Walters
I respect your
sentiment, Ms. H. You have made your point well and forced me to
take a second look at my decision.
In my opinion, Mr. Walters
thoroughly deserves this title. He is the
all-time poster boy for foolish stunts. I have never heard of
anything more ridiculous. Not only did he risk his own life, he
forced the military to intercept him, he had rescue people on
standby everywhere, and I believe he knocked out power when he
He came very close to killing himself in the
His actions were so far beyond reckless
that there is no question in my mind that he has
earned the right to be called a moron, as painful as that word is.
The word exists in our language for a reason - because there are
actions so stupid as to be termed 'moronic'.
Were Mr. Walters
alive today, I would soften my stance, but as it stands, his memory
serves as a warning to the entire planet to think things through
ahead of time.
From: Stephen B
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2012 3:24 PM
I have just stumbled across your poorly titled website about
Larry Walters. I agree with Anita H and her letter and find your
title to be more than a little harsh. I remember hearing of his
flight when he took it and thought he was a genius. He put quite
a bit of thought into it and had all the tools he needed for his
flight (radio, altimeter, gun, ballast, parachute). As I recall
he was only going to sit tethered at 30 feet as a test but his
tether broke. You also state on your web page that he was "
Alone. Cold. Frightened. Drifting. Alone. Cold. Frightened. You
have to wonder if he realized this wasn't a very good idea".
I don't know how you pretend to know
what was going through his mind, but I have listened to the
recorded audio of his flight and he sounds calm, cool and
collected through it all. I have read many other sites about
Larry Walters but yours is pretty crass. It is easy to throw
stones at Larry but he has not harmed anyone out there with his
actions and was fulfilling his lifelong dream. Yeah, it could of
ended worse for Larry that day and maybe others, but he made
history and I love him for it. He obviously gathered your
attention with all the time and research you have put in to such
a "MORON". Maybe I am just another Moron to you but I would much
rather be like Larry than a judgmental blogger like yourself.
Every time I see a helium balloon I will fondly remember Larry
and his adventurous spirit.
Steve B