Welcome to the SSQQ Geography Quiz!
Written by Rick Archer
First published: July 1999 /
Last Update: August 2011
Rick's Note: This quiz is on the level... there are a few curveballs
and a few attempts at levity, but this is a
legitimate test equivalent to a final exam for a college level Geography
I have little doubt there is a mistake in here somewhere, but I
have researched the answers carefully enough to make it a fair test
of your ability. I think you will
enjoy using your wits! Some of the questions are easy, but
others will definitely
separate the
brains from the brawns.
Yes, I have an answer sheet for you. But first,
please email your answers to Rick Archer at
I will send you the answers immediately if you get at least
half right or appear to have tried hard.
Some people ask for the answers
without taking the Quiz. Please don't bother.
I don't mind if you use your reference books
and the Internet. Why not?
Everyone else does!!
I originally ran
the contest in July 1999. Not many people did very
well. About 5 people got
more than 10 right out of the original 25 questions.
Then something odd happened. When I ran the quiz again in 2001, this
time I had over two dozen people with more than 20 correct
answers. Curious why there had been such an
improvement, I asked a couple of
my respondents how they had done so well.
You guessed it - they admitted they had used the Internet.
That is when I realized the first
group had taken the test in an era before the Internet had come into its own as a research tool.
So, yes, please use the Internet.
I have added some questions that almost can't be answered
without research. That is part of the fun of this quiz
- you learn all sorts of new and interesting things.
If you would like to read the story about the event that inspired the SSQQ Geography
Quiz plus read a funny article by Dave Barry, click:
The SSQQ Geography Story
and Dave Barry
The SSQQ Geography Quiz
1. |
Warm up question. Which of the following Mediterranean Islands is actually a
Country? |
a. Balearics
b. Corsica
c. Sicily
d. Malta
e. Crete
2. |
Name the only country in the world whose flag
has an irregular shape (i.e. not a
square like Switzerland or the common
rectangle like the United States flag).
Question: What is the only country in the world with a
flag that is different on both sides?
(Contributed by Joan Dawkins) |
Now that Panama is completely cut in two by the Panama Canal,
some people consider Northern Panama part of North America while South
Panama is part of South America.
Can you name two countries
in the world that have land
on two different continents divided
by water?
(Hint #1: Russia is not one of them.
Hint #2: Spain doesn't count.) |
4. |
Name the area (much
larger than Mexico) with the most inaccurate name of any
territory in the world.
(Hint: this one is
easy. The name was clearly thought up by an overzealous travel agent.)
5. |
Everyone knows that Mt. Everest is the tallest mountain in the world.
So what is the second Highest mountain?
What country is it
Bonus Question: Technically speaking,
there is actually one mountain in the world taller than Everest. It
is located in the United States.
Can you guess its name? |
6. |
There is a mainland country of 11,000 sq. miles
(about the size of Maryland) whose nation's capital is located on an island out in the
What is its name?
Bonus Question 1:
As a follow-up, find another capital separated from the mainland
out in the middle of a sea. This country is about 17,000 square miles
and has a population of about 6 million. Although the bulk of the
country is located on the mainland, its largest city and capital is out
on an island in a major sea.
Bonus Question 2:
The capital of a Persian Gulf nation lies on a island separated from
the mainland by about 200 yards of water. This one shouldn't
be too hard to figure out. So, to add to the fun, name a
Persian Gulf nation that actually is both an island and a country.
7. |
Everyone knows about the problems on the
island known as Ireland, but there one other island
country in the world with almost as many headaches over divided loyalties.
The island
country we are looking for has, like Ireland, been legally separated into two halves for political
What is its name? |
8. |
is the only country in the world that is situated in all four
hemispheres? (Contributed by Joan
Dawkins) |
9. |
Talk about thin!! This country is the Ally McBeal of the
planet. It is ten times longer in one direction than
the other.
Name the world's most anorexic country. |
10. |
Here's an easy one. Give the new world names of
countries formerly known as Ceylon, Burma, Siam, and Dahomey.
11. |
What is
Yellow, and wet all over? |
12. |
There are tremendous
economic and strategic advantages for a country to have access to
the sea. Bolivia, for example, is a land-locked country that
lost its ports to Chile around the turn of the century in 1904 and
has desperately coveted a corridor to the Pacific ever since.
Here is a double question.
I am one of the world's largest countries (Top
30), but I was completely
landlocked until 1885 when I bought a tiny sliver of coastline about 20 miles wide to
provide access to the sea. Who am I?
I am one of the world's largest countries (Top
30) and I am completely
landlocked. As long as humans have walked the earth,
I have had complete access to the sea but
that all changed in 1991.
Who am I?
13. |
Hi there. My name is ________ and I used to be a pretty good
quarterback for the Miami Dolphins. Now in
retirement I got a cushy job loaning my name to one of the world's smallest countries.
Can you name my country? |
14. |
I am an enormous land mass bigger than Saudi Arabia, Libya, or Mexico, but no
one will let my gymnastics team into the Olympics because I am not a country. Who am
I? (Hint : Not Antarctica, not Arctic Circle). |
My name is Lake Superior, but I am feeling
kind of Erie because I am considered only
the 2nd largest Lake in the world.
Who's occupying First Base in the Planetary
Lake Department?
16. |
About time, an easy one.
country lies entirely within the Alps? (contributed by
Joan Dawkins) |
believe that Over-Population is
the Earth's most pressing problem. China
averages 300 people per square mile, but that feels like living on the Moon compared to
India's staggering 672 people per square mile. Then again, Japan
averages 865 people!! Have you seen Tokyo lately??
It has become wall to wall skyscrapers.
By comparison, Canada averages about
7 people a square mile and Australia about 6.
Russia, the largest country on Earth, averages about 33 people.
One country, however, gets my vote for hell on earth with
the cataclysmic average of 40,000 people per square mile.
Can you name it?
18. |
Name the only country
in the world whose name starts with "Q". Can you think
of it without looking on the Internet? |
19. |
Europe has Big Ben, but Asia, Africa, Australia, North America, and South
America all have something Really Big that Europe doesn't have.
What can it be? |
20. |
Bellaire, Texas, USA,
home to the world-famous SSQQ Dance Studio
(which sponsors this web site), is a tiny city
surrounded by the enormous city of Houston, Texas.
It is not uncommon for a small city to be surrounded by a larger city, but
only a few countries exist within the borders of a larger
Can you name
two large countries that actually have
two separate smaller countries existing completely within its borders?
(Please note: one of the 4 "contained" countries does
at least share a single border with
the larger country)
What are the
names of the 2 large countries and the 4 smaller countries?
Bonus Question: It is a
little known fact that there is also a third country surrounded as well
by one of the two large countries above.
Can you name it? This is pretty obscure, so don't invest
too much time. |
21. |
So everybody has heard of the Suez Canal and the Panama Canal.
Anybody want to guess where the longest River-Canal connection in the world is
located? |
22. |
Which country's Flag is almost completely identical to the State of
Texas Flag!?!
The nerve of those rude copycats!! (Or did we
copy their flag? Hmm.) |
23. |
Here is a toughie: Russia, the United States, Spain, Angola, and Azerbaijan all have a unique problem in common that
none of the other 190 countries are burdened with.
What could this
unusual problem be? |
What do Malawi, Zimbabwe, and Zambia all have in common
besides the Zambezi River? |
25. |
Here's an interesting question I borrowed from Encarta,
the Microsoft Encyclopedia: Can you name the world’s only two double-landlocked countries?
(Note: "Double landlocked" means that not only are these countries landlocked, but
so is every country that borders them. In other
words, these two countries are nowhere near the sea.) |
What was the first city in the world
to boast having a population of over 1 million?
(Contributed by Todd Schenk)
27. |
I am a country
that was named after the NBA's
most famous player. In addition,
my capital was once named after another NBA city.
Would you care to guess my name and the former name of my
capital? (Contributed by Todd Schenk)
28. |
What state contains the geographic center of
the United States of America? (Contributed by Todd Schenk)
29. |
Here is a tricky one. We know the Panama
Canal completely divides Panama country into two parts separated by water.
What famous Monster is partly responsible for completely separating 1/3 of
an island country into two parts by a
combination of rivers, lakes, and canals?
30. |
How about an easy
geography question about a country that doesn't even exist? According to Dave Barry, the noted
geographer, quite a few countries were founded by a prolific guy named
"Stan". This group includes well-known countries such as
Pakistan and Afghanistan plus several
ex-Soviet Union satellite countries such as Uzbekistan,
Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Dave's favorite Kyrgyzstan, and a huge ex-USSR
country named Kazakhstan. Now for some fun.
In the 1970s, an excellent movie starring Sean Connery and Michael Caine
was adapted from a Rudyard Kipling novel. The
movie was about two scallywags who
somehow managed to conquer an entire country all by themselves!!
Name the movie and name the fictional country.
Size-wise I am one of the 20 largest countries in the world
and my citizens regularly are in the top dozen medalist nations at the
Summer Olympics.
Unfortunately, I have
lots of land that no one wants to live in. Only 10% of my country
is inhabited. People make fun of me and some even call me the "Big
Doughnut" because no one lives in the middle.
Who am I and why did I get this nickname? |
There is a large, well-known country (one of the 20 largest
countries in the world). This country has at least 10 and maybe
more political regions. For example, Germany has 16 states
with Bavaria being one of the them. France has 27 regions or
departments such as Basse-Normandy.
In this country, one of
its coastal regions comprises one-sixth of the nation's territory,
but over HALF of its coastline.
In other words, one single region in a large country contains more coastline
than all the other regions combined.
Can you name the
country and the political region in question? |
Finally an easy one.
Which is the only land mass in the world not claimed by a single
country? |
What country has
more lakes than ALL the other countries on the planet combined?
35. |
Name the only city
in the world that rests on two continents. |
Name the oldest
continuously inhabited city in the world. It was founded a couple
thousand years before Rome. |
A few years ago, this
trivia question made the rounds: What US State has
no natural lakes, only man-made ones?
The answer was supposed
to be Ohio, but several people who grew up next to lakes in Ohio
were justifiably outraged. After some investigation, it was
revealed that the largest lake in Ohio is 345 acres in size and its
name is "Aurora Pond". That is about half of a square
mile. By comparison, Lake Tahoe in California is 190 square
miles. The Great Salt Lake in Utah comes in at 2625 square
miles. So maybe that trivia question is legitimate.
Now here is an even stranger trivia
The largest lake in one of the USA's 50 states has
never even been seen by the majority of the state's population. What is the name of the
state and why hasn't anybody ever seen the state's biggest lake? Good luck
figuring this one out. |
38. |
Here's an easy one.
Most islands are territories. However, some islands are actually nations
that can send teams to the Olympics .
On a list of the 17
smallest countries in the world,
five of these
countries are islands in one spot just 300 miles apart.
Where is that spot? |
39. |
I am huge, but in
some ways easily overlooked. If you look at the map of the world,
you can't help but notice me. I was once part of the European
Economic Union, however I am simultaneously so obscure the only way you
can reach me by commercial airline is through Copenhagen.
Who am I
and why is this? |
40. |
I am the highest
waterfall in the world. My water drops 15 times further than the
famous Niagara Falls in the USA.
What is my name? |
41. |
What area of the world contains 25% of the world's forests?
42. |
Where is the driest place on Earth? |
43. |
What river separates
two continents? |
44. |
Which one of the
following countries is NOT land-locked? (in other words, which
country below has direct access to an ocean or a major sea?)
01. Bolivia
02. Paraguay
03. Jordan
04. Macedonia
05. Uganda
06. Ethiopia
07. Mali
08. Armenia
09. Mongolia
10. Uzbekistan |
45. |
Once upon a time,
Yugoslavia in the Balkan region was one of the dominant states in
all of Europe. Many people are surprised to learn that
Yugoslavia did not even exist until after World War I and now it is
gone again.
Yugoslavia was created as a political idea by Europe's
leaders following World War I. Yugoslavia had quite a
bit of potential. For example, Yugoslavia had many successes
at the World Basketball Championships. The national basketball team
captured world titles in 1970, 1978, 1990, 1998 and 2002... more
world titles than the USA won during the same period!
Unfortunately, the
population of Yugoslavia consisted of many diverse ethnic groups
that really did not like each other very much. After some
particularly bloody civil wars in the 1990s, Yugoslavia splintered into
many separate states.
Which one of the following nations were not formed as part of the
breakup of Yugoslavia?
01. Serbia
02. Herzegovina
03. Albania
04. Montenegro
05. Slovenia
06. Macedonia
07. Bosnia
08. Croatia
09. Kosovo |
46. |
Which one of the
following is not an African "nation"? Can you
do it off the top of your head?
01. Gabon
02. Djibouti
03. Guyana
04. Namibia
05. Gambia
06. Zambia
07. Guinea
08. Burundi
09. Ghana
10. Burkina Faso
47. |
USA Real Estate
This American land purchase was
considered the real estate steal of the century. The
USA got a big chunk of land for 2 cents an acre.
Can you name it off the top of your head? If not, you
shouldn't have much trouble finding the answer on the
Question 1:
What popular cruise destination in the Caribbean was
purchased by the USA for security reasons?
Question 2: This question is harder. What
major parcel of land is considered to be "the one that got
The USA was in hot pursuit of a major land purchase in 1947
that never came through.
48. |
After the European
discovery of America, some people used the term "Seven Seas" to
refer to seven of the largest bodies of water in the world.
On a list of the TEN largest bodies of water in the world, three of the bodies of water in the list below do not belong.
Can you name all three?
01. The Gulf of Mexico
02. The Black Sea
03. The Atlantic Ocean
04. The Persian Gulf
05. The Indian Ocean
06. The North Sea
07. The Caribbean Sea
08. The Mediterranean Sea
09. The Arctic Ocean
10. The Pacific Ocean
49. |
Which one of the
following Caribbean islands is not a "nation"?
01. Dominica
02. Trinidad
03. St Vincent-Grenadines
04. Antigua
05. Barbados
06. Grenada
07. Dominican Republic
08. Martinique
09. St Kitts
10. St Lucia
50. |
Which one of the
following Central American areas is not a "nation"?
01. Costa Rica
02. Grand Cayman
03. Mexico
04. Guatemala
05. El Salvador
06. Honduras
07. Belize
08. Nicaragua
09. Colombia
10. Panama |
51. |
Which one of the
following is not a European nation?
01. Andorra
02. Liechtenstein
03. Luxembourg
04. San Marino
05. Vatican
06. Malta
07. Cyprus
08. Monaco
09. Moldova
10. Crete |
52. |
Which one of the
following is not a South American "nation"?
01. Bolivia
02. Paraguay
03. Peru
04. Ecuador
05. Suriname
06. French Guiana
07. Venezuela
08. Chile
09. Colombia
10. Brazil |
53. |
Which one of the
following Pacific islands is not a "nation"?
01. The Solomons
02. Micronesia
03. Fiji
04. Samoa
05. Nauru
06. Tonga
07. Tahiti
08. Kiribati
09. Tuvalu
10. Vanuatu |
Bonus Question: One of
the ten islands above is simultaneously a nation and a territory as
well. Can you name which one and why? |
54. |
What is the
name of the world's largest desert?
What continent is it in? |
55. |
is the ONLY state in America that has not a single national park,
monument or any other site of note in the entire federal system?
56. |
I am
an island nation somewhere in the Eastern Hemisphere.
Unfortunately I am feeling puny and stranded because 99% of my
island's land mass belongs to two other countries. Who am I
and what is the name of my island?
Bonus Question:
Once upon a time there was
one other island co-owned by three different nations, but no longer.
What is the name of the island and what happened to it?
57. |
is me!! I am an island nation expected to be the first nation
in the world to disappear due to global warming. In 1999, two
of my little islets disappeared and now another islet has lost all
its coconut trees due to salination. Who am I and where will
my people go?
Bonus Question:
I too am an island nation
and I too am worried about disappearing because I am the lowest
country in the world. |
58. |
Ethnic loyalties are a constant source of strife on our planet.
For example, ethnic strife in Sudan, Rwanda and the Balkans have
left countless thousands of people dead in recent years. When
one group gains the upper hand, often the losers become refugees
without a homeland. This of course is the situation the
Palestinians find themselves in at this very moment as do many
African people fleeing the constant fighting.
With the plight of the
Palestinians dominating the headlines, there is a group of 30
MILLION people who live today in one particular region of our
Planet, but do not have a country. There are so many of these
people that they are spread out over four different countries.
Who are they?
by Joan Dawkins)
59. |
islands are currently arguing over which is the "Most Remote
Inhabited Island on Earth". Go visit Google and figure out
their names.
by Joan Dawkins)
60. |
is a fun one. There is an island in the Caribbean that has two
different names. That is because two European countries share
the island (peacefully I might add). The border between the
two territories was said to be created by a walking contest between
representatives of the two countries. To this day the locals
claim that one of the men cheated by running. What are the two
names? |
61. |
About time, an easy one.
I am a Top 20
country in population, but my country
is all wet. It consists of 13,000 islands.
my name? |
62. |
Where is the longest undefended border in the world located? |
63. |
Finally we wrap things up with an easy one. What is the only
river in the world that empties into two oceans? |
Rick's Note:
After you have taken the quiz, email your
answers to Rick Archer at
If you get half
the answers correct, I will be
happy to supply you with
my entire answer sheet.
1. By the way,
you may have noticed many of the questions were contributed
by someone else. if you have some geography questions you would like to see added to this list,
please feel
free to contribute! This quiz is offered for free
to the world. It can be your puzzle too. I
will add them to the list and give you credit.
2. One lady said
most these questions assumed the whole world lived in the
USA. Good point! So if you can think of
any interesting question from your part of the world, share
it with us. This is a Global Geography Quiz, so I
encourage the entire planet to participate in broadening the
I hope you have enjoyed the SSQQ Geography Quiz. I certainly enjoyed making
it up and expanding over the years.
Rick Archer
The SSQQ Geography Story
and Dave Barry