The Story of Sharon Crawford
SSQQ Lifetime Achievement Award for Teaching - 1987 to
written by Rick Archer
I adore Sharon Crawford
For one thing, Sharon is one of the kindest, most
decent human beings I have ever met. I trust her completely. Whenever she is at the
studio, I feel much more at ease because she knows just as much as I do about running the
studio. In fact, she pretty much did run the studio for several years.
Saves the Studio
Back in the early 90s, Sharon tried to combine
building a law career with managing the studio. Sharon opened up
her own law practice. Any lawyer will tell you it is difficult being in business for
yourself. Despite working hard at her law practice by day and
teaching dance by night, she still had trouble making ends meet,
especially since ambulance-chasing and defending DWIs wasn't
exactly her cup of tea.

Sharon gave it her best shot, but it wasn't enough.
She gave her law career a try for about four years, but in 1993
Sharon finally
threw in the towel and got a full-time job managing a law firm. As of
2003, she has been there for ten years.
I accepted her decision of
course, but it was one of my saddest days ever. I depended on Sharon so
much! I found that
I could always count on her. Whenever she made a promise to do something, she did it and
she did it well. I heard a saying once, "Beware the Boss who praises Liberated Women;
he's preparing to let them do all the work." Unfortunately the arrow doesn't fall far
from the target where Sharon and I are concerned. I just handed her the ball and
watched her make the studio wonderful.
Sharon has been teaching at SSQQ longer than any other
instructor besides me. She started taking lessons in 1987 and began to teach in April of
1988. Back in those days there were no volunteers, no assistants, no
training programs, no nothing. One day someone quit. Sharon was
easily the best dancer in the studio so I asked her to
teach. She made the mistake of saying 'yes', then asking
when she started. In two days. I threw her to the wolves. I
figured what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. I doubt Sharon
appreciates the beauty of my philosophy.
Her first night, Sharon was so nervous that she
could not speak above a whisper. Her students literally
formed a huddle around her so they hear what she was saying.
Looking back, it was pretty brutal. However it was obvious
right from the start that Sharon was a born teacher. Her dancing
ability was obvious to everyone, she had the gift of explaining
what she did in terms that were easy to understand, and her
patience was greatly appreciated. Even more than that, Sharon has
a natural warmth that puts people at ease. Sharon was - and
still is - very easy to like. She quickly became the studio's most
popular instructor.
For the past 15 years at SSQQ, Sharon has
consistently drawn the toughest teaching assignments. Lucky Sharon
- she gets to teach the hardest courses: Martian Whip,
Death Valley, Advanced Western Waltz, Advanced Western Cha Cha. This is due to her
lengthy teaching experience and her tremendous dancing
ability. It is easy for even gifted dancers to respect her
because she moves so gracefully.
To say Sharon is important to SSQQ is a vast
understatement. Over the years Sharon Crawford has been
incredibly instrumental to the studio's success.
Sharon is extremely creative. Our students may
not realize that Sharon developed the syllabus for these Advanced
programs herself. Like her fellow SSQQ staff members Judy Archer (Salsa, Lindy, Swing)
and Susie Merrill (Heartbeat, Night Club Twostep), Sharon has
shown the
ability to create entire dance programs.
Back in the 90s, Sharon Crawford
and the Death Valley advanced Western Swing program were
synonymous. At that time Sharon and her friend Patrick Steerman were involved
in western competition dancing. While training for
competition dancing, Sharon learned many
intricate patterns and incorporated them into 12 different Death
Valley levels.
At the same time for much of the 90s, Sharon
taught our most difficult course - the Martian Whip series.
I imagine it was pretty tough on her to teach these two demanding
courses week after week. She joked that she wasn't sure she could
still teach Beginning Twostep, but I promised it wasn't a problem
since she was never going to get the chance anyway. No one
could replace her at the top.
Most people at SSQQ in the 2000s know Sharon
through her popular Western Waltz and Western Cha Cha series. Both
courses contain many highly sophisticated patterns. The Waltz
course has 5 levels and the Cha Cha course has 4 levels. Although
she will quickly point out she received help from her friends Patrick Steerman and John Jones, Sharon
deserves a lot of credit for creating these difficult and
sophisticated courses.
Sharon has received a lot of acclaim
over the years for her excellence in teaching. If you see a
couple dancing a lovely Waltz at a Western night club, don't be
surprised if you find that Sharon was their teacher. I would
surmise that Sharon Crawford has trained more people to Western
Waltz than any other teacher in Houston by a wide margin. One
night I was watching several of her students practice after
class. They were in their fifth month of Western Waltz. My
jaw dropped in awe at the beauty and excellence of their
dancing. They looked as good as many professionals in my
opinion. Sharon deserves a teaching medal for her work in
this area.
Sharon Crawford has contributed to SSQQ in
many other ways as well. Back in 1988 Sharon organized a
group trip to a Jack Tar Village in the Bahamas.
Considering that the trip went in the middle of the summer,
it was amazingly inexpensive. Sharon's lengthy
research paid off. The value of the trip and the timing of
the trip made it instantly attractive to many SSQQ students.
Sharon did such a great job promoting the trip
that we ended up taking over 50 people. This set a record that stood
for 13 years as the largest SSQQ trip ever. In the
summer of 2001 an SSQQ cruise broke the record with 101
people, but I still think Sharon's record is impressive
because it was all done by word of mouth. There was no
Internet to use for promoting in those days.
The picture at right is Sharon and her
friend Janet gagging at the awful outfit I was wearing to
dinner one night on the Jack Tar trip as a joke. As I glance
at this ancient snapshot, I guess I can't blame
During this
trip, Sharon was involved in a bizarre incident known as
Bahama Blues. If
you are a Sharon Crawford fan, this is a story you would
enjoy reading.



I believe Sharon has a hidden ham
bone. Or now that I think about it, she doesn't hide
it very well.
As a former Kilgore Rangerette and
competition dancer, Sharon
is used to performing. She smiles easily and has a lot
of skill. Over the years
Sharon has been in a key performer in the SSQQ Lip
Sync shows.
In the left picture above Sharon is
one of the Supremes with Anita Williams and Judy
Archer. I believe Judy was Diana Ross, but
Sharon kept butting in and trying to steal the
show. Judy doesn't seem to mind.
And Sharon is famous for her Dolly
Parton Act. In case you haven't seen it, I won't
spoil the fun, but I will comment that her ample
bosoms behave very uniquely. In fact you barely notice
Sharon is even there while she sings... I will
let your imagination figure it out.
Halloween brings out a different side of Sharon.
She loves the SSQQ Halloween Party because it gives
her an opportunity to wear her favorite blonde wig.
Apparently being a blonde the other 364 days of the
year isn't enough for her.
Besides Judy Archer and I, Sharon has been to more SSQQ
Halloween Parties than anybody. Over the years, Sharon has always
displayed a definite flair for
Back in 1989, Sharon stole the show with a very special
costume. Sharon came to the Halloween Party
dressed as the SSQQ Whip girl.

Wearing a skin-tight black outfit that displayed her
well-curved figure to perfection, Sharon had a great time as a Whip-cracking
We had a drawing of a Whip girl that we used for all our posters. As you can see
by comparing the pictures, Sharon was the spitting image right down to the leather and
lace. And curves too.
Although Sharon is modest by nature, Halloween brings out another side of
her. There was little left to the imagination.
I remember noticing with
amusement that men's eyes followed Sharon everywhere she went all night
Sharon Crawford played an incredible practical joke on me back in 1989.
One day Sharon was at my house in
August 89 helping me with the SSQQ Mailing List. During the Snail Mail
era, we used to mail out 5,000 schedules every two months. Now that
I look back, that mailing list project was quite an ordeal. I kiss
the ground the Internet walks on for relieving me of this horrible
As we worked, Sharon noticed a snapshot laying on my desk. It was a
picture of me from the 5th grade. Let me quickly add it was a picture only a mother
could love. I had a cowlick that stuck straight up in the air.
I had a badly chipped front tooth that had been recently caused by a classmate jumping on my
back and knocking me to the floor in horseplay.
Thanks to a childhood accident, I had two eyes that didn't
match. Plus I had a pair of
thick glasses so ugly I believe my mother sold them as a prop in "Revenge of the
Nerds". I have no idea what cruel twist of fate led to that horrible picture
being on display
that day, but Sharon Crawford had the sense to pocket it behind my
back. I
never even noticed it was missing.
Two months later my 40th birthday rolls around. As I
am led forward to my execution-style 'Over the Hill' ordeal, I am
astonished to find 10 women on the SSQQ Staff wearing tee shirts
that prominently display that awful picture.
The caption said
"Thank God some things improve with age."
Ha Ha. Very funny. You got me good.
Well done, Sharon.
As I write this story, I don't think I've paid Sharon back for that
one. Life is long. Revenge is sweet. Surely fate is kind
enough to give me a chance for payback. My time will come.
Like many creative people, Sharon can be a real out to sea flake
sometimes. Unfortunately for Sharon, she does have a weakness.
Sharon is easily teased. She is good-natured and never fights back. This plus the fact
that she is a beautiful blonde makes her vulnerable to smart alecks like myself and
others. And sad but true, Sharon can be very absent-minded. She does many, many things to
make herself a perfect target.
The following events are all true stories in the
"Legend of
Sharon Crawford". Sharon claims they are embellished, but
like tales from "Ripley's Believe it or Not" I witnessed each of
them personally and can attest to their veracity.
Every September SSQQ has a Dude Ranch Western
Party. The idea is to dress to the nines in Western wear. Most
people do not realize Sharon was the inspiration for this party.
Sharon is a very sharp Western dresser. Back in the 90s, Sharon and her friend Patrick
Steerman competing in Western Dance Competitions on a regular basis. As a result,
Sharon acquired several beautiful and very expensive Western costumes for
to perform in. The problem was that Sharon would wear the costume
once, then 'retire' it so she wasn't seen in the same old costume at each
These gorgeous outfits just sat in
her closet at home taking up space and collecting dust. This
bothered Sharon a lot. One day she complained
to me about all these beautiful outfits taking up room in her closet.
With complete seriousness she stated what a shame it was she
never got any opportunities to wear them. What a waste!
Well, this gave me the idea to have a Dude Ranch Party in
honor of Sharon Crawford. The idea would be for everyone
to "overdress" at the party. Whoever wished to dress
flashy and fashionable could do so without having to feel self-conscious. They shouldn't hesitate to take a
fashion risk. Indeed anyone who showed up wearing simply blue jeans and a white shirt...
the long-time standard for Western dancers...would be ignored as not worthy. I assumed
this would make Sharon happy because now she would have the PERFECT
opportunity to wear one of her
elegant outfits. Wrong ! Sharon was miserable. And she made me
miserable as well. Sharon simply could not make up her mind which outfit to
Sharon went nuts with indecision. She had at
least 7 outfits that were gorgeous! What was she going to do? Which one to
wear? Each day she changed her mind. She worried about it constantly. Finally she
asked my advice. I recommended she wear all of them! I said she could wear one for
a while, go change, wear another for a while, go change, and so on. Sharon thought this
was brilliant! A party in her honor where she could wear all her different outfits.
What more could a girl ask for?
I am sorry to say that despite my good intentions this idea backfired. Sharon indeed
ended up wearing all her outfits, but what we didn't anticipate was all the time it took
to take one off, hang it up properly, and put another one on. Other
than a wonderful Waltz performance with Patrick, Sharon spent practically the entire
night changing clothes.
Apparently Sharon's elaborate competition dresses took a lot of time to
put on and take off. She would come out of the bathroom just long enough for me to take
her picture with Patrick, then run right back in and change again.
People kept coming up
to me asking where Sharon was. They had heard about her beautiful dresses.
Frustrated by standing outside the restroom practically all night with my
camera, I flippantly said, "Sharon is changing; if you want to see the dresses,
why not go in the restroom and check out her latest dress?"
I had no idea this suggestion would backfire as badly as it did. Women kept
going in and out of the restroom all night long. There was an endless parade of
well-wishers visiting with Sharon in the restroom which of course slowed
things down even more. There was a line at the door!
People would clap as she would make an entrance from the Ladies Room.
Sharon would quickly pose with Patrick, I would snap her
picture, and then she would race right back in. For this one night Sharon was
the without a doubt the best dressed Western woman in SSQQ history, but it
was really not as much fun as she thought it would be. Due to her
inability to choose her favorite outfits, she spent nearly the entire evening changing clothes.
Sharon is so versatile that she can even look good when she is poverty-stricken. A few
years back we had a "Broke and Penniless" Party on Tax Day, April 15. From
scratch Sharon made a form-fitting dress out of a potato sack. With her usual brilliance
she even saved the receipt from the potato sack purchase for tax purposes. There was a
nerdy sort of guy named David who had a big crush on Sharon. He would watch her make popcorn and just
gush over her. "Oh, Sharon, you can sew (potato sacks), you can cook (popcorn), you
are thrifty (saving potato sack receipts), now if you were only Jewish !" I
believe if Sharon had shown interest in converting, David would have flown her to Vegas on the spot.
This story is almost to weird for words. I can't help but smile again as I
tell you what happened.
Perhaps the classic Sharon Crawford story was the night she held her hand on
another woman's breast for 3 solid minutes during Whip class. Yes, this is
a true story. Sharon is so bizarre at times I don't have to make
this stuff up.
Sharon was learning the man's part by participating as a 'Lead' in my Beginning Whip class. This was
long before she began to teach Martian Whip.
On a move where the man's hand is on the
lady's hip, I had everyone freeze in that position so I could explain what to do next.
Sharon was watching me over her left shoulder with her head turned away
from her lady partner.
My eyes went from one man to the next to make sure they were positioned
correctly. This was a tricky move and I wanted to be sure they got
it right.
Suddenly I froze. Sharon's right hand had completely enveloped her
partner's breast!!
I did a huge double-take and looked again. No, I wasn't imagining
it! Sharon had completely covered the woman's left breast with the
open palm of her
right hand! Sharon's hand was all over her breast, but even stranger
the lady
allowed it continue! Furthermore, although the woman had the
weirdest perplexed look on her face, she never moved! She just
stood there patiently letting Sharon merrily squeeze away! It was the
strangest thing I had ever seen in a dance class.
Dismayed, I told everyone to relax and asked the men to go to one side,
ladies to the other. It was the quickest way I could think of to get
out of that position without raising eyebrows. I apparently was the
only person to see what was going on. Thank goodness the situation had
not gotten any worse. That could have been very embarrassing.
At Break I asked Sharon
what on earth she had been doing.
"What do you mean, Rick?"
"Gee whiz, Sharon, you had your right hand all over that woman's
breast!! What were you thinking?"
(Note to reader- don't ever ask Sharon what she is thinking because
sometimes she
will tell you something so weird you will wish you hadn't asked. That was
definitely the case here.)
Sharon's reply was, "My hand was on
her breast? Really? No kidding! Oh good,
that explains it. While you were talking, I was wondering why her hip felt so weird
but I was afraid to look!"
I looked at Sharon's face. She was completely serious. Unbelievable. I
just shook my head and decided to let it be.
However there was still something that was really eating at me. I
couldn't figure out why the lady didn't just move Sharon's hand away or
reach down to adjust her shoe or do something/anything to solve the
problem. The lady on whom Sharon had planted her hand was a short, quiet
attractive middle-aged Oriental lady. Not one common sense answer came to me
the entire second hour of class. Finally I couldn't stand it any
more. After class I decided to ask her about it. I thought I was
ready for any explanation, but her answer still blew my mind.
"Someone told me
Whip is a very sexy dance. I thought Sharon was supposed to have her hand there. Besides,
I didn't mind! I like dancing with Sharon!"
I had to use every facial
muscle I possessed to keep a straight face. I excused myself and went to the men's room
where I exploded with laughter! The more I thought about it,
the harder I laughed. Yes, Whip is indeed a very sexy dance! Too bad more ladies aren't
as open-minded as our cooperative lady was!
Was Sharon flattered when I told her the lady's nice words about
her? No. Sharon was appalled. Poor Sharon. I still remember her exact
words, "Good grief. I think I should stick to being a girl."
Sharon has the wonderful ability to alternate between a practical
super-sharp do-it-all Superwoman and a total space cadet. For example,
Sharon can go to the trouble to save a canvas sack receipt for tax
purposes one day, then turn around the next and blow $50 with a 29 cent
mistake. Sharon can be quite
absent-minded. As studio manager, Sharon was in charge of paying bills like the rent, the
electricity, payroll, things like that. One time SSQQ had twenty bills return in the mail
because she put on 3 cent stamps, but forgot to add the 29 cent stamps. We incurred about
$50 in late charges as a result. Oh, Sharon.
Another time Sharon got spiked in the foot while dancing. Ouch! This really
hurt. Sharon fought to hold back tears as we all sat on the couch offering sympathy. A
friend who was a nurse suggested Sharon put an ice-cold Coke can on the injury to reduce
the swelling. Sharon thought that was a good idea, so she sent someone to fetch a can for
her. When he brought it back, she took it, opened it, drank some Coke, then began to stare
at the can with a troubled look. Despite our misgivings, for nearly 2 minutes the three us
watched quietly while Sharon stared at the can. Then like a computer finally springing to
life from a completed task, Sharon blinked, looked up, and asked, "How do you keep
the coke from spilling out of the can?"
This absent-mindedness has gotten Sharon in trouble a bunch of times. Our
final story is vintage Sharon Crawford, but to tell it correctly requires a little detour. Every now and then in class new students are
surprised when their instructor suddenly selects them for the Color-Coordinated Award.
Most people do not have a clue where this nonsense began. We need this background
information in order to understand Sharon's next adventure.
Back when Sharon first started at SSQQ, we used to have impromptu
Awards in almost every class. Nowadays we just do it when we are in the mood, but there
was a time when it was a regular feature every night. It got so silly that students would
actually call each other on the phone ahead of time. They would line up their outfits in a
pathetic attempt to win that night's contest by cheating. People are so competitive!!
As some of the energy of the Urban Cowboy-era started to fade in the
mid-80s, Western
clubs looked for ways to maintain interest. They started promoting one Western dance
contest after another. It always seemed to me that the couples that won wore matching
outfits so as a joke I would make it a point in dance class to single out the man and
woman whose outfits most closely matched each other. It didn't matter whether they knew
each other or not; I was just having my own silly joke. For example, I would do stupid
things like have two guys turn a lady upside down to demonstrate how well her
gray pants
and blue shirt matched a man's gray shirt and blue pants. I was younger then. Actually I
was much younger then. I guess you had to be there, but it seemed funny at the
time. I might add that my instructors thought I had lost my mind. In retrospect...
One day in my favorite Western class we were about halfway through when I noticed a
couple almost perfectly matched. Before I could stop the class to deliver the Award,
something bothered me so I hesitated. I realized that next to them there were two more
people wearing the same outfit. My mind did not work swiftly, but I sensed I was on to
something so I kept staring. People were grinning at me because they were all in on the
Suddenly it dawned on me that EveryBody in the room was wearing the same outfit!! It
had taken me over 30 minutes to realize this. I guess I had been concentrating on teaching
for a change. Imagine that. Something had actually been bothering me
all night. Sadly I had been wondering to myself why everyone thought I was so funny that night!
I mean, they laughed at every joke I told and everything I said. Now
I grimaced as I realize the entire time my class had simply been giggling at the fog I was
in. HaHa, joke's on you, Rick. Gotcha.
Margie Saibara and Diane Head had organized this little scheme behind my back. There
were 20 people wearing blue jeans and white shirts. This of course was the combination
that won about half the time anyway. White shirts just happen to look good with blue
jeans. By chance I too was wearing blue jeans and a white shirt that night and so was Judy
Price who was teaching in the other room. Chalk it up to Synchronicity. This fact had
bothered my plotters, but once they saw how oblivious I was, they realized I hadn't been
tipped off. So their little joke at my expense worked like a charm!
Now back to Sharon Crawford.
Although I started this stupid color-coordination award tradition,
Sharon thought it was funny and made a point to select winners in her
classes as well. In fact, I think she took it more seriously than I
did, a fact I took note of because it worried me. Sometimes Sharon is too
serious for her own good.
Sharon cannot help herself. By nature, Sharon is an extremely
"curious" person. Her mind is constantly racing. For example, one day she told
me she had stayed awake all night wondering why there is a Pretzel included with the 6
other fruits in Ms. Pac-Man, her favorite video game. There is an Apple, a Cherry, a
Strawberry, a Banana, a Pear, and a Grape, she pointed out, but why a Pretzel?
Sharon actually lost sleep one night because of a Pretzel. I kid you not.
Another time she asked me if I knew why the light at the top of the Transco Tower is
visible some nights, but not others. I didn't know, so she asked everyone at the studio
the same question. They didn't know either, although explanations ranged from fog to
clouds to Swamp Gas to Aliens. I am just glad the X-Files wasn't on during Sharon's
questioning years or we might have lost her forever. That show defies any explanation, but
of course Sharon would never have realized this until it was too late. I gave up trying to
figure out the X-Files a couple seasons ago. I decided the show didn't make sense even
when it tried to make sense. But I used to worry that Sharon might start watching. The
SSQQ Staff was warned never to discuss the X-Files when Sharon was around... which brings
us to our concluding episode of the Legend of Sharon Crawford.
You the reader might think that we are being over-protective where Sharon is concerned.
Case in point. One time Sharon became so paralyzed with curiosity we feared for her
sanity. The incident began innocently enough. While Sharon was
teaching in another room, one of my students showed up a little late for
class with calamine lotion
covering his hands.
Steve Alf told me he had contracted a bad case of poison ivy. He said
he didn't want to infect anyone and had only come to watch. We were short a couple guys and the girls all liked Steve. Poison Ivy or not, they wanted him to join the class. Fortunately I had some blue
and white gloves at the studio. Offering them to him, I said if he wore those on his hands
there was little chance of spreading anything. By coincidence the gloves just happen to
match Steve's blue jeans and white shirt to a T. This was of course back in the days when
we had our standing joke about being color-coordinated.
Gratefully Steve put them on and joined the class. At the time no one sensed the risk of
our actions, but one hour later a blonde beauty suddenly appeared in our doorway.
The Beauty
stood frozen, statuesque in the image of the classic Greek Goddess Athena...the Goddess of
Wisdom...the Goddess of Curiosity... but was this a goddess? ... or was it
a mortal who resembled a goddess? Who could it be?... no,
not her....yes, you guessed it!...
sHaRoN cRaWfOrD!!!
Yes, it was Sharon...and she was peering intently at Steve. It was the same eerie gaze
I had seen with the Coca Cola can; I could see her mind was sinking fast. I sensed an emergency intervention
was needed STAT!!
"Can I help you,
Sharon?" I asked.
No answer. Sharon's eyes were riveted in a deep hypnotic trance. Seconds passed.
The clock ticked.
Finally in a barely audible whisper Sharon asked, "Why is Steve wearing those gloves?
Mind you, during Break over 40 people had passed that door with barely a
glance at Steve, but only Sharon had stopped to stare. Sharon was
cursed with the dreaded mind-threatening Curiosity Gene which sometimes causes hair to
turn yellow! !
Sharon was mesmerized! Steve's gloves wielded their
hypnotic power. Sharon glared. Sharon stared. Her mind was on the verge of locking up. The Jaws of the
Abyss were opening to swallow her curiosity-crazed brain forever! My clinical
background told me ego mass confusion and maladaptive catatonic brain lock
were imminent! I had
only an instant to act!
Sharon was staring so hard at Steve her eyeballs
were practically bulging as she fixated on his blue and white gloves...
I uttered the only words that could save Sharon from possibly a
lifetime in a mental institution...
"Sharon, guess what!!! Steve is trying to win tonight's color-coordinated
award! Isn't his outfit great?"
The reaction was instant!! A huge smile crossed her face as consciousness flooded back in. Her eyes
regained their sparkle. "I knew it; that's exactly what I thought!
What other reason would explain those gloves!!" she said in
triumph. She had figured it out. Now
totally at peace with herself, Sharon walked away without another thought.
Thank God Steve hadn't worn a shirt
with a Pretzel Logo. We might have lost her forever.
After this close call, I issued a Staff Memo. From then on the SSQQ Staff has been very
careful with Sharon. They are on notice to come get me if "The Look" ever reappears.
I might
add if you the reader ever see a strange look cross Sharon's face in class, call for help
immediately. But most important, no matter what else, if you see Sharon has that funny
look, don't EVER tell her a blonde joke! That could erase the hard drive.
Sharon is too valuable for SSQQ to ever lose. Like the amazing John
Nash in a "Beautiful Mind", Sharon is our fragile genius. Please help us protect her.
Rick Archer's Note: As
you have noticed, I love to tease Sharon a great deal.
And as you have noticed, Sharon is pretty helpful at
giving me things to tease her about. I might add
she got me good on my 40th birthday.
All kidding
aside, Sharon is the closest thing to a sister I have
ever had in my life. I admire her and adore her
and I would trust her with my life. Sharon has the
kindest, most decent soul of anyone I know.
I originally
wrote my story about Sharon in the early part of the
2000s. Not too long after I wrote my story, Sharon
met Bill Shaw, the love of her life. Bill and
Sharon were married in 2005.
During the
2000s, Sharon and her close friend John Jones were
instrumental in upgrading the SSQQ Western program.
Sad to say,
John passed away in 2007 after a lengthy and very brave
fight with cancer.
John's passing
gave me an opportunity to fully explain Sharon's
remarkable work with our Western Waltz program.
I also wrote
an interesting story about Sharon's contribution to the
Western Waltz in Hot Stuff.
As I reviewed the
original story about Sharon with 2010 eyes, I couldn't help but
think this article about Sharon is very disjointed.
In fact, there are stories about Sharon and SSQQ all over my web
site that aren't even mentioned here. Her contributions to
this dance studio have been profound indeed. However I
don't feel my original story about Sharon even begins to capture
how much Sharon has meant to SSQQ.
I suppose I did an adequate job in my first write-up about
Sharon in 2002. However I can do much better. One of these
days, I intend to come back to this page and try to convey in a
much deeper way the importance of Sharon Crawford Shaw to SSQQ
and to my life.
Sharon is a doll. I love her very much. I will eternally
be in her debt for the many ways she has helped this studio.
Rick Archer
February 2010