Watching the World Go
Story written by Rick Archer
May 2014
There is some debate about which is better - Ocean Cruises
or River Cruises. I prefer river cruises to ocean
cruises. However, not everyone shares my opinion.
I have met several people who greatly prefer the exciting
night life of the ocean cruise. The Broadway-style
shows, the late night dancing, and, yes, the gambling, are
experiences one will not find on a River Cruise. If it
is the glamour of the floating Las Vegas-style cruises you
are looking for, then of course Ocean Cruises are superior.
There is nothing
wrong with this type of cruise. I certainly enjoy a
good show as much as the next person and of course I like
the dancing as well. However, if given a choice, I
would prefer going to a distant destination over being
I want to
see the world!
After I wrote my
Rhône River Recap,
Marla was afraid people would think I was completely
negative about ocean cruises. For the record, I like
ocean cruises as well. I share the same
opinion as most people who have experienced both kinds of
cruises - I like them both.
In addition to
the nightlife, there are places an ocean cruise can take us
to that a river cruise cannot. For example, one of these
days Marla is going to take us on a two-week cruise to the British Isles. There is no river in England
capable of supporting a river cruise. That leaves the
North Sea as our only option to explore this important part
of the world. I would go on an ocean
cruise like this in a heartbeat.
However, in a
similar vein, there are inland destinations a river cruise
can reach that are
completely inaccessible to an ocean cruise. Take for
example Viking's Berlin-Elbe River-Prague
combination. The Elbe River is drop-dead gorgeous.
A person can fly into Berlin or Prague (this trip goes both
directions) and visit these important inland capitals at
their leisure.
Then a luxury
coach takes the passengers and their luggage overland to
Magdeburg. Now comes the river cruise part of the
trip. When the riverboat reaches Melnick, Germany, the
famous city of Prague is just a short 20 mile bus trip away.
In a sense, a
river cruise is like taking an RV trip, but much better.
There are no stop lights, no billboards, no traffic, no
noise, no factories, and no one-lane towns to slow you down.
Best of all, the
scenery one views from river boat is typically exquisite.
Sit back in your comfortable chair, have a glass of wine and
relax while you watch the world go by. It doesn't get
much better than this.

is watching the world go by here in Lyon, France

Comparison of Ocean to River Cruise

clear advantage of a river cruise over an ocean cruise is
the view.

stretch of the Rhône River was this pretty. Lovely

large cruise ship is often compared to a floating Las Vegas
Key word: Excitement

river boat is more like a comfy floating inn.
Key word: Relaxation

of the emphasis on an ocean cruise ship is the night life.
That is because during days at sea, there isn't much to see.
Consequently many people sleep through the morning and party
at night.

On the river boat, once dinner was over at 10 pm, things got pretty quiet
The fun part was watching the world go
by during the day. |

Fireworks at night

Castles by day. This is Tarascon Castle near Arles.

At sea they
entertain you.

On the river
you entertain yourself.

At sea
you have gambling.

On the
river, all there is to gamble is your own life.

evening shows are usually very impressive.

The river cruise emphasis is directed to dinner as the
main event.

the daytime fun at sea revolves around the group in the hot

group on the river cruise meets on the front deck

dancing is your emphasis, ocean cruises are clearly

is dancing on the river cruise, but only on a limited scale
due to the small floor.

of the daily entertainment on the ocean revolves around

entertainment on the river cruise revolves around daily
excursions to a different city or town each day.

Another popular feature on cruise ships are the art

it comes to art, river cruises access many museums.
For example, it is difficult to top the Louvre Museum.
Here Marla and I pose in front of
Two Sisters",
1843, Théodore Chasseriau

it comes to drinking, well, uh, there's drinking on both
the drinking is a little different on the river cruise
So after the Rhône River
cruise ended, I wrote
three stories about our river cruise. One would think
my stories explained the trip well. However my friend Diane
Murrell wasn't
One night I visited
West and danced the Twostep with my friend Diane
Murrell. While we danced, Diane said, "You know, Rick, my friend Louise reads
everything you write. She's amazing. Your
stories are so long, I don't know how she does it. But
me, I need a 'quick read' version of your trips.
Do you think you can do that for me?"
Mind you, Diane
is a college graduate and author of four children's books.
But it is obvious that Diane prefers pictures over actual
reading. So I dedicate Watching the World Go By to
Diane. I will use pictures to
make my various points just so Diane and people like her can follow
The underlying
theme of this article is that ocean cruises and river
cruises are both good. They are just "different".
Both experiences have their strong points and their
For me, I am a
couple years past my "exciting night life" stage.
Right now I am in my 'see the world stage'. This
explains why I find
the chance to learn about France and enjoy a peaceful voyage
along the river to be irresistibly enchanting. That
said, I fully agree the ocean voyages have their merits as
strokes for different folks.
And now I will
post some pictures from our trip. Enjoy!!

Who is
that man looking at me? This
is not a real book store... I am standing next to a small
section of an amazing mural!

in Lyon, this entire building has been turned into a
remarkable piece of art. Those windows are not real,
they are part of the mural.

Here Marla
and Emily pose for the camera.

of the mural at ground level.

detail and the 'realism' was amazing.

is the "Fresco of Lyon". My picture gives an idea of the immensity of the project.
The building was 7 stories tall!! And they
painted all 4 sides.
The people in the mural are 'real'. They are leading citizens of Lyon
from the past 200 years. Lyon got the idea from a
similar project in Barcelona. Believe it or not, this
building is lived in. That's right, people live in
there without any windows for light! It's like having
an inside cabin all the time.

Paris, and Avignon were my three favorite places to visit.
Lyon is the second
largest city in France. That cathedral is enormous. Built atop a very tall hill, it can be seen 50 miles away
with good binoculars
According to our guide, Lyon has a bit of an inferiority
complex compared to Paris. They built their own giant
tower to compete with the Eiffel Tower, then had the nerve
to say that since it is built up on the hill, theirs is
taller. The Parisians just yawned. Yeah, sure.

Three Mouseketeers - Fran, Marla, Emily
red and white hanging things are the receiving units for our
very effective wireless microphone system. I think
their term for it was 'headset'. Each lady is wearing
an invisible earpiece. The system was quite
comfortable and remarkably effective.

picture was taken at a spot next to the cathedral atop the giant
hill. Lyon had the strangest landscape.
Typically a major river runs through the middle of a valley.
There was a huge hill on one side, but no hill on the other.
Another strange feature were the two parallel rivers.
Notice there are two parallel rows of trees. That is
in the foreground and the
in the background. The two rivers meet and merge just
south of Lyon.
In the
distance to the left one can see the initial outline of the
Swiss Alps through the haze. The
originates in the middle of the Swiss Alps.

is the gang walking through the streets of Lyon. What
a wonderful day this was.
As one
might gather, Lyon was a very special city. If you
wish to see the world, river cruises allow one to visit
precious places like Lyon and Avignon.
river cruise is like a trip in a fancy RV... a chance to
explore some of the most beautiful places in the country in
total comfort.
are pictures of some of the shops we passed in Lyon.




quite sure what this lady was selling



I love
this picture. I went inside and accidentally caught
Deanna in a dream state. In the background,
Marla is waving to me.


sends Greetings from a Separate Reality to all her friends
back in Houston who were unable to join her on the best trip
of her life.

smile from Libby

Marsha, Fran,
Marla, Roz, Larry in Avignon town square

It really
upset me when
Jim McCue
died in heart surgery just weeks before our trip. Jim had
really been looking forward to coming on this trip and I had a hard
time accepting his loss. Understandably, his wife Judy decided not
to come on the trip. So I wore their Viking ID badges under my
shirt as a symbolic gesture. I am not quite sure why I am
smiling for the picture. I guess I wasn't thinking.

Under the
ramparts. Do you see my shadow??

Avignon town
square has a dozen open air restaurants. So pretty.

These two
Swiss boats demonstrate how the riverboats occasionally double-park on the
Rhône. Our own boat was double-parked when we boarded.
Look at Velma's picture on the right.

We passed one
of the Swiss boats a day later still docked at Avignon. Besides
Viking, there are several other companies that operate trips on the
Rhône. I suspect the ships double-park because there are not
enough spots for them at the popular stops like Avignon.

I estimate we
passed at least two other river boats per day. This wasn't
much of a picture due to the reflection. I didn't have my
camera ready in time to go outside and take a better picture.

Do you see the
other ship thru the curtains? There was a 2nd ship parked alongside ours.
Velma had her
door open, so I took a snapshot. Velma had one of her usual
goofy trips. Not only did she lose (and find) her passport at
the Paris airport, she managed to leave a piece of luggage behind at
our Avignon hotel while getting into her taxi.
No problem -
Eileen and I both spotted it and then I brought it with me to the
boat. On all cruises, we each look out for one another.
That's a hard and fast rule.

This is a
picture of my room. The left corner holds the charging station
for our excursion devices known as 'headsets', there is the beautiful TV, a bottle of
champagne, and Marla's computer.
Viking offers free Internet to every room.
Poor Marla, a woman eternally yoked to her job due to excessive
conscientiousness, checked her email
religiously. Not me.
I was on vacation.

Ann, Suzanne,
Eileen, and Paula. That is the front desk behind the
ladies. Do you see a line there? Of course not.
There is no
such thing as a "line of people" on a Viking river cruise. The
concept of "waiting" simply does not exist.

This is Dan
from Scotland. By chance, I was wearing a rugby shirt I bought
in Edinburgh, Scotland, on our Oslo 2010 trip. The moment he
saw me with a Scottish logo, he called me "a fine figure of a man"
and, by the way, where did I get that wonderful shirt?
I laughed; Dan and I became instant

Marsha Mellow
fell in love with a cocker spaniel, but you would
never know that's a dog. Looks more like a ragged towel.

Well, if I can
be a "fine figure of a man", then the same can be said for these
three lovely ladies on a perfect day in Avignon.

They take
soccer as seriously in France as we do football and basketball in
America. France was world champion in 1998.

We thought
this would be a good picture to share.

Everywhere I
went, I saw some French kid practicing with a soccer ball.
This kid has just kicked the ball to a friend.

Some people
will do anything for attention.

This is the
original 'bridge to nowhere'. They built it, floods washed it
away, they rebuilt it, floods washed it away, finally they decided
to quit rebuilding it... and people thought that was so funny the
incomplete bridge became the international symbol of the city!!

Looming in the
background is the
Palace of the Popes, Palais des Papes. The Palais was built in the fourteenth century as the papal residence.
It is
the largest Gothic palace in Europe.
I haven't said this yet, but
now it is time - this part of Avignon was unbelievably beautiful.
France in general is a very beautiful country, but this part was
exceptionally lovely.

The four of us
- Marla Marsha Fran Me - had crossed a bridge to visit a park on the
other side of the river. What I wasn't aware of was the land
we were on was actually part of the largest island in France.
We took this ferry from the island back to Avignon. It was

As you can
see, the Rhône River has split into two parts and you can see the
island. The red dot is
exactly where our hotel was. If you look, you can see a
riverboat parked near the Red Dot and you can even see the "Bridge to
Nowhere" from outer space. Too funny.

The Rhône was
a ridiculously pretty river. Très magnifique!!

I might add
the park alongside the river was just as beautiful.

Eileen joins
Fran, Marla, Marsha on top of the world at Les Baux

Donna, Shan,
Eileen and Georgia in Avignon

They say
France is the breadbasket of Europe.

After walking
through this supermarket in Avignon, I believe it.

A rule I
learned early in life is to never go in a grocery store when I am
hungry. The torture of seeing so much delicious food is

If I shop when
I am hungry, I end buying
EVERYTHING that looks good.

no one warned me we were going to an Avignon grocery store, so I
ended up walking in there on an empty stomach.

I wanted to
eat everything in every picture. Fortunately I had no money
with me or I would have bought out the store.

Instead I
ended up suffering a lot. Yum.

I cheered up a
bit when I found someone more miserable than myself. Poor
Matthew. Matthew is the program director. He oversees
every single activity every single day. I called him "Waldo"
behind his back because he kept showing up out of nowhere.
I teased him
about wearing all sorts of different hats, but he had trouble with
this particular duty. Marla and I both
agreed Matthew found handing out free olives a bit beneath his station.
However, like a good trooper, he soldiered on.

In particular,
the bakery had my number. Yum yum yum

Known as the "boulangerie"
in France, Larry and Roz said they ended up buying a couple
croissants. And they had the sense not to let me know about it
or I would have had my hand out.

The French
take their wine very seriously.

I found it
curious to see two dogs walking through the store.
That was a first for me.

Here the
beautiful Fearsome Foursome each holding a citrus fruit.
I staged this
picture as part of some light-hearted teasing of Ann (the one with
the sunglasses). I love Ann; she is such a good sport.
wears her heart on her sleeve which gets her teased a lot.
On the bus
ride from Marseilles, Ann had given us a detailed explanation
of a tree that can grow three different kinds of citrus fruit at
once. Although I had never heard of this phenomenon before, I
wasn't at all skeptical of Ann. It sounded plausible enough.
However, Ann
continued to talk about the weird tree.
I assume that
Ann belabored the subject because she didn't think we believed
her. Maybe I contributed to her insecurity by asking too many
questions. But that's just me. I always ask too many
What got me
tickled was the incredible amount of energy that Ann had on the
subject. It was such an improbable topic for a trip to France
and yet Ann had an undeniable enthusiasm for it. I just
This is a
citrus tree that can grow six different type of citrus fruit side by
side. There is a story behind this strange tree.

A day later when we passed
this courtyard in Arles with these citrus trees, Ann practically exploded
out of her skin with excitement.
Shaking her finger directly at the trees in an animated fashion, Ann immediately asked our
perplexed French guide what she knew about citrus trees with three
kinds of fruit. When I saw the French lady stare back in total
confusion, I swear I almost split a gut.
A Story of Heroism
As everyone has guessed,
I am a bit of a history nut. One of the reasons I love these
cruise trips are the opportunities to learn more about the history
of the countries we visit.
In Vienne, we
visited the Cathedral of Saint Maurice. Our guide told us an
incredible story. Here is the Wikipedia version:
Saint Maurice
(also Moritz, Morris, or Mauritius) was the leader of the
legendary Roman Theban Legion in the 3rd century when he became
a venerated saint.
Maurice was born in AD 250 in Thebes, an ancient city in Egypt
near the site of the Aswan Dam. He was brought up in the region
of Thebes (Luxor—Egypt) and became a soldier in the Roman army.
He was gradually promoted until he became the leader of the
Theban legion, formed of 6600 soldiers. Maurice was an
acknowledged Christian at a time when the Church was considered
to be a threat to the Roman Empire.
According to the hagiographical material, the legion, entirely
composed of Christians, had been called from Thebes in Egypt to
Gaul to assist Emperor Maximian to defeat a revolt by local
insurgents. The Theban Legion was dispatched with orders to
clear the St. Bernard Pass across Mt. Blanc (Switzerland).
Before going into battle, they were instructed to offer
sacrifices to the pagan gods and pay homage to the emperor.
However, when Maximian ordered them to harass some local
Christians, they refused and Maximian ordered the unit to be
punished. Every tenth soldier was killed, a military punishment
known as decimation. More orders followed, they still
refused, partly because of Maurice's encouragement, and a second
decimation was ordered. In response to their continued refusal to use
violence against fellow Christians, Emperor Maximian eventually ordered all
the remaining members of the 6,600 unit to be executed.
That is a
tale of faith and courage. The Swiss town of St. Moritz is
named in his honor.

Vienne Cathedral (Cathédrale Saint-Maurice de
Vienne) is a Roman Catholic cathedral dedicated to Saint Maurice.
The Dangerous Dance Accident
There actually was
dancing on this trip, but I don't have any pictures. Since I
was the main photographer AND the only man who danced, it was
tough to take a self-portrait. I looked at Marla's pictures
and she didn't have any pictures either.
Nevertheless I recall
dancing on at least four different occasions. After dinner, we
would go upstairs and dance.
To my surprise, I had
some competition. There was a couple from San Antonio that was
pretty good. To avoid any semblance of "competing", I chose to
take turns dancing. I think they caught on to my tactic.
Although it was never discussed, they would dance a song, I would
dance a song.
Believe it or not, I
endured the single worst dance accident in my entire career on this
trip. There was a lady on the trip from another city (I prefer
not to identify her). I really liked this lady. She was
always friendly, outgoing, warm. Great lady!
One evening I asked her
to dance. Once we got out on the floor, I quickly made two
worrisome discoveries. First I realized she was a highly
inexperienced dancer. She had not the slightest idea how to
partner dance or 'follow'. Second, let's just say she was a
bit tipsy. In fact, she was pretty wild. I spent most of
my energy keeping her under control.
In the middle of the
song, we were dancing slightly apart in what I call a
two-handed position. I was facing her holding both of her
hands in my own in preparation to put her into Cuddles. This is hardly a dangerous
move, so my guard was down.
Suddenly the lady did something totally unexpected. She raised her left hand and ducked under it
to her left (my right).
Now everyone who is a
dancer knows full well that 99% of all partner dance Swing moves involve
the lady's right hand and the man's left hand. I was shocked
to see her left hand and my right hand suddenly
shoot up in the air. She darted to my right.
As the lady ducked
under, she lost her balance and began to fall backwards to my
right! Ordinarily I would catch her with my right
hand... but since she had my right hand above her head,
I had nothing to catch her with.
My only chance to break
her fall was to lift her left hand even higher and try to stretch
her arm. This trick actually worked, but not completely.
She was still falling, but not quite as fast.
On her way down she
suddenly struck the back of her head on the bar. The bartender
gasped in horror and so did I. Oh
my gosh, I was scared to death. This poor woman had struck her
head pretty hard. Visions of Natasha Richardson, the actress
who died after striking the back of her head on the ice at a ski
resort, began
flooding my mind with fear.
I had broken her fall
somewhat, but was it enough? She said she wasn't hurt!!
She rubbed the back of her head a little bit and said she didn't
feel a thing. Hmm. Meanwhile a friend had gone to get
ice. I cannot begin to explain how bad I felt.
Fortunately the next day
she was fine. All she had was a little bump. Thank
goodness. But I was still consumed with guilt.
My last words to her
husband right before taking her on the floor had been, "I promise to
bring her back safely". Unbelievable.
Now you know where the
term "famous last words" comes from.

This handsome
gentleman whose name I never learned was a one-man band. He
played some terrific dance tunes.

After dinner,
we would all go upstairs and hang out together.
You can see
the piano man in the background. The dance floor was in front
of the bar. That's the area where I had my dance accident.
Not my
favorite moment on the trip...

Vienne was one
of my favorite stops. Here's a picture of some wild trees.
The French love to trim their trees into weird shapes.

Here is
another giant mural. Can you see the Rhone River in the

I developed a
real respect for Roman engineering. Wherever we went, there
were Roman ruins that were still standing. For example, the
current bull fighting ring in Arles was built by the Romans.

So what are
some of the other uses for Roman ruins?
In Vienne,
they used these ruins to create a dog park!!

So why is
Marsha Mellow smiling? She just finished a fun train ride to
the top of a hill. Incidentally, there's Waldo Matthew showing
up out of nowhere as usual.

Group picture
atop the Vienne hill.
Bottom Row:
Libby, Marsha, Eileen, Ann, Linda, Paula, Meredith, Tom, Mike,
Sarah, Roz
Top Row:
Emily, Marla, Rick, Sue, Deanna, Judy, Bonnie, Fran
Oops, where's
Larry?? I guess Larry is taking the picture. Well,
I know a tricky way to get Larry in the picture.

Richardson taught me a computer trick called "cloning".
this picture #1, I am missing... why? Because I am taking the
picture. However, I deliberately left a gap.

Now here in picture #2,
I am shown, but now Larry is gone.
This time Larry is taking
the picture.

Call this picture #3.
Not only am I in the picture, so is Larry, plus I added in Libby for good measure...
she missed the first three takes, but made the last one. This
is the same picture as #2 above except that Larry has been added
from Picture #1 and Libby is added from another picture.
I only
use these cloning tricks to do kind things like replace frowns with
smiles. Some people use these cloning tricks to do mean
things like put faces of female celebrities on naked bodies,
something I consider terribly wrong. That is why you
cannot trust any picture you see on the Internet.

This amazing
picture makes it pretty obvious how easy it is to fool people with
computer imagery. By the way, isn't this a wonderful picture?
If you are curious, click
Barack and Sarah

Larry (Marla's
brother), Rick, Roz, Marla

On the streets
of Paris. We just finished having Easter dinner together.

Donna and Leslie

Mike, Sarah, Rick,

The Fearsome
Foursome... actually in this picture I think they deserve to be
called the Fab Four. Very pretty ladies.

Here is Marla
at the Louvre... note the strap of her purse.

Signs like
these were EVERYWHERE at the Louvre.
Marla almost had her purse stolen at the Louvre Museum. It was
a brazen attempt indeed. Marla and I were in the room where
the famous Venus de Milo statue stands.
I took the picture on
the right. As the picture
indicates, the room was very crowded. Marla and I were
separated. While I was in front of the statue taking this
picture, Marla was back in the corner next to that red sign.
Suddenly I heard someone
scream bloody murder. My heart skipped a beat... that sounded
like Marla!
I knew where Marla was
because I had just left her in the corner to get a different angle
on the picture. So I raced back to the corner.
Marla was shaking like a
leaf as she clutched her purse to her body. She told me that out of nowhere,
five people had suddenly formed a tight circle around her.
Before she knew what was happening, someone from behind jerked her
pocketbook hanging from her shoulder.
They yanked so hard that
the strap broke. When Marla screamed, the swarm quickly parted
and melted into the crowd.
That's when Marla saw
her purse lying on the floor seven feet away. Apparently the
"swarm" was a deliberate move to disguise what was going on.
Marla had been very lucky that the thief never got a good grip.
However, she was very shaken by the experience. Marla wasn't
the same for the rest of the visit.

The thieves
work in teams. Typically they wear cameras around their neck
to help blend in with the crowd. When they see a target, they
surround the person so no one else can see what they are about to
do. Then the person with the best angle snatches the purse.

It is
not crowded enough, so the thieves operate in packs.
When someone like Marla isn't looking, the pack will
surround the target and strike.

is what Marla looked like when I got to her. This
picture was taken shortly after Marla recovered her purse
from the floor. Marla is holding the broken strap.

Ironically, the attack took place right in front of this
pickpocket warning sign. Do you want to know why my
pictures are so blurry? Because I was shaken up too!
Watching the World Go
For me, there were many
favorite moments on the trip.
As I have said
previously, Versailles was
definitely at the top of the list. Then there was Avignon,
Paris, Vienne, and Lyon. This really was a very special trip.
However, my second
favorite part of the trip was not a "place" or an "event", but rather an ongoing experience.
Throughout the trip, I
took particular pleasure sitting out on the front deck watching the
world go by. For me, this was a remarkable amount of fun.
In particular, our
riverboat trip through Lyon was an exceptional day. And why
was that?
Well, we took a
wonderful trip right through the prettiest part of the entire city.
There was no traffic, there were no stoplights, there was no noise,
and there was no stopping. We just floated along in complete
comfort and gazed at really pretty places.
I will tell you what;
rather than have me explain it any further, why don't you just come along and
see for yourself?
Join me for a visit
through lovely Lyon on a river cruise.
Let's watch the world go
by together.

So what is
Paula pointing to? As we approach Lyon, we are going into a giant "lock".
A lock is a system by
which the boat is elevated or lowered to a different level.

Right now the
water on the other side of that dam is HIGHER than our level. Our
boat will slowly glide into that lock up ahead.

Going through
the locks was very interesting. I enjoyed watching the
process. It took 10-20 minutes and then we were on the move

The more
narrow the lock, the less water is needed to raise the boat.
Here I simply reach out and touch the wall. There was no danger.

Once we are
in, a door will close behind. Then they will add water to lift
our boat higher to the level of the water behind the dam.

The front
viewing deck was where the gang assembled. We met all sorts of
people and made many friends in the process.

some Canadians with a sense of humor noticed how close the walls
were and pasted this cute sticker.

Some locks
were huge, some were no big deal like this one. Here the gates
are just beginning to open after the water has been leveled.
Notice how calm the waters are on one side and rough on the other.
There were days when the powerful "mistral winds" of southern France
created waves on the Rhône. Fortunately our plexiglass window
shielded us from any discomfort.

The front deck
was a place of real joy for all of us.
I picked those flowers for Marla. The staff put them in a vase
for me at our cocktail party. The flowers were growing wild in a
field by the boat.
Springtime in France is very
lovely time to come for a visit.

The hills were

Have you
noticed there is never any trash in the water? Have you
noticed how clean and clear the water is? I could probably use
my computer tricks to hide the trash, but I didn't have to. I
never saw a single piece of floating garbage the entire trip.

We passed
through one or two locks every day. Not only do they generate
electricity, the locks help tame the river and prevent floods.
bridge to nowhere was destroyed on three different occasions over
the centuries during floods. Now thanks to the locks, floods
are no longer the threat they once were.

Another look
at the weird trees of France.

There's no way
I can "clean up the water" (I don't have that kind of skill).
When it comes to internet imagery, it boils down to how much you
trust the source. You can trust my pictures - the river was
really this wonderful. Ask those swans if you don't believe

The town of
Condrieu is situated on a pair of sharp bends in the river. Before a
series of water works done by French engineers to reduce the
current, this was a major navigational hazard.
In the middle
of the bends were les Roches de Condrieu, the rocks which brought to
grief many boats. Now thanks to the nearby lock, the level of
the river water is higher in this spot and much safer.

This was an
odd story. As we sailed down the river, I saw three people
waving at us from this pier. They seemed to be unusually happy
to see us, so I was curious and kept watch.

A woman had tripped while walking in Avignon and
fell, breaking her nose. I knew she and her husband were no longer on
the boat, but I couldn't understand why not... a broken nose wouldn't stop
me. Now I understood. They had been to the
doctor and spent the night at a hotel in Avignon. Here they
were rejoining the trip.

Do you see
that book on the table? That's Lee Child's latest Jack Reacher
book. I am a big fan. When I saw the man in the red
checkered shirt holding it, I struck up a conversation. The
next thing I knew, Stan and I talked for half an hour as we rolled
down the river.

I introduced
Stan to the Fearsome Foursome and Eileen. Pretty soon we were
all best friends.

definitely enjoyed associating with our beautiful American women. It turned out
that Stan had a wicked sense of humor. He cracked the girls up
something fierce. Stan became an instant friend.

I have no idea
what is going on here, but whatever he's doing, it was harmless fun.
That is Stan's wife on the far
right. Considering she didn't seem to mind, I think they were
just playing.

That's Trisha, Stan's wife.
Stan and Trish live north of London.

We invited
Stan and Trish to join us at our cocktail party.

laughter, friendship... and beautiful scenery. This day was
one of the really special moments during the trip.

Over in the
corner there was another Englishman
named Dave (in the red shirt). Dave and I had dinner one
night. Dave explained he did not like the Scots AT ALL.

The weather
was unbelievable. Temperature in the 70s and always a breeze. No rain the entire week. It was so pretty every day.

Remember Dan,
my Scottish friend? Dan is smiling, but I saw him
frowning every time he looked at Dave. It was
interesting to watch Dan and Dave eye each other with suspicion
out on this deck.
I imagine
grudges die slowly. I wonder if I will see similar sparks between
the Germans & the English on our 2015 Rhine River cruise

There was
always something to look at. Looming castles
were definitely at the top of my list. I saw about six castles
in all.
It is my understanding that on the Rhine, there is one castle every
mile! Castles on the German side keep the French out, Castles on the
French side keep the Germans out. I cannot wait to see this!

Château de
l’Hers dates to the twelfth century. It sits on a small rocky
outcrop on the Left Bank of the river. It once regulated navigation
on the Rhône, but today the commercial barges and pleasure boats
pass by giving it only admiring looks, rather than taxes and tolls.

Bridges and
limestone hills were among the sights.

interesting bridge up
ahead shows we are near the city of Lyon, France's second
largest city. Lyon was founded by a Roman general who decided
the junction of 2 major rivers made this a strategic spot.

rolling hills, and farmhouses were all part of the tableau.

What I did not
realize was this WHITE BRIDGE marked the point where two rivers
merged. This is the "Confluence Point".
That is the
to the right. We are now headed north on the
(pronounced 'rone' and 'sone' like 'pine cone').

The Rhône and the Saone
merge in upper right corner. Since we were headed north, our
boat was emerging from the upper right corner and exiting in the
lower left corner. The WHITE BRIDGE I pointed out was at the
"Confluence Point" in the upper right hand corner.
Look for the
famous cathedral standing high atop the hill (it is at the bottom of
the picture in the middle). Due to its vantage point
overlooking the world, that cathedral is a major Lyon landmark.
You can also see Lyon's answer to the Eiffel Tower. The Lyon
tower is right beside the cathedral.

Lyon featured
some very unusual architecture.

As we crossed
under this bridge, I could have gotten on a chair and touched it.
Believe it or not, the captain's station on the roof was retractable
just so we could cross under low bridges like these.

As we sailed
through Lyon, we saw some amazing houses as well.

The ladies
oohed and aahed at this charming hotel.

That green
building is home to Euronews, a European version of CNN.

building is headquarters for a real estate firm.

There were
lots of strange buildings in the "Confluence area" of Lyon.

I wish I had
gotten a close-up. Those orange figures are "aliens" hanging onto
the railing.

cities do everything in their power to beautify the area along their

Lyon is no
exception. Every part of our river trip through the city was
fascinating and attractive.

assume you have noticed the smiles. They were not
faked for the camera. I got the same smiles when
people weren't looking. During our trip through Lyon,
these same ladies stayed with me for nearly three hours.
They appreciated the views as much as I did.

I was
certainly not alone in my project to watch the world go by. I
think it is clear that I had plenty of company. We had wine,
we had coffee, we had cookies, and we had laughter. And we
were very comfortable too. It was the most marvelous relaxing
day of all!

This is Jerry
and Ellie, a delightful couple from Wales. As you can see,
they made sure to get a front row seat for our trip through Lyon.

It was a real
joy to see both the city and the countryside of France from the
unique perspective of a riverboat.

We have passed
the downtown area of Lyon. Now we are sailing through a
northern suburb.
This is a very wealthy district.
For the next
couple of miles, we were treated to one spectacular trophy
estate after another. Our ladies were drooling with envy.
They were all conspiring to buy one house after another and move

Now I am
going to let you enjoy the second half of our trip through Lyon
without further comment.
Enjoy the
Conclusion to
Rhône River Story
As should be clear by
now, throughout the trip I
took particular pleasure sitting out on the front deck watching the
world go by.
It is not easy to
explain the difference between a river cruise and an ocean cruise,
but I think my pictures have helped to explain there is a very special charm
a river cruise.
I have never had an
experience on a cruise quite like this before. There is a
beauty to be seen from a riverboat that cannot be explained until
you have seen the pictures. A river cruise is not a
"highlight" cruise, but rather the chance to spend seven days viewing the beauty of a country like France.
Did you notice a single
billboard? There were none. Did you notice any ugly
homes or industrial areas? There were none. I never saw
a single smokestack. The Rhône was an endless stretch of man
living in harmony with nature.
I discovered a
peacefulness that took hold of me at the very start of the trip and
stayed with me the entire week.
I would like to conclude
my story with a compliment to Marla. Due to the small size of
the riverboats, in this sector of the travel industry, a group of 8
is considered very impressive.
Marla signed up 34
people on her very first try.
Marla is not only the
hardest working woman I have ever met, she is also ridiculously good
at what she does. Although this was a highly complicated trip,
Marla organized it flawlessly.
Marla, I salute you on a
trip well done. Congratulations on creating such a wonderful
adventure for all of us.
Rick Archer
May 2014