02 Vera Cruz 2001
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2001 Vera Cruz Story 2001 Vera Cruz Pictures Who Went

2001 SSQQ

Story written by Rick Archer

Story of the Cruise

In August, 2001, SSQQ sent 101 daring adventurers into the shark-infested waters of the Caribbean Sea, the Gulf of Mexico, and the Gulf of Campeche for a wild 5 days of fun, frolic, and frivolity!  So many things happened that it is impossible to chronicle all the misbehavior in one sitting, so we suggest you  check in daily for further information (i.e., dirt) on the infamous SSQQ Vera Cruisers!

If any of you Cruisers check the story and have some further lowdown you want to share with me, email me at dance@ssqq.com

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