This is the May 2007 issue of the SSQQ Newsletter.
I am sorry there wasn't any April Newsletter, but
here is my excuse...
Back in high school, I always
turned in my homework. I was a very
conscientious student. But I carried an
inordinate fear that one day I would forget to turn
something in on time and it would cost me dearly.
I was always on guard against a slipup.
I turned into such a worry-wart that now as an adult
I still have an occasional recurring nightmare that
I have failed to study for a high school test or
have forgotten to do my homework.
Well, last month one of my nightmares did come true:
Trying as hard as I could, last month I still didn't
send out a Newsletter.
I contend that two companies - Centerpoint and Time
Warner - inadvertently combined forces to make my
life absolutely miserable for three weeks in March
and April. I have decided to blame them for
missing last month's April newsletter.
So you are my school teacher. It is your job
to listen to my excuse and decide whether it is
justified or whether I am full of beans and need to
go to detention. Be sure to read the complete
story of the
Missing April Newsletter |
There have
been two big changes in our dance curriculum.
Dancing has been added to Thursdays
and our Martian Whip
Technique class
has been upgraded. Both of these stories are
covered at length in this issue of the Newsletter.
Plus we have more
May Dance Semester highlights
as well as three parties to check out.
Dance and Romance has had a big month
- one new engagement and three weddings!
The Carnival
Conquest Cruise scheduled for late
September caught on fire in late April. 33
people signed up in a period of 4 days. It was
a veritable avalanche of registrations that took us
to the Magic 100 number. The good news is that
all the Troublemakers are back on board, but there
is some bad news too. Marla has run out of her
allotted number of inexpensive cabins.
Although there is plenty of space left on the trip,
you will have to pay a little bit extra to go.
If I were to guess, this is shaping up as the
wildest trip on record. You do not want to
miss this trip at any price!
We have three Story in the News features this month.
One is a bizarre story about a woman who was dropped
on her
while dancing. The
story is a fascinating list of the Ten Best
April Fool's
Jokes ever played. (Yes, this story was supposed to
run in last month's issue, but let's not talk about
The third story in the news is the best of all:
Cruise Blues in
the News. Yep, lots of crazy
things have been going on in the Cruise Industry.
This story gives you the INSIDE SCOOP of what really
happened when that couple fell overboard recently.
Very suspicious... this is DON'T MISS READING.
Let's just cross our fingers and hope none of this
stuff happens to us on the Wild and Crazy September
Conquest Cruise.
I added a story to the website that you absolutely
must read and see. The World's
Four Most
Dangerous Roads gives you a
first-hand look at the Siberian Road of Mud, the
Bolivian Road of Death, the Tunnel in the Side of
the Mountain, and the Most Dangerous Tourist Hike in
the entire world. I know you all think I am
guilty of too much hype sometimes, but this time I
am not kidding. This story is incredible. You have
to see it to believe it.
Many of you have no idea how talented the SSQQ Hall
Monitors are. For example,
Diane Murrell
has not only recently gained a Masters of Social
Work degree, she has put the finishing touch on her
third published book about the subject of autism.
In February 25 brave SSQQ dancers headed over to
Chandelier Ballroom for a fun night of
Dancing. Then in March our
numbers grew to nearly 40 people! We are going to the Chandelier again
on June 2, so check your calendar! In the
meantime, be sure to read this cute story.
On a dark note, on Wednesday, January 31, one dance
student had their car towed by the Bellaire Police
and another car was nearly towed. The problem
was caused when the City redesigned the NO PARKING
zones on First Street without bothering to warn
anybody. There have been several developments
since then, but I am still waiting on the final
story from one of the women involved.
Nevertheless this is an important story to read if
you haven't read it so far because it covers
SSQQ Parking
I know all of you live for the Complaint of the
Month section. Many people tell me it is their
favorite thing to read. Well, sorry to
disappoint you. I don't have anything juicy to
print. However I did add one new feature to
this Newsletter:
Happy Letters to the Editor.
One day it dawned on me that I get lots of
interesting emails, but I rarely print them.
Well, that has changed. This month instead of
the negative, I will accentuate the positive with 11
letters. Please forgive. I will go back to
dirty stuff next month. In addition I
will try to catch up on the jokes as well.
Let me add one thing: in my humble opinion, you will
be very pleased at just how interesting all the
features are in this Newsletter because it is the
culmination of two month's worth of work, not just
one as usual. There are some great articles to
Be sure to read all these stories and more in the
May Newsletter!
Rick Archer
Here are the
Chapters in this month's Newsletter:
21 |
THE CARNIVAL CONQUEST (reprint from Feb)
THE 2006 NEW
(reprint from Feb)
THE 2006
ROMANCE - new stories!
STORY IN THE NEWS: Woman dropped on head
alleges 'negligent dancing'
(reprint from February)
story in the news:
Ten of the best April Fool's Day
hoaxes ever (Chris Holmes)
nothing in May
THE MONTH: hopefully this feature will
be back next month
Sunday, September 23rd
thru Sunday, Sept 30th
People going as of
April 26.
Well, everybody, get ready. The Sea
You in September Dance Party is on.
Alpha Hussy is back, the Center of Attention
is ready to cause more trouble, Mr. Handsome
is back, and of course the Jammer - Gary
Richardson - is back to take more
incriminating pictures plus spin the DJ
Something incredible happened on Monday,
April 24 - Everybody decided to sign up at
once! Marla signed up 33 people in the
space of four days.
how did the flood of registrations begin?
Sunday night at the studio, six people
handed Marla their cruise registrations in
person: Phyllis Porter (Center of
Attention), Judy Walsh, Viola
Hernandez, Ken Robeson, Vicky Jimenez, and
Meg Hada. Marla was impressed.
Six in one day! Not bad.
Two other people - Lin Mills and Rick
Elizondo - came up to Marla and verbally
committed as well.
After the big rush on Sunday evening, Monday
morning things were pretty quiet.
Marla was sort of disappointed because she
thought the previous night was the start of
something big. Nope. Not one new
registration the entire morning or
On Monday night at the studio, Doug Ferris
and Vivian Gustafson both handed Marla their
registrations. That made 10 new
registrations in two days.
On Tuesday morning, the dam broke. As
Marla walked in her office at 10 am, there
was some sort of groaning and moaning coming
from the fax machine. Marla went over
to take a look. Holy Cow!
The poor machine was jammed with paper.
As Marla untangled the mess, she realized
there were seven cruise registrations.
Julie Johnson, Marian Patterson, Charlie
Denton, Joan Recht, Sandy Upchurch, Sandra
Palmer, and Karen Wisniewski had all sent in
Marla was sitting at her desk trying to
process their reservations, her phone rang.
Joe Lachner called to say he and Patty
Harrison were back for the third year in a
row. Now we were up to 19
registrations in three days.
On Wednesday, the registrations came in fast
and furious. Some came by email,
some came by fax, some came by phone, but
every minute Marla turned around it was
someone else. Mickie Benoit, John
Safos, Nancy Neuhaus, Terri Beeler, Jeff
Margolis, Conor O'Muirgheasa, Cristina
Lozano, Gary and Betty Richardson, Marlanea
Taylor plus Alpha Hussy Leslie Goldsmith.
Plus three more people handed in their
registrations at the studio in the evening
(but as I write, they aren't confirmed).
Assuming the Mysterious Three go, that's
fourteen registrations in one day. Or
33 people in four days. Amazing.
There was one downside to the flurry of
registrations - Marla sold out of her
original allotment of inexpensive cabins.
Carnival originally gave Marla 50 cabins.
Now that we reached 101 passengers, all 50
cabins were all gone.
The good news was that there was still
plenty of space on the ship, but the bad
news was it would have to be purchased at
the prevailing rate. The first victim
of the shortage was none other than the
Alpha Hussy herself.
Archer wrote:
Leslie, I wish I could say
Welcome Aboard, but I have a
problem. It appears that this cruise
has gone WILD over the past 48
We are currently SOLD OUT of all
inside and oceanview cabins at the
original group rate. I have only one
balcony cabin remaining at $762 PP.
Today's prevailing rate is as
follows: inside -- $614 PP,
oceanview -- $664 PP
Marlanea called me earlier today and
is in the same situation. situation.
Maybe the two of you could room
From: LeslieG
Date: 04/26/2007 8:06:44 AM
To: Marla Archer
Subject: Re: SSQQ Western Caribbean
MUST be on that
Sign me up at best deal
Archer wrote:
Welcome Aboard Ladies, You are
confirmed in an inside cabin at the
rate of $614 PP. We are almost
at 100 passengers!!!!
From: LeslieG
Date: 04/26/2007 12:06:46 PM
To: Marla Archer
Subject: Re: SSQQ Western Caribbean
Thanks for all your work!!!!
Marlanea Taylor wrote:
Can you believe they are going to
let the two of us be in the same
From: LeslieG
Date: 04/26/2007 12:19:32 PM
To: Marlanea Taylor
Subject: Re: Cruise
That's EXACTLY what I was
One room, TWO Hussies........
They're just ASKING for
If you aren't afraid of the Hussy Cabin and
want to join us, Marla says there is plenty
of room. Register today and join all the fun!
Please complete the
Registration Form.
You may email, fax or bring it to the studio
and we will get you onboard.
Contact Marla Archer at 713 862-4428 or
with any further questions.
The SSQQ New
England was both amazing and frustrating at
the same time.
On the positive side, we had our chance to
see the changing leaves in the fall and some
of the most beautiful scenery in the entire
country. Visits to Martha's Vineyard,
Acadia National Park, and New Hampshire's
White Mountains revealed breath-taking
vistas. New England is truly a gorgeous
place to live.
We also got a chance to see history come
alive with trips to Salem Village, New
Brunswick, and of course by roaming around
However some of our excitement was tempered
by the inexplicable rudeness and
inefficiency of a cruise staff rumored to be
the worst in the Royal Caribbean fleet.
You will simply have to read the story to
understand the level of the incompetence we
ran into.
Plus we had a couple who crashed our group
even though we warned them not to. That
was a weird event.
According to one person who commented to me,
this was the most interesting cruise story
yet. The pictures alone are worth
taking a look at and the story is equally
The 2006 Rhapsody
Reloaded Cruise last August was an incredible trip.
It was without a doubt the most successful
trip we have ever taken, but it took me
several months to actually write the story.
So what took me so long to put the story
together? I attribute my writer's
block to 3 reasons.
First, my friend Gary Richardson put
together an overwhelming CD collection of
pictures. Although I am grateful for
all his hard work and the pictures were
great, I felt kind of overwhelmed.
Gary's CD had over 1,300 pictures of 136
different people! If you believe every
picture is worth a thousand words, imagine
how I didn't even know where to begin.
My second problem is going to sound silly,
but it took me so long to format and post
650 pictures, I was so tired I didn't have
much wind left. Furthermore, since
this was our fourth trip on the Rhapsody, it
was difficult for me to find new things to
say about the ship, the ports, the dancing,
and the hot tub nonsense. Maybe it is
time to switch ships after all.
But the third reason is the real reason - I
didn't have anything to talk about! I
have to tell you something - people have
learned to keep their mouths shut around me.
I got the feeling all sorts of interesting
things were happening all around me, but no
one would talk. I was unable to
penetrate this conspiracy of silence.
It was a wonderful trip, but next time I am
going to hire me an informant. Then
you will get a great trip writeup.
inadvertently ruled that the new HOT TUB
record of 24 was invalid.
That is when Jan Milz stepped up to report
that her husband had made an incredible
sacrifice to guarantee the record would be
set! I reviewed the facts and declared
the record of 24 VALID thanks to the heroic
efforts of Bob Milz.
Remember – if you miss the
first week of class, you can always start in the
second week. The Second Week Review will catch you
For even more detail on many
of the classes listed below, please visit
Special classes for
May include:
Scott Hustle is the famous Disco Dance
from the 70s. It is also a cult favorite here at
Hustle is best used to Disco music and soft R&B
hits. This flashy partner dance is a clever
combination of Swing footwork and Latin hip motion.
Taught on Sundays at 4:30, this dance was first
known as the "Latin Hustle" when it was the major
partner dance back in the Saturday Night Fever Disco
Scott Ladell has worked magic with his Hustle class
in past years. In 2006, his class was so popular
that it went for five months. That was pretty
impressive. You will be pleased to note that this
accomplishment was no accident. Scott is one of the
best Hustle teachers in the city and deserves the
loyal following he has developed.
His class in April has 50 people in it.
SUNDAY AT 7: Dakota Wilhelm's
II. One of the most popular
classes at SSQQ is Dakota's upper-level Ballroom
course. For people who are already Advanced
Ballroom dancers, Dakota aims to challenge his class
with the toughest patterns in a different dance
every two months. Currently he is working on
Quick reminder that we will
no longer be teaching SLOW DANCE as a regular
four-week group class. That said, there are
special occasions like the First Dance at a wedding,
a fancy New Years Eve party, a romantic standard at
the Captain's Reception on a cruise, or a sultry
torch song at a nightclub where the ability to Slow
Dance would sure come in handy. If you are
getting married or would simply like to learn to
Slow Dance, Marla Archer can teach you SLOW DANCE,
WALTZ, or FOXTROT in a private lesson. Contact
her at
Marla teaches an average of 5 private
lessons a week to couples who need to learn how to
Slow Dance, Foxtrot, or Waltz at their Wedding
Reception. If you know someone who needs to prepare
for this important moment, read Marla’s story about
her Wedding Dance experiences, please visit:
Bryan and Lisa’s MARTIAN
WHIP on Mondays
is an elite class for people who wish to become
either top-flight social dancers or competition West
Coast Swing dancers. If you are an advanced
Whip and West Coast Swing dancer, this is the place
to be on Mondays! In
addition to this challenging class, Monday
Night Whip Practice became a serious rocking event.
Bryan Spivey and Lisa became Texas State Whip
Champions in 2004. They were Regional
Champions in 2005. Then in 2006, Bryan finished in the Top 12 of
the National West Coast Swing Championships.
In other words, Bryan is currently one of the top 12 male
dancers in the country. Quite an
Click here for information on the
AT 7: SAlsa
is phenomenal. Each Tuesday,
there is a Beginning, Intermediate, and Advanced
Salsa class that average 80 to 100 people in each
class. In particular, Steve & Danielle conduct
their elite Advanced Salsa class each Tuesday.
The Tuesday Salsa Practice Night hosted by Linda
Cook is smokin’.
Sharon (Crawford) Shaw's legendary Western Waltz
program begins anew in April 2007 with a Beginning
Western Waltz class, the first step in a five month
cycle. Yes, we know that Sharon announced her
retirement a year ago, but she had second thoughts
after so many people asked her to reconsider.
Sharon taught her first extended Western Waltz class
back in April of 2000. In that year, Sharon had over
70 people sign up for Beginning Western Waltz in
April. Due to the high energy of the class,
naturally we scheduled a follow-up Intermediate
class in May. However there was no drop-off! Not
only did the same 70 people stick around, the class
grew a little bit as experienced Waltz dancers
joined in progress to share the fun. Soon the
students started begging for more levels. Sharon and
her friend John Jones added an Advanced level in
June. Then came Super-Advanced in July.
In 2000, Sharon and John stopped at four levels, but
when the same thing happened the following year,
they found a way to add a fifth month of Western
Waltz in 2001.
What makes the class exceptionally fun is that many
of the dancers stay after class to practice. Before
you know, all that practice pays off - the entire
room is wall to wall with beautiful Waltz couples
swirling and twirling across the floor! As a result,
many of the finest Waltz dancers in Houston claim
they owe their skill to Sharon and John's class!
Sharon's Five Month Western Waltz cycle in 2007
marks her eighth year of teaching the best Western
Waltz in the entire city. You do not want to miss
Rick and Cher will teach
on Friday.
Western Cha Cha is the traditional Cha Cha used to
slow, graceful Polka-speed music. Many of the songs
Western Cha Cha works best to can be described as
romantic or sultry, often with a Latin beat in the
The most famous Western Cha Cha is "Neon Moon" by
Brooks and Dunn. "Shagging" by Alabama and "Tequila
Sunrise" by the Eagles are two more examples. The
Western Cha Cha is a clever dance that works well as
an alternative dance to the Polka.
Quite popular in Western clubs in other parts of the
country, Western Cha Cha is also a fixture at
Western Dance Competitions. The patterns vary from
the simple to the complex and use double turns when
the mood strikes. Best of all, the Cha Cha has an
attractive hip motion that makes Wrangler Jeans do
for Western dancing whatever it is that Gap Khakis
do for Swing dancing.
Cha Cha is flirtatious,
sexy, easy to learn, and lots of fun!
SATURDAY AT 4:30: Bjorn and Rebeca Bangstein
have moved their
Saturday Salsa Explosion on Saturdays to
pm. This Super-Advanced
Salsa class gives us four different levels of Salsa
classes on Saturday afternoons.
ZYDECO Willie Bushnell has
Zydeco starting on Saturday at 430. Zydeco
dance music originated in the state of
Louisiana. Similar to Cajun music, Zydeco is
more heavily influenced by blues and music from
the West Indies. Zydeco is fun, sexy, and pretty
easy to learn! This is a great Saturday class
that will have you laughing all night long! ………………………
Saturday, April 28
9:15 pm - 11:30 pm
Cover charge $7
BEG SALSA!! - Alex
SALSA DIPS & LUNGES I Steve/Daniele (cpl)
May 12
9:15 pm - 11:30 pm
Cover charge $7
ZYDECO - Ronnie
RUMBA - Rick
SLOW DANCING (Cpls only) - Marla
May 19
9:15 pm - 11:30 pm
Cover charge $7
DIRTY DANCING (Cpls Only) - Ben
As this
Newsletter goes out, SSQQ Martian Whip instructors Bryan Spivey and Lisa Palmer
will be getting married on Saturday, April 28.
Bryan and Lisa met here at SSQQ 5 years ago.
They began dating in 2004. In 2005 they became
By coincidence, in May 2007, Bryan and Lisa's
wedding will coincide with a major restructuring of
the SSQQ Whip/West Coast Swing program.
As always, we will offer Beginning and Intermediate
Whip/WCS two times a week. However our
Thursday class will move to Sunday afternoons at
4:30 pm to create an opening for a second Ballroom
The major change will be the implementation of a
six-month pre-Martian Whip program known as
Martian Technique. Previously this
class has been offered only one night a week, but
starting in May we will offer it on two nights a
week: Monday and Thursday. When we finish
implementing our complete Ballroom program on
Thursday, the second Martian Technique class will
move to Fridays in July.
The purpose of Martian Technique is to
offer six solid months of different material to
prepare our students for Martian Whip.
The first hour of each week will be footwork and
fundamentals that students will need at the higher
level. Then the second hour will cover
important patterns. One person - Rick Archer -
will teach the Technique Program. The main
reason for a single instructor is that is much
easier for one person to teach the complicated
parallel class system.
Martian Technique will be available to
anyone who has completed Intermediate Whip/WCS or
similar material elsewhere. I will be honest -
if this class is too tough, I will not hesitate to
suggest you move back to an easier level.
With the same thought in mind, Martian Whip
will move to elite status - at the start of each
semester, new students will be evaluated at the
start of class by Bryan or Lisa to make sure their
are ready to enter their program.
-----Original Message-----
From: Maria B
Sent: Friday, April 27, 2007 10:29 AM
To: dance@ssqq.com
Subject: what happened to advanced whip?
Hi Rick,
I am Maria B, a former whip student. I took
Advanced and Lunar Whip a few years ago and
wanted to come back, but these
classes are not listed any more. I am
mystified because a couple weeks ago I checked
your schedule and saw your advanced class
listed. What happened to you it?
By they way, your newsletter didn't explain
things very well so I thought I would write and
see if you could help. I am not ready for some
technique class... I barely remember how to walk
much less do any difficult patterns. What do you
suggest I do, take Beginning Whip over again?
Thanks, M.
Rick Archer wrote:
Thanks for asking me to clarify things, Maria.
Sometimes something is quite clear to me, but I
don't explain it properly, so it helps me that
you spoke up.
Regarding the
Technique program, you are not the only person
who is confused.
There have been several people who did not
understand what I am doing. So let me try
What we once called "Advanced" and "Lunar" Whip
are now Technique 3 and 4. That material
is not going to disappear.
What I am doing is
replacing a two-month program with a six-month
program. This way,
after a student finishes Intermediate Whip,
they now get six months of
advanced classes offered twice a week
before the material begins to repeat.
This course is
basically Space Station Whip... a six-month
class that trains people to enter Bryan and
Lisa's Martian Whip program.
No one says a student has to
take all six months of Technique.
The moment a student
gets bored, they can
go to Martian Whip assuming
they pass the test.
We had something similar to this on Thursdays.
The Thursday Technique
program was popular, but it had two flaws: it
was only offered once a week and there was no
coordination btw the three instructors.
It seemed to me there
were gaps in the training. Since I am the
only one teaching Technique, I promise you there
will strong continuity.
The biggest problem for me
will be integrating graduates of Intermediate
Whip into a class with people who have had two
to six months more experience. I
expect the Intermediate graduates to struggle a
little, but you know what? The people who
are ahead of them often appreciate the review.
That's how they get really good.
Story written by Rick Archer, May 2007
In April
2007, there was no SSQQ Newsletter because one thing
after another went wrong. It drove me nuts.
Back in high school, I always
turned in my homework. I was a very
conscientious student. But I carried an
inordinate fear that one day I would forget to turn
something in on time and it would cost me dearly. I
was always on guard against a slipup.
I turned into such a worry-wart that now as an adult I still have an occasional
recurring nightmare that I have failed to study for
a high school test or have forgotten to do my
Well, last month one of my nightmares did come true:
Trying as hard as I could, last month I didn't send
out a Newsletter.
I contend that two companies - Centerpoint and Time Warner -
inadvertently combined forces to
make my life absolutely miserable for three
weeks in March and April. I have decided to blame them for missing
last month's April
So you are my school teacher. It is your job
to listen to my excuse and decide whether it is
justified or whether I am full of beans and need to
go to detention.
The background
events to this story took place
in 2006 when the property across the street from my
house here in the Heights was bought
by a company known as Tricon. They
wasted little time. Men quickly cleared the property for construction (see pictures above).
I soon discovered that Tricon had acquired another
property nearby. About the same time as
they cleared the area in the pictures above, Tricon also
demolished some old apartments about six houses down
the street from my
house. No problem. The apartments
were crumbling tenements rife with crime. I
hailed the move. And as for the property
across my street, gee whiz, it was five empty lots
just begging to be developed. It had once been
owned by a cement company that filled in pools,
driveways, and sidewalks. All they needed was
a place to park their trucks and store concrete. The 5 lots had two
old structures on them, but otherwise had been
underdeveloped for the 30 years I have lived here.
Construction on both sites - across the street and
down the street - began in January 2007. Below
are pictures of some of the condos down the street
that replaced the aging apartments. Those guys
worked fast - it is only April, but some of
the units have already been sold now and people are moving in.
In the pictures below, you can see the progress of the new homes
across the street from my house. Tricon put five
homes on that property, but the arrangement is
bizarre. Two homes face the south
while three others face the west. There is
practically no yard for any of the five homes,
mainly because the three homes facing west were
given large free-standing garage apartments.
Thus there is little symmetry to their plans.
Oh well. It's still better than the empty dirt
Coming of the Martians - Can We Turn Your Lights Off? |
I generally start writing the Newsletter on the
third Monday of every dance semester. After eight years
of writing Newsletters, I have developed a certain rhythm to
this. The third Monday is the ritualistic
start to two weeks of serious writing. Step One leads to Step Two and so on.
I have it down to a science.
However, even before I start the April Newsletter, I
was already worried.
I was concerned I might not have enough time to do a
thorough job because my wife's
brother Larry and his wife Roz were coming to spend
Easter Weekend with Marla and me. Their visit
would shorten my available time to write by two days. I reassured myself that I had
enough time, but very little to waste.
If there were any interruptions or delays, I might
be in trouble.
On Monday, March 19, I sat down
at my desk to begin typing the April Newsletter.
I was 3 words into my project when the doorbell
rang. I bristled at the interruption.
Then I shuddered - it was a Bad Omen
to have my Newsletter interrupted just as I got
It turned out my premonition was
absolutely on target. Had the Martians arrived? I felt like trouble was
knocking on my door. One of my favorite books
is HG Wells "War of the Worlds". For some odd
reason, I actually thought about that book as I
walked to the door. Chapter One is titled "The
Coming of the Martians". I opened the
door. No, the
visitor was not a Martian, but he was almost as bad -
it was some guy from Centerpoint. What was he
doing here?
Centerpoint has a bad reputation at our house.
Recently in January Marla opened up a $1700 monthly
light bill. She gasped when she saw the
amount. This light bill was twice the amount
from the same time last year. Marla was
concerned because our energy habits had not changed.
If anything, the mild winter did not require any
special heating. Marla protested the bill.
However Centerpoint demanded Marla pay the full
amount. Mysteriously, the bill returned to
normal the following month. We have been
suspicious of this company ever since.
When I saw the
guy was from Centerpoint, at first I thought he was
here to investigate the mysterious $1700 light bill.
Fat chance of that; now how stupid was that
Instead what Centerpoint Guy wanted to do was turn
my home's electricity off for a couple hours in
the middle of the day. He had his crew ready and
waiting to hook up some of the new homes
being built
down the street. Looking over his shoulder, I
saw a phalanx of six huge trucks on the street
behind him.
I was completely taken off guard. You want to
do what? Finally I regained my senses.
I explained to him I was working. This was a
bad time for me. Couldn't they come back
around 4 pm when I go to pick up my daughter from
school? The Centerpoint guy replied that he was working
too, that his crew was already
here, and that he had a job to do. He then
pointed to six trucks. I would be doing him a
real favor.
There was something fishy going on. Why was he
asking permission? Does anyone ask permission
when they don't need to? There was
a warning note sitting right on edge of my mind, so
I hesitated till I could figure out what it was. As
we talked it over for a while,
I was on the verge of cooperating when I suddenly
remembered a letter from Centerpoint that Marla had
shown me last week. I excused myself for a
moment and went inside to retrieve the letter. Then I showed
this guy the letter
from his own company instructing me that all my power
would be turned off the following Thursday ten days
from now.
You know how Dracula recoils from Holy Water?
Well, this guy did not want to see this document.
He fidgeted and bit his lip. His face crinkled
up. Seeing I had an advantage, I asked why
couldn't he come back and do his work then?
That's when I figured out that he was here to do the same project as was
mentioned in the letter. He decided to do it
ten days early! So I asked him about it.
The man's reply was that he
wanted to do it now since it was convenient.
It would save him a trip next week and he could move
on to his next project.
That's when I lost my temper. I couldn't
believe he was trying to do today the same work his
company had scheduled for the following week because
it was 'convenient' for him. He wanted not
just me, but ten other people also hooked up to the
same service to
drop everything we were doing at the drop of a hat.
Even more ridiculous is that there wasn't anyone
desperate for the new service; those condos were
still vacant. This guy was
willing to inconvenience my family just so he could
hook up some homes ahead of time that weren't even
After I got indignant, this guy gave up and went away.
But not for long. About two hours
later he came back to ask again. Now the two of us started
the same old dance again.
Again I held my ground.
I had already told him 4 pm would work. Why couldn't he and I agree on a time when my family
could be away? He said he didn't work that
way. Why was I not surprised?
Finally the scourge left with my lights still
intact, but a lot of good it did me. His two interruptions and the tension
between us pretty much shut
down any creativity towards writing the Newsletter
that day. It is hard for me to write when I am
upset unless I am writing about the thing that made
me mad (take a quick guess why I am writing this
story for the May Newsletter... I need to get it out
of my system!)
The following day, Tuesday, was uneventful. I
actually got some work done on the Newsletter.
Unfortunately Wednesday was lost due to a
rescheduled dental appointment in the middle of the
day. My hygienist had moved our date so she
could take a vacation, but to accommodate her, I had
to sacrifice a valuable Newsletter day. I was
running out of time.
The trees in front
of my house are a source of joy. I love them
for their beauty, for their shade, and for the
privacy they provide.
There is a garden behind that fence. These
beautiful trees help create the effect of a hidden
The array of trees in the picture includes 4 oak
trees, 2 pine trees, 3 sycamore trees, and a Chinese
tallow tree. I freely admit I am a big tree
hugger - I planted every one of those trees myself.
On Thursday,
March 22, I was determined to make up for
yesterday's dentist appointment which had cut my day
in half. I was just settling down
to continue work on the Newsletter for April when there was another
knock on the door. I had one of those deja vu
experiences. Did they have spy watching to
determine the exact moment I sat down at the
I figured it was another Centerpoint guy demanding
to cut our power off, but instead this time it was some guy
from Trees, Inc. They wanted to trim my trees
surrounding the Centerpoint power line in front of my home.
I groaned to myself. These tree trimmers are a
yearly plague. Why did they have to show up
just when I was writing the Newsletter?
I knew from
bitter experience this was a problem that should not
be avoided. Over the
years I have learned to take the tree cutters
seriously. These people have been overzealous
in the past, so I have learned to negotiate with
them. My yearly give-and-take has
paid off. I understand that they have a job to
do, but they also have some leeway. So we
agree in advance on what they will cut and what they
will leave intact. As a result, in recent years, the trimming has
been much more careful. As a result, now the
trees in front of my house have never looked better,
yet at the same time the power lines have stayed free of any
limbs and branches.
If you look at the picture above, you won't even see
the power line. This is because the trees are
cut in a V-Shape that conceal the presence of the
power line running along the V. Thanks to the
way they cut the branches, the foliage is
so thick that the power line disappears.
Okay, it must be that time of
year again. I was frustrated
at the distraction, but I wasn't worried about the
I assumed today would be no different than last year. We
would go outside, look at the branches and make
compromises like we always do.
So the tree man and I carefully went tree by tree. I
listened to what he wanted
to do and I told him what I thought was fair given my
understanding of the rules (7 feet from the line).
Finally we got to a tree where the trunk was growing
about 7 feet from the power line straight up as part
of the V-Shape.
He wanted to cut it. I said no way. I
pointed to the houses going in across the street and
said this part of the oak tree provided privacy from people
looking in my bedroom window. The guy took a
look to see what I was talking about, then nodded.
He said he saw my point, but added he would need
permission to avoid cutting it.
What he said worried
me. I had first negotiated this particular tree trunk
with the tree cutters about five
years earlier. Each year the people would trim
anything growing towards the power line, but allow
the trunk to grow and spread branches in the other
direction that created
privacy. I wondered to myself why after five
years of cooperation this tree trunk was now a
I also knew I was going to have trouble
concentrating on the Newsletter until this tree
business was taken care of. This is hard to explain, but
I am a born fidgeter when it comes to writing.
It requires my complete concentration, but I am
easily distracted. Therefore I
don't handle interruptions well when I am trying to
write a newsletter.
Every time there is an
interruption, it might take me up to an hour or two
hours to settle back down again. But once I
get locked in, I can work for four to six hours
straight. The hard part is getting locked in.
Today was no exception. After the tree guy
left, I sat back down to try to get my
momentum to start writing.
But just as I settled
down to begin the newsletter for the second
time, the doorbell
rang again. I bristled and cursed to myself.
Now what?
Sure enough, it was the Tree
Cutters back again.
The same guy wanted to talk with me about the trees
some more. He said he had talked with his
supervisor. His supervisor said they wanted to
do a lot more cutting than usual. I raised an
eyebrow. I asked him to explain, but soon
realized he wasn't high enough on the ladder to know
what the reasons were. I replied that as long as they
followed the same guidelines as we had in the past,
I would cooperate.
So we went over the same trees again. When we
came to the V-shaped oak tree, he said his
supervisor still wanted to cut down the trunk
despite the face that he agreed it was growing seven
feet from the power line. I explained that
this trunk was not a threat to the power
line. In case of wind, the way it was cut, the
trunk would fall AWAY from the power line if there
was a problem. After all,
the heavy limbs were growing away from the power
line. He agreed with me on this point
too, but
then he shrugged his shoulders and said his orders were
orders. He said he would go back and talk to
his supervisor again.
Although I still had a couple hours left before I
had to go to the studio, at this point, the constant interruptions had taken
their toll. I was completely distracted.
I decided to put things off till tomorrow and try to
get a fresh start. Another day down the drain.
On Friday, March 23, I was about an hour into
working on the Newsletter when the doorbell rang.
Here we go again. Standing before me was a new
person. But he turned out to be okay. So
we went outside and began to discuss what they
wanted to do with each tree. It was all very cordial, but when we got
to the tree trunk 7 feet from the line, he said his
orders were to cut it back severely. However
this time I had a new trick up my sleeve - I had
brought along a tape measure. I showed him
that the tree trunk was exactly seven feet from the
power line. What was the problem?
A funny look came over his face. This man
wasn't angry at me, but he looked very unhappy.
Something was wrong; this whole process was
different than in the recent years. Where was
the give and take?
He told me that two days had passed and no progress
had been made on the tree trimming. He was
getting a lot of pressure to get me to agree. He said he would call his
supervisor who would come over and make the final decision.
He added the supervisor could drop by in 30 minutes.
If so, would I be around? Hoping to get
this over with, I agreed to meet the supervisor's
supervisor the same day.
I was darkly amused that the current supervisor was
worried about all the wasted time. What about
my wasted time?
Helpless to concentrate on the newsletter, I sat down
in my chair and did a sudoku while I waited for the
next supervisor.
And waited. And waited. Seven sudokus
later, I realized I had wasted the rest of Friday
waiting for him.
Now I was in a really bad mood. I was so far
behind it was ridiculous. I took stock.
I had blown practically an entire work week.
Only Tuesday had been solid.
But I hate starting the Newsletter on a weekend.
Saturday is my day off to play basketball and watch
movies. And Sunday is known as 'Marathon Sunday'
I work at the studio from 4 to 10 pm. Enough
said. I decided to shoot for Monday, the day I
typically get the ball rolling. I could
put out an abbreviated issue that would still be
On Monday, March 26, I was
getting ready to work when the doorbell rang. Uh
oh. It was the supervisor's supervisor's supervisor. The
moment I saw him, I sensed trouble. His
demeanor was Macho Man. My instincts were
correct. The other men had been polite, but this
guy was a punk.
Before I even said a word, the Big Cheese Supervisor
announced that if I didn't like his decision,
he would call the police who would enforce any action he wished to take.
Let me repeat - there were no hellos and no
introductions. The first thing out of his
mouth was a threat to call the police.
I lost my temper. I told him he had no
business threatening me. I had done nothing to
deserve that kind of attitude. What gave him
the right to threaten me with the cops? Did I
break some Tree Law I didn't know about?
I told him he had a
lot of nerve coming into my home and talking to me
this way. Maybe he should just go right ahead and call the
police if that's how he had learned to do his business.
I pulled out my cell phone and asked him if he
wanted me to call them. That worked.
Big Cheese immediately became a little more
civilized. After he calmed down a little, he decided to
show me his plans tree by
tree just like the last two guys. As
usual, I disagreed on the key tree. I brought
my ruler. It showed there was exactly 7 feet.
He didn't like that trick one bit. Big Cheese got angry and said he would consult the Forester,
who would be at my house in the morning to make the final decision. I told him I had a doctor's
appointment. Would it be asking too much to
ask the Forester to come at 11 am? The man
shook his head and said if I was home, fine, if not,
Needless to say, I didn't write any more newsletter
that day. I was angry at being pushed around
and threatened. Nor did I sleep well that
night because I was worried sick what might happen
to my trees if I wasn't there to stick up for them.
In the morning, I asked Marla to watch out for these
guys and ask them to wait. I would be back at 11 am.
No luck.
While I was at the doctor's office, Marla called to
say she heard cutting on trees outside the house.
They had not even bothered to knock. She had gone outside to see what was going on.
A very cocky man from Centerpoint told Marla the decisions had already been made, so go back in
the house. Marla tried to explain that I would
be home soon, but the man replied he wasn't going to wait,
then brushed her off.
I was furious. I rushed home from the doctor's
office, but it was too late. The butchering
had begun and it was worse than I had
ever seen it before.
Three of my oak trees were literally sawed in half.
That's right. Halfway up the tree, they
severed the trunk. Oh my goodness.
This was the most aggressive cutting I had seen in
20 years of this annual plague!!
In the past, these people
have trimmed limbs away from the power lines.
That's their job and I accepted it. But not
today. Forget the word 'trimming', their idea
was to chop half the tree down. What kind
of pro was this guy? I wondered just exactly what
the exalted Forester had learned at
tree school.
I was beyond furious. This wasn't necessary. I confronted the Centerpoint
Forester and asked him to explain why he cut my 3 trees
down. He explained that they were going to be
doing some work on the lines and he wanted to make
things easy for his men to move around by doing a
little extra trimming.
I screamed at him. "Extra trimming? Are
you nuts!! You didn't trim my trees, you cut
them down, you
idiot! What in the hell are you doing?!"
"Hey, don't worry about it, Mister. The trees will
grow back."
I guess that's what he learned at tree school.
What a genius.

This guy is Centerpoint's tree butcher.
If you see him, cling to your trees and beg him for
mercy. |
As you can see in
the picture on the right, two telephone poles are quite
visible. Before the Forester's Hatchet Job, my
trees were cut in a V-shape that extended on either
side of both poles. The reason these poles are
easily visible now is because the two trees standing next to them were
cut in half below the line. Four 15-feet high
segments were destroyed. The picture cannot
really show how bad it is because other trees in the
background prevent you from seeing the enormous
gaps. No attempt was made to trim the branches
within 7 feet as was the stated policy.
Centerpoint's Forester must have gone to tree school
for a long time to learn such precision cutting.
In addition to
the two trees in the picture, seven other trees were also severely
cut back. I could not understand this
excessive work. The damage to my trees really
hurt. I went into a
pretty serious depression after this incident.
Later that night, Marla asked me how to fix
the TV in our bedroom. The cable wasn't working. After
some investigation, I realized there was no cable
signal at all. None. So I called
Time Warner. They would send a guy out the next day
to have a look at it, but it was scheduled during
the evening.
As a result
Marla had to cancel her evening appointment to wait
at home for four hours till Mr. Cable Guy showed up.
Naturally he showed up at the last possible moment.
At that time, the repairman confirmed what I
suspected - the Centerpoint butchers had not only
seriously cut back nine trees, they had severed our
cable line for good measure. He said the cable
had been sliced by a saw.
The repairman added that the cable was nowhere near
any of the trees that were cut. Therefore I strongly
suspect it was deliberate, perhaps a payback for
wasting three days of their time till they brought
the Butcher in.
By coincidence,
on Wednesday the next morning, my Internet
cable known as Roadrunner went out. How was I supposed to write a
newsletter without email or Internet?
Did Centerpoint cause this problem too?
called Roadrunner repair only to get a recorded message that
they were experiencing problems in the Heights area followed by a request to be
patient. Since Roadrunner is usually just down temporarily, I
decided to bide my time.
So I twiddled my
thumbs for the rest of the day. Between losing
my trees, my TV, and now the Internet, I was in a
pretty foul mood. Not only Wednesday, but also
Thursday was a lost cause - Roadrunner was down till
the afternoon. Two more
days of Newsletter work down the drain. I was
a basket case.
It was now Friday, March 30.
I was completely out of my rhythm on the Newsletter
project. Classes were starting in two days on Sunday and I had
only written about 25% of the April
Newsletter. Oh well. Better get to work.
Maybe a last-ditch effort would yield results.
But I didn't get very far. I actually tried to
work on the Newsletter on Friday morning, but found
I was still too upset over the tree incident to be
very effective. Slowed by my depression, I
just muddled along at the keyboard with some
perfunctory pecks.
Besides, I had something else bothering me. I had
some unpleasant hatchet work of my
own to do. An poignant email served as a reminder that a
certain persona non grata was coming to the studio
tonight. I had made the decision to ask
this individual to leave the studio for a variety of
reasons. I know you are curious, so I will say
that this individual was accused of being highly
deceitful to another student. However, since this person didn't
give us an email address, I had to write a letter
so I could hand deliver it. I have to
tell you, this ruined my mood.
First Centerpoint, then Roadrunner, now a deceitful
The featured event on Saturday, March 31, was our
Red and Black Western Party. I had committed myself
to creating a new crash course - Advanced
Synchronized Polka Patterns. I spent most of
the afternoon working on creating new patterns.
Thanks to my effort, the crash course that evening
was a terrific success. The patterns were
intricate and challenging. However, after
creating the new patterns, I wasn't in much of a mood
to write a Newsletter too.
The following day was
another Marathon Sunday. By coincidence, it
was also April Fool's Day... how appropriate. Since
it was the start of the new April semester, I had
extra duties like printing volunteer cards and
getting various forms printed. Working on the Newsletter
was out of the question.
If you are keeping count, this story is
now 14 days old and still no newsletter.
Believe it or not, I still had hopes of putting out
a Newsletter for April. On Monday, I started
writing with a passion. I followed
that up with more solid work on Tuesday. With
two solid days of no interruptions, I was
half done. I had a shot at finishing tomorrow.
But that night Marla came
home in a furious mood - Roadrunner had gone out at
the studio! Registration was a fiasco.
Because there was no cable, the registration staff
had to register 150 people by hand. This meant
Marla would have to key in all of those
registrations herself on Wednesday here at home.
Marla was exasperated.
I was worried too.
I needed to get Roadrunner up and working again at the
studio. One night with Roadrunner down was bad
enough, but I couldn't allow the entire week's
registration to be done without the use of our
What could have gone wrong?
Marla's story had me confused. Marla told me
she had already called Time Warner only to be told
Roadrunner was actually working just fine at the
studio. The signal was there according to the
tech guy. After she was told this, Marla
made a beeline to the office. She examined the
cables and router box for clues. She was
appalled to discover that all the Internet cables
had been unplugged from the router! It
appeared to her that someone had sabotaged our cable
I raised an eyebrow at that conclusion. That
didn't make a lot of sense. My daughter had
been in that same office on Monday night. I asked
her if she did anything to the cables. Sam
replied that everything was business as usual -
Roadrunner was working just fine and she didn't do
anything to the cables. Then she reminded me
that we
had LOCKED the door to the office when we left.
Hmm. This meant if someone sabotaged our
cable, they would first have to have a key to the
studio, then have a key to the office. I was
becoming very skeptical of sabotage. Still, I had to
solve the problem. What could have gone
That night, I was terribly
restless worrying about the sabotaged cable. I
woke up at 2 am. With nothing else to do, I
walked into my office and started to work on the
newsletter. Uh oh. Now my home Roadrunner
was out! When I called, the Heights wasn't listed on
their outage areas, so I stayed on the line till
tech support picked up. The gentleman said
that he had received several calls from the Heights
area, so he would report the problem immediately.
Oh hell. I went back to bed.
Another wasted opportunity.
On Wednesday the next morning, I noticed that my
home Roadrunner was back on. However I was too
worried about the problem at the studio to
concentrate on the newsletter so I went to the
studio to figure the problem out.
I soon discovered that Marla had accidentally looked
at the wrong cable box. There was no sabotage
after all. Then after I rebooted the correct
router, we were in business again. But it was
1 pm before I got back to work. I was only
half-finished on the Newsletter and I had lost an
entire morning.
This studio cable
problem could not have come at a worse time.
The pressure was already intense - tomorrow Thursday
the power would be turned off. I typed and I
typed and I typed some more. The
Newsletter was three-quarters done. I was
almost home.
Thursday was the day Centerpoint had scheduled to turn off our power for
a minimum of four hours. The reason was simple
- they needed to hook up electricity to all those
new homes
down the street and across the street. This
project was why the Forester had butchered my trees
in the first place. It was no coincidence the
two trees that were damaged the most were the trees
near the two telephone poles. He had
whacked these two trees in half to make it easier for the men to
work on the poles.
Somehow I found no solace
in making life easier for them by chopping down my
trees - I had lost the beauty of my trees and all
my privacy in the process. I could see the
windows in the new houses across the street plain
and clear. Where there had once been foliage,
there was nothing. I shook my head in helpless
anger just thinking about it again.
On Thursday morning, sure enough, there were a half-dozen Centerpoint trucks on our street. Around 10 am
on Thursday, March 29, the power to our house was
turned off. There wouldn't be any
Newsletter work until our power came back on. No
computers, no TV, no lights, no air-conditioning. It was
painful to be reminded how dependent we are on
electricity. But it wasn't all bad.
Since we had been warned in advance, I
was able to schedule a morning of errands to
avoid the inconvenience.
When I got home that afternoon, I noticed the
power was back on. All right! Home
stretch. Time to finish the Newsletter.
Except when I sat down, I made a terrible discovery - I had no
Roadrunner again! I groaned. For the
time in a week, I had no access to email and the
Internet. How would I ever finish the
So I called Roadrunner and
got the same message as last time- 'problems in the
Heights; please be patient'. I assumed all the
work that Centerpoint was doing
that day had disrupted
Roadrunner. After all, Time Warner and Centerpoint and ATT use the same
poles. Now Thursday was completely shot.
Meanwhile my brother-in-law Larry and his wife Roz
flew into town Thursday evening for their Easter
weekend visit at our house.
Although I
was really happy to see Larry and Roz, I have to be
honest and say the futility of the Newsletter was
haunting my conscience at every turn.
I still had a
chance. I crossed my
fingers and hoped that Roadrunner would be back up
on Friday. I had a major
commitment on Friday - I had promised Marla I would join the
three of them on Friday for a visit to the French Masters Art
exhibit at the Museum of Fine Arts that afternoon.
However if I got up early, all I had to do was put the finishing touch
on the newsletter on Friday morning and it would be
good to go.
So at 6 am on Friday morning,
April 6, I got out of bed and went to my computer
for my last chance at getting the Newsletter out.
I may have been exhausted and bleary-eyed, but I was
determined to finish my work. So
imagine my
consternation when I discovered I still had no Internet
connection. The cable was still out!!
Softly so as not to awaken Roz or Larry, I
said a very serious curse word. What had I ever done to deserve
this insanity?
I decided I had one last shot. If Roadrunner would come
back on Saturday, we would be good to go. But
when Saturday rolled around, the cable was still
out. That is when I became suspicious. Three
days was a long time for a 'temporary outage'. So I called
Roadrunner Tech Support. They said there were
no outages in my area, so they scheduled a service
I sat in my office Monday morning twiddling my thumbs.
The man was supposed to be there from 7-11 am.
At 11 am, no one had shown up. Just as I called
Roadrunner to see what the problem was, the doorbell
rang. The serviceman walked in, replaced my
cable modem, and was gone in 5 minutes.
Just like that, problem solved.
I was really frustrated. My old modem had been the
problem all along, but the coincidence of the
Heights reports on Time Warners' answering machine
and the Centerpoint activity had completely tricked
me. I had assumed that Centerpoint's electrical
work on Thursday had been responsible for the latest
problem when in reality the modem was going out.
What a stupid mistake. Due to my ignorance, I was unable to access the
Internet for five crucial days.
How ridiculous is it to
send out an April Newsletter in the second week of
the semester? By the time most people got the
email, it would time to start registering for May. So that was the end of my three week long nightmare.
I threw in the towel. And now you know my
One more thing - as I finished writing this article,
Marla reminded me to call Time Warner. The
cable TV is out at the studio. Does that sound
-----Original Message-----
From: Gary Richardson
Sent: Saturday, April 28, 2007 5:42 PM
To: Rick Archer
Subject: May Email Newsletters
I had a great deal of difficulty helping to send out
the newsletters because my Roadrunner kept going in
and out. What a nightmare!
Roadrunner tech came out to the store and replaced
my cable modem and it seems to have solved our
problem, so only one group had to be resent and only
31 went out of it successfully the first time so
very few (31) will get a newsletter twice.
sorry it took so long. Now all but one has gone out
fine and I will send it out in the morning.
April was quite a month -
three weddings and one engagement. Wow!
From: Tamara Kidwiler
Sent: Monday, March 05, 2007 6:36 AM
To: dance@ssqq.com
Jason and I met at Tumbleweed
Texas dancing on April 2, 2005!!
had already taken
dance lessons.
He impressed me from the
first night I met him. As a pilot,
he was soon to be leaving for
training in Salt Lake City. I was
still in physician assistant school
and studying a tremendous amount.
We knew that we had found
someone special and made time for
each other! Our love continued to
grow through deaths in the family,
Jason's move to Chicago with Skywest
airline, PA graduation, a vacation
to Jason's grandparents' farm in
South Dakota, and then our
engagement in Prague, Czech
I am 50%
Czechoslovakian, and I had always
wanted to trace back my heritage. We
had planned a trip there in April
2006. Jason surprised me by a
romantic proposal on Charles
Bridge!! The country was beautiful
and we highly recommend this
vacation site to everyone.
During our engagement, Jason and I began taking dance lessons. I was
taught by my father to dance at an
early age, but never professional
dance. Our experience at SSQQ has
been terrific! Our wedding is
planned for
April 21, 2007 and since
it is fast approaching, many details
are awaiting completion. We are
taking a break from dance lessons
for now.
We will be back soon-- we promise!
Huddleston and Bette Polishak came up to me
at the studio on Sunday afternoon, April 1,
with a grin on their face. I knew
immediately what they were up to!
Even though it was April Fool's Day, based
on their smiles I had a hunch they were
quite serious about announcing their
Bette confirmed that Tom got down on his
knees to propose. Awesome! In
fact, I think she said he did it twice...
once before the ring and once again after
the ring just to be sure. I'm sure you
ladies like that story.
See ring
pictured at right. Oh, that's Tom and Bette
in the picture behind the ring in case you
didn't see them. Congratulations!

It is my understanding
that Keith and Betty were married on April
14 with a reception party at Wild West.
I will add details when they come in, but
for now let this wonderful couple serve as
yet another reminder that it is wise to
either smile for all Halloween Party
pictures or to send me a better picture
As this
Newsletter goes out, SSQQ Martian Whip instructors Bryan Spivey and Lisa Palmer
will be getting married on Saturday, April 28.
Bryan and Lisa met here at SSQQ 5 years ago.
They began dating in 2004 and in 2005 they
became engaged.
In the next newsletter we will have lots of

Becky and John Sartain
were married last year, but their Halloween
snapshot was the only picture I had.
Thank goodness their friend Lin Mills sent
me a definite improvement!
dropped on head alleges 'negligent dancing' -
Woman dropped on head alleges 'negligent dancing'
CNN.com (contributed by BK Moring)
POSTED: 9:25 a.m. EDT, April 3, 2007
Story Highlights• Lacey Hindman, 22, is suing a
dancing partner
• She says she was dropped on her head at an office
• Attorney David Baum says his client is a victim of
"negligent dancing"
• Hindman suffered a fractured skull and brain
injury, suit says
CHICAGO, Illinois (AP) -- A woman is suing her dance
partner, claiming he dropped her on her head after
flipping her into the air at an office party.
Lacey Hindman, 22, was a victim of "negligent
dancing," says her lawyer, David M. Baum.
In the suit, Hindman claims that during a party at a
Chicago bar and restaurant in April 2006, David
Prange grabbed her by the forearms and tossed her in
the air, and then she crashed to the wood floor.
"I was in the air, over him," Hindman said. "I fell
hard enough you could hear the impact of me hitting
the floor over the sound from the jukebox."
Hindman said in the suit, filed in Cook County
Circuit Court, that she suffered a fractured skull
and brain injuries. She is seeking damages for
medical bills and lost wages for time missed from
Hindman worked for Prange's wife, Kate Prange, at
Shop Girl, a women's boutique.
There was no immediate response to a call seeking
comment from David Prange on Tuesday.
-----Original Message-----
From: Philip E
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2007 5:20 PM
To: Rick Archer
Subject: Ballroom Curriculum H
Hello, Rick, I picked up the new (blue)
May-June schedule last night, and I see that
you're making quite a few changes to the
classes and schedules. So, I guess that
you'll be putting out an e-mail this week to
clarify things for us, especially the
ballroom classes.
Since I haven't taken these classes since
the days of "slow dance and romance" and
"intermediate slow dancing for the
holidays," I don't know that much about the
current offerings and prerequisites. For
example, I noticed that there's a new
beginning ballroom II, but I wasn't sure if
beginning ballroom I was a prerequisite for
While I might not be able to take any of
these for a few months, I'd like to be able
to watch the schedule to see when might be a
good time to start.
Thanks, Philip E
Certainly you have
heard the old saying, "Brought to you by
popular demand?"
Ballroom dancing has made quite an impact on
Sunday evening. Other than Salsa, I
would say our Sunday Ballroom Practice Night
is our most crowded practice night of the
week. Crowds of 60 and 70 people dance
the night away to Tango, Waltz, Rumba, Cha
Cha, Foxtrot, and Swing music.
Ballroom Dancing was also the hit of our
dance cruise last August 2006. We had
50 people a night dancing to a live band in
the Centrum every night of the trip.
And while they danced, other passengers
ringed the railing of the level above to
watch us dance. Although they smiled,
there was a touch of sadness in their eyes
because I think they wished they could join
Read the story.
In addition, our Saturday night trips to the
Chandelier Ballroom have been very
-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Kaechler
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2007 6:54 PM
To: dance@ssqq.com
Subject: Chandelier Ballroom dance
We had a much larger turnout in March
than in February at the Chandelier
Ballroom. I counted 36 from SSQQ and
that was difficult to do because there
are always couples on the dance floor. I
reserved two tables again and we
overflowed onto a third table. Some
folks, after arriving came over to our
area to introduce themselves and I had
never seen them before but they said
they were from the studio so we had a
great time. One of the funniest lines I
heard was when Kit and a gentleman who I
think his name is Raphael came off the
dance floor after a Samba. Someone
asked Kit, "Kit, I didn't know you could
Samba?" Kit said, "Neither did I!"
Ballroom Dancing is
not that easy to learn because there are six
major dances. Although there is at
least some overlap in the patterns, for the
most part students have to learn six
completely different dances. But
on the other hand, Practice Night never gets
boring because there is a new challenge with
every song.
The flagship of Sunday Ballroom is Dakota
Wilhelm's Accelerated Ballroom Program.
Dakota offers a two-month class in each of
the five major Ballroom dances plus a Samba
and Viennese Waltz class at the end of the
year. This class has been
well-received for two reasons. One,
Dakota is an excellent teacher and two, his
students enjoy learning advanced Ballroom
However with success comes certain problems.
One night a woman came up to me and
expressed frustration. The woman
said to me, "I am in Beginning Ballroom, but
when I see those people dance (at Practice
Night), I want to be in Accelerated
Ballroom. However my husband is not a
fast learner. I can't believe he is
going to have to take SIX MONTHS of classes
to get good enough to enter Accelerated!"
I have to tell you, I quickly grasped her
point. As it stands, taking Beg, Int,
and Adv Ballroom I would be three months and
taking Beg, Int, and Adv Ballroom II would
be three months more. That is the
exact moment when I started looking through
the schedule for an opening to create
another Ballroom Night and saw Thursday.
Starting in May 2007, SSQQ will begin to
expand its Ballroom Program to Thursdays in
addition to Sundays. Our first class on
Thursday in May will be Beginning Ballroom
II (Cha Cha and Tango) taught by Dakota.
Then In June, we will add an Intermediate
level and in July we will add the Advanced
This move will allow people to finish our
six Ballroom levels in just three months by
coming on both Sunday and Thursday.
Previously it took six months.
Please note if you wish to take both nights
in the same month, you can register for the
second class at half-price. However, you
will need to sign up at the door with Marla
to do this. Online Registration is not
programmed to handle special offers like
this. (Please note this offer is only
good for three months: May, June, July
For more information
about the SSQQ Ballroom Program,
click here.

Chandelier Ballroom is
the name of an SPJST Lodge located in the
Heights on 15th Street and Beale near
Robert and Nancy Kaechler organized a group
of us to go Ballroom Dancing on Saturday,
January 15. The idea went over very
well - despite very well advertising, we had
25 people in attendance.
Jack Melick and his Orchestra played many
Big Band favorites for Swing and Foxtrot. In
addition there were songs for Waltz, Tango,
Cha Cha and Rumba.
The music was good, the floor was huge, and
we had plenty of great dancers to share the
evening with. In other words, we had a
great time!
Some people came as couples and some people
came by themselves, but everyone danced with
everyone as is the spirit of SSQQ. No
one sat still for long, I assure you.
And yes, some people were better dancers
than others and yes, many mistakes were
made. But you know what, no one minded?
We were there to have fun... and we did!
Good news - Robert Kaechler has
organized another SSQQ visit to the Chandelier
Ballroom on June 2 for a night of Ballroom
We will dance to the Ballroom music of the Jack
Melick Band.
8:30 pm to midnight, $11 per person
All dances require evening attire
beer, set-ups, soda & ice at bar for sale
Chandelier Ballroom, SPJST Lodge 88,
1435 Beall Street, Houston, Texas 77008
2006 was the first year in the history of
the studio where SSQQ introduced a complete
Ballroom Dance Program. I
can't tell you how pleased I was to see that
many people had been curious about Ballroom
for some time and were more than happy to
give it a try.
Houston, Texas, has
had a long love for Western music.
Consequently, Western Dancing has dominated
the dance landscape for the past 25 years.
To its credit, Western Dancing has made
itself more interesting by incorporating the
best of Ballroom Dancing.
For many years, SSQQ has seen great interest
in Western Waltz, Western Cha Cha, and Night
Club classes. In other words, Ballroom
Dancing has been popular at SSQQ for a long
time, except that it has been disguised as
Western Dancing.
However, true Ballroom Dancing differs from
the Western version in certain ways.
For example, many of the Box patterns common
to Waltz, Foxtrot, and Rumba are unavailable
at a Western club because you will get run
Second, good Ballroom music is very pretty
to listen to. Don't get me wrong -
there are some beautiful Western Waltz
songs. But there also some beautiful
Irish Waltz songs. The point is - I like to
dance to all kinds of music. One night
it might be George Strait, the next night it
might be Frank Sinatra. Why choose?
Have them both!
Third, Western dancing ignores Tango.
This sexy dance is just too much fun to do
Fourth, once in a while it is downright fun
to dress up and look good! I can't
tell you how much fun our dancers had on the
Rhapsody Cruise with Ballroom
Dancing. If it wasn't the Captain's
Reception or the Crown and Anchor Ballroom
Dance, then the Ballroom floor in the
Centrum was crowded from wall to wall every
night with SSQQ Ballroom dancers.
That ship was rocking as we danced the night
away. And we will do it again this
year in
Hawaii and aboard the
I am thrilled to see that Ballroom Dancing
has carved out a new niche at SSQQ.
This trip to Chandelier Ballroom was just a
start. I imagine the dancing will get
more sophisticated throughout 2007 as Dakota
Wilhelm's Accelerated class kicks in.
In the meantime, each week we get better and
better. Our weekly Sunday Night Ballroom
Dance averages 70 people who thoroughly
enjoy their night of Ballroom music and
dance. Come join us!

Doug and Sherry (?) |

Viola and Ken |

Paul and Jan |

Laura (?), Doug,
Terese, Nancy, Robert, Karen, and ?? |

Paul, Jan, Linda,
Bill |

?? and Jerry |

Nancy and Robert |

Marla and Rick |

Jack, Jackie, and
Hoover |

Maggi, Karen, and Ken |
Wednesday night, January 31, 2007, the car of an
SSQQ student named Maggi Dodds was towed from First
Street by order of the Bellaire Police.
Adding insult to injury, Ms. Dodds was also ticketed
for parking in a NO PARKING ANYTIME zone.
I did not witness Ms. Dodd's car being towed. Nor
did I find out about this event until the next day.
I believe Ms. Dodds car was gone before we even knew
what was going on.
However at 9:15 that evening I did intervene in the
towing of a second vehicle. In addition I engaged a
Bellaire policeman in a lengthy conversation.
We saved the second vehicle from being towed, but
the incident shook up everyone who witnessed the
event. When the other people heard about it from me
or the other witnesses, they too were shaken up.
Naturally this incident provoked a great deal of
anger. The towing incident seemed so unnecessary
that people questioned the judgment of the Bellaire
Police Department and the City Government.
(The rest of this article contains maps, pictures,
and several stories. If you are an SSQQ student,
this is MUST READ because at issue is the safety of
your vehicle.
First Street Parking Problems
Editor's Note: As you
will soon read, these are exciting times to be
cruising! I have always felt completely
safe on every cruise ship I have been on. That
said, with the incredible number of ships and
passengers, the odds are always there that something
can happen.
Angry Cruise Tourists
Break Mugger's
Story contributed by Steve Casko
SAN JOSE, Costa Rica, Feb 24 (Reuters
A group of U.S.
tourists, including a former Marine, killed a Costa
Rican mugger by breaking his neck after he pulled a
gun on them in a Caribbean port, a local police
official said on Thursday.
The cruise ship passengers told police they jumped
on Wagner Segura, 20, to defend themselves when he
pointed a .38 caliber revolver at them near the
Caribbean port of Limon on Wednesday, and somehow
snapped his neck, regional police director Luis
Hernandez said.
Segura died instantly and two other unidentified
thieves, one of whom was armed with a knife, fled
the scene, Hernandez said.
"One of the tourists was a former
Marine and he was probably the one
who broke (Segura's) neck,"
Hernandez said. "The
man obviously knew what he was
doing. The mugger's neck was
completely snapped
in two."
No charges will be filed against the
tourists because police viewed the
incident as an act of self-defense.
Police questioned and released the
group, which rejoined the cruise and
left Cost Rica.
The Americans were
passengers aboard the Carnival
cruise ship Legend. They got off
their tour bus to take photos in a
notoriously rough neighborhood a
short drive from Limon.
After the attack, they put Segura's
body on their bus and found a police
officer in Limon to report the
Cruise Liner Sinks
Thursday, April 5,
a cruise ship
sailing in Greek waters known as the
Sea Diamond
struck underwater rocks near
the coast of Santorini, Greece, and
began taking on water.
and crew abandoned ship
in a rescue operation described as
"chaotic" and "orderly" depending on
various reports. However
everyone appeared to get off the
ship. 15 hours after
the collision, the vessel sank into
the Aegean Sea.
After extensive
head counting, it was determined
that all but two of the
Sea Diamond's
1,156 passengers and 391 crew
members were safely evacuated by
military and commercial ships and
local fishermen. Unfortunately
a 45-year-old Frenchman and
his 16-year-old daughter
were found to be
missing. Divers
continued to
search for the missing passengers
in adjacent
waters and
soon a remote-controlled
undersea probe was being readied to
search the sunken ship, resting in
approximately 300 feet of water
(the sink's unstable position
prevented a human search.)
The accident
was an ecological catastrophe.
Many gallons of the ship's oil
immediately leaked into nearby areas
and a massive containment operation
was underway.
The ship, owned
by Louis Cruise Line,
was in the midst of a 4-night Greek
Islands cruise.
It was just minutes from
anchoring in the harbor when it
sailed into rocks marked with
warning lights and clearly
indicated on navigation charts
(these rocks were part of an
underwater extinct volcano formation
that is are said to be well-known to
anyone with even the slightest
experience in these waters.)
Not surprisingly, the captain
of the Sea Diamond and five other
officers and crew members have been
charged with causing a shipwreck
through negligence, breaching
international shipping safety
regulations and polluting the
environment. The captain has said
the ship was on a normal course when
a strong current caused it to move
suddenly to the right, and although
the order was given to turn the ship
to the left, the ship could not be
turned in time. The investigation is
Couple Survives Fall
Man who fell off of ship will
continue cruise
Woman will disembark in Mexico to
receive medical tests
Associated Press
March 27, 2007, 12:35PM
GALVESTON — A day after two
passengers who fell 50 to 60 feet
overboard from a cruise ship were
rescued, the man continued with the
cruise while the woman was to
disembark Monday in Mexico, a
spokeswoman for Princess Cruises
The two triggered a four-hour rescue
effort early Sunday after
accidentally falling overboard from
a balcony into the Gulf of Mexico.
The two have asked that the
circumstances be kept private, said
Julie Benson, a Princess Cruises
spokeswoman said today. She said
that they were the only two involved
in the accident.
The 22-year-old man has been
released from the medical center on
the ship while the 20-year-old woman
plans to have some follow-up testing
on land, Benson said.
She said that the two, who have
requested that no personal
information be released about them,
had only minor injuries. She said
that they were not married, but did
not know how long they had known
each other.
The ship, the Grand Princess, was
about 150 miles off the coast of
Galveston when friends notified the
crew around 1:30 a.m. that the two
had fallen, Benson said.
The captain turned the ship around,
and the crew used high-powered
spotlights to scan the water and
launched rescue boats to find them.
One passenger was pulled into a
rescue boat around 5:30 a.m., and
the other was found about 30 minutes
later, according to a statement by
the cruise line. A Coast Guard
helicopter crew, called in to help,
spotted the male passenger.
"Just falling 50 feet, you can do
some serious damage and basically
knock the wind out of you," said
Coast Guard swimmer Micah Franklin,
who participated in the rescue. "If
you survive that part, then you've
got, depending on your swimming
ability, how long are you going to
be able to survive in the seas."
The waves were swelling up to 6
feet, and the wind was gusting to up
to 30 mph, Franklin told NBC's Today
show on Monday. He was he was
impressed the two survived.
Benson said the railing around the
cabin balcony is at least 4 feet
high and meets all standard safety
She said that the man, who was
wearing no clothes when he was
rescued, told
them he took off his
clothes in the water as a survival
The ship was on its way to Costa
Maya on Mexico's coastline, Benson
said. The Grand Princess was
carrying 2,783 passengers on a
seven-day tour of the western
DENVER — An Air Force Academy cadet
who plunged about 50 feet from a
cruise ship balcony into the ocean
with a female passenger thanked his
rescuers today but
would not
discuss the details of what
Ernesto Guzman, 22, and Celeste
Clarice Partee, 20, fell from
the balcony of Partee's cabin on
Princess Cruises' Grand Princess
about 150 miles off the coast of
Galveston on March 25.
Both were rescued hours later by
boats launched from the ship.
In a statement issued through the
academy, Guzman thanked Princess
Cruises and the U.S. Coast Guard.
"The combination of their quick
response and my water survival
training at the United States Air
Force Academy combined to save my
life during those five hours in the
Gulf of Mexico," said Guzman, a
junior at the school.
The company has not disclosed the
circumstances of the incident or
identified the 20-year-old woman
"We have concluded that their going
overboard was an accident, and we
consider the matter closed," the
company said in a March 26
(Editor's Note: I have three
One, how many of you believe the man
took off all his clothes as a
survival tactic?
Two, why does the paper identify the
name of the female victim, then
point out the cruise line won't
release her name?
Three, why do you suppose Mr. Naked
Survival Tactic Guzman will not
explain what happened?
you have any idea how difficult it
is to 'accidentally' fall off one of
the ship balconies? They come
up to most people's chests.
Here are some possible explanations:
1) They fell overboard in a drunken
2) They read my article on
Costa Maya
and decided anything was better than
going there.
3) Hmm. I can't think of any
other explanations.
All I know is: Cruise trips
are getting more interesting all the
Cruise Bruise Reports a Different Tale
(Editor's Note: The
entire story reported by the press was so
hokey that I decided to do some hokey-pokey
of my own and see if any other reports had
surfaced. Sure enough, I found a web
site known as Cruise Bruise that
published a much different version of our
story and confirms exactly what I said
above. The Cruise Bruise website
apparently specializes in all things
unfortunate that happen on cruises.)
A Cruise Bruise visitor named Rob Jones
tells a different story about the Guzman
incident. The Cruise Bruise visitor
says he was on this cruise and says the
mainstream media representation of the
incident is inaccurate.
Rob Jones says, "Forget
the saving and survival garbage, I just got
home yesterday from that sailing. I'm
offended that you guys label him a hero.
He's a punk cadet that will not represent
our country well in the Air Force."
Jones says that during the balance of the
cruise, everyone was talking about the
incident, and the story unfolded quite
differently than earlier thought. The story
was, Guzman was not acting in a manner that
would have been considered honorable.
Jones tells us according to onboard reports,
"They were drunk and having sex on the
railing of their room. They had met earlier
in the day, partied that night, got kicked
out of the on-board nightclub and resumed in
their rooms. That's when they went overboard
and why he was naked in the water."
This version is also alluded to in a
passenger video at You Tube, the
poster says, "March 24, 2007, as the Grand
Princess was leaving Galveston, Texas. A few
hours later a couple, doing who knows what,
fell overboard. If you look closely
you might see the cabin where the tryst took
This contradicts another story circulating
on ABC news. That report says that
they were both fooling around on the balcony
and they decided they wanted to lean over
and pretend they were in that movie 'The
Titanic'. The term "fooling around" could
mean many things, however.
Another passenger onboard this cruise, a
travel agent staying in a cabin several
decks above the deck where the incident took
place, confirms that the couple were
involved in a lover's tryst when the
accident took place.
Sandy Darley says that she looked over her
balcony and saw the couple going at it.
She snapped a picture of the two, she says,
so the flash would go off, and let them know
other passengers could see what they were
Darley says the flash didn't go off, so she
went back into her cabin to check the
camera. Right after that, she says she
heard a crash, followed by shouts for the
woman, who she later learned had gone
Her photo documented the time the two went
overboard, and she rushed to relay that
information to the ship's officers so they
could pinpoint exactly where the couple went
While the couple is seeking privacy after
the incident, Darley confirms they were
not seeking enough of it beforehand, and
their indiscretion contributed to the
(Editor's Note:
Isn't it amazing that when a story sounds
fishy and smells fishy, it turns out to be a
complete lie?)
story in the news:
Ten of the best April Fool's Day
hoaxes ever
Sent in by Chris Holmes
From television revealing that spaghetti grows on
trees to advertisements for the left-handed burger,
the tradition of April Fool's Day stories in the
media has a weird and wonderful history.
Here are 10 of the top April Fool's Day pranks ever
pulled off, as judged by the San Diego-based Museum
of Hoaxes for their notoriety, absurdity, and number
of people duped.
-- In 1957, a BBC television show announced that
thanks to a mild winter and the virtual elimination
of the spaghetti weevil, Swiss farmers were enjoying
a bumper spaghetti crop. Footage of Swiss farmers
pulling strands of spaghetti from trees prompted a
barrage of calls from people wanting to know how to
grow their own spaghetti at home.
-- In 1985, Sports Illustrated magazine published a
story that a rookie baseball pitcher who could
reportedly throw a ball at 270 kilometers per hour
(168 miles per hour) was set to join the New York
Mets. Finch was said to have mastered his skill --
pitching significantly faster than anyone else has
ever managed -- in a Tibetan monastery. Mets fans'
celebrations were short-lived.
-- Sweden in 1962 had only one television channel,
which broadcast in black and white. The station's
technical expert appeared on the news to announce
that thanks to a newly developed technology, viewers
could convert their existing sets to receive color
pictures by pulling a nylon stocking over the
screen. In fact, they had to wait until 1970.
-- In 1996, American fast-food chain Taco Bell
announced that it had bought Philadelphia's Liberty
Bell, a historic symbol of American independence,
from the federal government and was renaming it the
Taco Liberty Bell.
Outraged citizens called to express their anger
before Taco Bell revealed the hoax. Then-White House
press secretary Mike McCurry was asked about the
sale and said the Lincoln Memorial in Washington had
also been sold and was to be renamed the Ford
Lincoln Mercury Memorial after the automotive giant.
-- In 1977, British newspaper The Guardian published
a seven-page supplement for the 10th anniversary of
San Serriffe, a small republic located in the Indian
Ocean consisting of several semicolon-shaped
islands. A series of articles described the
geography and culture of the two main islands, named
Upper Caisse and Lower Caisse.
-- In 1992, US National Public Radio announced that
Richard Nixon was running for president again. His
new campaign slogan was, "I didn't do anything
wrong, and I won't do it again." They even had clips
of Nixon announcing his candidacy. Listeners flooded
the show with calls expressing their outrage.
Nixon's voice actually turned out to be that of
impersonator Rich Little.
-- In 1998, a newsletter titled New Mexicans for
Science and Reason carried an article that the state
of Alabama had voted to change the value of pi from
3.14159 to the "Biblical value" of 3.0.
-- Burger King, another American fast-food chain,
published a full-page advertisement in USA Today in
1998 announcing the introduction of the "Left-Handed
Whopper," specially designed for the 32 million
left-handed Americans. According to the
advertisement, the new burger included the same
ingredients as the original, but the condiments were
rotated 180 degrees. The chain said it received
thousands of requests for the new burger, as well as
orders for the original "right-handed" version.
-- Discover Magazine announced in 1995 that a highly
respected biologist, Aprile Pazzo (Italian for April
Fool), had discovered a new species in Antarctica:
the hotheaded naked ice borer. The creatures were
described as having bony plates on their heads that
became burning hot, allowing the animals to bore
through ice at high speed -- a technique they used
to hunt penguins.
-- Noted British astronomer Patrick Moore announced
on the radio in 1976 that at 9:47 am, a
once-in-a-lifetime astronomical event, in which
Pluto would pass behind Jupiter, would cause a
gravitational alignment that would reduce the
Earth's gravity. Moore told listeners that if they
jumped in the air at the exact moment of the
planetary alignment, they would experience a
floating sensation. Hundreds of people called in to
report feeling the sensation.
-----Original Message-----
From: Carol Gafford
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2007 9:32 AM
Subject: Road of Death
Holy Cow!!!! Rick, you have to see these
pictures. They are incredible!
From: Rick Archer
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2007 5:51 PM
To: Carol Gafford
Subject: RE: Road of Death
There are actually FOUR dangerous roads, Carol.
I wrote about them extensively and included more
Go visit my story.
The Four Most Dangerous
-----Original Message-----
From: Carol Gafford
Sent: Friday, March 23, 2007 8:39 AM
To: Rick Archer
Subject: RE: Road of Death
Wow!!!!! Rick that is spectacular!!!
You did a great job!
Now I know where to go to find some great
information. I am going to forward this to the
friend that sent me the original email.
Thanks! Carol
Editor's Note: I
originally learned about these places from two
emails sent to me in December 2006 by Milt Oglesby.
Milts first email was titled "Road of Death" (it was
the same email Carol Gafford sent me above). I
was fascinated.
After visiting the Internet to learn more about the
"Road of Death", I discovered the "Road of Death"
email had 8 pictures of a little-known location in
China called "Guoliang Tunnel" mixed in with 15
authentic pictures of the frightening "Road of
Death". I suppose someone mixed them together to
make the truly dangerous Bolivian road seem even
more scary!
At any rate, as I researched the Bolivian Road of
Death further, I discovered two more incredible
locations. One is the bizarre Road of Mud in
Siberia. It turns out that every summer the
most important highway in Siberia turns completely
to mud whenever it rains. You have to see the
pictures to believe it!
Then I discovered the story of the most dangerous
hiking trail in the world. At Mt. Huashan in
China, there is a public hiking trail that is so
dangerous that you are literally risking your life
to visit.
So all in all, there are four stories that you will
find are amazing and incredible. This is one
of the most articles I have ever written.
The Four Roads of Danger

The Amazing
Gouliang Tunnel in China |

The Walk of
Death at Mt Huashan, China |

The Bolivian Road of Death

The Bolivian Road
of Death

The Highway of Mud,

The Highway of Mud,
Siberia |
Rick Archer
This is a new feature that
begins with the April 2007 Newsletter. For
many years, the most popular section of the entire
Newsletter has been the complaint section.
It dawned on me the other day that I get lots of
email that is actually quite pleasant as well
regarding the studio and the web site.
Hope you enjoy the new feature.
From: Debbie V
Sent: Saturday, March 31, 2007 12:29 AM
To: Dance@ssqq.com
Subject: ssqq newsletter
I certainly don't want to be taken off your
mailing list!
As a matter of fact, I would like to continue to
receive your newsletters and would appreciate
you changing my email address.
I enjoy reading every copy...and if I hadn't
hurt my knee 2 years ago, I'd be stepping with
the best! I was scheduled to start my very first
class with SSQQ on July 12, 2005 when I fell and
hurt my knee at work on July 9th...a real
bummer! Can't seem to get the knee back.
Thank you! Debbie
-----Original Message-----
From: mina
Sent: Monday, April 02, 2007 12:16 AM
To: dance@ssqq.com
Subject: question about class
Hey, My name is
Mina G..... I was wondering if you can access my
file and tell me which salsa classes i took
If I decided to repeat
any of the courses, is there a discount?
Mina G
(FYI: Most people can
access their own history by going to the
SSQQ Online Registration
page and click the HISTORY link. All you
need is your name and your birthday.)
-----Original Message-----
From: Tresa
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2007 4:05 PM
To: dance@ssqq.com
Subject: Dam Letter from the Government
Rick, you have got to read this
smart-ass letter about a Beaver Dam some
guy sent to the government. You
will be in stitches.
Surprise, Tresa, I already have that
infamous letter on the ssqq web site and it is
indeed hysterical. Here is the
opening paragraph from the ssqq web site:
In July 1997,
a Michigan man noticed flooding on his
property. He traced the problem back to a
dam on a nearby stream. He complained to the
Michigan Dept of Environmental Quality.
Five months later, the agency responded with
a letter to the offending land owner.
Written by David Price, a Michigan DEQ
official, the tone was quite threatening.
Citing the "unauthorized construction of the
dams", the letter demanded the property
owner "cease and desist" any further
construction and remove the offensive dams
under penalty of $10,000 a day!
The letter was a comedy of errors. First it
was sent by certified mail to the wrong man.
When the letter finally reached the correct
owner, Mr. Stephen Tvedten, he said he would
be happy to help, except he didn't build the
dams. A bunch of beavers did.
What makes this story so interesting is the
classic letter that Tvedten wrote in
Go visit
Beaver Dam and read for yourself how one
man responded to a letter from the government
demanding that his beavers stop building dams on
his property!
-----Original Message-----
From: Bob L
Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2007 9:39 AM
To: dance@ssqq.com
Subject: Drug House
Where would one look into buying this?
Thanks, Bob
From: Rick Archer
Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2007 11:05 AM
To: Bob L
Subject: RE: Drug House
I heard it burned down.
-----Original Message-----
From: matt s
Sent: Tuesday, December 26, 2006 12:38 PM
To: dance@ssqq.com
Subject: Fred Strunk's pot mine
I am Fred Strunk's nephew. It's December 2006,
and I am just now finding out about this. Please
From: Malcolm C
Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2006 7:34 AM
To: dance@ssqq.com
Subject: Pot Farm
Hey Rick... Outstanding Web Page... Thanks
so much for all the work. Well done, awesome, &
Thanks again, Mal
On Nov 30,
2006, at 6:02 AM, Rick Archer wrote:
How did you find that page? I was going to
announce it today in the new December
Thanks for the compliment. I hope it didn’t show
I was rooting for the crooks…. ;-)
-----Original Message-----
From: Malcolm C
Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2006 1:57 PM
To: Rick Archer
Subject: Re: Pot Farm
Hi Rick...
I did a search in "Dogpile" for it... A friend
had sent it to me in an email previously (how to
do that is over my head), & I had saved it as a
"Draft", but I had lost it accidentally when I
was installing an updated email program...
I use it periodically when I minister at a Boy's
Prison camp in a "Keynote" presentation (they
love it)... Although I'm a pastor now, I'm a
retired Robbery-Homicide Detective, & it is a
great piece to share with the kids as an object
Re the "rooting for the crooks", yeh, it kinda
came across that way initially, but I thought
your analogies were really good, & at least from
my point of view, you brought it back "on track"
again very nicely...
Anyhow, the kids really appreciate it, as do I
(only now I can give you credit when I share
it), & I thank you once again for all the effort
you put into it... I sure hope I'm not violating
any copyright laws in sharing this with the
If you have done or ever will do any similar
pieces in the future, & there is a way to tuck
me into your, "NOTIFY WHEN COMPLETED FILE" that
would be great...
Sincerely, respectfully, & with much gratitude,
On Nov
30, 2006, at 12:44 PM, Rick Archer wrote:
Ah, you ran across it with a Search Engine. That
makes sense.
As I said in the article, I am a law-abiding
citizen. I pay my taxes, have little debt, and
have never been arrested for anything in my
life. I am respectable enough that I am
fortunate to have a policeman working for me as
a part-time dance teacher. I consider him a
friend so I hope he doesn’t get mad at me when
he reads this story.
I suppose my sympathy for the bad guys in this
story revolves around the fact that I don’t
think marijuana is any more dangerous than
alcohol and there were no victims (except for
the power company that was out $61,000).
If anything, this story is a law enforcement
coup! It shows no matter how smart the bad guys
think they are and no matter how clever their
well-financed operation is, they will probably
make some mistake that will trip them up in the
Moral of the story: Crime doesn’t pay.
Why else would law enforcement people put this
story out on the Internet for people like me to
see? They probably would be pleased to see it
getting as much coverage as possible.
I wish I
could think of another story to help you with,
but I think this story is one of a kind on my
web site. Thanks again for the nice words.
From: Malcolm C
Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2006 5:02 PM
To: dance@ssqq.com
Subject: Pot Farm
You're more than welcome Rick... It's been great
chatting with you!!!
All the best, Mal
-----Original Message-----
From: Richard from the United Kingdom
Sent: Friday, April 06, 2007 8:10 AM
To: dance@ssqq.com
Subject: Russian Wives
Hi, Just read your article about the weed farm
in Tennessee, it was good to get a bit more
information because I had seen pictures of the
same place before but without the background.
However, in your article you also write:
"The last time I heard of Robert, he was running
a business for men who wanted to marry Russian
wives. From Russia With Love!! Same old Robert -
always into risky business. Some people just
aren't cut out for the normal life. They would
rather live life on the edge of danger."
"Don't cheaters win some of the time? If it
isn't Fred, then it is my old friend Robert
trying to cash in on a pathetic scam like
Russian wives. "
I fail to see why running a dating agency is
living on the edge of danger, or why Russian
wives are a pathetic scam. Many people in
western Europe, including myself, have met their
wife from former Soviet states now in the EU and
are very happy. The UK and Ireland has a large
community of Polish, Lithuanian, Latvian, and
Estonian workers as well as some Russians, who
all came here to work. The women from Russia and
ex-Soviet eastern Europe are in the main
wonderful, kind and traditional in a way that
has not been seen in the west for 1 or 2
generations. It is slightly offensive to read
someone would consider the whole idea of meeting
women from there pathetic.
Anyway I enjoyed the rest of the article but
felt I had to write to you about that!
Best Wishes, Robert
(My Response:
This one left me speechless. He may have a
From: Joe Smith
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2007 11:09 AM
To: dance@ssqq.com
Subject: Your Article ...POT
Mr. Archer
I just read the article about the house in
Tennessee. As I read in fascination, I realized,
it really wasn't the information that was
keeping my interest. It was the way this
information was being told. Your descriptive
dialog is what was intriguing.
Your very good, at letting people see your
personality. Now your probably thinking this is
a compliment and it surely is, but the reason
I'm contacting you is. I'm wondering, if you
would perhaps be interested in Ghost Writing a
manuscript I wrote back in the Eighties. I think
its very good, but of coarse I would. I am not
as gifted a writer as you. It was something I
did, to see if I could, as I always had a yearn.
But once you do this, you see your limits and
face the truth. So I packed it away.
This day and age there are several ways to
publish any writing. I dont know, the legal
obstacles, that would surface. But I know 50% of
something is better then 50 %, of nothing . As
it could be alot of work for nothing. Just a
Thank you for your time.
-----Original Message-----
From: Rick Archer
Sent: Sunday, March 04, 2007 2:30 PM
To: Joe Smith
Subject: pot farm RE: Your Article ...POT
Bless your heart, you have given me a wonderful
compliment. Thank you very much.
I will be honest - I run two businesses (dance
studio, travel agency) that I can barely keep up
with as is. I can't see any chance of finding
any free time to help you as I continue to write
my own stories.
Nevertheless, I am deeply touched by your
request. I am very grateful that you have
thought of me in this way.
From: Hans Hofmeister
Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2006 5:52 PM
To: dance@ssqq.com
Cc: Hans Hofmeister
Subject: 6 Part "Advice to Men"
Hi Rick,
Thanks so much for taking the time to write the
Mens' Advice part of the SSQQ website.
You have written a lot of very helpful points
with good stories to illustrate them. I
appreciate these hints for how to better
approach the opportunity of SSQQ!
Have a great day, Hans Hofmeister
-----Original Message-----
From: Rick Archer
Sent: Thursday, September 07, 2006 12:22 PM
To: Hans Hofmeister
Subject: Advice to Men
Thanks for the nice words, Hans. I wrote it to
help others to avoid all the mistakes I made.
If a couple of men could sidestep even a few of
the many stupid things I had to learn the hard
way, then my effort was justified. I
appreciate your kind encouragement.
-----Original Message-----
From: jim landureth
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2007 10:44 PM
To: dance@ssqq.com
Subject: exciting moment in time
At three minutes and four seconds after 2 AM
on the 6th of May this year, the time and
date will be
This will never happen again.
-----Original Message-----
From: Rick Archer
Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2007 11:23 AM
To: jim landureth
Subject: exciting moment in time
I get goose bumps just thinking about it
so I plan to stay awake. How about you?
From: S. Garrison
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2007 12:30 PM
To: dance@ssqq.com
Subject: Your website made me happy!
Dear Mr. Archer:
A couple weeks ago I happened to be in Houston
late and wanted a beer. Since I left Houston in
83, I don't know who is who there anymore. Some
local directed me down the street to a place
called the Westwind?? I believe. (off 290)
While there I got to talking to these folks next
to me and we were talking about the old clubs
and who was who and the Winchester came up.
It seems that both of us had lost a hell of a
lot of brain cells there and we talked about Ike
Sweat and the Cotton Eyed Joe. So I went
to the DJ, and asked him if he had Cotton eyed
Joe. He said yes and played Ike Sweat's version
from Live at the Winchester. Well I was just
looking on the net for a copy of that recording
and found your website. Sure made me happy. I
was never much of a dancer, but I sure was good
at drinking too much and meeting women there.
They sure were some good times.
You don't know what you've got till it's
BTW if you ever remember a 6'8" hippie/biker
there it was probably me.
Doug (Stretch) Garrison
-----Original Message-----
From: Rick Archer
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2007 5:57 PM
To: S. Garrison
Subject: RE: Your website made me happy!
Thank you, Stretch.
I imagine my story is the only place on the web
where pictures and memories of the Winchester
Club are listed.
I just finished it a few weeks ago and I am glad
to know some other fans of the place have found
I appreciate your kind words.
(Editor's Note:
The Winchester Club was the place where SSQQ got
its name. If you have never read the story, I
guarantee you have a big smile after you find
out what happened. The Winchester Club was
also the place where SSQQ first began to marry
off couples right and left. The old adage
was that you came to the studio without a
partner, but you definitely left with one.
The story about the Winchester Club is a good
From: Diane Murrell
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2007 10:58 AM
To: dance@ssqq.com
Subject: newsletter
Rick, would you mind mentioning my new book
a little in the next newsletter?
It is called "Friends Learn About Tobin" and
is a sequel to my book "Tobin Learns to make
Both books are for children ages 4 - 9 and
deal with social skills concerns. They
assist children who have autistic spectrum
disorder (ASD currently has a prevalence
rate of 1 in every 150 kids according to the
CDC 2007 ) and may also be used to help
typical peers understand the child with an
The books are published by Future Horizons
Publishing House and available online
through the publisher, or Amazon, or can be
ordered through local bookstores. They will
be placed later this year in Walmart and can
be ordered through Walmart on-line.
We publish one
Picture Joke each month. The April
picture joke is called "The Hungry Deer".
It was sent in by my friend Gerald McEathron.
SSQQ has acquired about 600 jokes over the last ten
years. Each month we roll another 50 or so for
your reading pleasure.
Please visit our
Joke Hall of
This month Gareld wins both prizes. Here is
one of my favorite Hall of Fame Jokes taken from the
April collection. Actually this Irish joke is brand
new. Gareld sent it in a week ago. With St
Patrick's Day around the corner, I thought you would
enjoy it.
April BS 18: The Irish Bar - Gareld McEathron
John O'Reilly
hoisted his beer and said, "Here's to spending the
rest of me life between the legs of me wife!"
That won him the top prize at the pub for the best
toast of the night! Another beer came sliding down
the bar as his reward.
Proud of himself, O'Reilly went home and told his
wife, Mary, "I won the prize for the Best toast of
the night".
She said, "Aye, did ye now. And what was your
John hesitated, but thinking fast he said, "Here's
to spending the rest of me life, sitting in church
beside me wife."
"Oh, that is very nice indeed, John!" Mary said.
The next day, Mary ran into one of John's drinking
buddies on the street corner.
Upon seeing her, the man chuckled and grinned at her
leeringly. He said, "You know, Mary, your husband
John won the prize the other night at the pub with a
splendid toast about you."
Mary replied, "Aye, he told me, and I was a bit
surprised myself. You know, he really doesn't spend
much time there, maybe twice in the last four years.
The first time he fell asleep, and the other time I
had to pull him by the ears to make him come."
that’s a wrap for May. Thanks for reading this month's issue of the SSQQ
Rick Archer
FROM 2006
(Note: for people visiting the SSQQ Newsletter for the first time,
here are the favorite stories from previous issues)
Twice in my life, Dancing has helped rescue me from
a serious personal crisis.
In 1986, I used Whip Dancing to recover from a deep
depression brought on by a divorce. It is an
interesting story. You can find
it in Stories: 201 Nights
In many ways though, this 1974 saga is even more
remarkable because I started my climb from a much
tougher place. This story
explains how learning to Freestyle Dancing
helped me climb back from the deepest hole of my
entire life.
The story follows the events of a nine month period
of my life, some of which you might find were pretty
unusual. Due the
discovery of an odd little book, one day I decided I
wanted to learn to dance. I had never danced in my
life, so I was surprised at how strong the desire
was. Unfortunately, after one lesson, I realized I
was absolutely terrible. This wasn't going to be as
easy as I hoped. Although I was discouraged, I
decided to continue. Even though learning to dance
was always an uphill struggle, I practiced with a
relentlessness that I didn't completely understand.
I often wondered why I took this project so
seriously. I certainly never imagined that pursuing
a skill like freestyle would accomplish the miracle
of resurrecting my shattered confidence. Nor did I
have any idea that dancing would help pull me out of
my terrible downward spiral.
Despite all the setbacks I encountered, I would not
give up. I got on the path for no better reason than
it seemed like the right thing to do at the time.
Then I discovered I felt better about myself when I
practiced my dancing. That is why I stayed with it.
As surely
you know, recently former football star Emmitt Smith
and his professional dance partner Cheryl Burke were
crowned the winners of this weekly dance show.
They best the team of Mario Lopez and his partner,
professional dancer Karina Smirnoff.
This result was just as stupid as it could possibly
be. I had no complaints with the dancing of
Emmitt Smith. I enjoyed watching him immensely.
But for his dancing to be better than that of Mario
Lopez? C'mon now. What a joke!
Mario Lopez was the most gifted male dancer I have
seen on the show. He has a phenomenal talent for
dance. If he were to train and compete against
professionals, I imagine he would do quite well.
So let's just call the result what it was: a
popularity contest.
The decision was not based on dancing, but on Emmitt
Smith's fame as a professional athlete.
A similar thing happened in the First season of the
show. In June 2005, hotsy totsy Kelly Monaco
and her partner Alec Mazo scored a narrow victory
over John O'Hurley and his partner Charlotte
Jørgensen. Kelly and Alec managed to get two
miracle 10s in their final performance despite the
fact that she nearly fell down twice in the routine.
The result was a complete farce.
I wrote about it in the newsletter at the time.
Dancing with the Stars 2005
completely skipped the Second season because I could
not stand how the outcome had been rigged in the
First Season.
But one night in October 2006, my wife was watching
an episode of Season Three when I walked in, so I
decided to watch a while. I was impressed.
First the caliber of the celebrities had clearly
risen from D-List unknowns in Season One to people I
had actually heard of in Season Three. Second,
the majority of these people were very good dancers.
They were obviously taking their dancing seriously!
So Marla and I watched practically every week after
I skipped the final show because I was certain
Emmitt Smith was going to win and I knew it would
make me angry. I am not the only one who
thought this way. I grabbed the following quote of
the Internet. I took me about 20 seconds to find
someone who agreed with me:
Emmitt's popularity, the other reason I was certain
Emmitt would win is because America loves the
Underdog. Mario lost because he was too good!
Every Bubba and Yahoo in America resented this
gifted, pretty boy dancer and decided to teach him a
You know how I guessed? The same thing
happened to me once. Sharon Crawford
(Shaw) and I were the victims of the exact same
phenomenon back in 1988.
If you want to read a funny story, visit
month I published a story about an ordeal I went
through in court of Judge Kathy Han regarding a
mistaken ticket I received for trash that wasn't
mine. Here is what I wrote in the November
On Thursday, October 12, I
had the opportunity to spend four hours in Municipal
Court observing how justice is handled here in
Houston, Texas.
I was there to dispute a ticket I had received for
placing heavy trash in front of my house prior to
pickup time. I thought this ticket had been given
to me in error so I intended to have my say in
court. Little did I know I would have to wait 4
They say you can't fight City Hall.
Throughout the day I was given several very
interesting lessons on the possible origins of this
The reason this story is interesting is that I
discovered the hard way they play dirty in trash
court. There is a fascinating shakedown game under
foot. You will just have to read the story to
understand what I am talking about.
I have written many stories
over the years, but this particular story made more
people mad than I ever would have imagined. I
received several emails commenting on the runaround
I wrote about. I will share with you the most
interesting one.
From: Brian N
Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2006 5:30 PM
To: dance@ssqq.com
Subject: Kathy Han
Email I sent to Judge Kathy Han:
Judge Han, you should be embarrassed if the
story titled 'My Day in Court' is true. Your
position as a judge is designed to benefit
society, but in actuality it seems to be a
cancer. Although you failed to extend the same
courtesy to Rick Archer, I will give you the
opportunity to explain your side of the story
and how Rick Archer's treatment in your
courtroom was not a mere "shakedown" as he put
it. If it was a shakedown, you have no right,
absolutely none, to preside on behalf of the
Brian N
From: Rick Archer
Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2006 5:54 PM
To: Brian N
Subject: RE: Kathy Han
I will be curious to see if she responds.
-----Original Message-----
From: Brian N
Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2006 9:12 AM
To: 'Rick Archer'
Subject: RE: Kathy Han
I doubt she will respond. Regardless, I believe
you are correct; she is concerned about her
reputation. Perhaps a few more scathing emails
from others may be cause for change. I applaud
you for taking the time to document your
experience, despite the immateriality of the
"alleged" crime.
-----Original Message-----
From: Rick Archer
Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2006 1:13 PM
To: Brian N
Subject: RE: Kathy Han
I am one of those people who firmly believe that
bullies will walk on people unless they think
someone is watching.
That is why I am grateful for the freedom our
media is given here in America.
This is
the true story of a multi-million dollar Marijuana
Farm that was built in a cave underneath a house in
Tennessee. And guess what? They got
caught. Of course you will be curious how they
got caught. The pictures are awesome and
the story itself is very interesting. I give
the story a Must-Read status.
-----Original Message-----
From: Malcolm C
Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2006 7:34 AM
To: dance@ssqq.com
Subject: Pot Farm
Hey Rick... Outstanding Web Page... Thanks
so much for all the work on 'Pot Farm'. Well
done, awesome, & interesting!!!
Thanks again, Mal C
On Nov 30, 2006, at 6:02 AM, Rick Archer
How did you find
that page? I was going to announce it today in
the new Newsletter and you
beat me to it.
Thanks for the compliment. I hope it didn’t show
I was rooting for the crooks…. ;-)
-----Original Message-----
From: Malcolm C
Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2006 1:57 PM
To: Rick Archer
Subject: Re: Pot Farm
Hi Rick...
I did a search in "Dogpile" for it... A friend
had sent it to me in an email previously (how to
do that is over my head), & I had saved it as a
"Draft", but I had lost it accidentally when I
was installing an updated email program...
I use it periodically when I minister at a Boy's
Prison camp in a "Keynote" presentation (they
love it)... Although I'm a pastor now, I'm a
retired Robbery-Homicide Detective, & it is a
great piece to share with the kids as an object
Re the "rooting for the crooks", yeh, it kinda
came across that way initially, but I thought
your analogies were really good, & at least from
my point of view, you brought it back "on track"
again very nicely...
Anyhow, the kids really appreciate it, as do I
(only now I can give you credit when I share
it), & I thank you once again for all the effort
you put into it...
respectfully, & with much gratitude,
The Tale of Two Movies...
Urban Cowboy Meets Risky Business
Written by Rick Archer
February 2007
This is the story about how
a volatile mix of Four Women - a Beauty, a Tragic Lover, a Social Outcast,
and a Mystery Woman - plus two huge Gambles -
one professional and one personal - set Rick
Archer on a wild Rollercoaster Ride...
... a Ride that culminated with Rick becoming Houston's
best-known Western Dance Teacher even though he began teaching
Western classes months before he knew how to Western Dance!
This wild tale explains how
Houston's most famous dance studio came into being.