The Million Dollar Yacht Accident
written by Rick Archer
Pictures from an email contributed by Ann Faget
Originally posted: August 2008
The first question you have to ask
yourself is whether this is a fake photograph or real.
I mean, how ridiculous is it to see a yacht fall into the
water pointing straight down? What did they do, drop
it from a plane?
So what do you think? Real
picture or Fake Picture? You decide.
If you guessed "Real", then you get
the prize.
Good work.
But I found
One web site that was convinced the pictures were
"totally fake". Interesting.
The yacht mishap occurred on
March 7, 2007 at Port Jebel Ali (a man-made harbor in the
Gulf of Arabia outside Dubai, UAE).
The $1.5 million Carver 55' Marquis Motor Yacht was
being lifted aboard a cargo ship by slings for transport to
the USA. In other words, at the
time of the accident, the yacht was being lifted, not
lowered (if so, where is the water dripping from the
The yacht slipped out of the forward sling, plunged
bow-first into the water and capsized.
The friction from the rear sling tore off the yacht's
propellers, shafts, struts, and drive train.
The yacht was damaged beyond repair.
If you look in the upper right hand
corner of the boat, you will notice a man who appears at
first glance to be sitting there.
He is not actually "sitting" there. His body is
twisted and he has his knees up as he clings to the boat.
He is clearly holding on for dear life!
Look for the blue jeans. The black area under his
backside is not his leg.
Here is a challenge for you. Can you spot the
other man in the picture?
I promise you he is there. If you can't find
him, I will give you a clue in a second.
As you can see, there are two
men in the water.
Did you ever find the second man in the
picture above?
Here is your clue. That
is a man's arm. Now go back & find it!
Here is the Story
Just in case you think I might be
pulling your leg about this incident, I am not. The
accident was researched by
Snopes, the online debunker of urban legends
and judged true.
Dick Nocenti, a Carver
spokesman was interviewed about what
Nocenti said the brand-new
55-foot Carver Marquis - baseline price $1.2 million and
closer to $2 million out the door - was being off-loaded for
delivery to its new owner in Dubai's Port Jbel Ali on March
7, 2008.
An insurance representative was on hand snapping
pictures and two Carver representatives were aboard, ready
to ferry the boat to its owner as soon as it hit the water.
Well, the yacht DID HIT THE WATER, but not exactly the way
they had hoped it would.
The new boat was 45 feet
above the water
when it began to slip out of its sling while being
lowered into the water. Nocenti
said the boat began slipping from
the rear strap due to wind and water action. The straps
around the bow and stern of the boat were not tied together,
which he said is a common practice when unloading yachts.
"The boat nosedived," he said. It
hit bottom, crushing the front end in the
somewhat shallow water, and then capsized and sank.
The two men aboard had no choice
but to ride it out, a fearful few seconds that were captured
on camera. Carver did not identify the two crewmen, but
Nocenti said that one broke his collar bone
while the other was uninjured.
Nocenti said the injured representative was
treated and has since returned to work.
This valuable boat was certainly built
to never sink. Where have we heard that before?
Wasn't there some movie about a boat that
was built to never sink but it did?
The Carver Marquis is a high-end boat, built with
entertainment in mind. Owners can choose to order the boat
with a lower helm station or a "sky lounge," according to
company marketing documents. The vessel features granite
counters in the galley, Italian marble in the heads and
optional quarters for crew. Standard power is a pair of 500
HP Volvo Penta diesels.
Fully loaded with 200 gallons of water and more than 800
gallons of fuel, the boat weighs roughly 62,000 pounds,
according to the company.
The yacht that fell was a total loss. One of the photos
shows the boat capsized, its running gear demolished, and on
its way down. A few days after the accident, the boat was
raised and the insurance company took possession.
The boat's owner, whom Carver did not identify, did not get
to enjoy his new ride for even a second. However, Nocenti
said the owner was not upset. After
all, the owner was not ready to sail the boat until it
reached the USA. He simply waited for the insurance company, also
unidentified, to settle. Then he
turned around and immediately bought another
It must be nice to be so rich that an
accident like this doesn't even faze you.