The Artwork of Jane Wooster
Written by Rick Archer
December 2005
I had a
special reason behind my wish to visit New England. One of
my favorite hobbies is putting together jigsaw puzzles. I
always take several jigsaw puzzles along on each cruise trip for
my friends to choose from. Invariably they find the puzzles
drawn by Jane Wooster Scott to be their favorites.
As we sit there patiently
putting the puzzle together, people comment on how beautiful the
drawings are. I completely agree!!
Jane Wooster Scott is
my favorite artist on the planet. Her
pictures are these unbelievable New England landscapes that
made me yearn to see this area first-hand!!
Ms Scott is a genius at painting a genre known as "Americana".
She has an incredible knack for painting rolling hills,
covered bridges, horse-drawn buggies, lovely streams and
waterwheels, trees, harbors and boats, lighthouses,
snow-covered valleys, old barns, and of course her quaint New
England-style cottages and villages.
I subscribe to many Jigsaw Puzzle magazines. I am always
on the lookout for another vision of New England. One of
the things I have noticed is that ever since
Ms. Scott hit the scene, her phenomenal success has inspired an entire collection
of artists to try their hand at her specialty.
The comparisons
are sad. Many artists can try to imitate her work, but none can
emulate it.
Ms. Scott stands supreme as the best artist of "Americana".
You can read more about Jane Wooster Scott at her web site:
So here is my
challenge: Take a look at this sample of Ms. Scott's favorite
drawings. Just see if you can stay immune to the same forces
that are drawing me to visit New England!
My guess is you too will be rendered helpless. You will succumb to the
charm and beauty of an area most
of us have never visited and, like me, will want to go see it
first-hand for yourself!
Be careful before you look at these pictures.
You might find them too wonderful to resist!!

So, was I right? Did you
fall hopelessly in love with the artwork? If so, that is a
strong indication that you want to see New England as badly as I do.
You will love going on this trip with the rest of us.
And if you go, I will make you a promise: I will take a half-dozen of
the paintings from above. Whenever we have a free moment, you
can help me work them during the New England cruise.
We will have too much fun!!
Rick Archer
December 2005
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