The port at Belize City was too
shallow for our ship to dock. Consequently we had to be
tendered ashore. The process went smoothly.
There was no wait that I could see in either direction.
My first impression of Belize City
was that it wasn't a particularly well-to-do city. The pictures of the
homes you see were taken on the
good side
of the tracks. I heard the homes on the wrong side of
the tracks were pretty sad. |
Belize is a small
nation on the eastern coast of Central America on
the Caribbean Sea bordered by Mexico to the
northwest and Guatemala to the west and south. The
name "Belize" is shared by
the Belize River, Belize's longest river, and Belize
City, the former capital and largest city.
Belize was known as
British Honduras until
1973. The only
English-speaking country in Central America, Belize
was a British colony for more than a century.
Belize became an independent nation in 1981.
The country is a parliamentary democracy and
constitutional monarchy which recognizes Queen
Elizabeth II as Sovereign. From
what I gather, the British maintain a military
garrison in Belize.
Belize is the smallest (in terms of population)
non-island sovereign state in the Americas.
There are about 300,000 citizens.
The history of this area points
immediately to the Mayan Empire. The
Maya civilization spread over Belize between 1500 BC
and 300 AD and flourished until about 900 AD.
History buffs will notice
the Mayan Empire lasted longer than the Greek and
Roman Empires combined, but then again the Mayans
didn't have to mess with the Asians.
European settlement began with British Jews,
privateers and shipwrecked English seamen as early
as 1638. In addition, this
area was a big hiding place for pirates. I believe
Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom holed up here a time
or two.
According to the man who was my
tour guide for a river tubing event, the ancestry of the people is a heavily
mixed bag. There is Mayan blood, Afro-American
blood (from the British slaves), pirate blood, and
English blood all jumbled together.
Reading over an article on Belize in Wikipedia, I
saw no mention of any Spanish conquest. Nor
was there any mention of Spanish blood in the makeup
of today's citizens. Apparently Belize was
spared conquest by the Spaniards. Lucky them!
The export of wood and sugar are two major
In addition, Belize is very hungry
to increase its tourism. This country has two
huge advantages:
1. Islands and mountains that are
beautiful and unspoiled.
2. Now that the
Cayman Islands don't exist any more, Belize is the only English-speaking
locale in Central America.
The terrain of the area I viewed along the coast was very
boring indeed, but once we got into the hills (about
60 miles away) and the jungle,
Belize became quite beautiful.
One of the real highlights of this
trip for me was tubing down a river through pitch black
caves. Way too cool! |
Do you see the 3 little yellow dots?
It is a
three-eyed monster waiting to devour the tubers!
Actually those three dots are lights from
the mining helmets of people already inside
the cave.
We were given miner's lamps to put on our foreheads.
This way we could see in the dark.
I wanted to float in the dark so I got as
far ahead of the pack as possible and turned
my light out. For much of the trip I
floated down the river in the eerie dark.
Woooo.... creepy!!
I was Tom Sawyer
having the time of my life! Then I heard a roaring sound. Uh
oh. Was I going over a waterfall?
That took some of the fun out of my little
Somehow I
doubted it since I assumed the guide would have warned us.
So I stayed in the dark floating towards the sound
of the rushing water. Soon I was rewarded with
a beautiful little waterfall that emptied inside the cave tunnel.
I loved letting the water spray on me.
Including an interesting walk through the
jungle, the waterfall, tropical flowers and
bird calls, a marvelous 15-foot jump off a
ledge down into the river, a swift current,
plus cool caves and warm water, this whole trip was way too much fun. It was my
favorite experience of the entire cruise.
The more I think about it, I don't know of any place
in the U.S. with a similar boat ride through caves.
Too bad; this was a blast! Maybe Disneyworld will
add a ride like this. All that was missing was
a good monster or maybe some mermaids.
You really can't go anywhere along
the eastern shore of the Yucatan without finding Mayan
ruins everywhere you stopped.
These particular ruins are in Belize, which was once
the central area of the Mayan civilization.
There were ruins in Belize, ruins in Costa Maya, and
ruins in Cozumel (Tulum). Everywhere you
looked, there was another amazing pyramid. I
stared so hard my eyes were practically ruined when
the trip was over.
& Larry Leising standing atop a ruin. They are the new
Masters of the Mayan Empire! |
Lindsay |
and Denise Duncan |
Up the coast from Belize and Costa Maya is Cozumel,
always a favorite stop for us. Unfortunately
on this visit, Cozumel was still trying to recover
from major Hurricane damage in 2005.
When it comes to recent Hurricanes,
Houstonians immediately think of the twin 2005 disasters Rita and Katrina.
I know for a fact that all people living on the Texas coast pay
attention when a storm begins to develop. However we also know
that Texas doesn't get the big ones very often. Our friends
over in Florida definitely get the lion's share of the biggest
However it was this trip that really opened my eyes that Mexico gets
pounded just as hard as Florida.
Don't forget there was a third 2005 hurricane that was just as
devastating as the Twin Terrors. On October 20, 2005,
Hurricane Wilma slammed into Cozumel as a monster Category 4 storm
packing winds of 140 mph.
Hurricane Wilma tore into this Mexican
resort with torrential rains and shrieking
winds. The storm filled the streets with water,
shattered glass in every window, knocked down
trees and
spread debris. Thousands
of stranded tourists had to hunker down in
hotel ballrooms and emergency shelters to ride
out the storm.
As expected, the extent
of the damage was incredible. During this year's visit, I took some pictures to illustrate not only
the damage, but some of the attempts to restore Cozumel back to its original
state. Please note all these pictures were taken at Chankanaab
Beach in Cozumel which was under repair.
You can see the rubble at the
bottom of this picture |
The beach was so torn up, they
decided to build a lovely boardwalk over it. |
The new boardwalk is a piece of art.
Now you see some of the devastation.
Dead trees are everywhere. |
The whole area looks like this. |
Chankanaab Beach
was hit hard.
It was nearly destroyed. |
is a brand new sand path.
Beyond is more rubble.
you see grass patches being laid. |
More grass patches. |
More devastation. |
What they do is push the rubble to
one side and rebuild next to it. |
Here are palm trees waiting to be
planted. |
A lovely new garden is complete. |
Lots of bricks have been blown
away |
One of my favorite places is a long
walkway full of archeological treasures. |
Many of the art pieces were destroyed
and had to be replaced. |
More rubble. |
Maybe the devastation to their
park put a chip on their shoulder, but for some
reason, the people who run Chankanaab people were very ugly to us.
This marked the second year in a row I have had a
fight with the folks who supervise the Chankanaab
National Park.
Last year we brought a cooler along filled with ice
and beer. We had a group of ten people.
Despite a $12 cover charge per person ($120 if you
don't feel like doing the math), we were not allowed
to bring our cooler onto their beach. I didn't
appreciate their restriction, but I abided by it.
This year it was even worse.
and I were accompanied by her daughter Marissa and
Marissa's boyfriend Glenn. We wanted to pay
for Marissa and Glenn because they were our guests.
The moment I looked at their prices, I nearly fell over in shock.
The price had risen to $16 a person. The woman
told me it would be $64 for the four of us.
The place was in ruins so they raised the price.
How much sense does that make?
No matter how much I protested the price, she would
not budge. I was indignant. I asked to speak
to the manager.
I could see from the manager's expression he wasn't
looking forward to this any more than I did.
He immediately crossed his arms.
I began by explaining something Marla had told me. Marla had read a recent Internet report regarding Chankanaab. It said this park had just recently reopened
and that they were charging half-price. This
information meant nothing to the manager. He said the
new full price had just recently gone into effect
and that's what we would have to pay.
I countered by pointing out the place was in ruins.
Many sections were not open yet. The
archeological park was destroyed. They were charging
us $16 a person for the privilege of sitting on
their ruined beach. And I always thought dirt was
cheap. But not Sand!
I explained to the manager that we came here based
on what we read on the Internet. Why wouldn't
he honor the advertised price? Then I pointed
out there were ten people with us now and many more on
the way later on. I told him I was promoting
his venue, so why couldn't he reward our loyalty by
honoring the price we saw on the Internet?
All of these protests fell on deaf ears. The
two of us did some serious dancing over this issue,
but he stuck to his guns.
I will tell you I threw a fit. I didn't use
profanity, but I did raise my voice. I
remember how mad I got when the manager said he
wasn't going to argue with me any more unless I
spoke Spanish.
Soon after that the manager
mentioned the word "policia" if I didn't start to
behave. I think that was when I told the guy I
was going to stand out front and tell every tourist
that came by in a cab about the exorbitant price, then suggest
they turn around and keep going.
I suppose my argument lasted 15 minutes. My
poor step-daughter Marissa was stunned at my
insistence. She had heard I could be stubborn,
but it was something else to see it first-hand.
Before I finally gave in, I sat down on the curb to
see if I could find a new angle. No such luck. Marla
came over to talk to me. I asked Marla if she
saw any openings I had missed. She shook her
head no.
I could see I wasn't going to win this one. I
was stuck because I had promised we would meet
everyone at this beach. Imagine what they
would think if one of our passengers shelled out $16
bucks only to discover we weren't even there.
This was the compelling argument why I finally gave in
I didn't want to stand up any of my guests.
So I threw in my beach towel and paid the money.
However the hostilities were not over.
Later I got yelled at on two occasions when they saw
me trying to take
pictures of the damage. "You can't go in
there! That area is prohibited. Taking
pictures is prohibited!"
So I would leave and come back ten minutes later to
take more pictures. Even though I was mad at
the people, it hurt to see this once-beautiful place
so badly damaged. Still, I was also
pleased at the marvelous job they were doing to
restore it. I finally rested my soul by
thinking maybe some of my money would be used for
the restoration effort.
(NOTE: Back on ship that night
I discovered an
entire van of Cozumel drinkers led by Alph and
Center of Attention had come by that afternoon to
visit Marla and me. They turned back around
and left
the moment they heard the price. Good for
I was told
one of them yelled, "Hell, for that kind of money I
can get five more Margaritas!"
I am so glad
they had their priorities established.)
Later that afternoon when I
returned to the ship, I was amazed at the extent of
the damage to the cruise ship piers as well. I was
in awe of the destructive power of the hurricane.
Naturally I asked my friend Iqbal to explain how
wind could so severely damage a structure made of
steel and concrete. Iqbal said the wind kicked
up the water which lashed against anything in its
way. The wind made the water hurl against the
docks with incredible force.
Iqbal said they probably could build a pier strong
enough to withstand these kinds of winds, but it
would be expensive. Someone had decided it was
cheaper to just rebuild the piers.
Over here is a hotel that has not
completed its repairs. As you can see, the entire
was blown off and is now only two-thirds repaired.
As usual, Alph and Center of Attention were leaders
of the pack. In the following pictures, you
will see how Leslie and Phyllis led a vast army into
Cozumel for a wild afternoon of drinking.
The old frat joke is during a toga party you are
choosy at 10, selective at 11 pm, but at 12 you hit on anything that
is still standing up. Ha Ha Ha. Obviously from the
pictures below both Leslie
and Dakota were ready to hit on anything still
standing up, including green statues.
My friend Patty bragged to me at dinner that night
that she had won a highly competitive drinking match
against two ladies half her age. Way to go,
Patty! (What she didn't tell anyone was
she secretly poured most of her drink down Senor
Frog. Score another for age and guile over
youth and honesty.)
That's Jeff, Cheryl, Cindy, Danny, and Frank. Jeff
looks plastered. Heck, they all do.
Oh sure, I'll have another round. |
Tsk tsk. |
I know what they are thinking...
"What on earth are we doing here!" |
I think those balloon hats give new
meaning to the term "getting looped" |