This is the final page of our Rhapsody
2006 trip.
This was a very difficult story for me to write for several
The first problem was that this was our fourth Rhapsody
trip. I had already said everything about the Rhapsody
that could possibly be said. Although the trip was
fabulous for many people, it was hard to write fresh copy.
The second problem was that nothing went wrong. I
mean, this was a Dream Trip. This trip went off like
No one came to Dad with any complaints because everyone was too busy having fun.
Say what you wish, but problems make for good stories.
The third thing was that they didn't need me to get the
party started. Gary Richardson and Phyllis Porter took
care of that role. Gary got the dancing going and
Phyllis got the trouble started.
Me? I made announcements at dinner and did a couple
puzzles. Big deal.
So I stayed on the edge of the energy whirl.
Mostly I spent the trip going around smiling, saying hi to
people, and steering as clear of the hot tub frivolity as
But the main reason I didn't have much to write about is because no one
talked to me any more. That's right... every person on
this trip had read my stories and knew to keep their mouths
shut. And if they didn't figure it out themselves, the
veteran members of the group pulled them aside and gave them
the facts of life.
"Do whatever you want, have all the fun you can have, but
don't tell Rick. What happens on the ship stays on the
ship. Or else. If we find out you have talked, we will throw
you overboard or put you at the bottom of the hot tub."
I am telling you - I don't think your average Mafia family
has a tighter control on secrecy than this group.
There was all sorts of crazy singles stuff going on that
would have been fun to write about, but the moment I showed
up, they all sat up and started to behave. "Hi,
Rick, how are you? Now get lost."
Once I did see something. But the two people told me
if one word got out, I was a dead man. I could see
they were serious.
So now you know why I had trouble writing stories - my life
was at stake.
However there is one thing I can say without risking my life - there
were an incredible number of friends made on this trip as
well as old friendships that were enhanced. I have
never seen a happier bunch of people in my life.
On this trip, we created a community of friends. The
pictures tell the story. Look
for yourself.
You know how at the end of the play, you
need to acknowledge the stars of the show?
Well, the first person to thank is Marla. It is time
for you to stand up and clap. Marla did a phenomenal
The trip
went off without a hitch because Marla made sure to take of
every problem before the trip even started.
Marla answered a million questions, returned hundreds of
phone calls, and basically fried her email program answering
countless number of emails.
Yes, Marla was paid for her work, but as always she put in a
ton of extra effort making sure that everyone was cared for.
I am grateful to this talented woman for the success of our
Travel Program. I admire Marla so much.
The second person to acknowledge is Gary
Richardson. He served as First Lieutenant on this
Gary's late night dance events were hugely popular.
Using a computer, he brought along a vast number of songs to
dance to. He also brought some compact speakers that
were very effective at putting out a great sound. Best
of all, he danced the night away.
The combination of the Ballroom Dancing in the Centrum and
Gary's Late Night Dance Jams combined to make this the
finest dance cruise SSQQ has ever taken. The Stars
were out every night.
In addition to his DJ work, Gary worked tirelessly at taking
pictures every day on the trip. On the three previous
Rhapsody trips, Gary was practically the only guy with a
digital camera. However this year dozens of people
were snap snap snapping away. And these people were
generous to contribute their pictures so that Gary could
make a CD of the trip.
As a result of their generosity, Gary was inundated with
pictures. He said he was given over 2,000 pictures.
Slaving away for days, he finally whittled the pictures down
to 1,300, then set out to put them in some sort of order
from start to finish. This hard work made it much
easier for me to now which picture belonged with which
story, but I know it meant a ton of work for Gary.
A few weeks after the trip, we had a Post-Trip Party at the
studio on a Friday Night. Gary shared the pictures
from the trip using a Slide Show. There must have been
70 people laughing their heads off at the hot tub pictures
and smiling at the memories.
Gary made a lot of people happy with his pictures.
Gary was a big part of the success of this trip.
Rhapsody 2006 was the third Rhapsody trip
where the Center of Attention put her personal stamp of
approval on every activity.
Phyllis is actually something
of a riddle to me. She loves to stir up
trouble, she loves to get people in trouble, she
loves to create energy, but she never gets in
How she stays so close to the fire but never lose
control is quite an accomplishment. Phyllis is
the consummate firewalker.
How she manages to avoid giving into temptation is
beyond me. For example, when Phyllis gets in
those hot tubs, I see pictures of her with a drink
in her hand. And when she takes her friends on
those drinking binges, I see her with a drink in her
hand too. Phyllis is drinking right along with
the rest of them. But while Alph gets up and
dances on
bars, Phyllis just smiles and take pictures.
Phyllis really feeds off of her friend Alph.
They have a very strong relationship. Alph
likes to get out of control, but I think she
appreciates having Phyllis around to keep an eye on
her in case she gets too close to the deep end.
What an interesting pair those two are.
Ever since they first teamed up on Rhapsody 2004,
Alph & Phyllis have dominated every trip with their
shenanigans. Together they get all the parties
started... and stick around to finish them too!
Another part of Phyllis that
fascinates me is her amazing 'Center of Attention'
personality. Me? Heck, I am content to stay in
the shadows, but not Phyllis. She wants to be out
there Center Stage with all eyes upon her. She was
born for the spotlight.
And if the spotlight isn't on
her, heck, Phyllis runs over to it and shines it on
herself. One of Phyllis' most amazing stunts
was the time in 2004 when she ran up on the stage
and began kissing a
Impersonator! Yes, this bold move was
the start of the legend of the Center of Attention!
The Faux Fab Four were up on stage singing "I Want
to Hold Your Hand."
Phyllis figured if they could impersonate the
Beatles, then she could impersonate an
out-of-control Beatlemaniac! So up on
stage she ran and wrapped herself around Paul.
To her delight, he got a kick out of it and played
along! What a great move.
Pretty soon the entire SSQQ Crowd was up on the
stage dancing the night away. We loved it, the
Beatles loved it, and Phyllis was now famous.
This Magic Moment was the beginning of the Center of
Attention's notoriety.
And as this trip proved, the Center of Attention is
still the Center of Attention. She
hasn't lost a step. In fact, she has learned
to advertise her importance.
What I would like to say is
how lucky our group is to have Phyllis. If we
can stop laughing for just a moment at her crazy
antics and take a step back, we would notice what
enormous contributions Phyllis makes to every trip.
In conjunction with her friend Mara Rivas, Phyllis
organizes a bus trip to and from the Rhapsody.
You have no idea how much fun these people have.
The moment they hit the ship, things are never the
Phyllis in conjunction with her friend Alph makes
the Rhapsody Hot Tub a burning lava pit of constant
energy. I might tsk tsk and roll my eyes, but
I know for a fact she has people laughing their
butts off all day long in that hot tub. She is
definitely the organizer of all kinds of mischief.
And yes, I look askance every time Phyllis does her
"Circe Number" on the drinking sprees. She has
turned more than one man into swine as she gets them
drunk as a skunk. Then Phyllis takes as many
embarrassing pictures as her camera will hold. Later
teases them about the pictures for the rest of the
trip. She is the consummate blackmailer to be
sure. "I'm going to give this picture to
But you know what? Not one guy has
ever complained. And why should they?
These guys are having the time of their lives.
For all Phyllis' penchant for troublemaking,
underneath it all she is a caretaker. I
suppose she would rather I not point this out...
(but knowing Phyllis, all attention is good attention,
so why not?)... but Phyllis watches out for people.
She makes sure that every stray gets included in the
group. She takes a lot of guys and a lot of
girls who are on the shy side and corrupts them
Once they start having fun, there go the old
inhibitions. These quiet people are lucky to
have someone like Phyllis to pull them out of their
shell even as they kick, scream, and protest as she
does it. Then at the end of the trip they tell
Phyllis how grateful they are for her help in
getting them into more trouble than they ever
dreamed possible.
I think Phyllis is amazing. I am in awe of her
prodigious talent for entertaining people on these
Thank you, Center of Attention. You were truly
the MVP of this trip for the third year in a row.
The entire group is in your debt. You Rock, Phyllis!